LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libs/utils/src/http - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 17.9 % 391 70
Test Date: 2024-06-22 14:26:21 Functions: 3.0 % 398 12

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use crate::auth::{AuthError, Claims, SwappableJwtAuth};
       2              : use crate::http::error::{api_error_handler, route_error_handler, ApiError};
       3              : use anyhow::Context;
       4              : use hyper::header::{HeaderName, AUTHORIZATION};
       5              : use hyper::http::HeaderValue;
       6              : use hyper::Method;
       7              : use hyper::{header::CONTENT_TYPE, Body, Request, Response};
       8              : use metrics::{register_int_counter, Encoder, IntCounter, TextEncoder};
       9              : use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
      10              : use routerify::ext::RequestExt;
      11              : use routerify::{Middleware, RequestInfo, Router, RouterBuilder};
      12              : use tracing::{debug, info, info_span, warn, Instrument};
      13              : 
      14              : use std::future::Future;
      15              : use std::str::FromStr;
      16              : 
      17              : use bytes::{Bytes, BytesMut};
      18              : use std::io::Write as _;
      19              : use tokio::sync::mpsc;
      20              : use tokio_stream::wrappers::ReceiverStream;
      21              : 
      22            0 : static SERVE_METRICS_COUNT: Lazy<IntCounter> = Lazy::new(|| {
      23              :     register_int_counter!(
      24              :         "libmetrics_metric_handler_requests_total",
      25              :         "Number of metric requests made"
      26              :     )
      27            0 :     .expect("failed to define a metric")
      28            0 : });
      29              : 
      30              : static X_REQUEST_ID_HEADER_STR: &str = "x-request-id";
      31              : 
      32              : static X_REQUEST_ID_HEADER: HeaderName = HeaderName::from_static(X_REQUEST_ID_HEADER_STR);
      33              : #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
      34              : struct RequestId(String);
      35              : 
      36              : /// Adds a tracing info_span! instrumentation around the handler events,
      37              : /// logs the request start and end events for non-GET requests and non-200 responses.
      38              : ///
      39              : /// Usage: Replace `my_handler` with `|r| request_span(r, my_handler)`
      40              : ///
      41              : /// Use this to distinguish between logs of different HTTP requests: every request handler wrapped
      42              : /// with this will get request info logged in the wrapping span, including the unique request ID.
      43              : ///
      44              : /// This also handles errors, logging them and converting them to an HTTP error response.
      45              : ///
      46              : /// NB: If the client disconnects, Hyper will drop the Future, without polling it to
      47              : /// completion. In other words, the handler must be async cancellation safe! request_span
      48              : /// prints a warning to the log when that happens, so that you have some trace of it in
      49              : /// the log.
      50              : ///
      51              : ///
      52              : /// There could be other ways to implement similar functionality:
      53              : ///
      54              : /// * procmacros placed on top of all handler methods
      55              : /// With all the drawbacks of procmacros, brings no difference implementation-wise,
      56              : /// and little code reduction compared to the existing approach.
      57              : ///
      58              : /// * Another `TraitExt` with e.g. the `get_with_span`, `post_with_span` methods to do similar logic,
      59              : /// implemented for [`RouterBuilder`].
      60              : /// Could be simpler, but we don't want to depend on [`routerify`] more, targeting to use other library later.
      61              : ///
      62              : /// * In theory, a span guard could've been created in a pre-request middleware and placed into a global collection, to be dropped
      63              : /// later, in a post-response middleware.
      64              : /// Due to suspendable nature of the futures, would give contradictive results which is exactly the opposite of what `tracing-futures`
      65              : /// tries to achive with its `.instrument` used in the current approach.
      66              : ///
      67              : /// If needed, a declarative macro to substitute the |r| ... closure boilerplate could be introduced.
      68            0 : pub async fn request_span<R, H>(request: Request<Body>, handler: H) -> R::Output
      69            0 : where
      70            0 :     R: Future<Output = Result<Response<Body>, ApiError>> + Send + 'static,
      71            0 :     H: FnOnce(Request<Body>) -> R + Send + Sync + 'static,
      72            0 : {
      73            0 :     let request_id = request.context::<RequestId>().unwrap_or_default().0;
      74            0 :     let method = request.method();
      75            0 :     let path = request.uri().path();
      76            0 :     let request_span = info_span!("request", %method, %path, %request_id);
      77              : 
      78            0 :     let log_quietly = method == Method::GET;
      79            0 :     async move {
      80            0 :         let cancellation_guard = RequestCancelled::warn_when_dropped_without_responding();
      81            0 :         if log_quietly {
      82            0 :             debug!("Handling request");
      83              :         } else {
      84            0 :             info!("Handling request");
      85              :         }
      86              : 
      87              :         // No special handling for panics here. There's a `tracing_panic_hook` from another
      88              :         // module to do that globally.
      89            0 :         let res = handler(request).await;
      90              : 
      91            0 :         cancellation_guard.disarm();
      92            0 : 
      93            0 :         // Log the result if needed.
      94            0 :         //
      95            0 :         // We also convert any errors into an Ok response with HTTP error code here.
      96            0 :         // `make_router` sets a last-resort error handler that would do the same, but
      97            0 :         // we prefer to do it here, before we exit the request span, so that the error
      98            0 :         // is still logged with the span.
      99            0 :         //
     100            0 :         // (Because we convert errors to Ok response, we never actually return an error,
     101            0 :         // and we could declare the function to return the never type (`!`). However,
     102            0 :         // using `routerify::RouterBuilder` requires a proper error type.)
     103            0 :         match res {
     104            0 :             Ok(response) => {
     105            0 :                 let response_status = response.status();
     106            0 :                 if log_quietly && response_status.is_success() {
     107            0 :                     debug!("Request handled, status: {response_status}");
     108              :                 } else {
     109            0 :                     info!("Request handled, status: {response_status}");
     110              :                 }
     111            0 :                 Ok(response)
     112              :             }
     113            0 :             Err(err) => Ok(api_error_handler(err)),
     114              :         }
     115            0 :     }
     116            0 :     .instrument(request_span)
     117            0 :     .await
     118            0 : }
     119              : 
     120              : /// Drop guard to WARN in case the request was dropped before completion.
     121              : struct RequestCancelled {
     122              :     warn: Option<tracing::Span>,
     123              : }
     124              : 
     125              : impl RequestCancelled {
     126              :     /// Create the drop guard using the [`tracing::Span::current`] as the span.
     127            0 :     fn warn_when_dropped_without_responding() -> Self {
     128            0 :         RequestCancelled {
     129            0 :             warn: Some(tracing::Span::current()),
     130            0 :         }
     131            0 :     }
     132              : 
     133              :     /// Consume the drop guard without logging anything.
     134            0 :     fn disarm(mut self) {
     135            0 :         self.warn = None;
     136            0 :     }
     137              : }
     138              : 
     139              : impl Drop for RequestCancelled {
     140            0 :     fn drop(&mut self) {
     141            0 :         if std::thread::panicking() {
     142            0 :             // we are unwinding due to panicking, assume we are not dropped for cancellation
     143            0 :         } else if let Some(span) = self.warn.take() {
     144              :             // the span has all of the info already, but the outer `.instrument(span)` has already
     145              :             // been dropped, so we need to manually re-enter it for this message.
     146              :             //
     147              :             // this is what the instrument would do before polling so it is fine.
     148            0 :             let _g = span.entered();
     149            0 :             warn!("request was dropped before completing");
     150            0 :         }
     151            0 :     }
     152              : }
     153              : 
     154              : /// An [`std::io::Write`] implementation on top of a channel sending [`bytes::Bytes`] chunks.
     155              : pub struct ChannelWriter {
     156              :     buffer: BytesMut,
     157              :     pub tx: mpsc::Sender<std::io::Result<Bytes>>,
     158              :     written: usize,
     159              :     /// Time spent waiting for the channel to make progress. It is not the same as time to upload a
     160              :     /// buffer because we cannot know anything about that, but this should allow us to understand
     161              :     /// the actual time taken without the time spent `std::thread::park`ed.
     162              :     wait_time: std::time::Duration,
     163              : }
     164              : 
     165              : impl ChannelWriter {
     166            0 :     pub fn new(buf_len: usize, tx: mpsc::Sender<std::io::Result<Bytes>>) -> Self {
     167            0 :         assert_ne!(buf_len, 0);
     168            0 :         ChannelWriter {
     169            0 :             // split about half off the buffer from the start, because we flush depending on
     170            0 :             // capacity. first flush will come sooner than without this, but now resizes will
     171            0 :             // have better chance of picking up the "other" half. not guaranteed of course.
     172            0 :             buffer: BytesMut::with_capacity(buf_len).split_off(buf_len / 2),
     173            0 :             tx,
     174            0 :             written: 0,
     175            0 :             wait_time: std::time::Duration::ZERO,
     176            0 :         }
     177            0 :     }
     178              : 
     179            0 :     pub fn flush0(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
     180            0 :         let n = self.buffer.len();
     181            0 :         if n == 0 {
     182            0 :             return Ok(0);
     183            0 :         }
     184            0 : 
     185            0 :         tracing::trace!(n, "flushing");
     186            0 :         let ready = self.buffer.split().freeze();
     187            0 : 
     188            0 :         let wait_started_at = std::time::Instant::now();
     189            0 : 
     190            0 :         // not ideal to call from blocking code to block_on, but we are sure that this
     191            0 :         // operation does not spawn_blocking other tasks
     192            0 :         let res: Result<(), ()> = tokio::runtime::Handle::current().block_on(async {
     193            0 :             self.tx.send(Ok(ready)).await.map_err(|_| ())?;
     194              : 
     195              :             // throttle sending to allow reuse of our buffer in `write`.
     196            0 :             self.tx.reserve().await.map_err(|_| ())?;
     197              : 
     198              :             // now the response task has picked up the buffer and hopefully started
     199              :             // sending it to the client.
     200            0 :             Ok(())
     201            0 :         });
     202            0 : 
     203            0 :         self.wait_time += wait_started_at.elapsed();
     204            0 : 
     205            0 :         if res.is_err() {
     206            0 :             return Err(std::io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe.into());
     207            0 :         }
     208            0 :         self.written += n;
     209            0 :         Ok(n)
     210            0 :     }
     211              : 
     212            0 :     pub fn flushed_bytes(&self) -> usize {
     213            0 :         self.written
     214            0 :     }
     215              : 
     216            0 :     pub fn wait_time(&self) -> std::time::Duration {
     217            0 :         self.wait_time
     218            0 :     }
     219              : }
     220              : 
     221              : impl std::io::Write for ChannelWriter {
     222            0 :     fn write(&mut self, mut buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
     223            0 :         let remaining = self.buffer.capacity() - self.buffer.len();
     224            0 : 
     225            0 :         let out_of_space = remaining < buf.len();
     226            0 : 
     227            0 :         let original_len = buf.len();
     228            0 : 
     229            0 :         if out_of_space {
     230            0 :             let can_still_fit = buf.len() - remaining;
     231            0 :             self.buffer.extend_from_slice(&buf[..can_still_fit]);
     232            0 :             buf = &buf[can_still_fit..];
     233            0 :             self.flush0()?;
     234            0 :         }
     235              : 
     236              :         // assume that this will often under normal operation just move the pointer back to the
     237              :         // beginning of allocation, because previous split off parts are already sent and
     238              :         // dropped.
     239            0 :         self.buffer.extend_from_slice(buf);
     240            0 :         Ok(original_len)
     241            0 :     }
     242              : 
     243            0 :     fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
     244            0 :         self.flush0().map(|_| ())
     245            0 :     }
     246              : }
     247              : 
     248            0 : pub async fn prometheus_metrics_handler(_req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, ApiError> {
     249            0 :;
     250            0 : 
     251            0 :     let started_at = std::time::Instant::now();
     252            0 : 
     253            0 :     let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(1);
     254            0 : 
     255            0 :     let body = Body::wrap_stream(ReceiverStream::new(rx));
     256            0 : 
     257            0 :     let mut writer = ChannelWriter::new(128 * 1024, tx);
     258            0 : 
     259            0 :     let encoder = TextEncoder::new();
     260            0 : 
     261            0 :     let response = Response::builder()
     262            0 :         .status(200)
     263            0 :         .header(CONTENT_TYPE, encoder.format_type())
     264            0 :         .body(body)
     265            0 :         .unwrap();
     266              : 
     267            0 :     let span = info_span!("blocking");
     268            0 :     tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
     269            0 :         // there are situations where we lose scraped metrics under load, try to gather some clues
     270            0 :         // since all nodes are queried this, keep the message count low.
     271            0 :         let spawned_at = std::time::Instant::now();
     272            0 : 
     273            0 :         let _span = span.entered();
     274            0 : 
     275            0 :         let metrics = metrics::gather();
     276            0 : 
     277            0 :         let gathered_at = std::time::Instant::now();
     278            0 : 
     279            0 :         let res = encoder
     280            0 :             .encode(&metrics, &mut writer)
     281            0 :             .and_then(|_| writer.flush().map_err(|e| e.into()));
     282            0 : 
     283            0 :         // this instant is not when we finally got the full response sent, sending is done by hyper
     284            0 :         // in another task.
     285            0 :         let encoded_at = std::time::Instant::now();
     286            0 : 
     287            0 :         let spawned_in = spawned_at - started_at;
     288            0 :         let collected_in = gathered_at - spawned_at;
     289            0 :         // remove the wait time here in case the tcp connection was clogged
     290            0 :         let encoded_in = encoded_at - gathered_at - writer.wait_time();
     291            0 :         let total = encoded_at - started_at;
     292            0 : 
     293            0 :         match res {
     294              :             Ok(()) => {
     295            0 :                 tracing::info!(
     296            0 :                     bytes = writer.flushed_bytes(),
     297            0 :                     total_ms = total.as_millis(),
     298            0 :                     spawning_ms = spawned_in.as_millis(),
     299            0 :                     collection_ms = collected_in.as_millis(),
     300            0 :                     encoding_ms = encoded_in.as_millis(),
     301            0 :                     "responded /metrics"
     302              :                 );
     303              :             }
     304            0 :             Err(e) => {
     305            0 :                 // there is a chance that this error is not the BrokenPipe we generate in the writer
     306            0 :                 // for "closed connection", but it is highly unlikely.
     307            0 :                 tracing::warn!(
     308            0 :                     after_bytes = writer.flushed_bytes(),
     309            0 :                     total_ms = total.as_millis(),
     310            0 :                     spawning_ms = spawned_in.as_millis(),
     311            0 :                     collection_ms = collected_in.as_millis(),
     312            0 :                     encoding_ms = encoded_in.as_millis(),
     313            0 :                     "failed to write out /metrics response: {e:?}"
     314              :                 );
     315              :                 // semantics of this error are quite... unclear. we want to error the stream out to
     316              :                 // abort the response to somehow notify the client that we failed.
     317              :                 //
     318              :                 // though, most likely the reason for failure is that the receiver is already gone.
     319            0 :                 drop(
     320            0 :                     writer
     321            0 :                         .tx
     322            0 :                         .blocking_send(Err(std::io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe.into())),
     323            0 :                 );
     324              :             }
     325              :         }
     326            0 :     });
     327            0 : 
     328            0 :     Ok(response)
     329            0 : }
     330              : 
     331            4 : pub fn add_request_id_middleware<B: hyper::body::HttpBody + Send + Sync + 'static>(
     332            4 : ) -> Middleware<B, ApiError> {
     333            4 :     Middleware::pre(move |req| async move {
     334            4 :         let request_id = match req.headers().get(&X_REQUEST_ID_HEADER) {
     335            4 :             Some(request_id) => request_id
     336            2 :                 .to_str()
     337            2 :                 .expect("extract request id value")
     338            2 :                 .to_owned(),
     339            4 :             None => {
     340            4 :                 let request_id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4();
     341            2 :                 request_id.to_string()
     342            4 :             }
     343            4 :         };
     344            4 :         req.set_context(RequestId(request_id));
     345            4 : 
     346            4 :         Ok(req)
     347            4 :     })
     348            4 : }
     349              : 
     350            4 : async fn add_request_id_header_to_response(
     351            4 :     mut res: Response<Body>,
     352            4 :     req_info: RequestInfo,
     353            4 : ) -> Result<Response<Body>, ApiError> {
     354            4 :     if let Some(request_id) = req_info.context::<RequestId>() {
     355            4 :         if let Ok(request_header_value) = HeaderValue::from_str(&request_id.0) {
     356            4 :             res.headers_mut()
     357            4 :                 .insert(&X_REQUEST_ID_HEADER, request_header_value);
     358            4 :         };
     359            0 :     };
     360              : 
     361            4 :     Ok(res)
     362            4 : }
     363              : 
     364            4 : pub fn make_router() -> RouterBuilder<hyper::Body, ApiError> {
     365            4 :     Router::builder()
     366            4 :         .middleware(add_request_id_middleware())
     367            4 :         .middleware(Middleware::post_with_info(
     368            4 :             add_request_id_header_to_response,
     369            4 :         ))
     370            4 :         .err_handler(route_error_handler)
     371            4 : }
     372              : 
     373            0 : pub fn attach_openapi_ui(
     374            0 :     router_builder: RouterBuilder<hyper::Body, ApiError>,
     375            0 :     spec: &'static [u8],
     376            0 :     spec_mount_path: &'static str,
     377            0 :     ui_mount_path: &'static str,
     378            0 : ) -> RouterBuilder<hyper::Body, ApiError> {
     379            0 :     router_builder
     380            0 :         .get(spec_mount_path,
     381            0 :             move |r| request_span(r, move |_| async move {
     382            0 :                 Ok(Response::builder().body(Body::from(spec)).unwrap())
     383            0 :             })
     384            0 :         )
     385            0 :         .get(ui_mount_path,
     386            0 :              move |r| request_span(r, move |_| async move {
     387            0 :                  Ok(Response::builder().body(Body::from(format!(r#"
     388            0 :                 <!DOCTYPE html>
     389            0 :                 <html lang="en">
     390            0 :                 <head>
     391            0 :                 <title>rweb</title>
     392            0 :                 <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
     393            0 :                 </head>
     394            0 :                 <body>
     395            0 :                     <div id="swagger-ui"></div>
     396            0 :                     <script src="" charset="UTF-8"> </script>
     397            0 :                     <script>
     398            0 :                         window.onload = function() {{
     399            0 :                         const ui = SwaggerUIBundle({{
     400            0 :                             "dom_id": "\#swagger-ui",
     401            0 :                             presets: [
     402            0 :                             SwaggerUIBundle.presets.apis,
     403            0 :                             SwaggerUIBundle.SwaggerUIStandalonePreset
     404            0 :                             ],
     405            0 :                             layout: "BaseLayout",
     406            0 :                             deepLinking: true,
     407            0 :                             showExtensions: true,
     408            0 :                             showCommonExtensions: true,
     409            0 :                             url: "{}",
     410            0 :                         }})
     411            0 :                         window.ui = ui;
     412            0 :                     }};
     413            0 :                 </script>
     414            0 :                 </body>
     415            0 :                 </html>
     416            0 :             "#, spec_mount_path))).unwrap())
     417            0 :              })
     418            0 :         )
     419            0 : }
     420              : 
     421            0 : fn parse_token(header_value: &str) -> Result<&str, ApiError> {
     422              :     // header must be in form Bearer <token>
     423            0 :     let (prefix, token) = header_value
     424            0 :         .split_once(' ')
     425            0 :         .ok_or_else(|| ApiError::Unauthorized("malformed authorization header".to_string()))?;
     426            0 :     if prefix != "Bearer" {
     427            0 :         return Err(ApiError::Unauthorized(
     428            0 :             "malformed authorization header".to_string(),
     429            0 :         ));
     430            0 :     }
     431            0 :     Ok(token)
     432            0 : }
     433              : 
     434            0 : pub fn auth_middleware<B: hyper::body::HttpBody + Send + Sync + 'static>(
     435            0 :     provide_auth: fn(&Request<Body>) -> Option<&SwappableJwtAuth>,
     436            0 : ) -> Middleware<B, ApiError> {
     437            0 :     Middleware::pre(move |req| async move {
     438            0 :         if let Some(auth) = provide_auth(&req) {
     439            0 :             match req.headers().get(AUTHORIZATION) {
     440            0 :                 Some(value) => {
     441            0 :                     let header_value = value.to_str().map_err(|_| {
     442            0 :                         ApiError::Unauthorized("malformed authorization header".to_string())
     443            0 :                     })?;
     444            0 :                     let token = parse_token(header_value)?;
     445            0 : 
     446            0 :                     let data = auth.decode(token).map_err(|err| {
     447            0 :                         warn!("Authentication error: {err}");
     448            0 :                         // Rely on From<AuthError> for ApiError impl
     449            0 :                         err
     450            0 :                     })?;
     451            0 :                     req.set_context(;
     452            0 :                 }
     453            0 :                 None => {
     454            0 :                     return Err(ApiError::Unauthorized(
