LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - proxy/src - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 0.0 % 283 0
Test Date: 2024-06-19 16:48:34 Functions: 0.0 % 22 0

            Line data    Source code
       1              : //! Routers for our serverless APIs
       2              : //!
       3              : //! Handles both SQL over HTTP and SQL over Websockets.
       4              : 
       5              : mod backend;
       6              : pub mod cancel_set;
       7              : mod conn_pool;
       8              : mod http_util;
       9              : mod json;
      10              : mod sql_over_http;
      11              : mod websocket;
      12              : 
      13              : use atomic_take::AtomicTake;
      14              : use bytes::Bytes;
      15              : pub use conn_pool::GlobalConnPoolOptions;
      16              : 
      17              : use anyhow::Context;
      18              : use futures::future::{select, Either};
      19              : use futures::TryFutureExt;
      20              : use http::{Method, Response, StatusCode};
      21              : use http_body_util::Full;
      22              : use hyper1::body::Incoming;
      23              : use hyper_util::rt::TokioExecutor;
      24              : use hyper_util::server::conn::auto::Builder;
      25              : use rand::rngs::StdRng;
      26              : use rand::SeedableRng;
      27              : pub use reqwest_middleware::{ClientWithMiddleware, Error};
      28              : pub use reqwest_retry::{policies::ExponentialBackoff, RetryTransientMiddleware};
      29              : use tokio::time::timeout;
      30              : use tokio_rustls::{server::TlsStream, TlsAcceptor};
      31              : use tokio_util::task::TaskTracker;
      32              : 
      33              : use crate::cancellation::CancellationHandlerMain;
      34              : use crate::config::ProxyConfig;
      35              : use crate::context::RequestMonitoring;
      36              : use crate::metrics::Metrics;
      37              : use crate::protocol2::{read_proxy_protocol, ChainRW};
      38              : use crate::proxy::run_until_cancelled;
      39              : use crate::rate_limiter::EndpointRateLimiter;
      40              : use crate::serverless::backend::PoolingBackend;
      41              : use crate::serverless::http_util::{api_error_into_response, json_response};
      42              : 
      43              : use std::net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr};
      44              : use std::pin::pin;
      45              : use std::sync::Arc;
      46              : use tokio::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
      47              : use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken;
      48              : use tracing::{error, info, warn, Instrument};
      49              : use utils::http::error::ApiError;
      50              : 
      51              : pub const SERVERLESS_DRIVER_SNI: &str = "api";
      52              : 
      53            0 : pub async fn task_main(
      54            0 :     config: &'static ProxyConfig,
      55            0 :     ws_listener: TcpListener,
      56            0 :     cancellation_token: CancellationToken,
      57            0 :     cancellation_handler: Arc<CancellationHandlerMain>,
      58            0 :     endpoint_rate_limiter: Arc<EndpointRateLimiter>,
      59            0 : ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
      60              :     scopeguard::defer! {
      61              :         info!("websocket server has shut down");
      62              :     }
      63              : 
      64            0 :     let conn_pool = conn_pool::GlobalConnPool::new(&config.http_config);
      65            0 :     {
      66            0 :         let conn_pool = Arc::clone(&conn_pool);
      67            0 :         tokio::spawn(async move {
      68            0 :             conn_pool.gc_worker(StdRng::from_entropy()).await;
      69            0 :         });
      70            0 :     }
      71            0 : 
      72            0 :     // shutdown the connection pool
      73            0 :     tokio::spawn({
      74            0 :         let cancellation_token = cancellation_token.clone();
      75            0 :         let conn_pool = conn_pool.clone();
      76            0 :         async move {
      77            0 :             cancellation_token.cancelled().await;
      78            0 :             tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || conn_pool.shutdown())
      79            0 :                 .await
      80            0 :                 .unwrap();
      81            0 :         }
      82            0 :     });
      83            0 : 
      84            0 :     let backend = Arc::new(PoolingBackend {
      85            0 :         pool: Arc::clone(&conn_pool),
      86            0 :         config,
      87            0 :         endpoint_rate_limiter: Arc::clone(&endpoint_rate_limiter),
      88            0 :     });
      89              : 
      90            0 :     let tls_config = match config.tls_config.as_ref() {
      91            0 :         Some(config) => config,
      92              :         None => {
      93            0 :             warn!("TLS config is missing, WebSocket Secure server will not be started");
      94            0 :             return Ok(());
      95              :         }
      96              :     };
      97            0 :     let mut tls_server_config = rustls::ServerConfig::clone(&tls_config.to_server_config());
      98            0 :     // prefer http2, but support http/1.1
      99            0 :     tls_server_config.alpn_protocols = vec![b"h2".to_vec(), b"http/1.1".to_vec()];
     100            0 :     let tls_acceptor: tokio_rustls::TlsAcceptor = Arc::new(tls_server_config).into();
     101            0 : 
     102            0 :     let connections = tokio_util::task::task_tracker::TaskTracker::new();
