LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libs/utils/src/sync - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 94.8 % 422 400
Test Date: 2025-03-18 18:33:46 Functions: 83.3 % 144 120

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
       2              : use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard};
       3              : 
       4              : use tokio::sync::Semaphore;
       5              : 
       6              : /// Custom design like [`tokio::sync::OnceCell`] but using [`OwnedSemaphorePermit`] instead of
       7              : /// `SemaphorePermit`.
       8              : ///
       9              : /// Allows use of `take` which does not require holding an outer mutex guard
      10              : /// for the duration of initialization.
      11              : ///
      12              : /// Has no unsafe, builds upon [`tokio::sync::Semaphore`] and [`std::sync::Mutex`].
      13              : ///
      14              : /// [`OwnedSemaphorePermit`]: tokio::sync::OwnedSemaphorePermit
      15              : pub struct OnceCell<T> {
      16              :     inner: Mutex<Inner<T>>,
      17              :     initializers: AtomicUsize,
      18              : }
      19              : 
      20              : impl<T> Default for OnceCell<T> {
      21              :     /// Create new uninitialized [`OnceCell`].
      22           22 :     fn default() -> Self {
      23           22 :         Self {
      24           22 :             inner: Default::default(),
      25           22 :             initializers: AtomicUsize::new(0),
      26           22 :         }
      27           22 :     }
      28              : }
      29              : 
      30              : /// Semaphore is the current state:
      31              : /// - open semaphore means the value is `None`, not yet initialized
      32              : /// - closed semaphore means the value has been initialized
      33              : #[derive(Debug)]
      34              : struct Inner<T> {
      35              :     init_semaphore: Arc<Semaphore>,
      36              :     value: Option<T>,
      37              : }
      38              : 
      39              : impl<T> Default for Inner<T> {
      40         1522 :     fn default() -> Self {
      41         1522 :         Self {
      42         1522 :             init_semaphore: Arc::new(Semaphore::new(1)),
      43         1522 :             value: None,
      44         1522 :         }
      45         1522 :     }
      46              : }
      47              : 
      48              : impl<T> OnceCell<T> {
      49              :     /// Creates an already initialized `OnceCell` with the given value.
      50         3862 :     pub fn new(value: T) -> Self {
      51         3862 :         let sem = Semaphore::new(1);
      52         3862 :         sem.close();
      53         3862 :         Self {
      54         3862 :             inner: Mutex::new(Inner {
      55         3862 :                 init_semaphore: Arc::new(sem),
      56         3862 :                 value: Some(value),
      57         3862 :             }),
      58         3862 :             initializers: AtomicUsize::new(0),
      59         3862 :         }
      60         3862 :     }
      61              : 
      62              :     /// Returns a guard to an existing initialized value, or uniquely initializes the value before
      63              :     /// returning the guard.
      64              :     ///
      65              :     /// Initializing might wait on any existing [`Guard::take_and_deinit`] deinitialization.
      66              :     ///
      67              :     /// Initialization is panic-safe and cancellation-safe.
      68          119 :     pub async fn get_or_init<F, Fut, E>(&self, factory: F) -> Result<Guard<'_, T>, E>
      69          119 :     where
      70          119 :         F: FnOnce(InitPermit) -> Fut,
      71          119 :         Fut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<(T, InitPermit), E>>,
      72          119 :     {
      73              :         loop {
      74           20 :             let sem = {
      75          120 :                 let guard = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
      76          120 :                 if guard.value.is_some() {
      77          100 :                     return Ok(Guard(guard));
      78           20 :                 }
      79           20 :                 guard.init_semaphore.clone()
      80              :             };
      81              : 
      82              :             {
      83           19 :                 let permit = {
      84              :                     // increment the count for the duration of queued
      85           20 :                     let _guard = CountWaitingInitializers::start(self);
      86           20 :                     sem.acquire().await
      87              :                 };
      88              : 
      89           19 :                 let Ok(permit) = permit else {
      90            1 :                     let guard = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
      91            1 :                     if !Arc::ptr_eq(&sem, &guard.init_semaphore) {
      92              :                         // there was a take_and_deinit in between
      93            1 :                         continue;
      94            0 :                     }
      95            0 :                     assert!(
      96            0 :                         guard.value.is_some(),
      97            0 :                         "semaphore got closed, must be initialized"
      98              :                     );
      99            0 :                     return Ok(Guard(guard));
     100              :                 };
     101              : 
     102           18 :                 permit.forget();
     103           18 :             }
     104           18 : 
     105           18 :             let permit = InitPermit(sem);
     106           18 :             let (value, _permit) = factory(permit).await?;
     107              : 
     108            7 :             let guard = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
     109            7 : 
     110            7 :             return Ok(Self::set0(value, guard));
     111              :         }
     112          117 :     }
     113              : 
     114              :     /// Returns a guard to an existing initialized value, or returns an unique initialization
     115              :     /// permit which can be used to initialize this `OnceCell` using `OnceCell::set`.
     116       479775 :     pub async fn get_or_init_detached(&self) -> Result<Guard<'_, T>, InitPermit> {
     117              :         // It looks like OnceCell::get_or_init could be implemented using this method instead of
     118              :         // duplication. However, that makes the future be !Send due to possibly holding on to the
     119              :         // MutexGuard over an await point.
     120              :         loop {
     121           57 :             let sem = {
     122       479775 :                 let guard = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
     123       479775 :                 if guard.value.is_some() {
     124       479718 :                     return Ok(Guard(guard));
     125           57 :                 }
     126           57 :                 guard.init_semaphore.clone()
     127              :             };
     128              : 
     129              :             {
     130           57 :                 let permit = {
     131              :                     // increment the count for the duration of queued
     132           57 :                     let _guard = CountWaitingInitializers::start(self);
     133           57 :                     sem.acquire().await
     134              :                 };
     135              : 
     136           57 :                 let Ok(permit) = permit else {
     137            0 :                     let guard = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
     138            0 :                     if !Arc::ptr_eq(&sem, &guard.init_semaphore) {
     139              :                         // there was a take_and_deinit in between
     140            0 :                         continue;
     141            0 :                     }
     142            0 :                     assert!(
     143            0 :                         guard.value.is_some(),
     144            0 :                         "semaphore got closed, must be initialized"
     145              :                     );
     146            0 :                     return Ok(Guard(guard));
     147              :                 };
     148              : 
     149           57 :                 permit.forget();
     150           57 :             }
     151           57 : 
     152           57 :             let permit = InitPermit(sem);
     153           57 :             return Err(permit);
     154              :         }
     155            1 :     }
     156              : 
     157              :     /// Assuming a permit is held after previous call to [`Guard::take_and_deinit`], it can be used
     158              :     /// to complete initializing the inner value.
     159              :     ///
     160              :     /// # Panics
     161              :     ///
     162              :     /// If the inner has already been initialized.
     163           64 :     pub fn set(&self, value: T, _permit: InitPermit) -> Guard<'_, T> {
     164           64 :         let guard = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
     165           64 : 
     166           64 :         // cannot assert that this permit is for self.inner.semaphore, but we can assert it cannot
     167           64 :         // give more permits right now.
     168           64 :         if guard.init_semaphore.try_acquire().is_ok() {
     169            0 :             drop(guard);
     170            0 :             panic!("permit is of wrong origin");
     171           64 :         }
     172           64 : 
     173           64 :         Self::set0(value, guard)
     174           64 :     }
     175              : 
     176           71 :     fn set0(value: T, mut guard: std::sync::MutexGuard<'_, Inner<T>>) -> Guard<'_, T> {
     177           71 :         if guard.value.is_some() {
     178            0 :             drop(guard);
     179            0 :             unreachable!("we won permit, must not be initialized");
     180           71 :         }
     181           71 :         guard.value = Some(value);
     182           71 :         guard.init_semaphore.close();
     183           71 :         Guard(guard)
     184           71 :     }
     185              : 
     186              :     /// Returns a guard to an existing initialized value, if any.
     187          509 :     pub fn get(&self) -> Option<Guard<'_, T>> {
     188          509 :         let guard = self.inner.lock().unwrap();
     189          509 :         if guard.value.is_some() {
     190          359 :             Some(Guard(guard))
     191              :         } else {
     192          150 :             None
     193              :         }
     194           11 :     }
     195              : 
     196              :     /// Like [`Guard::take_and_deinit`], but will return `None` if this OnceCell was never
     197              :     /// initialized.
     198         1413 :     pub fn take_and_deinit(&mut self) -> Option<(T, InitPermit)> {
     199         1413 :         let inner = self.inner.get_mut().unwrap();
     200         1413 : 
     201         1413 :         inner.take_and_deinit()
     202         1413 :     }
     203              : 
     204              :     /// Return the number of [`Self::get_or_init`] calls waiting for initialization to complete.
     205          108 :     pub fn initializer_count(&self) -> usize {
     206          108 :         self.initializers.load(Ordering::Relaxed)
     207          108 :     }
     208              : }
     209              : 
     210              : /// DropGuard counter for queued tasks waiting to initialize, mainly accessible for the
     211              : /// initializing task for example at the end of initialization.
     212              : struct CountWaitingInitializers<'a, T>(&'a OnceCell<T>);
     213              : 
     214              : impl<'a, T> CountWaitingInitializers<'a, T> {
     215           77 :     fn start(target: &'a OnceCell<T>) -> Self {
     216           77 :         target.initializers.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
     217           77 :         CountWaitingInitializers(target)
     218           77 :     }
     219              : }
     220              : 
     221              : impl<T> Drop for CountWaitingInitializers<'_, T> {
     222           77 :     fn drop(&mut self) {
     223           77 :         self.0.initializers.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
     224           77 :     }
     225              : }
     226              : 
     227              : /// Uninteresting guard object to allow short-lived access to inspect or clone the held,
     228              : /// initialized value.
     229              : #[derive(Debug)]
     230              : pub struct Guard<'a, T>(MutexGuard<'a, Inner<T>>);
     231              : 
     232              : impl<T> std::ops::Deref for Guard<'_, T> {
     233              :     type Target = T;
     234              : 
     235          438 :     fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
     236          438 :         self.0
     237          438 :             .value
     238          438 :             .as_ref()
     239          438 :             .expect("guard is not created unless value has been initialized")
     240          438 :     }
     241              : }
     242              : 
     243              : impl<T> std::ops::DerefMut for Guard<'_, T> {
     244       479738 :     fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
     245       479738 :         self.0
     246       479738 :             .value
     247       479738 :             .as_mut()
     248       479738 :             .expect("guard is not created unless value has been initialized")
     249       479738 :     }
     250              : }
     251              : 
     252              : impl<T> Guard<'_, T> {
     253              :     /// Take the current value, and a new permit for it's deinitialization.
     254              :     ///
     255              :     /// The permit will be on a semaphore part of the new internal value, and any following
     256              :     /// [`OnceCell::get_or_init`] will wait on it to complete.
     257           93 :     pub fn take_and_deinit(mut self) -> (T, InitPermit) {
     258           93 :         self.0
     259           93 :             .take_and_deinit()
     260           93 :             .expect("guard is not created unless value has been initialized")
     261           93 :     }
     262              : }
     263              : 
     264              : impl<T> Inner<T> {
     265         1506 :     pub fn take_and_deinit(&mut self) -> Option<(T, InitPermit)> {
     266         1506 :         let value = self.value.take()?;
     267              : 
     268         1500 :         let mut swapped = Inner::default();
     269         1500 :         let sem = swapped.init_semaphore.clone();
     270         1500 :         // acquire and forget right away, moving the control over to InitPermit
     271         1500 :         sem.try_acquire().expect("we just created this").forget();
     272         1500 :         let permit = InitPermit(sem);
     273         1500 :         std::mem::swap(self, &mut swapped);
     274         1500 :         Some((value, permit))
     275            8 :     }
     276              : }
     277              : 
     278              : /// Type held by OnceCell (de)initializing task.
     279              : ///
     280              : /// On drop, this type will return the permit.
     281              : pub struct InitPermit(Arc<tokio::sync::Semaphore>);
     282              : 
     283              : impl std::fmt::Debug for InitPermit {
     284            0 :     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
     285            0 :         let ptr = Arc::as_ptr(&self.0) as *const ();
     286            0 :         f.debug_tuple("InitPermit").field(&ptr).finish()
     287            0 :     }
     288              : }
     289              : 
     290              : impl Drop for InitPermit {
     291         1575 :     fn drop(&mut self) {
     292         1575 :         assert_eq!(
     293         1575 :             self.0.available_permits(),
     294              :             0,
     295            0 :             "InitPermit should only exist as the unique permit"
     296              :         );
     297         1575 :         self.0.add_permits(1);
     298         1575 :     }
     299              : }
     300              : 
     301              : #[cfg(test)]
     302              : mod tests {
     303              :     use std::convert::Infallible;
     304              :     use std::pin::{Pin, pin};
     305              :     use std::time::Duration;
     306              : 
     307              :     use futures::Future;
     308              : 
     309              :     use super::*;
     310              : 
     311              :     #[tokio::test]
     312            1 :     async fn many_initializers() {
     313            1 :         #[derive(Default, Debug)]
     314            1 :         struct Counters {
     315            1 :             factory_got_to_run: AtomicUsize,
     316            1 :             future_polled: AtomicUsize,
     317            1 :             winners: AtomicUsize,
     318            1 :         }
     319            1 : 
     320            1 :         let initializers = 100;
     321            1 : 
     322            1 :         let cell = Arc::new(OnceCell::default());
     323            1 :         let counters = Arc::new(Counters::default());
     324            1 :         let barrier = Arc::new(tokio::sync::Barrier::new(initializers + 1));
     325            1 : 
     326            1 :         let mut js = tokio::task::JoinSet::new();
     327          100 :         for i in 0..initializers {
     328          100 :             js.spawn({
     329          100 :                 let cell = cell.clone();
     330          100 :                 let counters = counters.clone();
     331          100 :                 let barrier = barrier.clone();
     332          100 : 
     333          100 :                 async move {
     334          100 :                     barrier.wait().await;
     335          100 :                     let won = {
     336          100 :                         let g = cell
     337          100 :                             .get_or_init(|permit| {
     338            1 :                                 counters.factory_got_to_run.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
     339            1 :                                 async {
     340            1 :                                     counters.future_polled.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
     341            1 :                                     Ok::<_, Infallible>((i, permit))
     342            1 :                                 }
     343          100 :                             })
     344          100 :                             .await
     345          100 :                             .unwrap();
     346          100 : 
     347          100 :                         *g == i
     348          100 :                     };
     349          100 : 
     350          100 :                     if won {
     351            1 :               , Ordering::Relaxed);
     352           99 :                     }
     353          100 :                 }
     354          100 :             });
     355          100 :         }
     356            1 : 
     357            1 :         barrier.wait().await;
     358            1 : 
     359          101 :         while let Some(next) = js.join_next().await {
     360          100 :             next.expect("no panics expected");
     361          100 :         }
     362            1 : 
     363            1 :         let mut counters = Arc::try_unwrap(counters).unwrap();
     364            1 : 
     365            1 :         assert_eq!(*counters.factory_got_to_run.get_mut(), 1);
     366            1 :         assert_eq!(*counters.future_polled.get_mut(), 1);
     367            1 :         assert_eq!(*, 1);
     368            1 :     }
     369              : 
     370              :     #[tokio::test(start_paused = true)]
     371            1 :     async fn reinit_waits_for_deinit() {
     372            1 :         // with the tokio::time paused, we will "sleep" for 1s while holding the reinitialization
     373            1 :         let sleep_for = Duration::from_secs(1);
     374            1 :         let initial = 42;
     375            1 :         let reinit = 1;
     376            1 :         let cell = Arc::new(OnceCell::new(initial));
     377            1 : 
     378            1 :         let deinitialization_started = Arc::new(tokio::sync::Barrier::new(2));
     379            1 : 
     380            1 :         let jh = tokio::spawn({
     381            1 :             let cell = cell.clone();
     382            1 :             let deinitialization_started = deinitialization_started.clone();
     383            1 :             async move {
     384            1 :                 let (answer, _permit) = cell.get().expect("initialized to value").take_and_deinit();
     385            1 :                 assert_eq!(answer, initial);
     386            1 : 
     387            1 :                 deinitialization_started.wait().await;
     388            1 :                 tokio::time::sleep(sleep_for).await;
     389            1 :             }
     390            1 :         });
     391            1 : 
     392            1 :         deinitialization_started.wait().await;
     393            1 : 
     394            1 :         let started_at = tokio::time::Instant::now();
     395            1 :         cell.get_or_init(|permit| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>((reinit, permit)) })
     396            1 :             .await
     397            1 :             .unwrap();
     398            1 : 
     399            1 :         let elapsed = started_at.elapsed();
     400            1 :         assert!(
     401            1 :             elapsed >= sleep_for,
     402            1 :             "initialization should had taken at least the time time slept with permit"
     403            1 :         );
     404            1 : 
     405            1 :         jh.await.unwrap();
     406            1 : 
     407            1 :         assert_eq!(*cell.get().unwrap(), reinit);
     408            1 :     }
     409              : 
     410              :     #[test]
     411            1 :     fn reinit_with_deinit_permit() {
     412            1 :         let cell = Arc::new(OnceCell::new(42));
     413            1 : 
     414            1 :         let (mol, permit) = cell.get().unwrap().take_and_deinit();
     415            1 :         cell.set(5, permit);
     416            1 :         assert_eq!(*cell.get().unwrap(), 5);
     417              : 
     418            1 :         let (five, permit) = cell.get().unwrap().take_and_deinit();
     419            1 :         assert_eq!(5, five);
     420            1 :         cell.set(mol, permit);
     421            1 :         assert_eq!(*cell.get().unwrap(), 42);
     422            1 :     }
     423              : 
     424              :     #[tokio::test]
     425            1 :     async fn initialization_attemptable_until_ok() {
     426            1 :         let cell = OnceCell::default();
     427            1 : 
     428           11 :         for _ in 0..10 {
     429           10 :             cell.get_or_init(|_permit| async { Err("whatever error") })
     430           10 :                 .await
     431           10 :                 .unwrap_err();
     432            1 :         }
     433            1 : 
     434            1 :         let g = cell
     435            1 :             .get_or_init(|permit| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(("finally success", permit)) })
     436            1 :             .await
     437            1 :             .unwrap();
     438            1 :         assert_eq!(*g, "finally success");
     439            1 :     }
     440              : 
     441              :     #[tokio::test]
     442            1 :     async fn initialization_is_cancellation_safe() {
     443            1 :         let cell = OnceCell::default();
     444            1 : 
     445            1 :         let barrier = tokio::sync::Barrier::new(2);
     446            1 : 
     447            1 :         let initializer = cell.get_or_init(|permit| async {
     448            1 :             barrier.wait().await;
     449            1 :             futures::future::pending::<()>().await;
     450            1 : 
     451            1 :             Ok::<_, Infallible>(("never reached", permit))
     452            1 :         });
     453            1 : 
     454            1 :         tokio::select! {
     455            1 :             _ = initializer => { unreachable!("cannot complete; stuck in pending().await") },
     456            1 :             _ = barrier.wait() => {}
     457            1 :         };
     458            1 : 
     459            1 :         // now initializer is dropped
     460            1 : 
     461            1 :         assert!(cell.get().is_none());
     462            1 : 
     463            1 :         let g = cell
     464            1 :             .get_or_init(|permit| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(("now initialized", permit)) })
     465            1 :             .await
     466            1 :             .unwrap();
     467            1 :         assert_eq!(*g, "now initialized");
     468            1 :     }
     469              : 
     470              :     #[tokio::test(start_paused = true)]
     471            1 :     async fn reproduce_init_take_deinit_race() {
     472            2 :         init_take_deinit_scenario(|cell, factory| {
     473            2 :             Box::pin(async {
     474            2 :                 cell.get_or_init(factory).await.unwrap();
     475            2 :             })
     476            2 :         })
     477            1 :         .await;
     478            1 :     }
     479              : 
     480              :     type BoxedInitFuture<T, E> = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<(T, InitPermit), E>>>>;
     481              :     type BoxedInitFunction<T, E> = Box<dyn Fn(InitPermit) -> BoxedInitFuture<T, E>>;
     482              : 
     483              :     /// Reproduce an assertion failure.
     484              :     ///
     485              :     /// This has interesting generics to be generic between `get_or_init` and `get_mut_or_init`.
     486              :     /// We currently only have one, but the structure is kept.
     487            1 :     async fn init_take_deinit_scenario<F>(init_way: F)
     488            1 :     where
     489            1 :         F: for<'a> Fn(
     490            1 :             &'a OnceCell<&'static str>,
     491            1 :             BoxedInitFunction<&'static str, Infallible>,
     492            1 :         ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'a>>,
     493            1 :     {
     494            1 :         let cell = OnceCell::default();
     495            1 : 
     496            1 :         // acquire the init_semaphore only permit to drive initializing tasks in order to waiting
     497            1 :         // on the same semaphore.
     498            1 :         let permit = cell
     499            1 :             .inner
     500            1 :             .lock()
     501            1 :             .unwrap()
     502            1 :             .init_semaphore
     503            1 :             .clone()
     504            1 :             .try_acquire_owned()
     505            1 :             .unwrap();
     506            1 : 
     507            1 :         let mut t1 = pin!(init_way(
     508            1 :             &cell,
     509            1 :             Box::new(|permit| Box::pin(async move { Ok(("t1", permit)) })),
     510            1 :         ));
     511            1 : 
     512            1 :         let mut t2 = pin!(init_way(
     513            1 :             &cell,
     514            1 :             Box::new(|permit| Box::pin(async move { Ok(("t2", permit)) })),
     515            1 :         ));
     516            1 : 
     517            1 :         // drive t2 first to the init_semaphore -- the timeout will be hit once t2 future can
     518            1 :         // no longer make progress
     519            1 :         tokio::select! {
     520            1 :             _ = &mut t2 => unreachable!("it cannot get permit"),
     521            1 :             _ = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(3600 * 24 * 7 * 365)) => {}
     522            1 :         }
     523            1 : 
     524            1 :         // followed by t1 in the init_semaphore
     525            1 :         tokio::select! {
     526            1 :             _ = &mut t1 => unreachable!("it cannot get permit"),
     527            1 :             _ = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(3600 * 24 * 7 * 365)) => {}
     528            1 :         }
     529            1 : 
     530            1 :         // now let t2 proceed and initialize
     531            1 :         drop(permit);
     532            1 :         t2.await;
     533              : 
     534            1 :         let (s, permit) = { cell.get().unwrap().take_and_deinit() };
     535            1 :         assert_eq!("t2", s);
     536              : 
     537              :         // now originally t1 would see the semaphore it has as closed. it cannot yet get a permit from
     538              :         // the new one.
     539            1 :         tokio::select! {
     540            1 :             _ = &mut t1 => unreachable!("it cannot get permit"),
     541            1 :             _ = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(3600 * 24 * 7 * 365)) => {}
     542            1 :         }
     543            1 : 
     544            1 :         // only now we get to initialize it
     545            1 :         drop(permit);
     546            1 :         t1.await;
     547              : 
     548            1 :         assert_eq!("t1", *cell.get().unwrap());
     549            1 :     }
     550              : 
     551              :     #[tokio::test(start_paused = true)]
     552            1 :     async fn detached_init_smoke() {
     553            1 :         let target = OnceCell::default();
     554            1 : 
     555            1 :         let Err(permit) = target.get_or_init_detached().await else {
     556            1 :             unreachable!("it is not initialized")
     557            1 :         };
     558            1 : 
     559            1 :         tokio::time::timeout(
     560            1 :             std::time::Duration::from_secs(3600 * 24 * 7 * 365),
     561            1 :             target.get_or_init(|permit2| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>((11, permit2)) }),
     562            1 :         )
     563            1 :         .await
     564            1 :         .expect_err("should timeout since we are already holding the permit");
     565            1 : 
     566            1 :         target.set(42, permit);
     567            1 : 
     568            1 :         let (_answer, permit) = {
     569            1 :             let guard = target
     570            1 :                 .get_or_init(|permit| async { Ok::<_, Infallible>((11, permit)) })
     571            1 :                 .await
     572            1 :                 .unwrap();
     573            1 : 
     574            1 :             assert_eq!(*guard, 42);
     575            1 : 
     576            1 :             guard.take_and_deinit()
     577            1 :         };
     578            1 : 
     579            1 :         assert!(target.get().is_none());
     580            1 : 
     581            1 :         target.set(11, permit);
     582            1 : 
     583            1 :         assert_eq!(*target.get().unwrap(), 11);
     584            1 :     }
     585              : 
     586              :     #[tokio::test]
     587            1 :     async fn take_and_deinit_on_mut() {
     588            1 :         use std::convert::Infallible;
     589            1 : 
     590            1 :         let mut target = OnceCell::<u32>::default();
     591            1 :         assert!(target.take_and_deinit().is_none());
     592            1 : 
     593            1 :         target
     594            1 :             .get_or_init(|permit| async move { Ok::<_, Infallible>((42, permit)) })
     595            1 :             .await
     596            1 :             .unwrap();
     597            1 : 
     598            1 :         let again = target.take_and_deinit();
     599            1 :         assert!(matches!(again, Some((42, _))), "{again:?}");
     600            1 : 
     601            1 :         assert!(target.take_and_deinit().is_none());
     602            1 :     }
     603              : }

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