LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libs/utils/src - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 96.3 % 217 209
Test Date: 2024-06-20 08:53:55 Functions: 86.5 % 37 32

            Line data    Source code
       1              : //! Assert that the current [`tracing::Span`] has a given set of fields.
       2              : //!
       3              : //! Can only produce meaningful positive results when tracing has been configured as in example.
       4              : //! Absence of `tracing_error::ErrorLayer` is not detected yet.
       5              : //!
       6              : //! `#[cfg(test)]` code will get a pass when using the `check_fields_present` macro in case tracing
       7              : //! is completly unconfigured.
       8              : //!
       9              : //! # Usage
      10              : //!
      11              : //! ```rust
      12              : //! # fn main() {
      13              : //! use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*;
      14              : //! let registry = tracing_subscriber::registry()
      15              : //!    .with(tracing_error::ErrorLayer::default());
      16              : //!
      17              : //! // Register the registry as the global subscriber.
      18              : //! // In this example, we'll only use it as a thread-local subscriber.
      19              : //! let _guard = tracing::subscriber::set_default(registry);
      20              : //!
      21              : //! // Then, in the main code:
      22              : //!
      23              : //! let span = tracing::info_span!("TestSpan", tenant_id = 1);
      24              : //! let _guard = span.enter();
      25              : //!
      26              : //! // ... down the call stack
      27              : //!
      28              : //! use utils::tracing_span_assert::{check_fields_present, ConstExtractor};
      29              : //! let extractor = ConstExtractor::new("tenant_id");
      30              : //! if let Err(missing) = check_fields_present!([&extractor]) {
      31              : //!    // if you copypaste this to a custom assert method, remember to add #[track_caller]
      32              : //!    // to get the "user" code location for the panic.
      33              : //!    panic!("Missing fields: {missing:?}");
      34              : //! }
      35              : //! # }
      36              : //! ```
      37              : //!
      38              : //! Recommended reading: <>
      39              : //!
      40              : 
      41              : #[derive(Debug)]
      42              : pub enum ExtractionResult {
      43              :     Present,
      44              :     Absent,
      45              : }
      46              : 
      47              : pub trait Extractor: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug {
      48              :     fn id(&self) -> &str;
      49              :     fn extract(&self, fields: &tracing::field::FieldSet) -> ExtractionResult;
      50              : }
      51              : 
      52              : #[derive(Debug)]
      53              : pub struct ConstExtractor {
      54              :     field_name: &'static str,
      55              : }
      56              : 
      57              : impl ConstExtractor {
      58           48 :     pub const fn new(field_name: &'static str) -> ConstExtractor {
      59           48 :         ConstExtractor { field_name }
      60           48 :     }
      61              : }
      62              : impl Extractor for ConstExtractor {
      63            0 :     fn id(&self) -> &str {
      64            0 :         self.field_name
      65            0 :     }
      66         8080 :     fn extract(&self, fields: &tracing::field::FieldSet) -> ExtractionResult {
      67        11520 :         if fields.iter().any(|f| == self.field_name) {
      68         4184 :             ExtractionResult::Present
      69              :         } else {
      70         3896 :             ExtractionResult::Absent
      71              :         }
      72         8080 :     }
      73              : }
      74              : 
      75              : /// Checks that the given extractors are satisfied with the current span hierarchy.
      76              : ///
      77              : /// This should not be called directly, but used through [`check_fields_present`] which allows
      78              : /// `Summary::Unconfigured` only when the calling crate is being `#[cfg(test)]` as a conservative default.
      79              : #[doc(hidden)]
      80         1530 : pub fn check_fields_present0<const L: usize>(
      81         1530 :     must_be_present: [&dyn Extractor; L],
      82         1530 : ) -> Result<Summary, Vec<&dyn Extractor>> {
      83         1530 :     let mut missing = must_be_present.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
      84         1530 :     let trace = tracing_error::SpanTrace::capture();
      85         2895 :     trace.with_spans(|md, _formatted_fields| {
      86         2895 :         // when trying to understand the inner workings of how does the matching work, note that
      87         2895 :         // this closure might be called zero times if the span is disabled. normally it is called
      88         2895 :         // once per span hierarchy level.
      89         8080 :         missing.retain(|extractor| match extractor.extract(md.fields()) {
      90         4184 :             ExtractionResult::Present => false,
      91         3896 :             ExtractionResult::Absent => true,
      92         8080 :         });
      93         2895 : 
      94         2895 :         // continue walking up until we've found all missing
      95         2895 :         !missing.is_empty()
      96         2895 :     });
      97         1530 :     if missing.is_empty() {
      98         1512 :         Ok(Summary::FoundEverything)
      99           18 :     } else if !tracing_subscriber_configured() {
     100            8 :         Ok(Summary::Unconfigured)
     101              :     } else {
     102              :         // we can still hit here if a tracing subscriber has been configured but the ErrorLayer is
     103              :         // missing, which can be annoying. for this case, we could probably use
     104              :         // SpanTrace::status().
     105              :         //
     106              :         // another way to end up here is with RUST_LOG=pageserver=off while configuring the
     107              :         // logging, though I guess in that case the SpanTrace::status() == EMPTY would be valid.
     108              :         // this case is covered by test `not_found_if_tracing_error_subscriber_has_wrong_filter`.
     109           10 :         Err(missing)
     110              :     }
     111         1530 : }
     112              : 
     113              : /// Checks that the given extractors are satisfied with the current span hierarchy.
     114              : ///
     115              : /// The macro is the preferred way of checking if fields exist while passing checks if a test does
     116              : /// not have tracing configured.
     117              : ///
     118              : /// Why mangled name? Because #[macro_export] will expose it at utils::__check_fields_present.
     119              : /// However we can game a module namespaced macro for `use` purposes by re-exporting the
     120              : /// #[macro_export] exported name with an alias (below).
     121              : #[doc(hidden)]
     122              : #[macro_export]
     123              : macro_rules! __check_fields_present {
     124              :     ($extractors:expr) => {{
     125              :         {
     126              :             use $crate::tracing_span_assert::{check_fields_present0, Summary::*, Extractor};
     127              : 
     128              :             match check_fields_present0($extractors) {
     129              :                 Ok(FoundEverything) => Ok(()),
     130              :                 Ok(Unconfigured) if cfg!(test) => {
     131              :                     // allow unconfigured in tests
     132              :                     Ok(())
     133              :                 },
     134              :                 Ok(Unconfigured) => {
     135              :                     panic!("utils::tracing_span_assert: outside of #[cfg(test)] expected tracing to be configured with tracing_error::ErrorLayer")
     136              :                 },
     137              :                 Err(missing) => Err(missing)
     138              :             }
     139              :         }
     140              :     }}
     141              : }
     142              : 
     143              : pub use crate::__check_fields_present as check_fields_present;
     144              : 
     145              : /// Explanation for why the check was deemed ok.
     146              : ///
     147              : /// Mainly useful for testing, or configuring per-crate behaviour as in with
     148              : /// [`check_fields_present`].
     149              : #[derive(Debug)]
     150              : pub enum Summary {
     151              :     /// All extractors were found.
     152              :     ///
     153              :     /// Should only happen when tracing is properly configured.
     154              :     FoundEverything,
     155              : 
     156              :     /// Tracing has not been configured at all. This is ok for tests running without tracing set
     157              :     /// up.
     158              :     Unconfigured,
     159              : }
     160              : 
     161           22 : fn tracing_subscriber_configured() -> bool {
     162           22 :     let mut noop_configured = false;
     163           22 :     tracing::dispatcher::get_default(|d| {
     164           22 :         // it is possible that this closure will not be invoked, but the current implementation
     165           22 :         // always invokes it
     166           22 :         noop_configured =<tracing::subscriber::NoSubscriber>();
     167           22 :     });
     168           22 : 
     169           22 :     !noop_configured
     170           22 : }
     171              : 
     172              : #[cfg(test)]
     173              : mod tests {
     174              : 
     175              :     use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*;
     176              : 
     177              :     use super::*;
     178              : 
     179              :     use std::{
     180              :         collections::HashSet,
     181              :         fmt::{self},
     182              :         hash::{Hash, Hasher},
     183              :     };
     184              : 
     185              :     struct MemoryIdentity<'a>(&'a dyn Extractor);
     186              : 
     187              :     impl<'a> MemoryIdentity<'a> {
     188           50 :         fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const () {
     189           50 :             self.0 as *const _ as *const ()
     190           50 :         }
     191              :     }
     192              :     impl<'a> PartialEq for MemoryIdentity<'a> {
     193           10 :         fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
     194           10 :             self.as_ptr() == other.as_ptr()
     195           10 :         }
     196              :     }
     197              :     impl<'a> Eq for MemoryIdentity<'a> {}
     198              :     impl<'a> Hash for MemoryIdentity<'a> {
     199           30 :         fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
     200           30 :             self.as_ptr().hash(state);
     201           30 :         }
     202              :     }
     203              :     impl<'a> fmt::Debug for MemoryIdentity<'a> {
     204            0 :         fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
     205            0 :             write!(f, "{:p}: {}", self.as_ptr(),
     206            0 :         }
     207              :     }
     208              : 
     209              :     struct Setup {
     210              :         _current_thread_subscriber_guard: tracing::subscriber::DefaultGuard,
     211              :         tenant_extractor: ConstExtractor,
     212              :         timeline_extractor: ConstExtractor,
     213              :     }
     214              : 
     215           18 :     fn setup_current_thread() -> Setup {
     216           18 :         let tenant_extractor = ConstExtractor::new("tenant_id");
     217           18 :         let timeline_extractor = ConstExtractor::new("timeline_id");
     218           18 : 
     219           18 :         let registry = tracing_subscriber::registry()
     220           18 :             .with(tracing_subscriber::fmt::layer())
     221           18 :             .with(tracing_error::ErrorLayer::default());
     222           18 : 
     223           18 :         let guard = tracing::subscriber::set_default(registry);
     224           18 : 
     225           18 :         Setup {
     226           18 :             _current_thread_subscriber_guard: guard,
     227           18 :             tenant_extractor,
     228           18 :             timeline_extractor,
     229           18 :         }
     230           18 :     }
     231              : 
     232           10 :     fn assert_missing(missing: Vec<&dyn Extractor>, expected: Vec<&dyn Extractor>) {
     233           10 :         let missing: HashSet<MemoryIdentity> =
     234           10 :             HashSet::from_iter(missing.into_iter().map(MemoryIdentity));
     235           10 :         let expected: HashSet<MemoryIdentity> =
     236           10 :             HashSet::from_iter(expected.into_iter().map(MemoryIdentity));
     237           10 :         assert_eq!(missing, expected);
     238           10 :     }
     239              : 
     240              :     #[test]
     241            2 :     fn positive_one_level() {
     242            2 :         let setup = setup_current_thread();
     243            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("root", tenant_id = "tenant-1", timeline_id = "timeline-1");
     244            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     245            2 :         let res = check_fields_present0([&setup.tenant_extractor, &setup.timeline_extractor]);
     246            2 :         assert!(matches!(res, Ok(Summary::FoundEverything)), "{res:?}");
     247            2 :     }
     248              : 
     249              :     #[test]
     250            2 :     fn negative_one_level() {
     251            2 :         let setup = setup_current_thread();
     252            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("root", timeline_id = "timeline-1");
     253            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     254            2 :         let missing = check_fields_present0([&setup.tenant_extractor, &setup.timeline_extractor])
     255            2 :             .unwrap_err();
     256            2 :         assert_missing(missing, vec![&setup.tenant_extractor]);
     257            2 :     }
     258              : 
     259              :     #[test]
     260            2 :     fn positive_multiple_levels() {
     261            2 :         let setup = setup_current_thread();
     262              : 
     263            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("root");
     264            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     265              : 
     266            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("child", tenant_id = "tenant-1");
     267            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     268              : 
     269            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("grandchild", timeline_id = "timeline-1");
     270            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     271            2 : 
     272            2 :         let res = check_fields_present0([&setup.tenant_extractor, &setup.timeline_extractor]);
     273            2 :         assert!(matches!(res, Ok(Summary::FoundEverything)), "{res:?}");
     274            2 :     }
     275              : 
     276              :     #[test]
     277            2 :     fn negative_multiple_levels() {
     278            2 :         let setup = setup_current_thread();
     279              : 
     280            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("root");
     281            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     282              : 
     283            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("child", timeline_id = "timeline-1");
     284            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     285            2 : 
     286            2 :         let missing = check_fields_present0([&setup.tenant_extractor]).unwrap_err();
     287            2 :         assert_missing(missing, vec![&setup.tenant_extractor]);
     288            2 :     }
     289              : 
     290              :     #[test]
     291            2 :     fn positive_subset_one_level() {
     292            2 :         let setup = setup_current_thread();
     293            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("root", tenant_id = "tenant-1", timeline_id = "timeline-1");
     294            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     295            2 :         let res = check_fields_present0([&setup.tenant_extractor]);
     296            2 :         assert!(matches!(res, Ok(Summary::FoundEverything)), "{res:?}");
     297            2 :     }
     298              : 
     299              :     #[test]
     300            2 :     fn positive_subset_multiple_levels() {
     301            2 :         let setup = setup_current_thread();
     302              : 
     303            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("root");
     304            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     305              : 
     306            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("child", tenant_id = "tenant-1");
     307            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     308              : 
     309            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("grandchild", timeline_id = "timeline-1");
     310            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     311            2 : 
     312            2 :         let res = check_fields_present0([&setup.tenant_extractor]);
     313            2 :         assert!(matches!(res, Ok(Summary::FoundEverything)), "{res:?}");
     314            2 :     }
     315              : 
     316              :     #[test]
     317            2 :     fn negative_subset_one_level() {
     318            2 :         let setup = setup_current_thread();
     319            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("root", timeline_id = "timeline-1");
     320            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     321            2 :         let missing = check_fields_present0([&setup.tenant_extractor]).unwrap_err();
     322            2 :         assert_missing(missing, vec![&setup.tenant_extractor]);
     323            2 :     }
     324              : 
     325              :     #[test]
     326            2 :     fn negative_subset_multiple_levels() {
     327            2 :         let setup = setup_current_thread();
     328              : 
     329            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("root");
     330            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     331              : 
     332            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("child", timeline_id = "timeline-1");
     333            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     334            2 : 
     335            2 :         let missing = check_fields_present0([&setup.tenant_extractor]).unwrap_err();
     336            2 :         assert_missing(missing, vec![&setup.tenant_extractor]);
     337            2 :     }
     338              : 
     339              :     #[test]
     340            2 :     fn tracing_error_subscriber_not_set_up_straight_line() {
     341              :         // no setup
     342            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("foo", e = "some value");
     343            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     344            2 : 
     345            2 :         let extractor = ConstExtractor::new("e");
     346            2 :         let res = check_fields_present0([&extractor]);
     347            2 :         assert!(matches!(res, Ok(Summary::Unconfigured)), "{res:?}");
     348              : 
     349              :         // similarly for a not found key
     350            2 :         let extractor = ConstExtractor::new("foobar");
     351            2 :         let res = check_fields_present0([&extractor]);
     352            2 :         assert!(matches!(res, Ok(Summary::Unconfigured)), "{res:?}");
     353            2 :     }
     354              : 
     355              :     #[test]
     356            2 :     fn tracing_error_subscriber_not_set_up_with_instrument() {
     357              :         // no setup
     358              : 
     359              :         // demo a case where span entering is used to establish a parent child connection, but
     360              :         // when we re-enter the subspan SpanTrace::with_spans iterates over nothing.
     361            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("foo", e = "some value");
     362            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     363              : 
     364            2 :         let subspan = tracing::info_span!("bar", f = "foobar");
     365            2 :         drop(_guard);
     366            2 : 
     367            2 :         // normally this would work, but without any tracing-subscriber configured, both
     368            2 :         // check_field_present find nothing
     369            2 :         let _guard = subspan.enter();
     370            2 :         let extractors: [&dyn Extractor; 2] =
     371            2 :             [&ConstExtractor::new("e"), &ConstExtractor::new("f")];
     372            2 : 
     373            2 :         let res = check_fields_present0(extractors);
     374            2 :         assert!(matches!(res, Ok(Summary::Unconfigured)), "{res:?}");
     375              : 
     376              :         // similarly for a not found key
     377            2 :         let extractor = ConstExtractor::new("g");
     378            2 :         let res = check_fields_present0([&extractor]);
     379            2 :         assert!(matches!(res, Ok(Summary::Unconfigured)), "{res:?}");
     380            2 :     }
     381              : 
     382              :     #[test]
     383            2 :     fn tracing_subscriber_configured() {
     384            2 :         // this will fail if any utils::logging::init callers appear, but let's hope they do not
     385            2 :         // appear.
     386            2 :         assert!(!super::tracing_subscriber_configured());
     387              : 
     388            2 :         let _g = setup_current_thread();
     389            2 : 
     390            2 :         assert!(super::tracing_subscriber_configured());
     391            2 :     }
     392              : 
     393              :     #[test]
     394            2 :     fn not_found_when_disabled_by_filter() {
     395            2 :         let r = tracing_subscriber::registry().with({
     396            2 :             tracing_error::ErrorLayer::default().with_filter(tracing_subscriber::filter::filter_fn(
     397            2 :                 |md| !(md.is_span() && *md.level() == tracing::Level::INFO),
     398            2 :             ))
     399            2 :         });
     400            2 : 
     401            2 :         let _guard = tracing::subscriber::set_default(r);
     402              : 
     403              :         // this test is a rather tricky one, it has a number of possible outcomes depending on the
     404              :         // execution order when executed with other tests even if no test sets the global default
     405              :         // subscriber.
     406              : 
     407            2 :         let span = tracing::info_span!("foo", e = "some value");
     408            2 :         let _guard = span.enter();
     409            2 : 
     410            2 :         let extractors: [&dyn Extractor; 1] = [&ConstExtractor::new("e")];
     411            2 : 
     412            2 :         if span.is_disabled() {
     413            2 :             // the tests are running single threaded, or we got lucky and no other tests subscriber
     414            2 :             // was got to register their per-CALLSITE::META interest between `set_default` and
     415            2 :             // creation of the span, thus the filter got to apply and registered interest of Never,
     416            2 :             // so the span was never created.
     417            2 :             //
     418            2 :             // as the span is disabled, no keys were recorded to it, leading check_fields_present0
     419            2 :             // to find an error.
     420            2 : 
     421            2 :             let missing = check_fields_present0(extractors).unwrap_err();
     422            2 :             assert_missing(missing, vec![extractors[0]]);
     423            2 :         } else {
     424              :             // when the span is enabled, it is because some other test is running at the same time,
     425              :             // and that tests registry has filters which are interested in our above span.
     426              :             //
     427              :             // because the span is now enabled, all keys will be found for it. the
     428              :             // tracing_error::SpanTrace does not consider layer filters during the span hierarchy
     429              :             // walk (SpanTrace::with_spans), nor is the SpanTrace::status a reliable indicator in
     430              :             // this test-induced issue.
     431              : 
     432            0 :             let res = check_fields_present0(extractors);
     433            0 :             assert!(matches!(res, Ok(Summary::FoundEverything)), "{res:?}");
     434              :         }
     435            2 :     }
     436              : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta