LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - proxy/src - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 67.5 % 200 135
Test Date: 2024-09-20 13:14:58 Functions: 66.7 % 66 44

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use std::sync::{Arc, OnceLock};
       2              : 
       3              : use lasso::ThreadedRodeo;
       4              : use measured::{
       5              :     label::{FixedCardinalitySet, LabelGroupSet, LabelName, LabelSet, LabelValue, StaticLabelSet},
       6              :     metric::{histogram::Thresholds, name::MetricName},
       7              :     Counter, CounterVec, FixedCardinalityLabel, Gauge, Histogram, HistogramVec, LabelGroup,
       8              :     MetricGroup,
       9              : };
      10              : use metrics::{CounterPairAssoc, CounterPairVec, HyperLogLog, HyperLogLogVec};
      11              : 
      12              : use tokio::time::{self, Instant};
      13              : 
      14              : use crate::console::messages::ColdStartInfo;
      15              : 
      16           40 : #[derive(MetricGroup)]
      17              : #[metric(new(thread_pool: Arc<ThreadPoolMetrics>))]
      18              : pub struct Metrics {
      19              :     #[metric(namespace = "proxy")]
      20              :     #[metric(init = ProxyMetrics::new(thread_pool))]
      21              :     pub proxy: ProxyMetrics,
      22              : 
      23              :     #[metric(namespace = "wake_compute_lock")]
      24              :     pub wake_compute_lock: ApiLockMetrics,
      25              : }
      26              : 
      27              : static SELF: OnceLock<Metrics> = OnceLock::new();
      28              : impl Metrics {
      29            0 :     pub fn install(thread_pool: Arc<ThreadPoolMetrics>) {
      30            0 :         SELF.set(Metrics::new(thread_pool))
      31            0 :             .ok()
      32            0 :             .expect("proxy metrics must not be installed more than once");
      33            0 :     }
      34              : 
      35          135 :     pub fn get() -> &'static Self {
      36          135 :         #[cfg(test)]
      37          135 :         return SELF.get_or_init(|| Metrics::new(Arc::new(ThreadPoolMetrics::new(0))));
      38          135 : 
      39          135 :         #[cfg(not(test))]
      40          135 :         SELF.get()
      41          135 :             .expect("proxy metrics must be installed by the main() function")
      42          135 :     }
      43              : }
      44              : 
      45           40 : #[derive(MetricGroup)]
      46              : #[metric(new(thread_pool: Arc<ThreadPoolMetrics>))]
      47              : pub struct ProxyMetrics {
      48              :     #[metric(flatten)]
      49              :     pub db_connections: CounterPairVec<NumDbConnectionsGauge>,
      50              :     #[metric(flatten)]
      51              :     pub client_connections: CounterPairVec<NumClientConnectionsGauge>,
      52              :     #[metric(flatten)]
      53              :     pub connection_requests: CounterPairVec<NumConnectionRequestsGauge>,
      54              :     #[metric(flatten)]
      55              :     pub http_endpoint_pools: HttpEndpointPools,
      56              : 
      57              :     /// Time it took for proxy to establish a connection to the compute endpoint.
      58              :     // largest bucket = 2^16 * 0.5ms = 32s
      59              :     #[metric(metadata = Thresholds::exponential_buckets(0.0005, 2.0))]
      60              :     pub compute_connection_latency_seconds: HistogramVec<ComputeConnectionLatencySet, 16>,
      61              : 
      62              :     /// Time it took for proxy to receive a response from control plane.
      63              :     #[metric(
      64              :         // largest bucket = 2^16 * 0.2ms = 13s
      65              :         metadata = Thresholds::exponential_buckets(0.0002, 2.0),
      66              :     )]
      67              :     pub console_request_latency: HistogramVec<ConsoleRequestSet, 16>,
      68              : 
      69              :     /// Time it takes to acquire a token to call console plane.
      70              :     // largest bucket = 3^16 * 0.05ms = 2.15s
      71              :     #[metric(metadata = Thresholds::exponential_buckets(0.00005, 3.0))]
      72              :     pub control_plane_token_acquire_seconds: Histogram<16>,
      73              : 
      74              :     /// Size of the HTTP request body lengths.
      75              :     // smallest bucket = 16 bytes
      76              :     // largest bucket = 4^12 * 16 bytes = 256MB
      77              :     #[metric(metadata = Thresholds::exponential_buckets(16.0, 4.0))]
      78              :     pub http_conn_content_length_bytes: HistogramVec<StaticLabelSet<HttpDirection>, 12>,
      79              : 
      80              :     /// Time it takes to reclaim unused connection pools.
      81              :     #[metric(metadata = Thresholds::exponential_buckets(1e-6, 2.0))]
      82              :     pub http_pool_reclaimation_lag_seconds: Histogram<16>,
      83              : 
      84              :     /// Number of opened connections to a database.
      85              :     pub http_pool_opened_connections: Gauge,
      86              : 
      87              :     /// Number of cache hits/misses for allowed ips.
      88              :     pub allowed_ips_cache_misses: CounterVec<StaticLabelSet<CacheOutcome>>,
      89              : 
      90              :     /// Number of allowed ips
      91              :     #[metric(metadata = Thresholds::with_buckets([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0, 100.0]))]
      92              :     pub allowed_ips_number: Histogram<10>,
      93              : 
      94              :     /// Number of connections (per sni).
      95              :     pub accepted_connections_by_sni: CounterVec<StaticLabelSet<SniKind>>,
      96              : 
      97              :     /// Number of connection failures (per kind).
      98              :     pub connection_failures_total: CounterVec<StaticLabelSet<ConnectionFailureKind>>,
      99              : 
     100              :     /// Number of wake-up failures (per kind).
     101              :     pub connection_failures_breakdown: CounterVec<ConnectionFailuresBreakdownSet>,
     102              : 
     103              :     /// Number of bytes sent/received between all clients and backends.
     104              :     pub io_bytes: CounterVec<StaticLabelSet<Direction>>,
     105              : 
     106              :     /// Number of errors by a given classification.
     107              :     pub errors_total: CounterVec<StaticLabelSet<crate::error::ErrorKind>>,
     108              : 
     109              :     /// Number of cancellation requests (per found/not_found).
     110              :     pub cancellation_requests_total: CounterVec<CancellationRequestSet>,
     111              : 
     112              :     /// Number of errors by a given classification
     113              :     pub redis_errors_total: CounterVec<RedisErrorsSet>,
     114              : 
     115              :     /// Number of TLS handshake failures
     116              :     pub tls_handshake_failures: Counter,
     117              : 
     118              :     /// Number of connection requests affected by authentication rate limits
     119              :     pub requests_auth_rate_limits_total: Counter,
     120              : 
     121              :     /// HLL approximate cardinality of endpoints that are connecting
     122              :     pub connecting_endpoints: HyperLogLogVec<StaticLabelSet<Protocol>, 32>,
     123              : 
     124              :     /// Number of endpoints affected by errors of a given classification
     125              :     pub endpoints_affected_by_errors: HyperLogLogVec<StaticLabelSet<crate::error::ErrorKind>, 32>,
     126              : 
     127              :     /// Number of endpoints affected by authentication rate limits
     128              :     pub endpoints_auth_rate_limits: HyperLogLog<32>,
     129              : 
     130              :     /// Number of invalid endpoints (per protocol, per rejected).
     131              :     pub invalid_endpoints_total: CounterVec<InvalidEndpointsSet>,
     132              : 
     133              :     /// Number of retries (per outcome, per retry_type).
     134              :     #[metric(metadata = Thresholds::with_buckets([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]))]
     135              :     pub retries_metric: HistogramVec<RetriesMetricSet, 9>,
     136              : 
     137              :     /// Number of events consumed from redis (per event type).