     455            0 :                         "missing authorization header".to_string(),
     456            0 :                     ))
     457            0 :                 }
     458            0 :             }
     459            0 :         }
     460            0 :         Ok(req)
     461            0 :     })
     462            0 : }
     463              : 
     464            0 : pub fn add_response_header_middleware<B>(
     465            0 :     header: &str,
     466            0 :     value: &str,
     467            0 : ) -> anyhow::Result<Middleware<B, ApiError>>
     468            0 : where
     469            0 :     B: hyper::body::HttpBody + Send + Sync + 'static,
     470            0 : {
     471            0 :     let name =
     472            0 :         HeaderName::from_str(header).with_context(|| format!("invalid header name: {header}"))?;
     473            0 :     let value =
     474            0 :         HeaderValue::from_str(value).with_context(|| format!("invalid header value: {value}"))?;
     475            0 :     Ok(Middleware::post_with_info(
     476            0 :         move |mut response, request_info| {
     477            0 :             let name = name.clone();
     478            0 :             let value = value.clone();
     479            0 :             async move {
     480            0 :                 let headers = response.headers_mut();
     481            0 :                 if headers.contains_key(&name) {
     482            0 :                     warn!(
     483            0 :                         "{} response already contains header {:?}",
     484            0 :                         request_info.uri(),
     485            0 :                         &name,
     486              :                     );
     487            0 :                 } else {
     488            0 :                     headers.insert(name, value);
     489            0 :                 }
     490            0 :                 Ok(response)
     491            0 :             }
     492            0 :         },
     493            0 :     ))
     494            0 : }
     495              : 
     496            0 : pub fn check_permission_with(
     497            0 :     req: &Request<Body>,
     498            0 :     check_permission: impl Fn(&Claims) -> Result<(), AuthError>,
     499            0 : ) -> Result<(), ApiError> {
     500            0 :     match req.context::<Claims>() {
     501            0 :         Some(claims) => Ok(check_permission(&claims)
     502            0 :             .map_err(|_err| ApiError::Forbidden("JWT authentication error".to_string()))?),
     503            0 :         None => Ok(()), // claims is None because auth is disabled
     504              :     }
     505            0 : }
     506              : 
     507              : #[cfg(test)]
     508              : mod tests {
     509              :     use super::*;
     510              :     use futures::future::poll_fn;
     511              :     use hyper::service::Service;
     512              :     use routerify::RequestServiceBuilder;
     513              :     use std::net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr};
     514              : 
     515              :     #[tokio::test]
     516            2 :     async fn test_request_id_returned() {
     517            2 :         let builder = RequestServiceBuilder::new(make_router().build().unwrap()).unwrap();
     518            2 :         let remote_addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::from_str("").unwrap(), 80);
     519            2 :         let mut service =;
     520            2 :         if let Err(e) = poll_fn(|ctx| service.poll_ready(ctx)).await {
     521            2 :             panic!("request service is not ready: {:?}", e);
     522            2 :         }
     523            2 : 
     524            2 :         let mut req: Request<Body> = Request::default();
     525            2 :         req.headers_mut()
     526            2 :             .append(&X_REQUEST_ID_HEADER, HeaderValue::from_str("42").unwrap());
     527            2 : 
     528            2 :         let resp: Response<hyper::body::Body> =;
     529            2 : 
     530            2 :         let header_val = resp.headers().get(&X_REQUEST_ID_HEADER).unwrap();
     531            2 : 
     532            2 :         assert!(header_val == "42", "response header mismatch");
     533            2 :     }
     534              : 
     535              :     #[tokio::test]
     536            2 :     async fn test_request_id_empty() {
     537            2 :         let builder = RequestServiceBuilder::new(make_router().build().unwrap()).unwrap();
     538            2 :         let remote_addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::from_str("").unwrap(), 80);
     539            2 :         let mut service =;
     540            2 :         if let Err(e) = poll_fn(|ctx| service.poll_ready(ctx)).await {
     541            2 :             panic!("request service is not ready: {:?}", e);
     542            2 :         }
     543            2 : 
     544            2 :         let req: Request<Body> = Request::default();
     545            2 :         let resp: Response<hyper::body::Body> =;
     546            2 : 
     547            2 :         let header_val = resp.headers().get(&X_REQUEST_ID_HEADER);
     548            2 : 
     549            2 :         assert_ne!(header_val, None, "response header should NOT be empty");
     550            2 :     }
     551              : }

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