     103            0 :     connections.close(); // allows `connections.wait to complete`
     104              : 
     105            0 :     while let Some(res) = run_until_cancelled(ws_listener.accept(), &cancellation_token).await {
     106            0 :         let (conn, peer_addr) = res.context("could not accept TCP stream")?;
     107            0 :         if let Err(e) = conn.set_nodelay(true) {
     108            0 :             tracing::error!("could not set nodelay: {e}");
     109            0 :             continue;
     110            0 :         }
     111            0 :         let conn_id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4();
     112            0 :         let http_conn_span = tracing::info_span!("http_conn", ?conn_id);
     113              : 
     114            0 :         let n_connections = Metrics::get()
     115            0 :             .proxy
     116            0 :             .client_connections
     117            0 :             .sample(crate::metrics::Protocol::Http);
     118            0 :         tracing::trace!(?n_connections, threshold = ?config.http_config.client_conn_threshold, "check");
     119            0 :         if n_connections > config.http_config.client_conn_threshold {
     120            0 :             tracing::trace!("attempting to cancel a random connection");
     121            0 :             if let Some(token) = config.http_config.cancel_set.take() {
     122            0 :                 tracing::debug!("cancelling a random connection");
     123            0 :                 token.cancel()
     124            0 :             }
     125            0 :         }
     126              : 
     127            0 :         let conn_token = cancellation_token.child_token();
     128            0 :         let tls_acceptor = tls_acceptor.clone();
     129            0 :         let backend = backend.clone();
     130            0 :         let connections2 = connections.clone();
     131            0 :         let cancellation_handler = cancellation_handler.clone();
     132            0 :         let endpoint_rate_limiter = endpoint_rate_limiter.clone();
     133            0 :         connections.spawn(
     134            0 :             async move {
     135            0 :                 let conn_token2 = conn_token.clone();
     136            0 :                 let _cancel_guard = config.http_config.cancel_set.insert(conn_id, conn_token2);
     137            0 : 
     138            0 :                 let session_id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4();
     139            0 : 
     140            0 :                 let _gauge = Metrics::get()
     141            0 :                     .proxy
     142            0 :                     .client_connections
     143            0 :                     .guard(crate::metrics::Protocol::Http);
     144              : 
     145            0 :                 let startup_result = Box::pin(connection_startup(
     146            0 :                     config,
     147            0 :                     tls_acceptor,
     148            0 :                     session_id,
     149            0 :                     conn,
     150            0 :                     peer_addr,
     151            0 :                 ))
     152            0 :                 .await;
     153            0 :                 let Some((conn, peer_addr)) = startup_result else {
     154            0 :                     return;
     155              :                 };
     156              : 
     157            0 :                 Box::pin(connection_handler(
     158            0 :                     config,
     159            0 :                     backend,
     160            0 :                     connections2,
     161            0 :                     cancellation_handler,
     162            0 :                     endpoint_rate_limiter,
     163            0 :                     conn_token,
     164            0 :                     conn,
     165            0 :                     peer_addr,
     166            0 :                     session_id,
     167            0 :                 ))
     168            0 :                 .await;
     169            0 :             }
     170            0 :             .instrument(http_conn_span),
     171            0 :         );
     172              :     }
     173              : 
     174            0 :     connections.wait().await;
     175              : 
     176            0 :     Ok(())
     177            0 : }
     178              : 
     179              : /// Handles the TCP startup lifecycle.
     180              : /// 1. Parses PROXY protocol V2
     181              : /// 2. Handles TLS handshake
     182            0 : async fn connection_startup(
     183            0 :     config: &ProxyConfig,
     184            0 :     tls_acceptor: TlsAcceptor,
     185            0 :     session_id: uuid::Uuid,
     186            0 :     conn: TcpStream,
     187            0 :     peer_addr: SocketAddr,
     188            0 : ) -> Option<(TlsStream<ChainRW<TcpStream>>, IpAddr)> {
     189              :     // handle PROXY protocol
     190            0 :     let (conn, peer) = match read_proxy_protocol(conn).await {
     191            0 :         Ok(c) => c,
     192            0 :         Err(e) => {
     193            0 :             tracing::error!(?session_id, %peer_addr, "failed to accept TCP connection: invalid PROXY protocol V2 header: {e:#}");
     194            0 :             return None;
     195              :         }
     196              :     };
     197              : 
     198            0 :     let peer_addr = peer.unwrap_or(peer_addr).ip();
     199            0 :     let has_private_peer_addr = match peer_addr {
     200            0 :         IpAddr::V4(ip) => ip.is_private(),
     201            0 :         _ => false,
     202              :     };
     203            0 :     info!(?session_id, %peer_addr, "accepted new TCP connection");
     204              : 
     205              :     // try upgrade to TLS, but with a timeout.
     206            0 :     let conn = match timeout(config.handshake_timeout, tls_acceptor.accept(conn)).await {
     207            0 :         Ok(Ok(conn)) => {
     208            0 :             info!(?session_id, %peer_addr, "accepted new TLS connection");
     209            0 :             conn
     210              :         }
     211              :         // The handshake failed
     212            0 :         Ok(Err(e)) => {
     213            0 :             if !has_private_peer_addr {
     214            0 :                 Metrics::get();
     215            0 :             }
     216            0 :             warn!(?session_id, %peer_addr, "failed to accept TLS connection: {e:?}");
     217            0 :             return None;
     218              :         }
     219              :         // The handshake timed out
     220            0 :         Err(e) => {
     221            0 :             if !has_private_peer_addr {
     222            0 :                 Metrics::get();
     223            0 :             }
     224            0 :             warn!(?session_id, %peer_addr, "failed to accept TLS connection: {e:?}");
     225            0 :             return None;
     226              :         }
     227              :     };
     228              : 
     229            0 :     Some((conn, peer_addr))
     230            0 : }
     231              : 
     232              : /// Handles HTTP connection
     233              : /// 1. With graceful shutdowns
     234              : /// 2. With graceful request cancellation with connection failure
     235              : /// 3. With websocket upgrade support.
     236              : #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
     237            0 : async fn connection_handler(
     238            0 :     config: &'static ProxyConfig,
     239            0 :     backend: Arc<PoolingBackend>,
     240            0 :     connections: TaskTracker,
     241            0 :     cancellation_handler: Arc<CancellationHandlerMain>,
     242            0 :     endpoint_rate_limiter: Arc<EndpointRateLimiter>,
     243            0 :     cancellation_token: CancellationToken,
     244            0 :     conn: TlsStream<ChainRW<TcpStream>>,
     245            0 :     peer_addr: IpAddr,
     246            0 :     session_id: uuid::Uuid,
     247            0 : ) {
     248            0 :     let session_id = AtomicTake::new(session_id);
     249            0 : 
     250            0 :     // Cancel all current inflight HTTP requests if the HTTP connection is closed.
     251            0 :     let http_cancellation_token = CancellationToken::new();
     252            0 :     let _cancel_connection = http_cancellation_token.clone().drop_guard();
     253            0 : 
     254            0 :     let server = Builder::new(TokioExecutor::new());
     255            0 :     let conn = server.serve_connection_with_upgrades(
     256            0 :         hyper_util::rt::TokioIo::new(conn),
     257            0 :         hyper1::service::service_fn(move |req: hyper1::Request<Incoming>| {
     258            0 :             // First HTTP request shares the same session ID
     259            0 :             let session_id = session_id.take().unwrap_or_else(uuid::Uuid::new_v4);
     260            0 : 
     261            0 :             // Cancel the current inflight HTTP request if the requets stream is closed.
     262            0 :             // This is slightly different to `_cancel_connection` in that
     263            0 :             // h2 can cancel individual requests with a `RST_STREAM`.
     264            0 :             let http_request_token = http_cancellation_token.child_token();
     265            0 :             let cancel_request = http_request_token.clone().drop_guard();
     266            0 : 
     267            0 :             // `request_handler` is not cancel safe. It expects to be cancelled only at specific times.
     268            0 :             // By spawning the future, we ensure it never gets cancelled until it decides to.
     269            0 :             let handler = connections.spawn(
     270            0 :                 request_handler(
     271            0 :                     req,
     272            0 :                     config,
     273            0 :                     backend.clone(),
     274            0 :                     connections.clone(),
     275            0 :                     cancellation_handler.clone(),
     276            0 :                     session_id,
     277            0 :                     peer_addr,
     278            0 :                     http_request_token,
     279            0 :                     endpoint_rate_limiter.clone(),
     280            0 :                 )
     281            0 :                 .in_current_span()
     282            0 :                 .map_ok_or_else(api_error_into_response, |r| r),
     283            0 :             );
     284            0 :             async move {
     285            0 :                 let res = handler.await;
     286            0 :                 cancel_request.disarm();
     287            0 :                 res
     288            0 :             }
     289            0 :         }),
     290            0 :     );
     291              : 
     292              :     // On cancellation, trigger the HTTP connection handler to shut down.
