LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - safekeeper/src - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 66.2 % 515 341
Test Date: 2025-03-18 18:33:46 Functions: 68.1 % 47 32

            Line data    Source code
       1              : //! This module has everything to deal with WAL -- reading and writing to disk.
       2              : //!
       3              : //! Safekeeper WAL is stored in the timeline directory, in format similar to pg_wal.
       4              : //! PG timeline is always 1, so WAL segments are usually have names like this:
       5              : //! - 000000010000000000000001
       6              : //! - 000000010000000000000002.partial
       7              : //!
       8              : //! Note that last file has `.partial` suffix, that's different from postgres.
       9              : 
      10              : use std::cmp::{max, min};
      11              : use std::future::Future;
      12              : use std::io::{self, SeekFrom};
      13              : use std::pin::Pin;
      14              : 
      15              : use anyhow::{Context, Result, bail};
      16              : use bytes::Bytes;
      17              : use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf};
      18              : use futures::future::BoxFuture;
      19              : use postgres_ffi::v14::xlog_utils::{IsPartialXLogFileName, IsXLogFileName, XLogFromFileName};
      20              : use postgres_ffi::waldecoder::WalStreamDecoder;
      21              : use postgres_ffi::{PG_TLI, XLogFileName, XLogSegNo, dispatch_pgversion};
      22              : use pq_proto::SystemId;
      23              : use remote_storage::RemotePath;
      24              : use tokio::fs::{self, File, OpenOptions, remove_file};
      25              : use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncReadExt, AsyncSeekExt, AsyncWriteExt};
      26              : use tracing::*;
      27              : use utils::crashsafe::durable_rename;
      28              : use utils::id::TenantTimelineId;
      29              : use utils::lsn::Lsn;
      30              : 
      31              : use crate::metrics::{
      32              :     REMOVED_WAL_SEGMENTS, WAL_STORAGE_OPERATION_SECONDS, WalStorageMetrics, time_io_closure,
      33              : };
      34              : use crate::state::TimelinePersistentState;
      35              : use crate::wal_backup::{read_object, remote_timeline_path};
      36              : 
      37              : pub trait Storage {
      38              :     // Last written LSN.
      39              :     fn write_lsn(&self) -> Lsn;
      40              :     /// LSN of last durably stored WAL record.
      41              :     fn flush_lsn(&self) -> Lsn;
      42              : 
      43              :     /// Initialize segment by creating proper long header at the beginning of
      44              :     /// the segment and short header at the page of given LSN. This is only used
      45              :     /// for timeline initialization because compute will stream data only since
      46              :     /// init_lsn. Other segment headers are included in compute stream.
      47              :     fn initialize_first_segment(
      48              :         &mut self,
      49              :         init_lsn: Lsn,
      50              :     ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send;
      51              : 
      52              :     /// Write piece of WAL from buf to disk, but not necessarily sync it.
      53              :     fn write_wal(&mut self, startpos: Lsn, buf: &[u8]) -> impl Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send;
      54              : 
      55              :     /// Truncate WAL at specified LSN, which must be the end of WAL record.
      56              :     fn truncate_wal(&mut self, end_pos: Lsn) -> impl Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send;
      57              : 
      58              :     /// Durably store WAL on disk, up to the last written WAL record.
      59              :     fn flush_wal(&mut self) -> impl Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send;
      60              : 
      61              :     /// Remove all segments <= given segno. Returns function doing that as we
      62              :     /// want to perform it without timeline lock.
      63              :     fn remove_up_to(&self, segno_up_to: XLogSegNo) -> BoxFuture<'static, anyhow::Result<()>>;
      64              : 
      65              :     /// Release resources associated with the storage -- technically, close FDs.
      66              :     /// Currently we don't remove timelines until restart (#3146), so need to
      67              :     /// spare descriptors. This would be useful for temporary tli detach as
      68              :     /// well.
      69            0 :     fn close(&mut self) {}
      70              : 
      71              :     /// Get metrics for this timeline.
      72              :     fn get_metrics(&self) -> WalStorageMetrics;
      73              : }
      74              : 
      75              : /// PhysicalStorage is a storage that stores WAL on disk. Writes are separated from flushes
      76              : /// for better performance. Storage is initialized in the constructor.
      77              : ///
      78              : /// WAL is stored in segments, each segment is a file. Last segment has ".partial" suffix in
      79              : /// its filename and may be not fully flushed.
      80              : ///
      81              : /// Relationship of LSNs:
      82              : /// `write_lsn` >= `write_record_lsn` >= `flush_record_lsn`
      83              : ///
      84              : /// When storage is created first time, all LSNs are zeroes and there are no segments on disk.
      85              : pub struct PhysicalStorage {
      86              :     metrics: WalStorageMetrics,
      87              :     timeline_dir: Utf8PathBuf,
      88              : 
      89              :     /// Disables fsync if true.
      90              :     no_sync: bool,
      91              : 
      92              :     /// Size of WAL segment in bytes.
      93              :     wal_seg_size: usize,
      94              :     pg_version: u32,
      95              :     system_id: u64,
      96              : 
      97              :     /// Written to disk, but possibly still in the cache and not fully persisted.
      98              :     /// Also can be ahead of record_lsn, if happen to be in the middle of a WAL record.
      99              :     write_lsn: Lsn,
     100              : 
     101              :     /// The LSN of the last WAL record written to disk. Still can be not fully
     102              :     /// flushed.
     103              :     ///
     104              :     /// Note: Normally it (and flush_record_lsn) is <= write_lsn, but after xlog
     105              :     /// switch ingest the reverse is true because we don't bump write_lsn up to
     106              :     /// the next segment: WAL stream from the compute doesn't have the gap and
     107              :     /// for simplicity / as a sanity check we disallow any non-sequential
     108              :     /// writes, so write zeros as is.
     109              :     ///
     110              :     /// Similar effect is in theory possible due to LSN alignment: if record
     111              :     /// ends at *2, decoder will report end lsn as *8 even though we haven't
     112              :     /// written these zeros yet. In practice compute likely never sends
     113              :     /// non-aligned chunks of data.
     114              :     write_record_lsn: Lsn,
     115              : 
     116              :     /// The last LSN flushed to disk. May be in the middle of a record.
     117              :     ///
     118              :     /// NB: when the rest of the system refers to `flush_lsn`, it usually
     119              :     /// actually refers to `flush_record_lsn`. This ambiguity can be dangerous
     120              :     /// and should be resolved.
     121              :     flush_lsn: Lsn,
     122              : 
     123              :     /// The LSN of the last WAL record flushed to disk.
     124              :     flush_record_lsn: Lsn,
     125              : 
     126              :     /// Decoder is required for detecting boundaries of WAL records.
     127              :     decoder: WalStreamDecoder,
     128              : 
     129              :     /// Cached open file for the last segment.
     130              :     ///
     131              :     /// If Some(file) is open, then it always:
     132              :     /// - has ".partial" suffix
     133              :     /// - points to write_lsn, so no seek is needed for writing
     134              :     /// - doesn't point to the end of the segment
     135              :     file: Option<File>,
     136              : 
     137              :     /// When true, WAL truncation potentially has been interrupted and we need
     138              :     /// to finish it before allowing WAL writes; see truncate_wal for details.
     139              :     /// In this case [`write_lsn`] can be less than actually written WAL on
     140              :     /// disk. In particular, there can be a case with unexpected .partial file.
     141              :     ///
     142              :     /// Imagine the following:
     143              :     /// - 000000010000000000000001
     144              :     ///   - it was fully written, but the last record is split between 2
     145              :     ///     segments
     146              :     ///   - after restart, `find_end_of_wal()` returned 0/1FFFFF0, which is in
     147              :     ///     the end of this segment
     148              :     ///   - `write_lsn`, `write_record_lsn` and `flush_record_lsn` were
     149              :     ///     initialized to 0/1FFFFF0
     150              :     /// - 000000010000000000000002.partial
     151              :     ///   - it has only 1 byte written, which is not enough to make a full WAL
     152              :     ///     record
     153              :     ///
     154              :     /// Partial segment 002 has no WAL records, and it will be removed by the
     155              :     /// next truncate_wal(). This flag will be set to true after the first
     156              :     /// truncate_wal() call.
     157              :     ///
     158              :     /// [`write_lsn`]: Self::write_lsn
     159              :     pending_wal_truncation: bool,
     160              : }
     161              : 
     162              : impl PhysicalStorage {
     163              :     /// Create new storage. If commit_lsn is not zero, flush_lsn is tried to be restored from
     164              :     /// the disk. Otherwise, all LSNs are set to zero.
     165            5 :     pub fn new(
     166            5 :         ttid: &TenantTimelineId,
     167            5 :         timeline_dir: &Utf8Path,
     168            5 :         state: &TimelinePersistentState,
     169            5 :         no_sync: bool,
     170            5 :     ) -> Result<PhysicalStorage> {
     171            5 :         let wal_seg_size = state.server.wal_seg_size as usize;
     172              : 
     173              :         // Find out where stored WAL ends, starting at commit_lsn which is a
     174              :         // known recent record boundary (unless we don't have WAL at all).
     175              :         //
     176              :         // NB: find_end_of_wal MUST be backwards compatible with the previously
     177              :         // written WAL. If find_end_of_wal fails to read any WAL written by an
     178              :         // older version of the code, we could lose data forever.
     179            5 :         let write_lsn = if state.commit_lsn == Lsn(0) {
     180            5 :             Lsn(0)
     181              :         } else {
     182            0 :             let version = state.server.pg_version / 10000;
     183            0 : 
     184            0 :             dispatch_pgversion!(
     185            0 :                 version,
     186            0 :                 pgv::xlog_utils::find_end_of_wal(
     187            0 :                     timeline_dir.as_std_path(),
     188            0 :                     wal_seg_size,
     189            0 :                     state.commit_lsn,
     190            0 :                 )?,
     191            0 :                 bail!("unsupported postgres version: {}", version)
     192              :             )
     193              :         };
     194              : 
     195              :         // note: this assumes we fsync'ed whole datadir on start.
     196            5 :         let flush_lsn = write_lsn;
     197            5 : 
     198            5 :         debug!(
     199            0 :             "initialized storage for timeline {}, flush_lsn={}, commit_lsn={}, peer_horizon_lsn={}",
     200              :             ttid.timeline_id, flush_lsn, state.commit_lsn, state.peer_horizon_lsn,
     201              :         );
     202            5 :         if flush_lsn < state.commit_lsn {
     203            0 :             bail!(
     204            0 :                 "timeline {} potential data loss: flush_lsn {} by find_end_of_wal is less than commit_lsn  {} from control file",
     205            0 :                 ttid.timeline_id,
     206            0 :                 flush_lsn,
     207            0 :                 state.commit_lsn
     208            0 :             );
     209            5 :         }
     210            5 :         if flush_lsn < state.peer_horizon_lsn {
     211            0 :             warn!(
     212            0 :                 "timeline {}: flush_lsn {} is less than cfile peer_horizon_lsn {}",
     213              :                 ttid.timeline_id, flush_lsn, state.peer_horizon_lsn
     214              :             );
     215            5 :         }
     216              : 
     217            5 :         Ok(PhysicalStorage {
     218            5 :             metrics: WalStorageMetrics::default(),
     219            5 :             timeline_dir: timeline_dir.to_path_buf(),
     220            5 :             no_sync,
     221            5 :             wal_seg_size,
     222            5 :             pg_version: state.server.pg_version,
     223            5 :             system_id: state.server.system_id,
     224            5 :             write_lsn,
     225            5 :             write_record_lsn: write_lsn,
     226            5 :             flush_lsn,
     227            5 :             flush_record_lsn: flush_lsn,
     228            5 :             decoder: WalStreamDecoder::new(write_lsn, state.server.pg_version / 10000),
     229            5 :             file: None,
     230            5 :             pending_wal_truncation: true,
     231            5 :         })
     232            5 :     }
     233              : 
     234              :     /// Get all known state of the storage.
     235            0 :     pub fn internal_state(&self) -> (Lsn, Lsn, Lsn, bool) {
     236            0 :         (
     237            0 :             self.write_lsn,
     238            0 :             self.write_record_lsn,
     239            0 :             self.flush_record_lsn,
     240            0 :             self.file.is_some(),
     241            0 :         )
     242            0 :     }
     243              : 
     244              :     /// Call fsync if config requires so.
     245            5 :     async fn fsync_file(&mut self, file: &File) -> Result<()> {
     246            5 :         if !self.no_sync {
     247            5 :             self.metrics
     248            5 :                 .observe_flush_seconds(time_io_closure(file.sync_all()).await?);
     249            0 :         }
     250            5 :         Ok(())
     251            5 :     }
     252              : 
     253              :     /// Call fdatasync if config requires so.
     254          620 :     async fn fdatasync_file(&mut self, file: &File) -> Result<()> {
     255          620 :         if !self.no_sync {
     256          620 :             self.metrics
     257          620 :                 .observe_flush_seconds(time_io_closure(file.sync_data()).await?);
     258            0 :         }
     259          620 :         Ok(())
     260          620 :     }
     261              : 
     262              :     /// Open or create WAL segment file. Caller must call seek to the wanted position.
     263              :     /// Returns `file` and `is_partial`.
     264           15 :     async fn open_or_create(&mut self, segno: XLogSegNo) -> Result<(File, bool)> {
     265           15 :         let (wal_file_path, wal_file_partial_path) =
     266           15 :             wal_file_paths(&self.timeline_dir, segno, self.wal_seg_size);
     267              : 
     268              :         // Try to open already completed segment
     269           15 :         if let Ok(file) = OpenOptions::new().write(true).open(&wal_file_path).await {
     270            0 :             Ok((file, false))
     271           15 :         } else if let Ok(file) = OpenOptions::new()
     272           15 :             .write(true)
     273           15 :             .open(&wal_file_partial_path)
     274           15 :             .await
     275              :         {
     276              :             // Try to open existing partial file
     277           10 :             Ok((file, true))
     278              :         } else {
     279            5 :             let _timer = WAL_STORAGE_OPERATION_SECONDS
     280            5 :                 .with_label_values(&["initialize_segment"])
     281            5 :                 .start_timer();
     282            5 :             // Create and fill new partial file
     283            5 :             //
     284            5 :             // We're using fdatasync during WAL writing, so file size must not
     285            5 :             // change; to this end it is filled with zeros here. To avoid using
     286            5 :             // half initialized segment, first bake it under tmp filename and
     287            5 :             // then rename.
     288            5 :             let tmp_path = self.timeline_dir.join("waltmp");
     289            5 :             let file = File::create(&tmp_path)
     290            5 :                 .await
     291            5 :                 .with_context(|| format!("Failed to open tmp wal file {:?}", &tmp_path))?;
     292              : 
     293            5 :             fail::fail_point!("sk-zero-segment", |_| {
     294            0 :                 info!("sk-zero-segment failpoint hit");
     295            0 :                 Err(anyhow::anyhow!("failpoint: sk-zero-segment"))
     296            5 :             });
     297            5 :             file.set_len(self.wal_seg_size as u64).await?;
     298              : 
     299            5 :             if let Err(e) = durable_rename(&tmp_path, &wal_file_partial_path, !self.no_sync).await {
     300              :                 // Probably rename succeeded, but fsync of it failed. Remove
     301              :                 // the file then to avoid using it.
     302            0 :                 remove_file(wal_file_partial_path)
     303            0 :                     .await
     304            0 :                     .or_else(utils::fs_ext::ignore_not_found)?;
     305            0 :                 return Err(e.into());
     306            5 :             }
     307            5 :             Ok((file, true))
     308              :         }
     309           15 :     }
     310              : 
     311              :     /// Write WAL bytes, which are known to be located in a single WAL segment. Returns true if the
     312              :     /// segment was completed, closed, and flushed to disk.
     313          620 :     async fn write_in_segment(&mut self, segno: u64, xlogoff: usize, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<bool> {
     314          620 :         let mut file = if let Some(file) = self.file.take() {
     315          615 :             file
     316              :         } else {
     317            5 :             let (mut file, is_partial) = self.open_or_create(segno).await?;
     318            5 :             assert!(is_partial, "unexpected write into non-partial segment file");
     319            5 :    as u64)).await?;
     320            5 :             file
     321              :         };
     322              : 
     323          620 :         file.write_all(buf).await?;
     324              :         // Note: flush just ensures write above reaches the OS (this is not
     325              :         // needed in case of sync IO as Write::write there calls directly write
     326              :         // syscall, but needed in case of async). It does *not* fsyncs the file.
     327          620 :         file.flush().await?;
     328              : 
     329          620 :         if xlogoff + buf.len() == self.wal_seg_size {
     330              :             // If we reached the end of a WAL segment, flush and close it.
     331            0 :             self.fdatasync_file(&file).await?;
     332              : 
     333              :             // Rename partial file to completed file
     334            0 :             let (wal_file_path, wal_file_partial_path) =
     335            0 :                 wal_file_paths(&self.timeline_dir, segno, self.wal_seg_size);
     336            0 :             fs::rename(wal_file_partial_path, wal_file_path).await?;
     337            0 :             Ok(true)
     338              :         } else {
     339              :             // otherwise, file can be reused later
     340          620 :             self.file = Some(file);
     341          620 :             Ok(false)
     342              :         }
     343          620 :     }
     344              : 
     345              :     /// Writes WAL to the segment files, until everything is writed. If some segments
     346              :     /// are fully written, they are flushed to disk. The last (partial) segment can
     347              :     /// be flushed separately later.
     348              :     ///
     349              :     /// Updates `write_lsn` and `flush_lsn`.
     350          620 :     async fn write_exact(&mut self, pos: Lsn, mut buf: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
     351          620 :         // TODO: this shouldn't be possible, except possibly with write_lsn == 0.
     352          620 :         // Rename this method to `append_exact`, and make it append-only, removing
     353          620 :         // the `pos` parameter and this check. For this reason, we don't update
     354          620 :         // `flush_lsn` here.
     355          620 :         if self.write_lsn != pos {
     356              :             // need to flush the file before discarding it
     357            0 :             if let Some(file) = self.file.take() {
     358            0 :                 self.fdatasync_file(&file).await?;
     359            0 :             }
     360              : 
     361            0 :             self.write_lsn = pos;
     362          620 :         }
     363              : 
     364         1240 :         while !buf.is_empty() {
     365              :             // Extract WAL location for this block
     366          620 :             let xlogoff = self.write_lsn.segment_offset(self.wal_seg_size);
     367          620 :             let segno = self.write_lsn.segment_number(self.wal_seg_size);
     368              : 
     369              :             // If crossing a WAL boundary, only write up until we reach wal segment size.
     370          620 :             let bytes_write = if xlogoff + buf.len() > self.wal_seg_size {
     371            0 :                 self.wal_seg_size - xlogoff
     372              :             } else {
     373          620 :                 buf.len()
     374              :             };
     375              : 
     376          620 :             let flushed = self
     377          620 :                 .write_in_segment(segno, xlogoff, &buf[..bytes_write])
     378          620 :                 .await?;
     379          620 :             self.write_lsn += bytes_write as u64;
     380          620 :             if flushed {
     381            0 :                 self.flush_lsn = self.write_lsn;
     382          620 :             }
     383          620 :             buf = &buf[bytes_write..];
     384              :         }
     385              : 
     386          620 :         Ok(())
     387          620 :     }
     388              : }
     389              : 
     390              : impl Storage for PhysicalStorage {
     391              :     // Last written LSN.
     392          620 :     fn write_lsn(&self) -> Lsn {
     393          620 :         self.write_lsn
     394          620 :     }
     395              :     /// flush_lsn returns LSN of last durably stored WAL record.
     396              :     ///
     397              :     /// TODO: flush_lsn() returns flush_record_lsn, but write_lsn() returns write_lsn: confusing.
     398              :     #[allow(clippy::misnamed_getters)]
     399         5091 :     fn flush_lsn(&self) -> Lsn {
     400         5091 :         self.flush_record_lsn
     401         5091 :     }
     402              : 
     403            5 :     async fn initialize_first_segment(&mut self, init_lsn: Lsn) -> Result<()> {
     404            5 :         let _timer = WAL_STORAGE_OPERATION_SECONDS
     405            5 :             .with_label_values(&["initialize_first_segment"])
     406            5 :             .start_timer();
     407            5 : 
     408            5 :         let segno = init_lsn.segment_number(self.wal_seg_size);
     409            5 :         let (mut file, _) = self.open_or_create(segno).await?;
     410            5 :         let major_pg_version = self.pg_version / 10000;
     411            5 :         let wal_seg =
     412            5 :             postgres_ffi::generate_wal_segment(segno, self.system_id, major_pg_version, init_lsn)?;
     413            5 :;
     414            5 :         file.write_all(&wal_seg).await?;
     415            5 :         file.flush().await?;
     416            5 :         info!("initialized segno {} at lsn {}", segno, init_lsn);
     417              :         // note: file is *not* fsynced
     418            5 :         Ok(())
     419            5 :     }
     420              : 
     421              :     /// Write WAL to disk.
     422          620 :     async fn write_wal(&mut self, startpos: Lsn, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
     423          620 :         // Disallow any non-sequential writes, which can result in gaps or overwrites.
     424          620 :         // If we need to move the pointer, use truncate_wal() instead.
     425          620 :         if self.write_lsn > startpos {
     426            0 :             bail!(
     427            0 :                 "write_wal rewrites WAL written before, write_lsn={}, startpos={}",
     428            0 :                 self.write_lsn,
     429            0 :                 startpos
     430            0 :             );
     431          620 :         }
     432          620 :         if self.write_lsn < startpos && self.write_lsn != Lsn(0) {
     433            0 :             bail!(
     434            0 :                 "write_wal creates gap in written WAL, write_lsn={}, startpos={}",
     435            0 :                 self.write_lsn,
     436            0 :                 startpos
     437            0 :             );
     438          620 :         }
     439          620 :         if self.pending_wal_truncation {
     440            0 :             bail!(
     441            0 :                 "write_wal called with pending WAL truncation, write_lsn={}, startpos={}",
     442            0 :                 self.write_lsn,
     443            0 :                 startpos
     444            0 :             );
     445          620 :         }
     446              : 
     447          620 :         let write_seconds = time_io_closure(self.write_exact(startpos, buf)).await?;
     448              :         // WAL is written, updating write metrics
     449          620 :         self.metrics.observe_write_seconds(write_seconds);
     450          620 :         self.metrics.observe_write_bytes(buf.len());
     451          620 : 
     452          620 :         // Figure out the last record's end LSN and update `write_record_lsn`
     453          620 :         // (if we got a whole record). The write may also have closed and
     454          620 :         // flushed a segment, so update `flush_record_lsn` as well.
     455          620 :         if self.decoder.available() != startpos {
     456            5 :             info!(
     457            0 :                 "restart decoder from {} to {}",
     458            0 :                 self.decoder.available(),
     459              :                 startpos,
     460              :             );
     461            5 :             let pg_version = self.decoder.pg_version;
     462            5 :             self.decoder = WalStreamDecoder::new(startpos, pg_version);
     463          615 :         }
     464          620 :         self.decoder.feed_bytes(buf);
     465          620 : 
     466          620 :         if self.write_record_lsn <= self.flush_lsn {
     467          620 :             // We may have flushed a previously written record.
     468          620 :             self.flush_record_lsn = self.write_record_lsn;
     469          620 :         }
     470         1240 :         while let Some((lsn, _rec)) = self.decoder.poll_decode()? {
     471          620 :             self.write_record_lsn = lsn;
     472          620 :             if lsn <= self.flush_lsn {
     473            0 :                 self.flush_record_lsn = lsn;
     474          620 :             }
     475              :         }
     476              : 
     477          620 :         Ok(())
     478          620 :     }
     479              : 
     480          620 :     async fn flush_wal(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
     481          620 :         if self.flush_record_lsn == self.write_record_lsn {
     482              :             // no need to do extra flush
     483            0 :             return Ok(());
     484          620 :         }
     485              : 
     486          620 :         if let Some(unflushed_file) = self.file.take() {
     487          620 :             self.fdatasync_file(&unflushed_file).await?;
     488          620 :             self.file = Some(unflushed_file);
     489              :         } else {
     490              :             // We have unflushed data (write_lsn != flush_lsn), but no file. This
     491              :             // shouldn't happen, since the segment is flushed on close.
     492            0 :             bail!(
     493            0 :                 "unexpected unflushed data with no open file, write_lsn={}, flush_lsn={}",
     494            0 :                 self.write_lsn,
     495            0 :                 self.flush_record_lsn
     496            0 :             );
     497              :         }
     498              : 
     499              :         // everything is flushed now, let's update flush_lsn
     500          620 :         self.flush_lsn = self.write_lsn;
     501          620 :         self.flush_record_lsn = self.write_record_lsn;
     502          620 :         Ok(())
     503          620 :     }
     504              : 
     505              :     /// Truncate written WAL by removing all WAL segments after the given LSN.
     506              :     /// end_pos must point to the end of the WAL record.
     507            5 :     async fn truncate_wal(&mut self, end_pos: Lsn) -> Result<()> {
     508            5 :         let _timer = WAL_STORAGE_OPERATION_SECONDS
     509            5 :             .with_label_values(&["truncate_wal"])
     510            5 :             .start_timer();
     511            5 : 
     512            5 :         // Streaming must not create a hole, so truncate cannot be called on
     513            5 :         // non-written lsn.
     514            5 :         if self.write_record_lsn != Lsn(0) && end_pos > self.write_record_lsn {
     515            0 :             bail!(
     516            0 :                 "truncate_wal called on non-written WAL, write_record_lsn={}, end_pos={}",
     517            0 :                 self.write_record_lsn,
     518            0 :                 end_pos
     519            0 :             );
     520            5 :         }
     521            5 : 
     522            5 :         // Quick exit if nothing to do and we know that the state is clean to
     523            5 :         // avoid writing up to 16 MiB of zeros on disk (this happens on each
     524            5 :         // connect).
     525            5 :         if !self.pending_wal_truncation
     526            0 :             && end_pos == self.write_lsn
     527            0 :             && end_pos == self.flush_record_lsn
     528              :         {
     529            0 :             return Ok(());
     530            5 :         }
     531            5 : 
     532            5 :         // Atomicity: we start with LSNs reset because once on disk deletion is
     533            5 :         // started it can't be reversed. However, we might crash/error in the
     534            5 :         // middle, leaving garbage above the truncation point. In theory,
     535            5 :         // concatenated with previous records it might form bogus WAL (though
     536            5 :         // very unlikely in practice because CRC would guard from that). To
     537            5 :         // protect, set pending_wal_truncation flag before beginning: it means
     538            5 :         // truncation must be retried and WAL writes are prohibited until it
     539            5 :         // succeeds. Flag is also set on boot because we don't know if the last
     540            5 :         // state was clean.
     541            5 :         //
     542            5 :         // Protocol (HandleElected before first AppendRequest) ensures we'll
     543            5 :         // always try to ensure clean truncation before any writes.
     544            5 :         self.pending_wal_truncation = true;
     545            5 : 
     546            5 :         self.write_lsn = end_pos;
     547            5 :         self.flush_lsn = end_pos;
     548            5 :         self.write_record_lsn = end_pos;
     549            5 :         self.flush_record_lsn = end_pos;
     550              : 
     551              :         // Close previously opened file, if any
     552            5 :         if let Some(unflushed_file) = self.file.take() {
     553            0 :             self.fdatasync_file(&unflushed_file).await?;
     554            5 :         }
     555              : 
     556            5 :         let xlogoff = end_pos.segment_offset(self.wal_seg_size);
     557            5 :         let segno = end_pos.segment_number(self.wal_seg_size);
     558            5 : 
     559            5 :         // Remove all segments after the given LSN.
     560            5 :         remove_segments_from_disk(&self.timeline_dir, self.wal_seg_size, |x| x > segno).await?;
     561              : 
     562            5 :         let (file, is_partial) = self.open_or_create(segno).await?;
     563              : 
     564              :         // Fill end with zeroes
     565            5 :         file.set_len(xlogoff as u64).await?;
     566            5 :         file.set_len(self.wal_seg_size as u64).await?;
     567            5 :         self.fsync_file(&file).await?;
     568              : 
     569            5 :         if !is_partial {
     570              :             // Make segment partial once again
     571            0 :             let (wal_file_path, wal_file_partial_path) =
     572            0 :                 wal_file_paths(&self.timeline_dir, segno, self.wal_seg_size);
     573            0 :             fs::rename(wal_file_path, wal_file_partial_path).await?;
     574            5 :         }
     575              : 
     576            5 :         self.pending_wal_truncation = false;
     577            5 :         info!("truncated WAL to {}", end_pos);
     578            5 :         Ok(())
     579            5 :     }
     580              : 
     581            0 :     fn remove_up_to(&self, segno_up_to: XLogSegNo) -> BoxFuture<'static, anyhow::Result<()>> {
     582            0 :         let timeline_dir = self.timeline_dir.clone();
     583            0 :         let wal_seg_size = self.wal_seg_size;
     584            0 :         Box::pin(async move {
     585            0 :             remove_segments_from_disk(&timeline_dir, wal_seg_size, |x| x <= segno_up_to).await
     586            0 :         })
     587            0 :     }
     588              : 
     589            0 :     fn close(&mut self) {
     590            0 :         // close happens in destructor
     591            0 :         let _open_file = self.file.take();
     592            0 :     }
     593              : 
     594            0 :     fn get_metrics(&self) -> WalStorageMetrics {
     595            0 :         self.metrics.clone()
     596            0 :     }
     597              : }
     598              : 
     599              : /// Remove all WAL segments in timeline_dir that match the given predicate.
     600            5 : async fn remove_segments_from_disk(
     601            5 :     timeline_dir: &Utf8Path,
     602            5 :     wal_seg_size: usize,
     603            5 :     remove_predicate: impl Fn(XLogSegNo) -> bool,
     604            5 : ) -> Result<()> {
     605            5 :     let _timer = WAL_STORAGE_OPERATION_SECONDS
     606            5 :         .with_label_values(&["remove_segments_from_disk"])
     607            5 :         .start_timer();
     608            5 : 
     609            5 :     let mut n_removed = 0;
     610            5 :     let mut min_removed = u64::MAX;
     611            5 :     let mut max_removed = u64::MIN;
     612              : 
     613            5 :     let mut entries = fs::read_dir(timeline_dir).await?;
     614           15 :     while let Some(entry) = entries.next_entry().await? {
     615           10 :         let entry_path = entry.path();
     616           10 :         let fname = entry_path.file_name().unwrap();
     617           10 :         /* Ignore files that are not XLOG segments */
     618           10 :         if !IsXLogFileName(fname) && !IsPartialXLogFileName(fname) {
     619            5 :             continue;
     620            5 :         }
     621            5 :         let (segno, _) = XLogFromFileName(fname, wal_seg_size)?;
     622            5 :         if remove_predicate(segno) {
     623            0 :             remove_file(entry_path).await?;
     624            0 :             n_removed += 1;
     625            0 :             min_removed = min(min_removed, segno);
     626            0 :             max_removed = max(max_removed, segno);
     627            0 :   ;
     628            5 :         }
     629              :     }
     630              : 
     631            5 :     if n_removed > 0 {
     632            0 :         info!(
     633            0 :             "removed {} WAL segments [{}; {}]",
     634              :             n_removed, min_removed, max_removed
     635              :         );
     636            5 :     }
     637            5 :     Ok(())
     638            5 : }
     639              : 
     640              : pub struct WalReader {
     641              :     remote_path: RemotePath,
     642              :     timeline_dir: Utf8PathBuf,
     643              :     wal_seg_size: usize,
     644              :     pos: Lsn,
     645              :     wal_segment: Option<Pin<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Sync>>>,
     646              : 
     647              :     // S3 will be used to read WAL if LSN is not available locally
     648              :     enable_remote_read: bool,
     649              : 
     650              :     // We don't have WAL locally if LSN is less than local_start_lsn
     651              :     local_start_lsn: Lsn,
     652              :     // We will respond with zero-ed bytes before this Lsn as long as
     653              :     // pos is in the same segment as timeline_start_lsn.
     654              :     timeline_start_lsn: Lsn,
     655              :     // integer version number of PostgreSQL, e.g. 14; 15; 16
     656              :     pg_version: u32,
     657              :     system_id: SystemId,
     658              :     timeline_start_segment: Option<Bytes>,
     659              : }
     660              : 
     661              : impl WalReader {
     662            9 :     pub fn new(
     663            9 :         ttid: &TenantTimelineId,
     664            9 :         timeline_dir: Utf8PathBuf,
     665            9 :         state: &TimelinePersistentState,
     666            9 :         start_pos: Lsn,
     667            9 :         enable_remote_read: bool,
     668            9 :     ) -> Result<Self> {
     669            9 :         if state.server.wal_seg_size == 0 || state.local_start_lsn == Lsn(0) {
     670            0 :             bail!("state uninitialized, no data to read");
     671            9 :         }
     672            9 : 
     673            9 :         // TODO: Upgrade to bail!() once we know this couldn't possibly happen
     674            9 :         if state.timeline_start_lsn == Lsn(0) {
     675            0 :             warn!("timeline_start_lsn uninitialized before initializing wal reader");
     676            9 :         }
     677              : 
     678            9 :         if start_pos
     679            9 :             < state
     680            9 :                 .timeline_start_lsn
     681            9 :                 .segment_lsn(state.server.wal_seg_size as usize)
     682              :         {
     683            0 :             bail!(
     684            0 :                 "Requested streaming from {}, which is before the start of the timeline {}, and also doesn't start at the first segment of that timeline",
     685            0 :                 start_pos,
     686            0 :                 state.timeline_start_lsn
     687            0 :             );
     688            9 :         }
     689            9 : 
     690            9 :         Ok(Self {
     691            9 :             remote_path: remote_timeline_path(ttid)?,
     692            9 :             timeline_dir,
     693            9 :             wal_seg_size: state.server.wal_seg_size as usize,
     694            9 :             pos: start_pos,
     695            9 :             wal_segment: None,
     696            9 :             enable_remote_read,
     697            9 :             local_start_lsn: state.local_start_lsn,
     698            9 :             timeline_start_lsn: state.timeline_start_lsn,
     699            9 :             pg_version: state.server.pg_version / 10000,
     700            9 :             system_id: state.server.system_id,
     701            9 :             timeline_start_segment: None,
     702              :         })
     703            9 :     }
     704              : 
     705              :     /// Read WAL at current position into provided buf, returns number of bytes
     706              :     /// read. It can be smaller than buf size only if segment boundary is
     707              :     /// reached.
     708           83 :     pub async fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize> {
     709           83 :         // If this timeline is new, we may not have a full segment yet, so
     710           83 :         // we pad the first bytes of the timeline's first WAL segment with 0s
     711           83 :         if self.pos < self.timeline_start_lsn {
     712            0 :             debug_assert_eq!(
     713            0 :                 self.pos.segment_number(self.wal_seg_size),
     714            0 :                 self.timeline_start_lsn.segment_number(self.wal_seg_size)
     715              :             );
     716              : 
     717              :             // All bytes after timeline_start_lsn are in WAL, but those before
     718              :             // are not, so we manually construct an empty segment for the bytes
     719              :             // not available in this timeline.
     720            0 :             if self.timeline_start_segment.is_none() {
     721            0 :                 let it = postgres_ffi::generate_wal_segment(
     722            0 :                     self.timeline_start_lsn.segment_number(self.wal_seg_size),
     723            0 :                     self.system_id,
     724            0 :                     self.pg_version,
     725            0 :                     self.timeline_start_lsn,
     726            0 :                 )?;
     727            0 :                 self.timeline_start_segment = Some(it);
     728            0 :             }
     729              : 
     730            0 :             assert!(self.timeline_start_segment.is_some());
     731            0 :             let segment = self.timeline_start_segment.take().unwrap();
     732            0 : 
     733            0 :             let seg_bytes = &segment[..];
     734            0 : 
     735            0 :             // How much of the current segment have we already consumed?
     736            0 :             let pos_seg_offset = self.pos.segment_offset(self.wal_seg_size);
     737            0 : 
     738            0 :             // How many bytes may we consume in total?
     739            0 :             let tl_start_seg_offset = self.timeline_start_lsn.segment_offset(self.wal_seg_size);
     740            0 : 
     741            0 :             debug_assert!(seg_bytes.len() > pos_seg_offset);
     742            0 :             debug_assert!(seg_bytes.len() > tl_start_seg_offset);
     743              : 
     744              :             // Copy as many bytes as possible into the buffer
     745            0 :             let len = (tl_start_seg_offset - pos_seg_offset).min(buf.len());
     746            0 :             buf[0..len].copy_from_slice(&seg_bytes[pos_seg_offset..pos_seg_offset + len]);
     747            0 : 
     748            0 :             self.pos += len as u64;
     749            0 : 
     750            0 :             // If we're done with the segment, we can release it's memory.
     751            0 :             // However, if we're not yet done, store it so that we don't have to
     752            0 :             // construct the segment the next time this function is called.
     753            0 :             if self.pos < self.timeline_start_lsn {
     754            0 :                 self.timeline_start_segment = Some(segment);
     755            0 :             }
     756              : 
     757            0 :             return Ok(len);
     758           83 :         }
     759              : 
     760           83 :         let mut wal_segment = match self.wal_segment.take() {
     761           74 :             Some(reader) => reader,
     762            9 :             None => self.open_segment().await?,
     763              :         };
     764              : 
     765              :         // How much to read and send in message? We cannot cross the WAL file
     766              :         // boundary, and we don't want send more than provided buffer.
     767           82 :         let xlogoff = self.pos.segment_offset(self.wal_seg_size);
     768           82 :         let send_size = min(buf.len(), self.wal_seg_size - xlogoff);
     769           82 : 
     770           82 :         // Read some data from the file.
     771           82 :         let buf = &mut buf[0..send_size];
     772           82 :         let send_size = wal_segment.read_exact(buf).await?;
     773           81 :         self.pos += send_size as u64;
     774           81 : 
     775           81 :         // Decide whether to reuse this file. If we don't set wal_segment here
     776           81 :         // a new reader will be opened next time.
     777           81 :         if self.pos.segment_offset(self.wal_seg_size) != 0 {
     778           81 :             self.wal_segment = Some(wal_segment);
     779           81 :         }
     780              : 
     781           81 :         Ok(send_size)
     782           81 :     }
     783              : 
     784              :     /// Open WAL segment at the current position of the reader.
     785            9 :     async fn open_segment(&self) -> Result<Pin<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Sync>>> {
     786            9 :         let xlogoff = self.pos.segment_offset(self.wal_seg_size);
     787            9 :         let segno = self.pos.segment_number(self.wal_seg_size);
     788            9 :         let wal_file_name = XLogFileName(PG_TLI, segno, self.wal_seg_size);
     789            9 : 
     790            9 :         // Try to open local file, if we may have WAL locally
     791            9 :         if self.pos >= self.local_start_lsn {
     792            9 :             let res = open_wal_file(&self.timeline_dir, segno, self.wal_seg_size).await;
     793            9 :             match res {
     794            9 :                 Ok((mut file, _)) => {
     795            9 :            as u64)).await?;
     796            8 :                     return Ok(Box::pin(file));
     797              :                 }
     798            0 :                 Err(e) => {
     799            0 :                     let is_not_found = e.chain().any(|e| {
     800            0 :                         if let Some(e) = e.downcast_ref::<io::Error>() {
     801            0 :                             e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound
     802              :                         } else {
     803            0 :                             false
     804              :                         }
     805            0 :                     });
     806            0 :                     if !is_not_found {
     807            0 :                         return Err(e);
     808            0 :                     }
     809              :                     // NotFound is expected, fall through to remote read
     810              :                 }
     811              :             };
     812            0 :         }
     813              : 
     814              :         // Try to open remote file, if remote reads are enabled
     815            0 :         if self.enable_remote_read {
     816            0 :             let remote_wal_file_path = self.remote_path.join(&wal_file_name);
     817            0 :             return read_object(&remote_wal_file_path, xlogoff as u64).await;
     818            0 :         }
     819            0 : 
     820            0 :         bail!("WAL segment is not found")
     821            8 :     }
     822              : }
     823              : 
     824              : /// Helper function for opening WAL segment `segno` in `dir`. Returns file and
     825              : /// whether it is .partial.
     826            9 : pub(crate) async fn open_wal_file(
     827            9 :     timeline_dir: &Utf8Path,
     828            9 :     segno: XLogSegNo,
     829            9 :     wal_seg_size: usize,
     830            9 : ) -> Result<(tokio::fs::File, bool)> {
     831            9 :     let (wal_file_path, wal_file_partial_path) = wal_file_paths(timeline_dir, segno, wal_seg_size);
     832            9 : 
     833            9 :     // First try to open the .partial file.
     834            9 :     let mut partial_path = wal_file_path.to_owned();
     835            9 :     partial_path.set_extension("partial");
     836            9 :     if let Ok(opened_file) = tokio::fs::File::open(&wal_file_partial_path).await {
     837            9 :         return Ok((opened_file, true));
     838            0 :     }
     839              : 
     840              :     // If that failed, try it without the .partial extension.
     841            0 :     let pf = tokio::fs::File::open(&wal_file_path)
     842            0 :         .await
     843            0 :         .with_context(|| format!("failed to open WAL file {:#}", wal_file_path))
     844            0 :         .map_err(|e| {
     845            0 :             warn!("{}", e);
     846            0 :             e
     847            0 :         })?;
     848              : 
     849            0 :     Ok((pf, false))
     850            9 : }
     851              : 
     852              : /// Helper returning full path to WAL segment file and its .partial brother.
     853           24 : pub fn wal_file_paths(
     854           24 :     timeline_dir: &Utf8Path,
     855           24 :     segno: XLogSegNo,
     856           24 :     wal_seg_size: usize,
     857           24 : ) -> (Utf8PathBuf, Utf8PathBuf) {
     858           24 :     let wal_file_name = XLogFileName(PG_TLI, segno, wal_seg_size);
     859           24 :     let wal_file_path = timeline_dir.join(wal_file_name.clone());
     860           24 :     let wal_file_partial_path = timeline_dir.join(wal_file_name + ".partial");
     861           24 :     (wal_file_path, wal_file_partial_path)
     862           24 : }

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