LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - storage_controller/src - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 0.0 % 716 0
Test Date: 2024-09-20 13:14:58 Functions: 0.0 % 337 0

            Line data    Source code
       1              : pub(crate) mod split_state;
       2              : use std::collections::HashMap;
       3              : use std::str::FromStr;
       4              : use std::time::Duration;
       5              : use std::time::Instant;
       6              : 
       7              : use self::split_state::SplitState;
       8              : use diesel::pg::PgConnection;
       9              : use diesel::prelude::*;
      10              : use diesel::Connection;
      11              : use itertools::Itertools;
      12              : use pageserver_api::controller_api::MetadataHealthRecord;
      13              : use pageserver_api::controller_api::ShardSchedulingPolicy;
      14              : use pageserver_api::controller_api::{NodeSchedulingPolicy, PlacementPolicy};
      15              : use pageserver_api::models::TenantConfig;
      16              : use pageserver_api::shard::ShardConfigError;
      17              : use pageserver_api::shard::ShardIdentity;
      18              : use pageserver_api::shard::ShardStripeSize;
      19              : use pageserver_api::shard::{ShardCount, ShardNumber, TenantShardId};
      20              : use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
      21              : use utils::generation::Generation;
      22              : use utils::id::{NodeId, TenantId};
      23              : 
      24              : use crate::metrics::{
      25              :     DatabaseQueryErrorLabelGroup, DatabaseQueryLatencyLabelGroup, METRICS_REGISTRY,
      26              : };
      27              : use crate::node::Node;
      28              : 
      29              : use diesel_migrations::{embed_migrations, EmbeddedMigrations};
      30              : const MIGRATIONS: EmbeddedMigrations = embed_migrations!("./migrations");
      31              : 
      32              : /// ## What do we store?
      33              : ///
      34              : /// The storage controller service does not store most of its state durably.
      35              : ///
      36              : /// The essential things to store durably are:
      37              : /// - generation numbers, as these must always advance monotonically to ensure data safety.
      38              : /// - Tenant's PlacementPolicy and TenantConfig, as the source of truth for these is something external.
      39              : /// - Node's scheduling policies, as the source of truth for these is something external.
      40              : ///
      41              : /// Other things we store durably as an implementation detail:
      42              : /// - Node's host/port: this could be avoided it we made nodes emit a self-registering heartbeat,
      43              : ///   but it is operationally simpler to make this service the authority for which nodes
      44              : ///   it talks to.
      45              : ///
      46              : /// ## Performance/efficiency
      47              : ///
      48              : /// The storage controller service does not go via the database for most things: there are
      49              : /// a couple of places where we must, and where efficiency matters:
      50              : /// - Incrementing generation numbers: the Reconciler has to wait for this to complete
      51              : ///   before it can attach a tenant, so this acts as a bound on how fast things like
      52              : ///   failover can happen.
      53              : /// - Pageserver re-attach: we will increment many shards' generations when this happens,
      54              : ///   so it is important to avoid e.g. issuing O(N) queries.
      55              : ///
      56              : /// Database calls relating to nodes have low performance requirements, as they are very rarely
      57              : /// updated, and reads of nodes are always from memory, not the database.  We only require that
      58              : /// we can UPDATE a node's scheduling mode reasonably quickly to mark a bad node offline.
      59              : pub struct Persistence {
      60              :     connection_pool: diesel::r2d2::Pool<diesel::r2d2::ConnectionManager<PgConnection>>,
      61              : }
      62              : 
      63              : /// Legacy format, for use in JSON compat objects in test environment
      64            0 : #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
      65              : struct JsonPersistence {
      66              :     tenants: HashMap<TenantShardId, TenantShardPersistence>,
      67              : }
      68              : 
      69            0 : #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
      70              : pub(crate) enum DatabaseError {
      71              :     #[error(transparent)]
      72              :     Query(#[from] diesel::result::Error),
      73              :     #[error(transparent)]
      74              :     Connection(#[from] diesel::result::ConnectionError),
      75              :     #[error(transparent)]
      76              :     ConnectionPool(#[from] r2d2::Error),
      77              :     #[error("Logical error: {0}")]
      78              :     Logical(String),
      79              :     #[error("Migration error: {0}")]
      80              :     Migration(String),
      81              : }
      82              : 
      83              : #[derive(measured::FixedCardinalityLabel, Copy, Clone)]
      84              : pub(crate) enum DatabaseOperation {
      85              :     InsertNode,
      86              :     UpdateNode,
      87              :     DeleteNode,
      88              :     ListNodes,
      89              :     BeginShardSplit,
      90              :     CompleteShardSplit,
      91              :     AbortShardSplit,
      92              :     Detach,
      93              :     ReAttach,
      94              :     IncrementGeneration,
      95              :     TenantGenerations,
      96              :     ShardGenerations,
      97              :     ListTenantShards,
      98              :     InsertTenantShards,
      99              :     UpdateTenantShard,
     100              :     DeleteTenant,
     101              :     UpdateTenantConfig,
     102              :     UpdateMetadataHealth,
     103              :     ListMetadataHealth,
     104              :     ListMetadataHealthUnhealthy,
     105              :     ListMetadataHealthOutdated,
     106              :     GetLeader,
     107              :     UpdateLeader,
     108              :     SetPreferredAzs,
     109              : }
     110              : 
     111              : #[must_use]
     112              : pub(crate) enum AbortShardSplitStatus {
     113              :     /// We aborted the split in the database by reverting to the parent shards
     114              :     Aborted,
     115              :     /// The split had already been persisted.
     116              :     Complete,
     117              : }
     118              : 
     119              : pub(crate) type DatabaseResult<T> = Result<T, DatabaseError>;
     120              : 
     121              : /// Some methods can operate on either a whole tenant or a single shard
     122              : pub(crate) enum TenantFilter {
     123              :     Tenant(TenantId),
     124              :     Shard(TenantShardId),
     125              : }
     126              : 
     127              : /// Represents the results of looking up generation+pageserver for the shards of a tenant
     128              : pub(crate) struct ShardGenerationState {
     129              :     pub(crate) tenant_shard_id: TenantShardId,
     130              :     pub(crate) generation: Option<Generation>,
     131              :     pub(crate) generation_pageserver: Option<NodeId>,
     132              : }
     133              : 
     134              : impl Persistence {
     135              :     // The default postgres connection limit is 100.  We use up to 99, to leave one free for a human admin under
     136              :     // normal circumstances.  This assumes we have exclusive use of the database cluster to which we connect.
     137              :     pub const MAX_CONNECTIONS: u32 = 99;
     138              : 
     139              :     // We don't want to keep a lot of connections alive: close them down promptly if they aren't being used.
     140              :     const IDLE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
     141              :     const MAX_CONNECTION_LIFETIME: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60);
     142              : 
     143            0 :     pub fn new(database_url: String) -> Self {
     144            0 :         let manager = diesel::r2d2::ConnectionManager::<PgConnection>::new(database_url);
     145            0 : 
     146            0 :         // We will use a connection pool: this is primarily to _limit_ our connection count, rather than to optimize time
     147            0 :         // to execute queries (database queries are not generally on latency-sensitive paths).
     148            0 :         let connection_pool = diesel::r2d2::Pool::builder()
     149            0 :             .max_size(Self::MAX_CONNECTIONS)
     150            0 :             .max_lifetime(Some(Self::MAX_CONNECTION_LIFETIME))
     151            0 :             .idle_timeout(Some(Self::IDLE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT))
     152            0 :             // Always keep at least one connection ready to go
     153            0 :             .min_idle(Some(1))
     154            0 :             .test_on_check_out(true)
     155            0 :             .build(manager)
     156            0 :             .expect("Could not build connection pool");
     157            0 : 
     158            0 :         Self { connection_pool }
     159            0 :     }
     160              : 
     161              :     /// A helper for use during startup, where we would like to tolerate concurrent restarts of the
     162              :     /// database and the storage controller, therefore the database might not be available right away
     163            0 :     pub async fn await_connection(
     164            0 :         database_url: &str,
     165            0 :         timeout: Duration,
     166            0 :     ) -> Result<(), diesel::ConnectionError> {
     167            0 :         let started_at = Instant::now();
     168              :         loop {
     169            0 :             match PgConnection::establish(database_url) {
     170              :                 Ok(_) => {
     171            0 :                     tracing::info!("Connected to database.");
     172            0 :                     return Ok(());
     173              :                 }
     174            0 :                 Err(e) => {
     175            0 :                     if started_at.elapsed() > timeout {
     176            0 :                         return Err(e);
     177              :                     } else {
     178            0 :                         tracing::info!("Database not yet available, waiting... ({e})");
     179            0 :                         tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await;
     180              :                     }
     181              :                 }
     182              :             }
     183              :         }
     184            0 :     }
     185              : 
     186              :     /// Execute the diesel migrations that are built into this binary
     187            0 :     pub(crate) async fn migration_run(&self) -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     188              :         use diesel_migrations::{HarnessWithOutput, MigrationHarness};
     189              : 
     190            0 :         self.with_conn(move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     191            0 :             HarnessWithOutput::write_to_stdout(conn)
     192            0 :                 .run_pending_migrations(MIGRATIONS)
     193            0 :                 .map(|_| ())
     194            0 :                 .map_err(|e| DatabaseError::Migration(e.to_string()))
     195            0 :         })
     196            0 :         .await
     197            0 :     }
     198              : 
     199              :     /// Wraps `with_conn` in order to collect latency and error metrics
     200            0 :     async fn with_measured_conn<F, R>(&self, op: DatabaseOperation, func: F) -> DatabaseResult<R>
     201            0 :     where
     202            0 :         F: Fn(&mut PgConnection) -> DatabaseResult<R> + Send + 'static,
     203            0 :         R: Send + 'static,
     204            0 :     {
     205            0 :         let latency = &METRICS_REGISTRY
     206            0 :             .metrics_group
     207            0 :             .storage_controller_database_query_latency;
     208            0 :         let _timer = latency.start_timer(DatabaseQueryLatencyLabelGroup { operation: op });
     209              : 
     210            0 :         let res = self.with_conn(func).await;
     211              : 
     212            0 :         if let Err(err) = &res {
     213            0 :             let error_counter = &METRICS_REGISTRY
     214            0 :                 .metrics_group
     215            0 :                 .storage_controller_database_query_error;
     216            0 :    {
     217            0 :                 error_type: err.error_label(),
     218            0 :                 operation: op,
     219            0 :             })
     220            0 :         }
     221              : 
     222            0 :         res
     223            0 :     }
     224              : 
     225              :     /// Call the provided function in a tokio blocking thread, with a Diesel database connection.
     226            0 :     async fn with_conn<F, R>(&self, func: F) -> DatabaseResult<R>
     227            0 :     where
     228            0 :         F: Fn(&mut PgConnection) -> DatabaseResult<R> + Send + 'static,
     229            0 :         R: Send + 'static,
     230            0 :     {
     231              :         // A generous allowance for how many times we may retry serializable transactions
     232              :         // before giving up.  This is not expected to be hit: it is a defensive measure in case we
     233              :         // somehow engineer a situation where duelling transactions might otherwise live-lock.
     234              :         const MAX_RETRIES: usize = 128;
     235              : 
     236            0 :         let mut conn = self.connection_pool.get()?;
     237            0 :         tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || -> DatabaseResult<R> {
     238            0 :             let mut retry_count = 0;
     239              :             loop {
     240            0 :                 match conn.build_transaction().serializable().run(|c| func(c)) {
     241            0 :                     Ok(r) => break Ok(r),
     242              :                     Err(
     243            0 :                         err @ DatabaseError::Query(diesel::result::Error::DatabaseError(
     244            0 :                             diesel::result::DatabaseErrorKind::SerializationFailure,
     245            0 :                             _,
     246            0 :                         )),
     247            0 :                     ) => {
     248            0 :                         retry_count += 1;
     249            0 :                         if retry_count > MAX_RETRIES {
     250            0 :                             tracing::error!(
     251            0 :                                 "Exceeded max retries on SerializationFailure errors: {err:?}"
     252              :                             );
     253            0 :                             break Err(err);
     254              :                         } else {
     255              :                             // Retry on serialization errors: these are expected, because even though our
     256              :                             // transactions don't fight for the same rows, they will occasionally collide
     257              :                             // on index pages (e.g. increment_generation for unrelated shards can collide)
     258            0 :                             tracing::debug!(
     259            0 :                                 "Retrying transaction on serialization failure {err:?}"
     260              :                             );
     261            0 :                             continue;
     262              :                         }
     263              :                     }
     264            0 :                     Err(e) => break Err(e),
     265              :                 }
     266              :             }
     267            0 :         })
     268            0 :         .await
     269            0 :         .expect("Task panic")
     270            0 :     }
     271              : 
     272              :     /// When a node is first registered, persist it before using it for anything
     273            0 :     pub(crate) async fn insert_node(&self, node: &Node) -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     274            0 :         let np = node.to_persistent();
     275            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(
     276            0 :             DatabaseOperation::InsertNode,
     277            0 :             move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     278            0 :                 diesel::insert_into(crate::schema::nodes::table)
     279            0 :                     .values(&np)
     280            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     281            0 :                 Ok(())
     282            0 :             },
     283            0 :         )
     284            0 :         .await
     285            0 :     }
     286              : 
     287              :     /// At startup, populate the list of nodes which our shards may be placed on
     288            0 :     pub(crate) async fn list_nodes(&self) -> DatabaseResult<Vec<NodePersistence>> {
     289            0 :         let nodes: Vec<NodePersistence> = self
     290            0 :             .with_measured_conn(
     291            0 :                 DatabaseOperation::ListNodes,
     292            0 :                 move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<_> {
     293            0 :                     Ok(crate::schema::nodes::table.load::<NodePersistence>(conn)?)
     294            0 :                 },
     295            0 :             )
     296            0 :             .await?;
     297              : 
     298            0 :         tracing::info!("list_nodes: loaded {} nodes", nodes.len());
     299              : 
     300            0 :         Ok(nodes)
     301            0 :     }
     302              : 
     303            0 :     pub(crate) async fn update_node(
     304            0 :         &self,
     305            0 :         input_node_id: NodeId,
     306            0 :         input_scheduling: NodeSchedulingPolicy,
     307            0 :     ) -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     308              :         use crate::schema::nodes::dsl::*;
     309            0 :         let updated = self
     310            0 :             .with_measured_conn(DatabaseOperation::UpdateNode, move |conn| {
     311            0 :                 let updated = diesel::update(nodes)
     312            0 :                     .filter(node_id.eq(input_node_id.0 as i64))
     313            0 :                     .set((scheduling_policy.eq(String::from(input_scheduling)),))
     314            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     315            0 :                 Ok(updated)
     316            0 :             })
     317            0 :             .await?;
     318              : 
     319            0 :         if updated != 1 {
     320            0 :             Err(DatabaseError::Logical(format!(
     321            0 :                 "Node {node_id:?} not found for update",
     322            0 :             )))
     323              :         } else {
     324            0 :             Ok(())
     325              :         }
     326            0 :     }
     327              : 
     328              :     /// At startup, load the high level state for shards, such as their config + policy.  This will
     329              :     /// be enriched at runtime with state discovered on pageservers.
     330            0 :     pub(crate) async fn list_tenant_shards(&self) -> DatabaseResult<Vec<TenantShardPersistence>> {
     331            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(
     332            0 :             DatabaseOperation::ListTenantShards,
     333            0 :             move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<_> {
     334            0 :                 Ok(crate::schema::tenant_shards::table.load::<TenantShardPersistence>(conn)?)
     335            0 :             },
     336            0 :         )
     337            0 :         .await
     338            0 :     }
     339              : 
     340              :     /// Tenants must be persisted before we schedule them for the first time.  This enables us
     341              :     /// to correctly retain generation monotonicity, and the externally provided placement policy & config.
     342            0 :     pub(crate) async fn insert_tenant_shards(
     343            0 :         &self,
     344            0 :         shards: Vec<TenantShardPersistence>,
     345            0 :     ) -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     346              :         use crate::schema::metadata_health;
     347              :         use crate::schema::tenant_shards;
     348              : 
     349            0 :         let now = chrono::Utc::now();
     350            0 : 
     351            0 :         let metadata_health_records = shards
     352            0 :             .iter()
     353            0 :             .map(|t| MetadataHealthPersistence {
     354            0 :                 tenant_id: t.tenant_id.clone(),
     355            0 :                 shard_number: t.shard_number,
     356            0 :                 shard_count: t.shard_count,
     357            0 :                 healthy: true,
     358            0 :                 last_scrubbed_at: now,
     359            0 :             })
     360            0 :             .collect::<Vec<_>>();
     361            0 : 
     362            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(
     363            0 :             DatabaseOperation::InsertTenantShards,
     364            0 :             move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     365            0 :                 diesel::insert_into(tenant_shards::table)
     366            0 :                     .values(&shards)
     367            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     368              : 
     369            0 :                 diesel::insert_into(metadata_health::table)
     370            0 :                     .values(&metadata_health_records)
     371            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     372            0 :                 Ok(())
     373            0 :             },
     374            0 :         )
     375            0 :         .await
     376            0 :     }
     377              : 
     378              :     /// Ordering: call this _after_ deleting the tenant on pageservers, but _before_ dropping state for
     379              :     /// the tenant from memory on this server.
     380            0 :     pub(crate) async fn delete_tenant(&self, del_tenant_id: TenantId) -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     381              :         use crate::schema::tenant_shards::dsl::*;
     382            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(
     383            0 :             DatabaseOperation::DeleteTenant,
     384            0 :             move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     385            0 :                 // `metadata_health` status (if exists) is also deleted based on the cascade behavior.
     386            0 :                 diesel::delete(tenant_shards)
     387            0 :                     .filter(tenant_id.eq(del_tenant_id.to_string()))
     388            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     389            0 :                 Ok(())
     390            0 :             },
     391            0 :         )
     392            0 :         .await
     393            0 :     }
     394              : 
     395            0 :     pub(crate) async fn delete_node(&self, del_node_id: NodeId) -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     396              :         use crate::schema::nodes::dsl::*;
     397            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(
     398            0 :             DatabaseOperation::DeleteNode,
     399            0 :             move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     400            0 :                 diesel::delete(nodes)
     401            0 :                     .filter(node_id.eq(del_node_id.0 as i64))
     402            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     403              : 
     404            0 :                 Ok(())
     405            0 :             },
     406            0 :         )
     407            0 :         .await
     408            0 :     }
     409              : 
     410              :     /// When a tenant invokes the /re-attach API, this function is responsible for doing an efficient
     411              :     /// batched increment of the generations of all tenants whose generation_pageserver is equal to
     412              :     /// the node that called /re-attach.
     413            0 :     #[tracing::instrument(skip_all, fields(node_id))]
     414              :     pub(crate) async fn re_attach(
     415              :         &self,
     416              :         input_node_id: NodeId,
     417              :     ) -> DatabaseResult<HashMap<TenantShardId, Generation>> {
     418              :         use crate::schema::nodes::dsl::scheduling_policy;
     419              :         use crate::schema::nodes::dsl::*;
     420              :         use crate::schema::tenant_shards::dsl::*;
     421              :         let updated = self
     422            0 :             .with_measured_conn(DatabaseOperation::ReAttach, move |conn| {
     423            0 :                 let rows_updated = diesel::update(tenant_shards)
     424            0 :                     .filter(generation_pageserver.eq(input_node_id.0 as i64))
     425            0 :                     .set(generation.eq(generation + 1))
     426            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     427              : 
     428            0 :                 tracing::info!("Incremented {} tenants' generations", rows_updated);
     429              : 
     430              :                 // TODO: UPDATE+SELECT in one query
     431              : 
     432            0 :                 let updated = tenant_shards
     433            0 :                     .filter(generation_pageserver.eq(input_node_id.0 as i64))
     434            0 :                     .select(TenantShardPersistence::as_select())
     435            0 :                     .load(conn)?;
     436              : 
     437              :                 // If the node went through a drain and restart phase before re-attaching,
     438              :                 // then reset it's node scheduling policy to active.
     439            0 :                 diesel::update(nodes)
     440            0 :                     .filter(node_id.eq(input_node_id.0 as i64))
     441            0 :                     .filter(
     442            0 :                         scheduling_policy
     443            0 :                             .eq(String::from(NodeSchedulingPolicy::PauseForRestart))
     444            0 :                             .or(scheduling_policy.eq(String::from(NodeSchedulingPolicy::Draining)))
     445            0 :                             .or(scheduling_policy.eq(String::from(NodeSchedulingPolicy::Filling))),
     446            0 :                     )
     447            0 :                     .set(scheduling_policy.eq(String::from(NodeSchedulingPolicy::Active)))
     448            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     449              : 
     450            0 :                 Ok(updated)
     451            0 :             })
     452              :             .await?;
     453              : 
     454              :         let mut result = HashMap::new();
     455              :         for tsp in updated {
     456              :             let tenant_shard_id = TenantShardId {
     457              :                 tenant_id: TenantId::from_str(tsp.tenant_id.as_str())
     458            0 :                     .map_err(|e| DatabaseError::Logical(format!("Malformed tenant id: {e}")))?,
     459              :                 shard_number: ShardNumber(tsp.shard_number as u8),
     460              :                 shard_count: ShardCount::new(tsp.shard_count as u8),
     461              :             };
     462              : 
     463              :             let Some(g) = tsp.generation else {
     464              :                 // If the generation_pageserver column was non-NULL, then the generation column should also be non-NULL:
     465              :                 // we only set generation_pageserver when setting generation.
     466              :                 return Err(DatabaseError::Logical(
     467              :                     "Generation should always be set after incrementing".to_string(),
     468              :                 ));
     469              :             };
     470              :             result.insert(tenant_shard_id, Generation::new(g as u32));
     471              :         }
     472              : 
     473              :         Ok(result)
     474              :     }
     475              : 
     476              :     /// Reconciler calls this immediately before attaching to a new pageserver, to acquire a unique, monotonically
     477              :     /// advancing generation number.  We also store the NodeId for which the generation was issued, so that in
     478              :     /// [`Self::re_attach`] we can do a bulk UPDATE on the generations for that node.
     479            0 :     pub(crate) async fn increment_generation(
     480            0 :         &self,
     481            0 :         tenant_shard_id: TenantShardId,
     482            0 :         node_id: NodeId,
     483            0 :     ) -> anyhow::Result<Generation> {
     484              :         use crate::schema::tenant_shards::dsl::*;
     485            0 :         let updated = self
     486            0 :             .with_measured_conn(DatabaseOperation::IncrementGeneration, move |conn| {
     487            0 :                 let updated = diesel::update(tenant_shards)
     488            0 :                     .filter(tenant_id.eq(tenant_shard_id.tenant_id.to_string()))
     489            0 :                     .filter(shard_number.eq(tenant_shard_id.shard_number.0 as i32))
     490            0 :                     .filter(shard_count.eq(tenant_shard_id.shard_count.literal() as i32))
     491            0 :                     .set((
     492            0 :                         generation.eq(generation + 1),
     493            0 :                         generation_pageserver.eq(node_id.0 as i64),
     494            0 :                     ))
     495            0 :                     // TODO: only returning() the generation column
     496            0 :                     .returning(TenantShardPersistence::as_returning())
     497            0 :                     .get_result(conn)?;
     498              : 
     499            0 :                 Ok(updated)
     500            0 :             })
     501            0 :             .await?;
     502              : 
     503              :         // Generation is always non-null in the rseult: if the generation column had been NULL, then we
     504              :         // should have experienced an SQL Confilict error while executing a query that tries to increment it.
     505            0 :         debug_assert!(updated.generation.is_some());
     506            0 :         let Some(g) = updated.generation else {
     507            0 :             return Err(DatabaseError::Logical(
     508            0 :                 "Generation should always be set after incrementing".to_string(),
     509            0 :             )
     510            0 :             .into());
     511              :         };
     512              : 
     513            0 :         Ok(Generation::new(g as u32))
     514            0 :     }
     515              : 
     516              :     /// When we want to call out to the running shards for a tenant, e.g. during timeline CRUD operations,
     517              :     /// we need to know where the shard is attached, _and_ the generation, so that we can re-check the generation
     518              :     /// afterwards to confirm that our timeline CRUD operation is truly persistent (it must have happened in the
     519              :     /// latest generation)
     520              :     ///
     521              :     /// If the tenant doesn't exist, an empty vector is returned.
     522              :     ///
     523              :     /// Output is sorted by shard number
     524            0 :     pub(crate) async fn tenant_generations(
     525            0 :         &self,
     526            0 :         filter_tenant_id: TenantId,
     527            0 :     ) -> Result<Vec<ShardGenerationState>, DatabaseError> {
     528              :         use crate::schema::tenant_shards::dsl::*;
     529            0 :         let rows = self
     530            0 :             .with_measured_conn(DatabaseOperation::TenantGenerations, move |conn| {
     531            0 :                 let result = tenant_shards
     532            0 :                     .filter(tenant_id.eq(filter_tenant_id.to_string()))
     533            0 :                     .select(TenantShardPersistence::as_select())
     534            0 :                     .order(shard_number)
     535            0 :                     .load(conn)?;
     536            0 :                 Ok(result)
     537            0 :             })
     538            0 :             .await?;
     539              : 
     540            0 :         Ok(rows
     541            0 :             .into_iter()
     542            0 :             .map(|p| ShardGenerationState {
     543            0 :                 tenant_shard_id: p
     544            0 :                     .get_tenant_shard_id()
     545            0 :                     .expect("Corrupt tenant shard id in database"),
     546            0 :                 generation:|g| Generation::new(g as u32)),
     547            0 :                 generation_pageserver:|n| NodeId(n as u64)),
     548            0 :             })
     549            0 :             .collect())
     550            0 :     }
     551              : 
     552              :     /// Read the generation number of specific tenant shards
     553              :     ///
     554              :     /// Output is unsorted.  Output may not include values for all inputs, if they are missing in the database.
     555            0 :     pub(crate) async fn shard_generations(
     556            0 :         &self,
     557            0 :         mut tenant_shard_ids: impl Iterator<Item = &TenantShardId>,
     558            0 :     ) -> Result<Vec<(TenantShardId, Option<Generation>)>, DatabaseError> {
     559            0 :         let mut rows = Vec::with_capacity(tenant_shard_ids.size_hint().0);
     560              : 
     561              :         // We will chunk our input to avoid composing arbitrarily long `IN` clauses.  Typically we are
     562              :         // called with a single digit number of IDs, but in principle we could be called with tens
     563              :         // of thousands (all the shards on one pageserver) from the generation validation API.
     564            0 :         loop {
     565            0 :             // A modest hardcoded chunk size to handle typical cases in a single query but never generate particularly
     566            0 :             // large query strings.
     567            0 :             let chunk_ids = tenant_shard_ids.by_ref().take(32);
     568            0 : 
     569            0 :             // Compose a comma separated list of tuples for matching on (tenant_id, shard_number, shard_count)
     570            0 :             let in_clause = chunk_ids
     571            0 :                 .map(|tsid| {
     572            0 :                     format!(
     573            0 :                         "('{}', {}, {})",
     574            0 :                         tsid.tenant_id, tsid.shard_number.0, tsid.shard_count.0
     575            0 :                     )
     576            0 :                 })
     577            0 :                 .join(",");
     578            0 : 
     579            0 :             // We are done when our iterator gives us nothing to filter on
     580            0 :             if in_clause.is_empty() {
     581            0 :                 break;
     582            0 :             }
     583              : 
     584            0 :             let chunk_rows = self
     585            0 :                 .with_measured_conn(DatabaseOperation::ShardGenerations, move |conn| {
     586              :                     // diesel doesn't support multi-column IN queries, so we compose raw SQL.  No escaping is required because
     587              :                     // the inputs are strongly typed and cannot carry any user-supplied raw string content.
     588            0 :                     let result : Vec<TenantShardPersistence> = diesel::sql_query(
     589            0 :                         format!("SELECT * from tenant_shards where (tenant_id, shard_number, shard_count) in ({in_clause});").as_str()
     590            0 :                     ).load(conn)?;
     591              : 
     592            0 :                     Ok(result)
     593            0 :                 })
     594            0 :                 .await?;
     595            0 :             rows.extend(chunk_rows.into_iter())
     596              :         }
     597              : 
     598            0 :         Ok(rows
     599            0 :             .into_iter()
     600            0 :             .map(|tsp| {
     601            0 :                 (
     602            0 :                     tsp.get_tenant_shard_id()
     603            0 :                         .expect("Bad tenant ID in database"),
     604            0 :           |g| Generation::new(g as u32)),
     605            0 :                 )
     606            0 :             })
     607            0 :             .collect())
     608            0 :     }
     609              : 
     610              :     #[allow(non_local_definitions)]
     611              :     /// For use when updating a persistent property of a tenant, such as its config or placement_policy.
     612              :     ///
     613              :     /// Do not use this for settting generation, unless in the special onboarding code path (/location_config)
     614              :     /// API: use [`Self::increment_generation`] instead.  Setting the generation via this route is a one-time thing
     615              :     /// that we only do the first time a tenant is set to an attached policy via /location_config.
     616            0 :     pub(crate) async fn update_tenant_shard(
     617            0 :         &self,
     618            0 :         tenant: TenantFilter,
     619            0 :         input_placement_policy: Option<PlacementPolicy>,
     620            0 :         input_config: Option<TenantConfig>,
     621            0 :         input_generation: Option<Generation>,
     622            0 :         input_scheduling_policy: Option<ShardSchedulingPolicy>,
     623            0 :     ) -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     624              :         use crate::schema::tenant_shards::dsl::*;
     625              : 
     626            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(DatabaseOperation::UpdateTenantShard, move |conn| {
     627            0 :             let query = match tenant {
     628            0 :                 TenantFilter::Shard(tenant_shard_id) => diesel::update(tenant_shards)
     629            0 :                     .filter(tenant_id.eq(tenant_shard_id.tenant_id.to_string()))
     630            0 :                     .filter(shard_number.eq(tenant_shard_id.shard_number.0 as i32))
     631            0 :                     .filter(shard_count.eq(tenant_shard_id.shard_count.literal() as i32))
     632            0 :                     .into_boxed(),
     633            0 :                 TenantFilter::Tenant(input_tenant_id) => diesel::update(tenant_shards)
     634            0 :                     .filter(tenant_id.eq(input_tenant_id.to_string()))
     635            0 :                     .into_boxed(),
     636              :             };
     637              : 
     638            0 :             #[derive(AsChangeset)]
     639              :             #[diesel(table_name = crate::schema::tenant_shards)]
     640              :             struct ShardUpdate {
     641              :                 generation: Option<i32>,
     642              :                 placement_policy: Option<String>,
     643              :                 config: Option<String>,
     644              :                 scheduling_policy: Option<String>,
     645              :             }
     646              : 
     647            0 :             let update = ShardUpdate {
     648            0 :                 generation:|g| g.into().unwrap() as i32),
     649            0 :                 placement_policy: input_placement_policy
     650            0 :                     .as_ref()
     651            0 :                     .map(|p| serde_json::to_string(&p).unwrap()),
     652            0 :                 config: input_config
     653            0 :                     .as_ref()
     654            0 :                     .map(|c| serde_json::to_string(&c).unwrap()),
     655            0 :                 scheduling_policy: input_scheduling_policy
     656            0 :                     .map(|p| serde_json::to_string(&p).unwrap()),
     657            0 :             };
     658            0 : 
     659            0 :             query.set(update).execute(conn)?;
     660              : 
     661            0 :             Ok(())
     662            0 :         })
     663            0 :         .await?;
     664              : 
     665            0 :         Ok(())
     666            0 :     }
     667              : 
     668            0 :     pub(crate) async fn set_tenant_shard_preferred_azs(
     669            0 :         &self,
     670            0 :         preferred_azs: Vec<(TenantShardId, String)>,
     671            0 :     ) -> DatabaseResult<Vec<(TenantShardId, String)>> {
     672              :         use crate::schema::tenant_shards::dsl::*;
     673              : 
     674            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(DatabaseOperation::SetPreferredAzs, move |conn| {
     675            0 :             let mut shards_updated = Vec::default();
     676              : 
     677            0 :             for (tenant_shard_id, preferred_az) in preferred_azs.iter() {
     678            0 :                 let updated = diesel::update(tenant_shards)
     679            0 :                     .filter(tenant_id.eq(tenant_shard_id.tenant_id.to_string()))
     680            0 :                     .filter(shard_number.eq(tenant_shard_id.shard_number.0 as i32))
     681            0 :                     .filter(shard_count.eq(tenant_shard_id.shard_count.literal() as i32))
     682            0 :                     .set(preferred_az_id.eq(preferred_az))
     683            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     684              : 
     685            0 :                 if updated == 1 {
     686            0 :                     shards_updated.push((*tenant_shard_id, preferred_az.clone()));
     687            0 :                 }
     688              :             }
     689              : 
     690            0 :             Ok(shards_updated)
     691            0 :         })
     692            0 :         .await
     693            0 :     }
     694              : 
     695            0 :     pub(crate) async fn detach(&self, tenant_shard_id: TenantShardId) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
     696              :         use crate::schema::tenant_shards::dsl::*;
     697            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(DatabaseOperation::Detach, move |conn| {
     698            0 :             let updated = diesel::update(tenant_shards)
     699            0 :                 .filter(tenant_id.eq(tenant_shard_id.tenant_id.to_string()))
     700            0 :                 .filter(shard_number.eq(tenant_shard_id.shard_number.0 as i32))
     701            0 :                 .filter(shard_count.eq(tenant_shard_id.shard_count.literal() as i32))
     702            0 :                 .set((
     703            0 :                     generation_pageserver.eq(Option::<i64>::None),
     704            0 :                     placement_policy.eq(serde_json::to_string(&PlacementPolicy::Detached).unwrap()),
     705            0 :                 ))
     706            0 :                 .execute(conn)?;
     707              : 
     708            0 :             Ok(updated)
     709            0 :         })
     710            0 :         .await?;
     711              : 
     712            0 :         Ok(())
     713            0 :     }
     714              : 
     715              :     // When we start shard splitting, we must durably mark the tenant so that
     716              :     // on restart, we know that we must go through recovery.
     717              :     //
     718              :     // We create the child shards here, so that they will be available for increment_generation calls
     719              :     // if some pageserver holding a child shard needs to restart before the overall tenant split is complete.
     720            0 :     pub(crate) async fn begin_shard_split(
     721            0 :         &self,
     722            0 :         old_shard_count: ShardCount,
     723            0 :         split_tenant_id: TenantId,
     724            0 :         parent_to_children: Vec<(TenantShardId, Vec<TenantShardPersistence>)>,
     725            0 :     ) -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     726              :         use crate::schema::tenant_shards::dsl::*;
     727            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(DatabaseOperation::BeginShardSplit, move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     728              :             // Mark parent shards as splitting
     729              : 
     730            0 :             let updated = diesel::update(tenant_shards)
     731            0 :                 .filter(tenant_id.eq(split_tenant_id.to_string()))
     732            0 :                 .filter(shard_count.eq(old_shard_count.literal() as i32))
     733            0 :                 .set((splitting.eq(1),))
     734            0 :                 .execute(conn)?;
     735            0 :             if u8::try_from(updated)
     736            0 :                 .map_err(|_| DatabaseError::Logical(
     737            0 :                     format!("Overflow existing shard count {} while splitting", updated))
     738            0 :                 )? != old_shard_count.count() {
     739              :                 // Perhaps a deletion or another split raced with this attempt to split, mutating
     740              :                 // the parent shards that we intend to split. In this case the split request should fail.
     741            0 :                 return Err(DatabaseError::Logical(
     742            0 :                     format!("Unexpected existing shard count {updated} when preparing tenant for split (expected {})", old_shard_count.count())
     743            0 :                 ));
     744            0 :             }
     745            0 : 
     746            0 :             // FIXME: spurious clone to sidestep closure move rules
     747            0 :             let parent_to_children = parent_to_children.clone();
     748              : 
     749              :             // Insert child shards
     750            0 :             for (parent_shard_id, children) in parent_to_children {
     751            0 :                 let mut parent = crate::schema::tenant_shards::table
     752            0 :                     .filter(tenant_id.eq(parent_shard_id.tenant_id.to_string()))
     753            0 :                     .filter(shard_number.eq(parent_shard_id.shard_number.0 as i32))
     754            0 :                     .filter(shard_count.eq(parent_shard_id.shard_count.literal() as i32))
     755            0 :                     .load::<TenantShardPersistence>(conn)?;
     756            0 :                 let parent = if parent.len() != 1 {
     757            0 :                     return Err(DatabaseError::Logical(format!(
     758            0 :                         "Parent shard {parent_shard_id} not found"
     759            0 :                     )));
     760              :                 } else {
     761            0 :                     parent.pop().unwrap()
     762              :                 };
     763            0 :                 for mut shard in children {
     764              :                     // Carry the parent's generation into the child
     765            0 :                     shard.generation = parent.generation;
     766            0 : 
     767            0 :                     debug_assert!(shard.splitting == SplitState::Splitting);
     768            0 :                     diesel::insert_into(tenant_shards)
     769            0 :                         .values(shard)
     770            0 :                         .execute(conn)?;
     771              :                 }
     772              :             }
     773              : 
     774            0 :             Ok(())
     775            0 :         })
     776            0 :         .await
     777            0 :     }
     778              : 
     779              :     // When we finish shard splitting, we must atomically clean up the old shards
     780              :     // and insert the new shards, and clear the splitting marker.
     781            0 :     pub(crate) async fn complete_shard_split(
     782            0 :         &self,
     783            0 :         split_tenant_id: TenantId,
     784            0 :         old_shard_count: ShardCount,
     785            0 :     ) -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     786              :         use crate::schema::tenant_shards::dsl::*;
     787            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(
     788            0 :             DatabaseOperation::CompleteShardSplit,
     789            0 :             move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     790            0 :                 // Drop parent shards
     791            0 :                 diesel::delete(tenant_shards)
     792            0 :                     .filter(tenant_id.eq(split_tenant_id.to_string()))
     793            0 :                     .filter(shard_count.eq(old_shard_count.literal() as i32))
     794            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     795              : 
     796              :                 // Clear sharding flag
     797            0 :                 let updated = diesel::update(tenant_shards)
     798            0 :                     .filter(tenant_id.eq(split_tenant_id.to_string()))
     799            0 :                     .set((splitting.eq(0),))
     800            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     801            0 :                 debug_assert!(updated > 0);
     802              : 
     803            0 :                 Ok(())
     804            0 :             },
     805            0 :         )
     806            0 :         .await
     807            0 :     }
     808              : 
     809              :     /// Used when the remote part of a shard split failed: we will revert the database state to have only
     810              :     /// the parent shards, with SplitState::Idle.
     811            0 :     pub(crate) async fn abort_shard_split(
     812            0 :         &self,
     813            0 :         split_tenant_id: TenantId,
     814            0 :         new_shard_count: ShardCount,
     815            0 :     ) -> DatabaseResult<AbortShardSplitStatus> {
     816              :         use crate::schema::tenant_shards::dsl::*;
     817            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(
     818            0 :             DatabaseOperation::AbortShardSplit,
     819            0 :             move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<AbortShardSplitStatus> {
     820              :                 // Clear the splitting state on parent shards
     821            0 :                 let updated = diesel::update(tenant_shards)
     822            0 :                     .filter(tenant_id.eq(split_tenant_id.to_string()))
     823            0 :                     .filter( as i32))
     824            0 :                     .set((splitting.eq(0),))
     825            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     826              : 
     827              :                 // Parent shards are already gone: we cannot abort.
     828            0 :                 if updated == 0 {
     829            0 :                     return Ok(AbortShardSplitStatus::Complete);
     830            0 :                 }
     831            0 : 
     832            0 :                 // Sanity check: if parent shards were present, their cardinality should
     833            0 :                 // be less than the number of child shards.
     834            0 :                 if updated >= new_shard_count.count() as usize {
     835            0 :                     return Err(DatabaseError::Logical(format!(
     836            0 :                         "Unexpected parent shard count {updated} while aborting split to \
     837            0 :                             count {new_shard_count:?} on tenant {split_tenant_id}"
     838            0 :                     )));
     839            0 :                 }
     840            0 : 
     841            0 :                 // Erase child shards
     842            0 :                 diesel::delete(tenant_shards)
     843            0 :                     .filter(tenant_id.eq(split_tenant_id.to_string()))
     844            0 :                     .filter(shard_count.eq(new_shard_count.literal() as i32))
     845            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     846              : 
     847            0 :                 Ok(AbortShardSplitStatus::Aborted)
     848            0 :             },
     849            0 :         )
     850            0 :         .await
     851            0 :     }
     852              : 
     853              :     /// Stores all the latest metadata health updates durably. Updates existing entry on conflict.
     854              :     ///
     855              :     /// **Correctness:** `metadata_health_updates` should all belong the tenant shards managed by the storage controller.
     856              :     #[allow(dead_code)]
     857            0 :     pub(crate) async fn update_metadata_health_records(
     858            0 :         &self,
     859            0 :         healthy_records: Vec<MetadataHealthPersistence>,
     860            0 :         unhealthy_records: Vec<MetadataHealthPersistence>,
     861            0 :         now: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
     862            0 :     ) -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     863              :         use crate::schema::metadata_health::dsl::*;
     864              : 
     865            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(
     866            0 :             DatabaseOperation::UpdateMetadataHealth,
     867            0 :             move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<_> {
     868            0 :                 diesel::insert_into(metadata_health)
     869            0 :                     .values(&healthy_records)
     870            0 :                     .on_conflict((tenant_id, shard_number, shard_count))
     871            0 :                     .do_update()
     872            0 :                     .set((healthy.eq(true), last_scrubbed_at.eq(now)))
     873            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     874              : 
     875            0 :                 diesel::insert_into(metadata_health)
     876            0 :                     .values(&unhealthy_records)
     877            0 :                     .on_conflict((tenant_id, shard_number, shard_count))
     878            0 :                     .do_update()
     879            0 :                     .set((healthy.eq(false), last_scrubbed_at.eq(now)))
     880            0 :                     .execute(conn)?;
     881            0 :                 Ok(())
     882            0 :             },
     883            0 :         )
     884            0 :         .await
     885            0 :     }
     886              : 
     887              :     /// Lists all the metadata health records.
     888              :     #[allow(dead_code)]
     889            0 :     pub(crate) async fn list_metadata_health_records(
     890            0 :         &self,
     891            0 :     ) -> DatabaseResult<Vec<MetadataHealthPersistence>> {
     892            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(
     893            0 :             DatabaseOperation::ListMetadataHealth,
     894            0 :             move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<_> {
     895            0 :                 Ok(
     896            0 :                     crate::schema::metadata_health::table
     897            0 :                         .load::<MetadataHealthPersistence>(conn)?,
     898              :                 )
     899            0 :             },
     900            0 :         )
     901            0 :         .await
     902            0 :     }
     903              : 
     904              :     /// Lists all the metadata health records that is unhealthy.
     905              :     #[allow(dead_code)]
     906            0 :     pub(crate) async fn list_unhealthy_metadata_health_records(
     907            0 :         &self,
     908            0 :     ) -> DatabaseResult<Vec<MetadataHealthPersistence>> {
     909              :         use crate::schema::metadata_health::dsl::*;
     910            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(
     911            0 :             DatabaseOperation::ListMetadataHealthUnhealthy,
     912            0 :             move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<_> {
     913            0 :                 Ok(crate::schema::metadata_health::table
     914            0 :                     .filter(healthy.eq(false))
     915            0 :                     .load::<MetadataHealthPersistence>(conn)?)
     916            0 :             },
     917            0 :         )
     918            0 :         .await
     919            0 :     }
     920              : 
     921              :     /// Lists all the metadata health records that have not been updated since an `earlier` time.
     922              :     #[allow(dead_code)]
     923            0 :     pub(crate) async fn list_outdated_metadata_health_records(
     924            0 :         &self,
     925            0 :         earlier: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
     926            0 :     ) -> DatabaseResult<Vec<MetadataHealthPersistence>> {
     927              :         use crate::schema::metadata_health::dsl::*;
     928              : 
     929            0 :         self.with_measured_conn(
     930            0 :             DatabaseOperation::ListMetadataHealthOutdated,
     931            0 :             move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<_> {
     932            0 :                 let query = metadata_health.filter(;
     933            0 :                 let res = query.load::<MetadataHealthPersistence>(conn)?;
     934              : 
     935            0 :                 Ok(res)
     936            0 :             },
     937            0 :         )
     938            0 :         .await
     939            0 :     }
     940              : 
     941              :     /// Get the current entry from the `leader` table if one exists.
     942              :     /// It is an error for the table to contain more than one entry.
     943            0 :     pub(crate) async fn get_leader(&self) -> DatabaseResult<Option<ControllerPersistence>> {
     944            0 :         let mut leader: Vec<ControllerPersistence> = self
     945            0 :             .with_measured_conn(
     946            0 :                 DatabaseOperation::GetLeader,
     947            0 :                 move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<_> {
     948            0 :                     Ok(crate::schema::controllers::table.load::<ControllerPersistence>(conn)?)
     949            0 :                 },
     950            0 :             )
     951            0 :             .await?;
     952              : 
     953            0 :         if leader.len() > 1 {
     954            0 :             return Err(DatabaseError::Logical(format!(
     955            0 :                 "More than one entry present in the leader table: {leader:?}"
     956            0 :             )));
     957            0 :         }
     958            0 : 
     959            0 :         Ok(leader.pop())
     960            0 :     }
     961              : 
     962              :     /// Update the new leader with compare-exchange semantics. If `prev` does not
     963              :     /// match the current leader entry, then the update is treated as a failure.
     964              :     /// When `prev` is not specified, the update is forced.
     965            0 :     pub(crate) async fn update_leader(
     966            0 :         &self,
     967            0 :         prev: Option<ControllerPersistence>,
     968            0 :         new: ControllerPersistence,
     969            0 :     ) -> DatabaseResult<()> {
     970              :         use crate::schema::controllers::dsl::*;
     971              : 
     972            0 :         let updated = self
     973            0 :             .with_measured_conn(
     974            0 :                 DatabaseOperation::UpdateLeader,
     975            0 :                 move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<usize> {
     976            0 :                     let updated = match &prev {
     977            0 :                         Some(prev) => diesel::update(controllers)
     978            0 :                             .filter(address.eq(prev.address.clone()))
     979            0 :                             .filter(started_at.eq(prev.started_at))
     980            0 :                             .set((
     981            0 :                                 address.eq(new.address.clone()),
     982            0 :                                 started_at.eq(new.started_at),
     983            0 :                             ))
     984            0 :                             .execute(conn)?,
     985            0 :                         None => diesel::insert_into(controllers)
     986            0 :                             .values(new.clone())
     987            0 :                             .execute(conn)?,
     988              :                     };
     989              : 
     990            0 :                     Ok(updated)
     991            0 :                 },
     992            0 :             )
     993            0 :             .await?;
     994              : 
     995            0 :         if updated == 0 {
     996            0 :             return Err(DatabaseError::Logical(
     997            0 :                 "Leader table update failed".to_string(),
     998            0 :             ));
     999            0 :         }
    1000            0 : 
    1001            0 :         Ok(())
    1002            0 :     }
    1003              : 
    1004            0 :     pub(crate) async fn safekeeper_get(
    1005            0 :         &self,
    1006            0 :         id: i64,
    1007            0 :     ) -> Result<SafekeeperPersistence, DatabaseError> {
    1008              :         use crate::schema::safekeepers::dsl::{id as id_column, safekeepers};
    1009            0 :         self.with_conn(move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<SafekeeperPersistence> {
    1010            0 :             Ok(safekeepers
    1011            0 :                 .filter(id_column.eq(&id))
    1012            0 :                 .select(SafekeeperPersistence::as_select())
    1013            0 :                 .get_result(conn)?)
    1014            0 :         })
    1015            0 :         .await
    1016            0 :     }
    1017              : 
    1018            0 :     pub(crate) async fn safekeeper_upsert(
    1019            0 :         &self,
    1020            0 :         record: SafekeeperPersistence,
    1021            0 :     ) -> Result<(), DatabaseError> {
    1022              :         use crate::schema::safekeepers::dsl::*;
    1023              : 
    1024            0 :         self.with_conn(move |conn| -> DatabaseResult<()> {
    1025            0 :             let bind = record.as_insert_or_update();
    1026              : 
    1027            0 :             let inserted_updated = diesel::insert_into(safekeepers)
    1028            0 :                 .values(&bind)
    1029            0 :                 .on_conflict(id)
    1030            0 :                 .do_update()
    1031            0 :                 .set(&bind)
    1032            0 :                 .execute(conn)?;
    1033              : 
    1034            0 :             if inserted_updated != 1 {
    1035            0 :                 return Err(DatabaseError::Logical(format!(
    1036            0 :                     "unexpected number of rows ({})",
    1037            0 :                     inserted_updated
    1038            0 :                 )));
    1039            0 :             }
    1040            0 : 
    1041            0 :             Ok(())
    1042            0 :         })
    1043            0 :         .await
    1044            0 :     }
    1045              : }
    1046              : 
    1047              : /// Parts of [`crate::tenant_shard::TenantShard`] that are stored durably
    1048              : #[derive(
    1049            0 :     QueryableByName, Queryable, Selectable, Insertable, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Eq, PartialEq,
    1050              : )]
    1051              : #[diesel(table_name = crate::schema::tenant_shards)]
    1052              : pub(crate) struct TenantShardPersistence {
    1053              :     #[serde(default)]
    1054              :     pub(crate) tenant_id: String,
    1055              :     #[serde(default)]
    1056              :     pub(crate) shard_number: i32,
    1057              :     #[serde(default)]
    1058              :     pub(crate) shard_count: i32,
    1059              :     #[serde(default)]
    1060              :     pub(crate) shard_stripe_size: i32,
    1061              : 
    1062              :     // Latest generation number: next time we attach, increment this
    1063              :     // and use the incremented number when attaching.
    1064              :     //
    1065              :     // Generation is only None when first onboarding a tenant, where it may
    1066              :     // be in PlacementPolicy::Secondary and therefore have no valid generation state.
    1067              :     pub(crate) generation: Option<i32>,
    1068              : 
    1069              :     // Currently attached pageserver
    1070              :     #[serde(rename = "pageserver")]
    1071              :     pub(crate) generation_pageserver: Option<i64>,
    1072              : 
    1073              :     #[serde(default)]
    1074              :     pub(crate) placement_policy: String,
    1075              :     #[serde(default)]
    1076              :     pub(crate) splitting: SplitState,
    1077              :     #[serde(default)]
    1078              :     pub(crate) config: String,
    1079              :     #[serde(default)]
    1080              :     pub(crate) scheduling_policy: String,
    1081              : 
    1082              :     // Hint that we should attempt to schedule this tenant shard the given
    1083              :     // availability zone in order to minimise the chances of cross-AZ communication
    1084              :     // with compute.
    1085              :     pub(crate) preferred_az_id: Option<String>,
    1086              : }
    1087              : 
    1088              : impl TenantShardPersistence {
    1089            0 :     pub(crate) fn get_shard_identity(&self) -> Result<ShardIdentity, ShardConfigError> {
    1090            0 :         if self.shard_count == 0 {
    1091            0 :             Ok(ShardIdentity::unsharded())
    1092              :         } else {
    1093            0 :             Ok(ShardIdentity::new(
    1094            0 :                 ShardNumber(self.shard_number as u8),
    1095            0 :                 ShardCount::new(self.shard_count as u8),
    1096            0 :                 ShardStripeSize(self.shard_stripe_size as u32),
    1097            0 :             )?)
    1098              :         }
    1099            0 :     }
    1100              : 
    1101            0 :     pub(crate) fn get_tenant_shard_id(&self) -> Result<TenantShardId, hex::FromHexError> {
    1102            0 :         Ok(TenantShardId {
    1103            0 :             tenant_id: TenantId::from_str(self.tenant_id.as_str())?,
    1104            0 :             shard_number: ShardNumber(self.shard_number as u8),
    1105            0 :             shard_count: ShardCount::new(self.shard_count as u8),
    1106              :         })
    1107            0 :     }
    1108              : }
    1109              : 
    1110              : /// Parts of [`crate::node::Node`] that are stored durably
    1111            0 : #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Queryable, Selectable, Insertable, Eq, PartialEq)]
    1112              : #[diesel(table_name = crate::schema::nodes)]
    1113              : pub(crate) struct NodePersistence {
    1114              :     pub(crate) node_id: i64,
    1115              :     pub(crate) scheduling_policy: String,
    1116              :     pub(crate) listen_http_addr: String,
    1117              :     pub(crate) listen_http_port: i32,
    1118              :     pub(crate) listen_pg_addr: String,
    1119              :     pub(crate) listen_pg_port: i32,
    1120              :     pub(crate) availability_zone_id: String,
    1121              : }
    1122              : 
    1123              : /// Tenant metadata health status that are stored durably.
    1124            0 : #[derive(Queryable, Selectable, Insertable, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
    1125              : #[diesel(table_name = crate::schema::metadata_health)]
    1126              : pub(crate) struct MetadataHealthPersistence {
    1127              :     #[serde(default)]
    1128              :     pub(crate) tenant_id: String,
    1129              :     #[serde(default)]
    1130              :     pub(crate) shard_number: i32,
    1131              :     #[serde(default)]
    1132              :     pub(crate) shard_count: i32,
    1133              : 
    1134              :     pub(crate) healthy: bool,
    1135              :     pub(crate) last_scrubbed_at: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
    1136              : }
    1137              : 
    1138              : impl MetadataHealthPersistence {
    1139            0 :     pub fn new(
    1140            0 :         tenant_shard_id: TenantShardId,
    1141            0 :         healthy: bool,
    1142            0 :         last_scrubbed_at: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
    1143            0 :     ) -> Self {
    1144            0 :         let tenant_id = tenant_shard_id.tenant_id.to_string();
    1145            0 :         let shard_number = tenant_shard_id.shard_number.0 as i32;
    1146            0 :         let shard_count = tenant_shard_id.shard_count.literal() as i32;
    1147            0 : 
    1148            0 :         MetadataHealthPersistence {
    1149            0 :             tenant_id,
    1150            0 :             shard_number,
    1151            0 :             shard_count,
    1152            0 :             healthy,
    1153            0 :             last_scrubbed_at,
    1154            0 :         }
    1155            0 :     }
    1156              : 
    1157              :     #[allow(dead_code)]
    1158            0 :     pub(crate) fn get_tenant_shard_id(&self) -> Result<TenantShardId, hex::FromHexError> {
    1159            0 :         Ok(TenantShardId {
    1160            0 :             tenant_id: TenantId::from_str(self.tenant_id.as_str())?,
    1161            0 :             shard_number: ShardNumber(self.shard_number as u8),
    1162            0 :             shard_count: ShardCount::new(self.shard_count as u8),
    1163              :         })
    1164            0 :     }
    1165              : }
    1166              : 
    1167              : impl From<MetadataHealthPersistence> for MetadataHealthRecord {
    1168            0 :     fn from(value: MetadataHealthPersistence) -> Self {
    1169            0 :         MetadataHealthRecord {
    1170            0 :             tenant_shard_id: value
    1171            0 :                 .get_tenant_shard_id()
    1172            0 :                 .expect("stored tenant id should be valid"),
    1173            0 :             healthy: value.healthy,
    1174            0 :             last_scrubbed_at: value.last_scrubbed_at,
    1175            0 :         }
    1176            0 :     }
    1177              : }
    1178              : 
    1179              : #[derive(
    1180            0 :     Serialize, Deserialize, Queryable, Selectable, Insertable, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone,
    1181              : )]
    1182              : #[diesel(table_name = crate::schema::controllers)]
    1183              : pub(crate) struct ControllerPersistence {
    1184              :     pub(crate) address: String,
    1185              :     pub(crate) started_at: chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>,
    1186              : }
    1187              : 
    1188            0 : #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Queryable, Selectable, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
    1189              : #[diesel(table_name = crate::schema::safekeepers)]
    1190              : pub(crate) struct SafekeeperPersistence {
    1191              :     pub(crate) id: i64,
    1192              :     pub(crate) region_id: String,
    1193              :     /// 1 is special, it means just created (not currently posted to storcon).
    1194              :     /// Zero or negative is not really expected.
    1195              :     /// Otherwise the number from `release-$(number_of_commits_on_branch)` tag.
    1196              :     pub(crate) version: i64,
    1197              :     pub(crate) host: String,
    1198              :     pub(crate) port: i32,
    1199              :     pub(crate) active: bool,
    1200              :     pub(crate) http_port: i32,
    1201              :     pub(crate) availability_zone_id: String,
    1202              : }
    1203              : 
    1204              : impl SafekeeperPersistence {
    1205            0 :     fn as_insert_or_update(&self) -> InsertUpdateSafekeeper<'_> {
    1206            0 :         InsertUpdateSafekeeper {
    1207            0 :             id:,
    1208            0 :             region_id: &self.region_id,
    1209            0 :             version: self.version,
    1210            0 :             host: &,
    1211            0 :             port: self.port,
    1212            0 :             active:,
    1213            0 :             http_port: self.http_port,
    1214            0 :             availability_zone_id: &self.availability_zone_id,
    1215            0 :         }
    1216            0 :     }
    1217              : }
    1218              : 
    1219            0 : #[derive(Insertable, AsChangeset)]
    1220              : #[diesel(table_name = crate::schema::safekeepers)]
    1221              : struct InsertUpdateSafekeeper<'a> {
    1222              :     id: i64,
    1223              :     region_id: &'a str,
    1224              :     version: i64,
    1225              :     host: &'a str,
    1226              :     port: i32,
    1227              :     active: bool,
    1228              :     http_port: i32,
    1229              :     availability_zone_id: &'a str,
    1230              : }

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