     138              :     pub redis_events_count: CounterVec<StaticLabelSet<RedisEventsCount>>,
     139              : 
     140              :     #[metric(namespace = "connect_compute_lock")]
     141              :     pub connect_compute_lock: ApiLockMetrics,
     142              : 
     143              :     #[metric(namespace = "scram_pool")]
     144              :     #[metric(init = thread_pool)]
     145              :     pub scram_pool: Arc<ThreadPoolMetrics>,
     146              : }
     147              : 
     148           80 : #[derive(MetricGroup)]
     149              : #[metric(new())]
     150              : pub struct ApiLockMetrics {
     151              :     /// Number of semaphores registered in this api lock
     152              :     pub semaphores_registered: Counter,
     153              :     /// Number of semaphores unregistered in this api lock
     154              :     pub semaphores_unregistered: Counter,
     155              :     /// Time it takes to reclaim unused semaphores in the api lock
     156              :     #[metric(metadata = Thresholds::exponential_buckets(1e-6, 2.0))]
     157              :     pub reclamation_lag_seconds: Histogram<16>,
     158              :     /// Time it takes to acquire a semaphore lock
     159              :     #[metric(metadata = Thresholds::exponential_buckets(1e-4, 2.0))]
     160              :     pub semaphore_acquire_seconds: Histogram<16>,
     161              : }
     162              : 
     163              : impl Default for ApiLockMetrics {
     164           80 :     fn default() -> Self {
     165           80 :         Self::new()
     166           80 :     }
     167              : }
     168              : 
     169            0 : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Copy, Clone)]
     170              : #[label(singleton = "direction")]
     171              : pub enum HttpDirection {
     172              :     Request,
     173              :     Response,
     174              : }
     175              : 
     176            0 : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Copy, Clone)]
     177              : #[label(singleton = "direction")]
     178              : pub enum Direction {
     179              :     Tx,
     180              :     Rx,
     181              : }
     182              : 
     183            0 : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
     184              : #[label(singleton = "protocol")]
     185              : pub enum Protocol {
     186              :     Http,
     187              :     Ws,
     188              :     Tcp,
     189              :     SniRouter,
     190              : }
     191              : 
     192              : impl Protocol {
     193            0 :     pub fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
     194            0 :         match self {
     195            0 :             Protocol::Http => "http",
     196            0 :             Protocol::Ws => "ws",
     197            0 :             Protocol::Tcp => "tcp",
     198            0 :             Protocol::SniRouter => "sni_router",
     199              :         }
     200            0 :     }
     201              : }
     202              : 
     203              : impl std::fmt::Display for Protocol {
     204            0 :     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
     205            0 :         f.write_str(self.as_str())
     206            0 :     }
     207              : }
     208              : 
     209              : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Copy, Clone)]
     210              : pub enum Bool {
     211              :     True,
     212              :     False,
     213              : }
     214              : 
     215            0 : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Copy, Clone)]
     216              : #[label(singleton = "outcome")]
     217              : pub enum Outcome {
     218              :     Success,
     219              :     Failed,
     220              : }
     221              : 
     222            0 : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Copy, Clone)]
     223              : #[label(singleton = "outcome")]
     224              : pub enum CacheOutcome {
     225              :     Hit,
     226              :     Miss,
     227              : }
     228              : 
     229           80 : #[derive(LabelGroup)]
     230              : #[label(set = ConsoleRequestSet)]
     231              : pub struct ConsoleRequest<'a> {
     232              :     #[label(dynamic_with = ThreadedRodeo, default)]
     233              :     pub request: &'a str,
     234              : }
     235              : 
     236              : #[derive(MetricGroup, Default)]
     237              : pub struct HttpEndpointPools {
     238              :     /// Number of endpoints we have registered pools for
     239              :     pub http_pool_endpoints_registered_total: Counter,
     240              :     /// Number of endpoints we have unregistered pools for
     241              :     pub http_pool_endpoints_unregistered_total: Counter,
     242              : }
     243              : 
     244              : pub struct HttpEndpointPoolsGuard<'a> {
     245              :     dec: &'a Counter,
     246              : }
     247              : 
     248              : impl Drop for HttpEndpointPoolsGuard<'_> {
     249            2 :     fn drop(&mut self) {
     250            2 :;
     251            2 :     }
     252              : }
     253              : 
     254              : impl HttpEndpointPools {
     255            2 :     pub fn guard(&self) -> HttpEndpointPoolsGuard<'_> {
     256            2 :;
     257            2 :         HttpEndpointPoolsGuard {
     258            2 :             dec: &self.http_pool_endpoints_unregistered_total,
     259            2 :         }
     260            2 :     }
     261              : }
     262              : pub struct NumDbConnectionsGauge;
     263              : impl CounterPairAssoc for NumDbConnectionsGauge {
     264              :     const INC_NAME: &'static MetricName = MetricName::from_str("opened_db_connections_total");
     265              :     const DEC_NAME: &'static MetricName = MetricName::from_str("closed_db_connections_total");
     266              :     const INC_HELP: &'static str = "Number of opened connections to a database.";
     267              :     const DEC_HELP: &'static str = "Number of closed connections to a database.";
     268              :     type LabelGroupSet = StaticLabelSet<Protocol>;
     269              : }
     270              : pub type NumDbConnectionsGuard<'a> = metrics::MeasuredCounterPairGuard<'a, NumDbConnectionsGauge>;
     271              : 
     272              : pub struct NumClientConnectionsGauge;
     273              : impl CounterPairAssoc for NumClientConnectionsGauge {
     274              :     const INC_NAME: &'static MetricName = MetricName::from_str("opened_client_connections_total");
     275              :     const DEC_NAME: &'static MetricName = MetricName::from_str("closed_client_connections_total");
     276              :     const INC_HELP: &'static str = "Number of opened connections from a client.";
     277              :     const DEC_HELP: &'static str = "Number of closed connections from a client.";
     278              :     type LabelGroupSet = StaticLabelSet<Protocol>;
     279              : }
     280              : pub type NumClientConnectionsGuard<'a> =
     281              :     metrics::MeasuredCounterPairGuard<'a, NumClientConnectionsGauge>;
     282              : 
     283              : pub struct NumConnectionRequestsGauge;
     284              : impl CounterPairAssoc for NumConnectionRequestsGauge {
     285              :     const INC_NAME: &'static MetricName = MetricName::from_str("accepted_connections_total");
     286              :     const DEC_NAME: &'static MetricName = MetricName::from_str("closed_connections_total");
     287              :     const INC_HELP: &'static str = "Number of client connections accepted.";
     288              :     const DEC_HELP: &'static str = "Number of client connections closed.";
     289              :     type LabelGroupSet = StaticLabelSet<Protocol>;
     290              : }
     291              : pub type NumConnectionRequestsGuard<'a> =
     292              :     metrics::MeasuredCounterPairGuard<'a, NumConnectionRequestsGauge>;
     293              : 
     294          240 : #[derive(LabelGroup)]
     295              : #[label(set = ComputeConnectionLatencySet)]
     296              : pub struct ComputeConnectionLatencyGroup {
     297              :     protocol: Protocol,
     298              :     cold_start_info: ColdStartInfo,
     299              :     outcome: ConnectOutcome,
     300              :     excluded: LatencyExclusions,
     301              : }
     302              : 
     303              : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Copy, Clone)]
     304              : pub enum LatencyExclusions {
     305              :     Client,
     306              :     ClientAndCplane,
     307              :     ClientCplaneCompute,
     308              :     ClientCplaneComputeRetry,
     309              : }
     310              : 
     311            0 : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Copy, Clone)]
     312              : #[label(singleton = "kind")]
     313              : pub enum SniKind {
     314              :     Sni,
     315              :     NoSni,
     316              :     PasswordHack,
     317              : }
     318              : 
     319            0 : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Copy, Clone)]
     320              : #[label(singleton = "kind")]
     321              : pub enum ConnectionFailureKind {
     322              :     ComputeCached,
     323              :     ComputeUncached,
     324              : }
     325              : 
     326            0 : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Copy, Clone)]
     327              : #[label(singleton = "kind")]
     328              : pub enum WakeupFailureKind {
     329              :     BadComputeAddress,
     330              :     ApiTransportError,
     331              :     QuotaExceeded,
     332              :     ApiConsoleLocked,
     333              :     ApiConsoleBadRequest,
     334              :     ApiConsoleOtherServerError,
     335              :     ApiConsoleOtherError,
     336              :     TimeoutError,
     337              : }
     338              : 
     339          160 : #[derive(LabelGroup)]
     340              : #[label(set = ConnectionFailuresBreakdownSet)]
     341              : pub struct ConnectionFailuresBreakdownGroup {
     342              :     pub kind: WakeupFailureKind,
     343              :     pub retry: Bool,
     344              : }
     345              : 
     346           80 : #[derive(LabelGroup, Copy, Clone)]
     347              : #[label(set = RedisErrorsSet)]
     348              : pub struct RedisErrors<'a> {
     349              :     #[label(dynamic_with = ThreadedRodeo, default)]
     350              :     pub channel: &'a str,
     351              : }
     352              : 
     353              : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Copy, Clone)]
     354              : pub enum CancellationSource {
     355              :     FromClient,
     356              :     FromRedis,
     357              :     Local,
     358              : }
     359              : 
     360              : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Copy, Clone)]
     361              : pub enum CancellationOutcome {
     362              :     NotFound,
     363              :     Found,
     364              : }
     365              : 
     366          160 : #[derive(LabelGroup)]
     367              : #[label(set = CancellationRequestSet)]
     368              : pub struct CancellationRequest {
     369              :     pub source: CancellationSource,
     370              :     pub kind: CancellationOutcome,
     371              : }
     372              : 
     373              : #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
     374              : pub enum Waiting {
     375              :     Cplane,
     376              :     Client,
     377              :     Compute,
     378              :     RetryTimeout,
     379              : }
     380              : 
     381              : #[derive(Default)]
     382              : struct Accumulated {
     383              :     cplane: time::Duration,
     384              :     client: time::Duration,
     385              :     compute: time::Duration,
     386              :     retry: time::Duration,
     387              : }
     388              : 
     389              : pub struct LatencyTimer {
     390              :     // time since the stopwatch was started
     391              :     start: time::Instant,
     392              :     // time since the stopwatch was stopped
     393              :     stop: Option<time::Instant>,
     394              :     // accumulated time on the stopwatch
     395              :     accumulated: Accumulated,
     396              :     // label data
     397              :     protocol: Protocol,
     398              :     cold_start_info: ColdStartInfo,
     399              :     outcome: ConnectOutcome,
     400              : 
     401              :     skip_reporting: bool,
     402              : }
     403              : 
     404              : impl LatencyTimer {
     405           61 :     pub fn new(protocol: Protocol) -> Self {
     406           61 :         Self {
     407           61 :             start: time::Instant::now(),
     408           61 :             stop: None,
     409           61 :             accumulated: Accumulated::default(),
     410           61 :             protocol,
     411           61 :             cold_start_info: ColdStartInfo::Unknown,
     412           61 :             // assume failed unless otherwise specified
     413           61 :             outcome: ConnectOutcome::Failed,
     414           61 :             skip_reporting: false,
     415           61 :         }
     416           61 :     }
     417              : 
     418            0 :     pub(crate) fn noop(protocol: Protocol) -> Self {
     419            0 :         Self {
     420            0 :             start: time::Instant::now(),
     421            0 :             stop: None,
     422            0 :             accumulated: Accumulated::default(),
     423            0 :             protocol,
     424            0 :             cold_start_info: ColdStartInfo::Unknown,
     425            0 :             // assume failed unless otherwise specified
     426            0 :             outcome: ConnectOutcome::Failed,
     427            0 :             skip_reporting: true,
     428            0 :         }
     429            0 :     }
     430              : 
     431           22 :     pub fn unpause(&mut self, start: Instant, waiting_for: Waiting) {
     432           22 :         let dur = start.elapsed();
     433           22 :         match waiting_for {
     434            0 :             Waiting::Cplane => self.accumulated.cplane += dur,
     435           15 :             Waiting::Client => self.accumulated.client += dur,
     436            1 :             Waiting::Compute => self.accumulated.compute += dur,
     437            6 :             Waiting::RetryTimeout => self.accumulated.retry += dur,
     438              :         }
     439           22 :     }
     440              : 
     441            0 :     pub fn cold_start_info(&mut self, cold_start_info: ColdStartInfo) {
     442            0 :         self.cold_start_info = cold_start_info;
     443            0 :     }
     444              : 
     445            4 :     pub fn success(&mut self) {
     446            4 :         // stop the stopwatch and record the time that we have accumulated
     447            4 :         self.stop = Some(time::Instant::now());
     448            4 : 
     449            4 :         // success
     450            4 :         self.outcome = ConnectOutcome::Success;
     451            4 :     }
     452              : }
     453              : 
     454              : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
     455              : pub enum ConnectOutcome {
     456              :     Success,
     457              :     Failed,
     458              : }
     459              : 
     460              : impl Drop for LatencyTimer {
     461           61 :     fn drop(&mut self) {
     462           61 :         if self.skip_reporting {
     463            0 :             return;
     464           61 :         }
     465           61 : 
     466           61 :         let duration = self
     467           61 :             .stop
     468           61 :             .unwrap_or_else(time::Instant::now)
     469           61 :             .duration_since(self.start);
     470           61 : 
     471           61 :         let metric = &Metrics::get().proxy.compute_connection_latency_seconds;
     472           61 : 
     473           61 :         // Excluding client communication from the accumulated time.
     474           61 :         metric.observe(
     475           61 :             ComputeConnectionLatencyGroup {
     476           61 :                 protocol: self.protocol,
     477           61 :                 cold_start_info: self.cold_start_info,
     478           61 :                 outcome: self.outcome,
     479           61 :                 excluded: LatencyExclusions::Client,
     480           61 :             },
     481           61 :             duration
     482           61 :                 .saturating_sub(self.accumulated.client)
     483           61 :                 .as_secs_f64(),
     484           61 :         );
     485           61 : 
     486           61 :         // Exclude client and cplane communication from the accumulated time.
     487           61 :         let accumulated_total = self.accumulated.client + self.accumulated.cplane;
     488           61 :         metric.observe(
     489           61 :             ComputeConnectionLatencyGroup {
     490           61 :                 protocol: self.protocol,
     491           61 :                 cold_start_info: self.cold_start_info,
     492           61 :                 outcome: self.outcome,
     493           61 :                 excluded: LatencyExclusions::ClientAndCplane,
     494           61 :             },
     495           61 :             duration.saturating_sub(accumulated_total).as_secs_f64(),
     496           61 :         );
     497           61 : 
     498           61 :         // Exclude client cplane, compue communication from the accumulated time.
     499           61 :         let accumulated_total =
     500           61 :             self.accumulated.client + self.accumulated.cplane + self.accumulated.compute;
     501           61 :         metric.observe(
     502           61 :             ComputeConnectionLatencyGroup {
     503           61 :                 protocol: self.protocol,
     504           61 :                 cold_start_info: self.cold_start_info,
     505           61 :                 outcome: self.outcome,
     506           61 :                 excluded: LatencyExclusions::ClientCplaneCompute,
     507           61 :             },
     508           61 :             duration.saturating_sub(accumulated_total).as_secs_f64(),
     509           61 :         );
     510           61 : 
     511           61 :         // Exclude client cplane, compue, retry communication from the accumulated time.
     512           61 :         let accumulated_total = self.accumulated.client
     513           61 :             + self.accumulated.cplane
     514           61 :             + self.accumulated.compute
     515           61 :             + self.accumulated.retry;
     516           61 :         metric.observe(
     517           61 :             ComputeConnectionLatencyGroup {
     518           61 :                 protocol: self.protocol,
     519           61 :                 cold_start_info: self.cold_start_info,
     520           61 :                 outcome: self.outcome,
     521           61 :                 excluded: LatencyExclusions::ClientCplaneComputeRetry,
     522           61 :             },
     523           61 :             duration.saturating_sub(accumulated_total).as_secs_f64(),
     524           61 :         );
     525           61 :     }
     526              : }
     527              : 
     528              : impl From<bool> for Bool {
     529            3 :     fn from(value: bool) -> Self {
     530            3 :         if value {
     531            2 :             Bool::True
     532              :         } else {
     533            1 :             Bool::False
     534              :         }
     535            3 :     }
     536              : }
     537              : 
     538          200 : #[derive(LabelGroup)]
     539              : #[label(set = InvalidEndpointsSet)]
     540              : pub struct InvalidEndpointsGroup {
     541              :     pub protocol: Protocol,
     542              :     pub rejected: Bool,
     543              :     pub outcome: ConnectOutcome,
     544              : }
     545              : 
     546          160 : #[derive(LabelGroup)]
     547              : #[label(set = RetriesMetricSet)]
     548              : pub struct RetriesMetricGroup {
     549              :     pub outcome: ConnectOutcome,
     550              :     pub retry_type: RetryType,
     551              : }
     552              : 
     553              : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
     554              : pub enum RetryType {
     555              :     WakeCompute,
     556              :     ConnectToCompute,
     557              : }
     558              : 
     559            0 : #[derive(FixedCardinalityLabel, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
     560              : #[label(singleton = "event")]
     561              : pub enum RedisEventsCount {
     562              :     EndpointCreated,
     563              :     BranchCreated,
     564              :     ProjectCreated,
     565              :     CancelSession,
     566              :     PasswordUpdate,
     567              :     AllowedIpsUpdate,
     568              : }
     569              : 
     570              : pub struct ThreadPoolWorkers(usize);
     571              : #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
     572              : pub struct ThreadPoolWorkerId(pub usize);
     573              : 
     574              : impl LabelValue for ThreadPoolWorkerId {
     575            0 :     fn visit<V: measured::label::LabelVisitor>(&self, v: V) -> V::Output {
     576            0 :         v.write_int(self.0 as i64)
     577            0 :     }
     578              : }
     579              : 
     580              : impl LabelGroup for ThreadPoolWorkerId {
     581            0 :     fn visit_values(&self, v: &mut impl measured::label::LabelGroupVisitor) {
     582            0 :         v.write_value(LabelName::from_str("worker"), self);
     583            0 :     }
     584              : }
     585              : 
     586              : impl LabelGroupSet for ThreadPoolWorkers {
     587              :     type Group<'a> = ThreadPoolWorkerId;
     588              : 
     589           92 :     fn cardinality(&self) -> Option<usize> {
     590           92 :         Some(self.0)
     591           92 :     }
     592              : 
     593            6 :     fn encode_dense(&self, value: Self::Unique) -> Option<usize> {
     594            6 :         Some(value)
     595            6 :     }
     596              : 
     597            0 :     fn decode_dense(&self, value: usize) -> Self::Group<'_> {
     598            0 :         ThreadPoolWorkerId(value)
     599            0 :     }
     600              : 
     601              :     type Unique = usize;
     602              : 
     603            6 :     fn encode(&self, value: Self::Group<'_>) -> Option<Self::Unique> {
     604            6 :         Some(value.0)
     605            6 :     }
     606              : 
     607            0 :     fn decode(&self, value: &Self::Unique) -> Self::Group<'_> {
     608            0 :         ThreadPoolWorkerId(*value)
     609            0 :     }
     610              : }
     611              : 
     612              : impl LabelSet for ThreadPoolWorkers {
     613              :     type Value<'a> = ThreadPoolWorkerId;
     614              : 
     615            0 :     fn dynamic_cardinality(&self) -> Option<usize> {
     616            0 :         Some(self.0)
     617            0 :     }
     618              : 
     619            0 :     fn encode(&self, value: Self::Value<'_>) -> Option<usize> {
     620            0 :         (value.0 < self.0).then_some(value.0)
     621            0 :     }
     622              : 
     623            0 :     fn decode(&self, value: usize) -> Self::Value<'_> {
     624            0 :         ThreadPoolWorkerId(value)
     625            0 :     }
     626              : }
     627              : 
     628              : impl FixedCardinalitySet for ThreadPoolWorkers {
     629            0 :     fn cardinality(&self) -> usize {
     630            0 :         self.0
     631            0 :     }
     632              : }
     633              : 
     634           46 : #[derive(MetricGroup)]
     635              : #[metric(new(workers: usize))]
     636              : pub struct ThreadPoolMetrics {
     637              :     #[metric(init = CounterVec::with_label_set(ThreadPoolWorkers(workers)))]
     638              :     pub worker_task_turns_total: CounterVec<ThreadPoolWorkers>,
     639              :     #[metric(init = CounterVec::with_label_set(ThreadPoolWorkers(workers)))]
     640              :     pub worker_task_skips_total: CounterVec<ThreadPoolWorkers>,
     641              : }

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