     293            0 :     let res = match select(pin!(cancellation_token.cancelled()), pin!(conn)).await {
     294            0 :         Either::Left((_cancelled, mut conn)) => {
     295            0 :             tracing::debug!(%peer_addr, "cancelling connection");
     296            0 :             conn.as_mut().graceful_shutdown();
     297            0 :             conn.await
     298              :         }
     299            0 :         Either::Right((res, _)) => res,
     300              :     };
     301              : 
     302            0 :     match res {
     303            0 :         Ok(()) => tracing::info!(%peer_addr, "HTTP connection closed"),
     304            0 :         Err(e) => tracing::warn!(%peer_addr, "HTTP connection error {e}"),
     305              :     }
     306            0 : }
     307              : 
     308              : #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
     309            0 : async fn request_handler(
     310            0 :     mut request: hyper1::Request<Incoming>,
     311            0 :     config: &'static ProxyConfig,
     312            0 :     backend: Arc<PoolingBackend>,
     313            0 :     ws_connections: TaskTracker,
     314            0 :     cancellation_handler: Arc<CancellationHandlerMain>,
     315            0 :     session_id: uuid::Uuid,
     316            0 :     peer_addr: IpAddr,
     317            0 :     // used to cancel in-flight HTTP requests. not used to cancel websockets
     318            0 :     http_cancellation_token: CancellationToken,
     319            0 :     endpoint_rate_limiter: Arc<EndpointRateLimiter>,
     320            0 : ) -> Result<Response<Full<Bytes>>, ApiError> {
     321            0 :     let host = request
     322            0 :         .headers()
     323            0 :         .get("host")
     324            0 :         .and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok())
     325            0 :         .and_then(|h| h.split(':').next())
     326            0 :         .map(|s| s.to_string());
     327            0 : 
     328            0 :     // Check if the request is a websocket upgrade request.
     329            0 :     if framed_websockets::upgrade::is_upgrade_request(&request) {
     330            0 :         let ctx = RequestMonitoring::new(
     331            0 :             session_id,
     332            0 :             peer_addr,
     333            0 :             crate::metrics::Protocol::Ws,
     334            0 :             &config.region,
     335            0 :         );
     336            0 : 
     337            0 :         let span = ctx.span.clone();
     338              :         info!(parent: &span, "performing websocket upgrade");
     339              : 
     340            0 :         let (response, websocket) = framed_websockets::upgrade::upgrade(&mut request)
     341            0 :             .map_err(|e| ApiError::BadRequest(e.into()))?;
     342              : 
     343            0 :         ws_connections.spawn(
     344            0 :             async move {
     345            0 :                 if let Err(e) = websocket::serve_websocket(
     346            0 :                     config,
     347            0 :                     ctx,
     348            0 :                     websocket,
     349            0 :                     cancellation_handler,
     350            0 :                     endpoint_rate_limiter,
     351            0 :                     host,
     352            0 :                 )
     353            0 :                 .await
     354              :                 {
     355            0 :                     error!("error in websocket connection: {e:#}");
     356            0 :                 }
     357            0 :             }
     358            0 :             .instrument(span),
     359            0 :         );
     360            0 : 
     361            0 :         // Return the response so the spawned future can continue.
     362            0 :         Ok(|_: http_body_util::Empty<Bytes>| Full::new(Bytes::new())))
     363            0 :     } else if request.uri().path() == "/sql" && *request.method() == Method::POST {
     364            0 :         let ctx = RequestMonitoring::new(
     365            0 :             session_id,
     366            0 :             peer_addr,
     367            0 :             crate::metrics::Protocol::Http,
     368            0 :             &config.region,
     369            0 :         );
     370            0 :         let span = ctx.span.clone();
     371            0 : 
     372            0 :         sql_over_http::handle(config, ctx, request, backend, http_cancellation_token)
     373            0 :             .instrument(span)
     374            0 :             .await
     375            0 :     } else if request.uri().path() == "/sql" && *request.method() == Method::OPTIONS {
     376            0 :         Response::builder()
     377            0 :             .header("Allow", "OPTIONS, POST")
     378            0 :             .header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
     379            0 :             .header(
     380            0 :                 "Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
     381            0 :                 "Neon-Connection-String, Neon-Raw-Text-Output, Neon-Array-Mode, Neon-Pool-Opt-In, Neon-Batch-Read-Only, Neon-Batch-Isolation-Level",
     382            0 :             )
     383            0 :             .header("Access-Control-Max-Age", "86400" /* 24 hours */)
     384            0 :             .status(StatusCode::OK) // 204 is also valid, but see:
     385            0 :             .body(Full::new(Bytes::new()))
     386            0 :             .map_err(|e| ApiError::InternalServerError(e.into()))
     387              :     } else {
     388            0 :         json_response(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, "query is not supported")
     389              :     }
     390            0 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta