LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - pageserver/src - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 58.0 % 1660 963
Test Date: 2024-11-19 23:07:42 Functions: 58.8 % 80 47

            Line data    Source code
       1              : //!
       2              : //! Parse PostgreSQL WAL records and store them in a neon Timeline.
       3              : //!
       4              : //! The pipeline for ingesting WAL looks like this:
       5              : //!
       6              : //! WAL receiver  -> [`wal_decoder`] ->  WalIngest  ->   Repository
       7              : //!
       8              : //! The WAL receiver receives a stream of WAL from the WAL safekeepers.
       9              : //! Records get decoded and interpreted in the [`wal_decoder`] module
      10              : //! and then stored to the Repository by WalIngest.
      11              : //!
      12              : //! The neon Repository can store page versions in two formats: as
      13              : //! page images, or a WAL records. [`wal_decoder::models::InterpretedWalRecord::from_bytes_filtered`]
      14              : //! extracts page images out of some WAL records, but mostly it's WAL
      15              : //! records. If a WAL record modifies multiple pages, WalIngest
      16              : //! will call Repository::put_rel_wal_record or put_rel_page_image functions
      17              : //! separately for each modified page.
      18              : //!
      19              : //! To reconstruct a page using a WAL record, the Repository calls the
      20              : //! code in passes most WAL records to the WAL
      21              : //! redo Postgres process, but some records it can handle directly with
      22              : //! bespoken Rust code.
      23              : 
      24              : use std::collections::HashMap;
      25              : use std::sync::Arc;
      26              : use std::sync::OnceLock;
      27              : use std::time::Duration;
      28              : use std::time::Instant;
      29              : use std::time::SystemTime;
      30              : 
      31              : use pageserver_api::shard::ShardIdentity;
      32              : use postgres_ffi::fsm_logical_to_physical;
      33              : use postgres_ffi::walrecord::*;
      34              : use postgres_ffi::{dispatch_pgversion, enum_pgversion, enum_pgversion_dispatch, TimestampTz};
      35              : use wal_decoder::models::*;
      36              : 
      37              : use anyhow::{bail, Result};
      38              : use bytes::{Buf, Bytes};
      39              : use tracing::*;
      40              : use utils::failpoint_support;
      41              : use utils::rate_limit::RateLimit;
      42              : 
      43              : use crate::context::RequestContext;
      44              : use crate::metrics::WAL_INGEST;
      45              : use crate::pgdatadir_mapping::{DatadirModification, Version};
      46              : use crate::span::debug_assert_current_span_has_tenant_and_timeline_id;
      47              : use crate::tenant::PageReconstructError;
      48              : use crate::tenant::Timeline;
      49              : use crate::ZERO_PAGE;
      50              : use pageserver_api::key::rel_block_to_key;
      51              : use pageserver_api::record::NeonWalRecord;
      52              : use pageserver_api::reltag::{BlockNumber, RelTag, SlruKind};
      53              : use postgres_ffi::pg_constants;
      54              : use postgres_ffi::relfile_utils::{FSM_FORKNUM, INIT_FORKNUM, MAIN_FORKNUM, VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM};
      55              : use postgres_ffi::TransactionId;
      56              : use utils::bin_ser::SerializeError;
      57              : use utils::lsn::Lsn;
      58              : 
      59              : enum_pgversion! {CheckPoint, pgv::CheckPoint}
      60              : 
      61              : impl CheckPoint {
      62            6 :     fn encode(&self) -> Result<Bytes, SerializeError> {
      63            6 :         enum_pgversion_dispatch!(self, CheckPoint, cp, { cp.encode() })
      64            6 :     }
      65              : 
      66       145834 :     fn update_next_xid(&mut self, xid: u32) -> bool {
      67       145834 :         enum_pgversion_dispatch!(self, CheckPoint, cp, { cp.update_next_xid(xid) })
      68       145834 :     }
      69              : 
      70            0 :     pub fn update_next_multixid(&mut self, multi_xid: u32, multi_offset: u32) -> bool {
      71            0 :         enum_pgversion_dispatch!(self, CheckPoint, cp, {
      72            0 :             cp.update_next_multixid(multi_xid, multi_offset)
      73              :         })
      74            0 :     }
      75              : }
      76              : 
      77              : /// Temporary limitation of WAL lag warnings after attach
      78              : ///
      79              : /// After tenant attach, we want to limit WAL lag warnings because
      80              : /// we don't look at the WAL until the attach is complete, which
      81              : /// might take a while.
      82              : pub struct WalLagCooldown {
      83              :     /// Until when should this limitation apply at all
      84              :     active_until: std::time::Instant,
      85              :     /// The maximum lag to suppress. Lags above this limit get reported anyways.
      86              :     max_lag: Duration,
      87              : }
      88              : 
      89              : impl WalLagCooldown {
      90            0 :     pub fn new(attach_start: Instant, attach_duration: Duration) -> Self {
      91            0 :         Self {
      92            0 :             active_until: attach_start + attach_duration * 3 + Duration::from_secs(120),
      93            0 :             max_lag: attach_duration * 2 + Duration::from_secs(60),
      94            0 :         }
      95            0 :     }
      96              : }
      97              : 
      98              : pub struct WalIngest {
      99              :     attach_wal_lag_cooldown: Arc<OnceLock<WalLagCooldown>>,
     100              :     shard: ShardIdentity,
     101              :     checkpoint: CheckPoint,
     102              :     checkpoint_modified: bool,
     103              :     warn_ingest_lag: WarnIngestLag,
     104              : }
     105              : 
     106              : struct WarnIngestLag {
     107              :     lag_msg_ratelimit: RateLimit,
     108              :     future_lsn_msg_ratelimit: RateLimit,
     109              :     timestamp_invalid_msg_ratelimit: RateLimit,
     110              : }
     111              : 
     112              : impl WalIngest {
     113           12 :     pub async fn new(
     114           12 :         timeline: &Timeline,
     115           12 :         startpoint: Lsn,
     116           12 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
     117           12 :     ) -> anyhow::Result<WalIngest> {
     118              :         // Fetch the latest checkpoint into memory, so that we can compare with it
     119              :         // quickly in `ingest_record` and update it when it changes.
     120           12 :         let checkpoint_bytes = timeline.get_checkpoint(startpoint, ctx).await?;
     121           12 :         let pgversion = timeline.pg_version;
     122              : 
     123           12 :         let checkpoint = dispatch_pgversion!(pgversion, {
     124            0 :             let checkpoint = pgv::CheckPoint::decode(&checkpoint_bytes)?;
     125            0 :             trace!("CheckPoint.nextXid = {}", checkpoint.nextXid.value);
     126            0 :             <pgv::CheckPoint as Into<CheckPoint>>::into(checkpoint)
     127              :         });
     128              : 
     129           12 :         Ok(WalIngest {
     130           12 :             shard: *timeline.get_shard_identity(),
     131           12 :             checkpoint,
     132           12 :             checkpoint_modified: false,
     133           12 :             attach_wal_lag_cooldown: timeline.attach_wal_lag_cooldown.clone(),
     134           12 :             warn_ingest_lag: WarnIngestLag {
     135           12 :                 lag_msg_ratelimit: RateLimit::new(std::time::Duration::from_secs(10)),
     136           12 :                 future_lsn_msg_ratelimit: RateLimit::new(std::time::Duration::from_secs(10)),
     137           12 :                 timestamp_invalid_msg_ratelimit: RateLimit::new(std::time::Duration::from_secs(10)),
     138           12 :             },
     139           12 :         })
     140           12 :     }
     141              : 
     142              :     /// Ingest an interpreted PostgreSQL WAL record by doing writes to the underlying key value
     143              :     /// storage of a given timeline.
     144              :     ///
     145              :     /// This function updates `lsn` field of `DatadirModification`
     146              :     ///
     147              :     /// This function returns `true` if the record was ingested, and `false` if it was filtered out
     148       145852 :     pub async fn ingest_record(
     149       145852 :         &mut self,
     150       145852 :         interpreted: InterpretedWalRecord,
     151       145852 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
     152       145852 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
     153       145852 :     ) -> anyhow::Result<bool> {
     154       145852 :;
     155       145852 :         let prev_len = modification.len();
     156       145852 : 
     157       145852 :         modification.set_lsn(interpreted.next_record_lsn)?;
     158              : 
     159       145852 :         if matches!(interpreted.flush_uncommitted, FlushUncommittedRecords::Yes) {
     160              :             // Records of this type should always be preceded by a commit(), as they
     161              :             // rely on reading data pages back from the Timeline.
     162            0 :             assert!(!modification.has_dirty_data());
     163       145852 :         }
     164              : 
     165       145852 :         assert!(!self.checkpoint_modified);
     166       145852 :         if interpreted.xid != pg_constants::INVALID_TRANSACTION_ID
     167       145834 :             && self.checkpoint.update_next_xid(interpreted.xid)
     168            2 :         {
     169            2 :             self.checkpoint_modified = true;
     170       145850 :         }
     171              : 
     172       145852 :         failpoint_support::sleep_millis_async!("wal-ingest-record-sleep");
     173              : 
     174           66 :         match interpreted.metadata_record {
     175           12 :             Some(MetadataRecord::Heapam(rec)) => match rec {
     176           12 :                 HeapamRecord::ClearVmBits(clear_vm_bits) => {
     177           12 :                     self.ingest_clear_vm_bits(clear_vm_bits, modification, ctx)
     178            0 :                         .await?;
     179              :                 }
     180              :             },
     181            0 :             Some(MetadataRecord::Neonrmgr(rec)) => match rec {
     182            0 :                 NeonrmgrRecord::ClearVmBits(clear_vm_bits) => {
     183            0 :                     self.ingest_clear_vm_bits(clear_vm_bits, modification, ctx)
     184            0 :                         .await?;
     185              :                 }
     186              :             },
     187           16 :             Some(MetadataRecord::Smgr(rec)) => match rec {
     188           16 :                 SmgrRecord::Create(create) => {
     189           16 :                     self.ingest_xlog_smgr_create(create, modification, ctx)
     190           12 :                         .await?;
     191              :                 }
     192            0 :                 SmgrRecord::Truncate(truncate) => {
     193            0 :                     self.ingest_xlog_smgr_truncate(truncate, modification, ctx)
     194            0 :                         .await?;
     195              :                 }
     196              :             },
     197            0 :             Some(MetadataRecord::Dbase(rec)) => match rec {
     198            0 :                 DbaseRecord::Create(create) => {
     199            0 :                     self.ingest_xlog_dbase_create(create, modification, ctx)
     200            0 :                         .await?;
     201              :                 }
     202            0 :                 DbaseRecord::Drop(drop) => {
     203            0 :                     self.ingest_xlog_dbase_drop(drop, modification, ctx).await?;
     204              :                 }
     205              :             },
     206            0 :             Some(MetadataRecord::Clog(rec)) => match rec {
     207            0 :                 ClogRecord::ZeroPage(zero_page) => {
     208            0 :                     self.ingest_clog_zero_page(zero_page, modification, ctx)
     209            0 :                         .await?;
     210              :                 }
     211            0 :                 ClogRecord::Truncate(truncate) => {
     212            0 :                     self.ingest_clog_truncate(truncate, modification, ctx)
     213            0 :                         .await?;
     214              :                 }
     215              :             },
     216            8 :             Some(MetadataRecord::Xact(rec)) => {
     217            8 :                 self.ingest_xact_record(rec, modification, ctx).await?;
     218              :             }
     219            0 :             Some(MetadataRecord::MultiXact(rec)) => match rec {
     220            0 :                 MultiXactRecord::ZeroPage(zero_page) => {
     221            0 :                     self.ingest_multixact_zero_page(zero_page, modification, ctx)
     222            0 :                         .await?;
     223              :                 }
     224            0 :                 MultiXactRecord::Create(create) => {
     225            0 :                     self.ingest_multixact_create(modification, &create)?;
     226              :                 }
     227            0 :                 MultiXactRecord::Truncate(truncate) => {
     228            0 :                     self.ingest_multixact_truncate(modification, &truncate, ctx)
     229            0 :                         .await?;
     230              :                 }
     231              :             },
     232            0 :             Some(MetadataRecord::Relmap(rec)) => match rec {
     233            0 :                 RelmapRecord::Update(update) => {
     234            0 :                     self.ingest_relmap_update(update, modification, ctx).await?;
     235              :                 }
     236              :             },
     237           30 :             Some(MetadataRecord::Xlog(rec)) => match rec {
     238           30 :                 XlogRecord::Raw(raw) => {
     239           30 :                     self.ingest_raw_xlog_record(raw, modification, ctx).await?;
     240              :                 }
     241              :             },
     242            0 :             Some(MetadataRecord::LogicalMessage(rec)) => match rec {
     243            0 :                 LogicalMessageRecord::Put(put) => {
     244            0 :                     self.ingest_logical_message_put(put, modification, ctx)
     245            0 :                         .await?;
     246              :                 }
     247              :                 #[cfg(feature = "testing")]
     248              :                 LogicalMessageRecord::Failpoint => {
     249              :                     // This is a convenient way to make the WAL ingestion pause at
     250              :                     // particular point in the WAL. For more fine-grained control,
     251              :                     // we could peek into the message and only pause if it contains
     252              :                     // a particular string, for example, but this is enough for now.
     253            0 :                     failpoint_support::sleep_millis_async!(
     254            0 :                         "pageserver-wal-ingest-logical-message-sleep"
     255            0 :                     );
     256              :                 }
     257              :             },
     258            0 :             Some(MetadataRecord::Standby(rec)) => {
     259            0 :                 self.ingest_standby_record(rec).unwrap();
     260            0 :             }
     261            0 :             Some(MetadataRecord::Replorigin(rec)) => {
     262            0 :                 self.ingest_replorigin_record(rec, modification).await?;
     263              :             }
     264       145786 :             None => {
     265       145786 :                 // There are two cases through which we end up here:
     266       145786 :                 // 1. The resource manager for the original PG WAL record
     267       145786 :                 //    is [`pg_constants::RM_TBLSPC_ID`]. This is not a supported
     268       145786 :                 //    record type within Neon.
     269       145786 :                 // 2. The resource manager id was unknown to
     270       145786 :                 //    [`wal_decoder::decoder::MetadataRecord::from_decoded`].
     271       145786 :                 // TODO(vlad): Tighten this up more once we build confidence
     272       145786 :                 // that case (2) does not happen in the field.
     273       145786 :             }
     274              :         }
     275              : 
     276       145852 :         modification
     277       145852 :             .ingest_batch(interpreted.batch, &self.shard, ctx)
     278          284 :             .await?;
     279              : 
     280              :         // If checkpoint data was updated, store the new version in the repository
     281       145852 :         if self.checkpoint_modified {
     282            6 :             let new_checkpoint_bytes = self.checkpoint.encode()?;
     283              : 
     284            6 :             modification.put_checkpoint(new_checkpoint_bytes)?;
     285            6 :             self.checkpoint_modified = false;
     286       145846 :         }
     287              : 
     288              :         // Note that at this point this record is only cached in the modification
     289              :         // until commit() is called to flush the data into the repository and update
     290              :         // the latest LSN.
     291              : 
     292       145852 :         Ok(modification.len() > prev_len)
     293       145852 :     }
     294              : 
     295              :     /// This is the same as AdjustToFullTransactionId(xid) in PostgreSQL
     296            0 :     fn adjust_to_full_transaction_id(&self, xid: TransactionId) -> Result<u64> {
     297            0 :         let next_full_xid =
     298            0 :             enum_pgversion_dispatch!(&self.checkpoint, CheckPoint, cp, { cp.nextXid.value });
     299              : 
     300            0 :         let next_xid = (next_full_xid) as u32;
     301            0 :         let mut epoch = (next_full_xid >> 32) as u32;
     302            0 : 
     303            0 :         if xid > next_xid {
     304              :             // Wraparound occurred, must be from a prev epoch.
     305            0 :             if epoch == 0 {
     306            0 :                 bail!("apparent XID wraparound with prepared transaction XID {xid}, nextXid is {next_full_xid}");
     307            0 :             }
     308            0 :             epoch -= 1;
     309            0 :         }
     310              : 
     311            0 :         Ok((epoch as u64) << 32 | xid as u64)
     312            0 :     }
     313              : 
     314           12 :     async fn ingest_clear_vm_bits(
     315           12 :         &mut self,
     316           12 :         clear_vm_bits: ClearVmBits,
     317           12 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
     318           12 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
     319           12 :     ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
     320           12 :         let ClearVmBits {
     321           12 :             new_heap_blkno,
     322           12 :             old_heap_blkno,
     323           12 :             flags,
     324           12 :             vm_rel,
     325           12 :         } = clear_vm_bits;
     326           12 :         // Clear the VM bits if required.
     327           12 :         let mut new_vm_blk =;
     328           12 :         let mut old_vm_blk =;
     329              : 
     330              :         // Sometimes, Postgres seems to create heap WAL records with the
     331              :         // ALL_VISIBLE_CLEARED flag set, even though the bit in the VM page is
     332              :         // not set. In fact, it's possible that the VM page does not exist at all.
     333              :         // In that case, we don't want to store a record to clear the VM bit;
     334              :         // replaying it would fail to find the previous image of the page, because
     335              :         // it doesn't exist. So check if the VM page(s) exist, and skip the WAL
     336              :         // record if it doesn't.
     337           12 :         let vm_size = get_relsize(modification, vm_rel, ctx).await?;
     338           12 :         if let Some(blknum) = new_vm_blk {
     339           12 :             if blknum >= vm_size {
     340            0 :                 new_vm_blk = None;
     341           12 :             }
     342            0 :         }
     343           12 :         if let Some(blknum) = old_vm_blk {
     344            0 :             if blknum >= vm_size {
     345            0 :                 old_vm_blk = None;
     346            0 :             }
     347           12 :         }
     348              : 
     349           12 :         if new_vm_blk.is_some() || old_vm_blk.is_some() {
     350           12 :             if new_vm_blk == old_vm_blk {
     351              :                 // An UPDATE record that needs to clear the bits for both old and the
     352              :                 // new page, both of which reside on the same VM page.
     353            0 :                 self.put_rel_wal_record(
     354            0 :                     modification,
     355            0 :                     vm_rel,
     356            0 :                     new_vm_blk.unwrap(),
     357            0 :                     NeonWalRecord::ClearVisibilityMapFlags {
     358            0 :                         new_heap_blkno,
     359            0 :                         old_heap_blkno,
     360            0 :                         flags,
     361            0 :                     },
     362            0 :                     ctx,
     363            0 :                 )
     364            0 :                 .await?;
     365              :             } else {
     366              :                 // Clear VM bits for one heap page, or for two pages that reside on
     367              :                 // different VM pages.
     368           12 :                 if let Some(new_vm_blk) = new_vm_blk {
     369           12 :                     self.put_rel_wal_record(
     370           12 :                         modification,
     371           12 :                         vm_rel,
     372           12 :                         new_vm_blk,
     373           12 :                         NeonWalRecord::ClearVisibilityMapFlags {
     374           12 :                             new_heap_blkno,
     375           12 :                             old_heap_blkno: None,
     376           12 :                             flags,
     377           12 :                         },
     378           12 :                         ctx,
     379           12 :                     )
     380            0 :                     .await?;
     381            0 :                 }
     382           12 :                 if let Some(old_vm_blk) = old_vm_blk {
     383            0 :                     self.put_rel_wal_record(
     384            0 :                         modification,
     385            0 :                         vm_rel,
     386            0 :                         old_vm_blk,
     387            0 :                         NeonWalRecord::ClearVisibilityMapFlags {
     388            0 :                             new_heap_blkno: None,
     389            0 :                             old_heap_blkno,
     390            0 :                             flags,
     391            0 :                         },
     392            0 :                         ctx,
     393            0 :                     )
     394            0 :                     .await?;
     395           12 :                 }
     396              :             }
     397            0 :         }
     398              : 
     399           12 :         Ok(())
     400           12 :     }
     401              : 
     402              :     /// Subroutine of ingest_record(), to handle an XLOG_DBASE_CREATE record.
     403            0 :     async fn ingest_xlog_dbase_create(
     404            0 :         &mut self,
     405            0 :         create: DbaseCreate,
     406            0 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
     407            0 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
     408            0 :     ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
     409            0 :         let DbaseCreate {
     410            0 :             db_id,
     411            0 :             tablespace_id,
     412            0 :             src_db_id,
     413            0 :             src_tablespace_id,
     414            0 :         } = create;
     415              : 
     416            0 :         let rels = modification
     417            0 :             .tline
     418            0 :             .list_rels(
     419            0 :                 src_tablespace_id,
     420            0 :                 src_db_id,
     421            0 :                 Version::Modified(modification),
     422            0 :                 ctx,
     423            0 :             )
     424            0 :             .await?;
     425              : 
     426            0 :         debug!("ingest_xlog_dbase_create: {} rels", rels.len());
     427              : 
     428              :         // Copy relfilemap
     429            0 :         let filemap = modification
     430            0 :             .tline
     431            0 :             .get_relmap_file(
     432            0 :                 src_tablespace_id,
     433            0 :                 src_db_id,
     434            0 :                 Version::Modified(modification),
     435            0 :                 ctx,
     436            0 :             )
     437            0 :             .await?;
     438            0 :         modification
     439            0 :             .put_relmap_file(tablespace_id, db_id, filemap, ctx)
     440            0 :             .await?;
     441              : 
     442            0 :         let mut num_rels_copied = 0;
     443            0 :         let mut num_blocks_copied = 0;
     444            0 :         for src_rel in rels {
     445            0 :             assert_eq!(src_rel.spcnode, src_tablespace_id);
     446            0 :             assert_eq!(src_rel.dbnode, src_db_id);
     447              : 
     448            0 :             let nblocks = modification
     449            0 :                 .tline
     450            0 :                 .get_rel_size(src_rel, Version::Modified(modification), ctx)
     451            0 :                 .await?;
     452            0 :             let dst_rel = RelTag {
     453            0 :                 spcnode: tablespace_id,
     454            0 :                 dbnode: db_id,
     455            0 :                 relnode: src_rel.relnode,
     456            0 :                 forknum: src_rel.forknum,
     457            0 :             };
     458            0 : 
     459            0 :             modification.put_rel_creation(dst_rel, nblocks, ctx).await?;
     460              : 
     461              :             // Copy content
     462            0 :             debug!("copying rel {} to {}, {} blocks", src_rel, dst_rel, nblocks);
     463            0 :             for blknum in 0..nblocks {
     464              :                 // Sharding:
     465              :                 //  - src and dst are always on the same shard, because they differ only by dbNode, and
     466              :                 //    dbNode is not included in the hash inputs for sharding.
     467              :                 //  - This WAL command is replayed on all shards, but each shard only copies the blocks
     468              :                 //    that belong to it.
     469            0 :                 let src_key = rel_block_to_key(src_rel, blknum);
     470            0 :                 if !self.shard.is_key_local(&src_key) {
     471            0 :                     debug!(
     472            0 :                         "Skipping non-local key {} during XLOG_DBASE_CREATE",
     473              :                         src_key
     474              :                     );
     475            0 :                     continue;
     476            0 :                 }
     477            0 :                 debug!(
     478            0 :                     "copying block {} from {} ({}) to {}",
     479              :                     blknum, src_rel, src_key, dst_rel
     480              :                 );
     481              : 
     482            0 :                 let content = modification
     483            0 :                     .tline
     484            0 :                     .get_rel_page_at_lsn(src_rel, blknum, Version::Modified(modification), ctx)
     485            0 :                     .await?;
     486            0 :                 modification.put_rel_page_image(dst_rel, blknum, content)?;
     487            0 :                 num_blocks_copied += 1;
     488              :             }
     489              : 
     490            0 :             num_rels_copied += 1;
     491              :         }
     492              : 
     493            0 :         info!(
     494            0 :             "Created database {}/{}, copied {} blocks in {} rels",
     495              :             tablespace_id, db_id, num_blocks_copied, num_rels_copied
     496              :         );
     497            0 :         Ok(())
     498            0 :     }
     499              : 
     500            0 :     async fn ingest_xlog_dbase_drop(
     501            0 :         &mut self,
     502            0 :         dbase_drop: DbaseDrop,
     503            0 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
     504            0 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
     505            0 :     ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
     506            0 :         let DbaseDrop {
     507            0 :             db_id,
     508            0 :             tablespace_ids,
     509            0 :         } = dbase_drop;
     510            0 :         for tablespace_id in tablespace_ids {
     511            0 :             trace!("Drop db {}, {}", tablespace_id, db_id);
     512            0 :             modification.drop_dbdir(tablespace_id, db_id, ctx).await?;
     513              :         }
     514              : 
     515            0 :         Ok(())
     516            0 :     }
     517              : 
     518           16 :     async fn ingest_xlog_smgr_create(
     519           16 :         &mut self,
     520           16 :         create: SmgrCreate,
     521           16 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
     522           16 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
     523           16 :     ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
     524           16 :         let SmgrCreate { rel } = create;
     525           16 :         self.put_rel_creation(modification, rel, ctx).await?;
     526           16 :         Ok(())
     527           16 :     }
     528              : 
     529              :     /// Subroutine of ingest_record(), to handle an XLOG_SMGR_TRUNCATE record.
     530              :     ///
     531              :     /// This is the same logic as in PostgreSQL's smgr_redo() function.
     532            0 :     async fn ingest_xlog_smgr_truncate(
     533            0 :         &mut self,
     534            0 :         truncate: XlSmgrTruncate,
     535            0 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
     536            0 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
     537            0 :     ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
     538            0 :         let XlSmgrTruncate {
     539            0 :             blkno,
     540            0 :             rnode,
     541            0 :             flags,
     542            0 :         } = truncate;
     543            0 : 
     544            0 :         let spcnode = rnode.spcnode;
     545            0 :         let dbnode = rnode.dbnode;
     546            0 :         let relnode = rnode.relnode;
     547            0 : 
     548            0 :         if flags & pg_constants::SMGR_TRUNCATE_HEAP != 0 {
     549            0 :             let rel = RelTag {
     550            0 :                 spcnode,
     551            0 :                 dbnode,
     552            0 :                 relnode,
     553            0 :                 forknum: MAIN_FORKNUM,
     554            0 :             };
     555            0 : 
     556            0 :             self.put_rel_truncation(modification, rel, blkno, ctx)
     557            0 :                 .await?;
     558            0 :         }
     559            0 :         if flags & pg_constants::SMGR_TRUNCATE_FSM != 0 {
     560            0 :             let rel = RelTag {
     561            0 :                 spcnode,
     562            0 :                 dbnode,
     563            0 :                 relnode,
     564            0 :                 forknum: FSM_FORKNUM,
     565            0 :             };
     566            0 : 
     567            0 :             let fsm_logical_page_no = blkno / pg_constants::SLOTS_PER_FSM_PAGE;
     568            0 :             let mut fsm_physical_page_no = fsm_logical_to_physical(fsm_logical_page_no);
     569            0 :             if blkno % pg_constants::SLOTS_PER_FSM_PAGE != 0 {
     570              :                 // Tail of last remaining FSM page has to be zeroed.
     571              :                 // We are not precise here and instead of digging in FSM bitmap format just clear the whole page.
     572            0 :                 modification.put_rel_page_image_zero(rel, fsm_physical_page_no)?;
     573            0 :                 fsm_physical_page_no += 1;
     574            0 :             }
     575            0 :             let nblocks = get_relsize(modification, rel, ctx).await?;
     576            0 :             if nblocks > fsm_physical_page_no {
     577              :                 // check if something to do: FSM is larger than truncate position
     578            0 :                 self.put_rel_truncation(modification, rel, fsm_physical_page_no, ctx)
     579            0 :                     .await?;
     580            0 :             }
     581            0 :         }
     582            0 :         if flags & pg_constants::SMGR_TRUNCATE_VM != 0 {
     583            0 :             let rel = RelTag {
     584            0 :                 spcnode,
     585            0 :                 dbnode,
     586            0 :                 relnode,
     587            0 :                 forknum: VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM,
     588            0 :             };
     589            0 : 
     590            0 :             // last remaining block, byte, and bit
     591            0 :             let mut vm_page_no = blkno / (pg_constants::VM_HEAPBLOCKS_PER_PAGE as u32);
     592            0 :             let trunc_byte = blkno as usize % pg_constants::VM_HEAPBLOCKS_PER_PAGE
     593            0 :                 / pg_constants::VM_HEAPBLOCKS_PER_BYTE;
     594            0 :             let trunc_offs = blkno as usize % pg_constants::VM_HEAPBLOCKS_PER_BYTE
     595            0 :                 * pg_constants::VM_BITS_PER_HEAPBLOCK;
     596            0 : 
     597            0 :             // Unless the new size is exactly at a visibility map page boundary, the
     598            0 :             // tail bits in the last remaining map page, representing truncated heap
     599            0 :             // blocks, need to be cleared. This is not only tidy, but also necessary
     600            0 :             // because we don't get a chance to clear the bits if the heap is extended
     601            0 :             // again.
     602            0 :             if (trunc_byte != 0 || trunc_offs != 0)
     603            0 :                 && self.shard.is_key_local(&rel_block_to_key(rel, vm_page_no))
     604              :             {
     605            0 :                 modification.put_rel_wal_record(
     606            0 :                     rel,
     607            0 :                     vm_page_no,
     608            0 :                     NeonWalRecord::TruncateVisibilityMap {
     609            0 :                         trunc_byte,
     610            0 :                         trunc_offs,
     611            0 :                     },
     612            0 :                 )?;
     613            0 :                 vm_page_no += 1;
     614            0 :             }
     615            0 :             let nblocks = get_relsize(modification, rel, ctx).await?;
     616            0 :             if nblocks > vm_page_no {
     617              :                 // check if something to do: VM is larger than truncate position
     618            0 :                 self.put_rel_truncation(modification, rel, vm_page_no, ctx)
     619            0 :                     .await?;
     620            0 :             }
     621            0 :         }
     622            0 :         Ok(())
     623            0 :     }
     624              : 
     625            8 :     fn warn_on_ingest_lag(
     626            8 :         &mut self,
     627            8 :         conf: &crate::config::PageServerConf,
     628            8 :         wal_timestamp: TimestampTz,
     629            8 :     ) {
     630            8 :         debug_assert_current_span_has_tenant_and_timeline_id();
     631            8 :         let now = SystemTime::now();
     632            8 :         let rate_limits = &mut self.warn_ingest_lag;
     633              : 
     634            8 :         let ts = enum_pgversion_dispatch!(&self.checkpoint, CheckPoint, _cp, {
     635            0 :             pgv::xlog_utils::try_from_pg_timestamp(wal_timestamp)
     636              :         });
     637              : 
     638            8 :         match ts {
     639            8 :             Ok(ts) => {
     640            8 :                 match now.duration_since(ts) {
     641            8 :                     Ok(lag) => {
     642            8 :                         if lag > conf.wait_lsn_timeout {
     643            8 :                             rate_limits.lag_msg_ratelimit.call2(|rate_limit_stats| {
     644            2 :                                 if let Some(cooldown) = self.attach_wal_lag_cooldown.get() {
     645            0 :                                     if std::time::Instant::now() < cooldown.active_until && lag <= cooldown.max_lag {
     646            0 :                                         return;
     647            0 :                                     }
     648            2 :                                 } else {
     649            2 :                                     // Still loading? We shouldn't be here
     650            2 :                                 }
     651            2 :                                 let lag = humantime::format_duration(lag);
     652            2 :                                 warn!(%rate_limit_stats, %lag, "ingesting record with timestamp lagging more than wait_lsn_timeout");
     653            8 :                             })
     654            0 :                         }
     655              :                     }
     656            0 :                     Err(e) => {
     657            0 :                         let delta_t = e.duration();
     658              :                         // determined by prod victoriametrics query: 1000 * (timestamp(node_time_seconds{neon_service="pageserver"}) - node_time_seconds)
     659              :                         // =>
     660              :                         const IGNORED_DRIFT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(100);
     661            0 :                         if delta_t > IGNORED_DRIFT {
     662            0 :                             let delta_t = humantime::format_duration(delta_t);
     663            0 :                             rate_limits.future_lsn_msg_ratelimit.call2(|rate_limit_stats| {
     664            0 :                                 warn!(%rate_limit_stats, %delta_t, "ingesting record with timestamp from future");
     665            0 :                             })
     666            0 :                         }
     667              :                     }
     668              :                 };
     669              :             }
     670            0 :             Err(error) => {
     671            0 :                 rate_limits.timestamp_invalid_msg_ratelimit.call2(|rate_limit_stats| {
     672            0 :                     warn!(%rate_limit_stats, %error, "ingesting record with invalid timestamp, cannot calculate lag and will fail find-lsn-for-timestamp type queries");
     673            0 :                 })
     674              :             }
     675              :         }
     676            8 :     }
     677              : 
     678              :     /// Subroutine of ingest_record(), to handle an XLOG_XACT_* records.
     679              :     ///
     680            8 :     async fn ingest_xact_record(
     681            8 :         &mut self,
     682            8 :         record: XactRecord,
     683            8 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
     684            8 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
     685            8 :     ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
     686            8 :         let (xact_common, is_commit, is_prepared) = match record {
     687            0 :             XactRecord::Prepare(XactPrepare { xl_xid, data }) => {
     688            0 :                 let xid: u64 = if modification.tline.pg_version >= 17 {
     689            0 :                     self.adjust_to_full_transaction_id(xl_xid)?
     690              :                 } else {
     691            0 :                     xl_xid as u64
     692              :                 };
     693            0 :                 return modification.put_twophase_file(xid, data, ctx).await;
     694              :             }
     695            8 :             XactRecord::Commit(common) => (common, true, false),
     696            0 :             XactRecord::Abort(common) => (common, false, false),
     697            0 :             XactRecord::CommitPrepared(common) => (common, true, true),
     698            0 :             XactRecord::AbortPrepared(common) => (common, false, true),
     699              :         };
     700              : 
     701              :         let XactCommon {
     702            8 :             parsed,
     703            8 :             origin_id,
     704            8 :             xl_xid,
     705            8 :             lsn,
     706            8 :         } = xact_common;
     707            8 : 
     708            8 :         // Record update of CLOG pages
     709            8 :         let mut pageno = parsed.xid / pg_constants::CLOG_XACTS_PER_PAGE;
     710            8 :         let mut segno = pageno / pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
     711            8 :         let mut rpageno = pageno % pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
     712            8 :         let mut page_xids: Vec<TransactionId> = vec![parsed.xid];
     713            8 : 
     714            8 :         self.warn_on_ingest_lag(modification.tline.conf, parsed.xact_time);
     715              : 
     716            8 :         for subxact in &parsed.subxacts {
     717            0 :             let subxact_pageno = subxact / pg_constants::CLOG_XACTS_PER_PAGE;
     718            0 :             if subxact_pageno != pageno {
     719              :                 // This subxact goes to different page. Write the record
     720              :                 // for all the XIDs on the previous page, and continue
     721              :                 // accumulating XIDs on this new page.
     722            0 :                 modification.put_slru_wal_record(
     723            0 :                     SlruKind::Clog,
     724            0 :                     segno,
     725            0 :                     rpageno,
     726            0 :                     if is_commit {
     727            0 :                         NeonWalRecord::ClogSetCommitted {
     728            0 :                             xids: page_xids,
     729            0 :                             timestamp: parsed.xact_time,
     730            0 :                         }
     731              :                     } else {
     732            0 :                         NeonWalRecord::ClogSetAborted { xids: page_xids }
     733              :                     },
     734            0 :                 )?;
     735            0 :                 page_xids = Vec::new();
     736            0 :             }
     737            0 :             pageno = subxact_pageno;
     738            0 :             segno = pageno / pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
     739            0 :             rpageno = pageno % pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
     740            0 :             page_xids.push(*subxact);
     741              :         }
     742            8 :         modification.put_slru_wal_record(
     743            8 :             SlruKind::Clog,
     744            8 :             segno,
     745            8 :             rpageno,
     746            8 :             if is_commit {
     747            8 :                 NeonWalRecord::ClogSetCommitted {
     748            8 :                     xids: page_xids,
     749            8 :                     timestamp: parsed.xact_time,
     750            8 :                 }
     751              :             } else {
     752            0 :                 NeonWalRecord::ClogSetAborted { xids: page_xids }
     753              :             },
     754            0 :         )?;
     755              : 
     756              :         // Group relations to drop by dbNode.  This map will contain all relations that _might_
     757              :         // exist, we will reduce it to which ones really exist later.  This map can be huge if
     758              :         // the transaction touches a huge number of relations (there is no bound on this in
     759              :         // postgres).
     760            8 :         let mut drop_relations: HashMap<(u32, u32), Vec<RelTag>> = HashMap::new();
     761              : 
     762            8 :         for xnode in &parsed.xnodes {
     763            0 :             for forknum in MAIN_FORKNUM..=INIT_FORKNUM {
     764            0 :                 let rel = RelTag {
     765            0 :                     forknum,
     766            0 :                     spcnode: xnode.spcnode,
     767            0 :                     dbnode: xnode.dbnode,
     768            0 :                     relnode: xnode.relnode,
     769            0 :                 };
     770            0 :                 drop_relations
     771            0 :                     .entry((xnode.spcnode, xnode.dbnode))
     772            0 :                     .or_default()
     773            0 :                     .push(rel);
     774            0 :             }
     775              :         }
     776              : 
     777              :         // Execute relation drops in a batch: the number may be huge, so deleting individually is prohibitively expensive
     778            8 :         modification.put_rel_drops(drop_relations, ctx).await?;
     779              : 
     780            8 :         if origin_id != 0 {
     781            0 :             modification
     782            0 :                 .set_replorigin(origin_id, parsed.origin_lsn)
     783            0 :                 .await?;
     784            8 :         }
     785              : 
     786            8 :         if is_prepared {
     787              :             // Remove twophase file. see RemoveTwoPhaseFile() in postgres code
     788            0 :             trace!(
     789            0 :                 "Drop twophaseFile for xid {} parsed_xact.xid {} here at {}",
     790              :                 xl_xid,
     791              :                 parsed.xid,
     792              :                 lsn,
     793              :             );
     794              : 
     795            0 :             let xid: u64 = if modification.tline.pg_version >= 17 {
     796            0 :                 self.adjust_to_full_transaction_id(parsed.xid)?
     797              :             } else {
     798            0 :                 parsed.xid as u64
     799              :             };
     800            0 :             modification.drop_twophase_file(xid, ctx).await?;
     801            8 :         }
     802              : 
     803            8 :         Ok(())
     804            8 :     }
     805              : 
     806            0 :     async fn ingest_clog_truncate(
     807            0 :         &mut self,
     808            0 :         truncate: ClogTruncate,
     809            0 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
     810            0 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
     811            0 :     ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
     812            0 :         let ClogTruncate {
     813            0 :             pageno,
     814            0 :             oldest_xid,
     815            0 :             oldest_xid_db,
     816            0 :         } = truncate;
     817            0 : 
     818            0 :         info!(
     819            0 :             "RM_CLOG_ID truncate pageno {} oldestXid {} oldestXidDB {}",
     820              :             pageno, oldest_xid, oldest_xid_db
     821              :         );
     822              : 
     823              :         // In Postgres, oldestXid and oldestXidDB are updated in memory when the CLOG is
     824              :         // truncated, but a checkpoint record with the updated values isn't written until
     825              :         // later. In Neon, a server can start at any LSN, not just on a checkpoint record,
     826              :         // so we keep the oldestXid and oldestXidDB up-to-date.
     827            0 :         enum_pgversion_dispatch!(&mut self.checkpoint, CheckPoint, cp, {
     828            0 :             cp.oldestXid = oldest_xid;
     829            0 :             cp.oldestXidDB = oldest_xid_db;
     830            0 :         });
     831            0 :         self.checkpoint_modified = true;
     832              : 
     833              :         // TODO Treat AdvanceOldestClogXid() or write a comment why we don't need it
     834              : 
     835            0 :         let latest_page_number =
     836            0 :             enum_pgversion_dispatch!(self.checkpoint, CheckPoint, cp, { cp.nextXid.value }) as u32
     837              :                 / pg_constants::CLOG_XACTS_PER_PAGE;
     838              : 
     839              :         // Now delete all segments containing pages between xlrec.pageno
     840              :         // and latest_page_number.
     841              : 
     842              :         // First, make an important safety check:
     843              :         // the current endpoint page must not be eligible for removal.
     844              :         // See SimpleLruTruncate() in slru.c
     845            0 :         if dispatch_pgversion!(modification.tline.pg_version, {
     846            0 :             pgv::nonrelfile_utils::clogpage_precedes(latest_page_number, pageno)
     847              :         }) {
     848            0 :             info!("could not truncate directory pg_xact apparent wraparound");
     849            0 :             return Ok(());
     850            0 :         }
     851              : 
     852              :         // Iterate via SLRU CLOG segments and drop segments that we're ready to truncate
     853              :         //
     854              :         // We cannot pass 'lsn' to the Timeline.list_nonrels(), or it
     855              :         // will block waiting for the last valid LSN to advance up to
     856              :         // it. So we use the previous record's LSN in the get calls
     857              :         // instead.
     858            0 :         for segno in modification
     859            0 :             .tline
     860            0 :             .list_slru_segments(SlruKind::Clog, Version::Modified(modification), ctx)
     861            0 :             .await?
     862              :         {
     863            0 :             let segpage = segno * pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
     864              : 
     865            0 :             let may_delete = dispatch_pgversion!(modification.tline.pg_version, {
     866            0 :                 pgv::nonrelfile_utils::slru_may_delete_clogsegment(segpage, pageno)
     867              :             });
     868              : 
     869            0 :             if may_delete {
     870            0 :                 modification
     871            0 :                     .drop_slru_segment(SlruKind::Clog, segno, ctx)
     872            0 :                     .await?;
     873            0 :                 trace!("Drop CLOG segment {:>04X}", segno);
     874            0 :             }
     875              :         }
     876              : 
     877            0 :         Ok(())
     878            0 :     }
     879              : 
     880            0 :     async fn ingest_clog_zero_page(
     881            0 :         &mut self,
     882            0 :         zero_page: ClogZeroPage,
     883            0 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
     884            0 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
     885            0 :     ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
     886            0 :         let ClogZeroPage { segno, rpageno } = zero_page;
     887            0 : 
     888            0 :         self.put_slru_page_image(
     889            0 :             modification,
     890            0 :             SlruKind::Clog,
     891            0 :             segno,
     892            0 :             rpageno,
     893            0 :             ZERO_PAGE.clone(),
     894            0 :             ctx,
     895            0 :         )
     896            0 :         .await
     897            0 :     }
     898              : 
     899            0 :     fn ingest_multixact_create(
     900            0 :         &mut self,
     901            0 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification,
     902            0 :         xlrec: &XlMultiXactCreate,
     903            0 :     ) -> Result<()> {
     904            0 :         // Create WAL record for updating the multixact-offsets page
     905            0 :         let pageno = xlrec.mid / pg_constants::MULTIXACT_OFFSETS_PER_PAGE as u32;
     906            0 :         let segno = pageno / pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
     907            0 :         let rpageno = pageno % pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
     908            0 : 
     909            0 :         modification.put_slru_wal_record(
     910            0 :             SlruKind::MultiXactOffsets,
     911            0 :             segno,
     912            0 :             rpageno,
     913            0 :             NeonWalRecord::MultixactOffsetCreate {
     914            0 :                 mid: xlrec.mid,
     915            0 :                 moff: xlrec.moff,
     916            0 :             },
     917            0 :         )?;
     918              : 
     919              :         // Create WAL records for the update of each affected multixact-members page
     920            0 :         let mut members = xlrec.members.iter();
     921            0 :         let mut offset = xlrec.moff;
     922              :         loop {
     923            0 :             let pageno = offset / pg_constants::MULTIXACT_MEMBERS_PER_PAGE as u32;
     924            0 : 
     925            0 :             // How many members fit on this page?
     926            0 :             let page_remain = pg_constants::MULTIXACT_MEMBERS_PER_PAGE as u32
     927            0 :                 - offset % pg_constants::MULTIXACT_MEMBERS_PER_PAGE as u32;
     928            0 : 
     929            0 :             let mut this_page_members: Vec<MultiXactMember> = Vec::new();
     930            0 :             for _ in 0..page_remain {
     931            0 :                 if let Some(m) = {
     932            0 :                     this_page_members.push(m.clone());
     933            0 :                 } else {
     934            0 :                     break;
     935              :                 }
     936              :             }
     937            0 :             if this_page_members.is_empty() {
     938              :                 // all done
     939            0 :                 break;
     940            0 :             }
     941            0 :             let n_this_page = this_page_members.len();
     942            0 : 
     943            0 :             modification.put_slru_wal_record(
     944            0 :                 SlruKind::MultiXactMembers,
     945            0 :                 pageno / pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT,
     946            0 :                 pageno % pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT,
     947            0 :                 NeonWalRecord::MultixactMembersCreate {
     948            0 :                     moff: offset,
     949            0 :                     members: this_page_members,
     950            0 :                 },
     951            0 :             )?;
     952              : 
     953              :             // Note: The multixact members can wrap around, even within one WAL record.
     954            0 :             offset = offset.wrapping_add(n_this_page as u32);
     955              :         }
     956            0 :         let next_offset = offset;
     957            0 :         assert!(xlrec.moff.wrapping_add(xlrec.nmembers) == next_offset);
     958              : 
     959              :         // Update next-multi-xid and next-offset
     960              :         //
     961              :         // NB: In PostgreSQL, the next-multi-xid stored in the control file is allowed to
     962              :         // go to 0, and it's fixed up by skipping to FirstMultiXactId in functions that
     963              :         // read it, like GetNewMultiXactId(). This is different from how nextXid is
     964              :         // incremented! nextXid skips over < FirstNormalTransactionId when the the value
     965              :         // is stored, so it's never 0 in a checkpoint.
     966              :         //
     967              :         // I don't know why it's done that way, it seems less error-prone to skip over 0
     968              :         // when the value is stored rather than when it's read. But let's do it the same
     969              :         // way here.
     970            0 :         let next_multi_xid = xlrec.mid.wrapping_add(1);
     971            0 : 
     972            0 :         if self
     973            0 :             .checkpoint
     974            0 :             .update_next_multixid(next_multi_xid, next_offset)
     975            0 :         {
     976            0 :             self.checkpoint_modified = true;
     977            0 :         }
     978              : 
     979              :         // Also update the next-xid with the highest member. According to the comments in
     980              :         // multixact_redo(), this shouldn't be necessary, but let's do the same here.
     981            0 :         let max_mbr_xid = xlrec.members.iter().fold(None, |acc, mbr| {
     982            0 :             if let Some(max_xid) = acc {
     983            0 :                 if mbr.xid.wrapping_sub(max_xid) as i32 > 0 {
     984            0 :                     Some(mbr.xid)
     985              :                 } else {
     986            0 :                     acc
     987              :                 }
     988              :             } else {
     989            0 :                 Some(mbr.xid)
     990              :             }
     991            0 :         });
     992              : 
     993            0 :         if let Some(max_xid) = max_mbr_xid {
     994            0 :             if self.checkpoint.update_next_xid(max_xid) {
     995            0 :                 self.checkpoint_modified = true;
     996            0 :             }
     997            0 :         }
     998            0 :         Ok(())
     999            0 :     }
    1000              : 
    1001            0 :     async fn ingest_multixact_truncate(
    1002            0 :         &mut self,
    1003            0 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
    1004            0 :         xlrec: &XlMultiXactTruncate,
    1005            0 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
    1006            0 :     ) -> Result<()> {
    1007            0 :         let (maxsegment, startsegment, endsegment) =
    1008            0 :             enum_pgversion_dispatch!(&mut self.checkpoint, CheckPoint, cp, {
    1009            0 :                 cp.oldestMulti = xlrec.end_trunc_off;
    1010            0 :                 cp.oldestMultiDB = xlrec.oldest_multi_db;
    1011            0 :                 let maxsegment: i32 = pgv::nonrelfile_utils::mx_offset_to_member_segment(
    1012            0 :                     pg_constants::MAX_MULTIXACT_OFFSET,
    1013            0 :                 );
    1014            0 :                 let startsegment: i32 =
    1015            0 :                     pgv::nonrelfile_utils::mx_offset_to_member_segment(xlrec.start_trunc_memb);
    1016            0 :                 let endsegment: i32 =
    1017            0 :                     pgv::nonrelfile_utils::mx_offset_to_member_segment(xlrec.end_trunc_memb);
    1018            0 :                 (maxsegment, startsegment, endsegment)
    1019              :             });
    1020              : 
    1021            0 :         self.checkpoint_modified = true;
    1022            0 : 
    1023            0 :         // PerformMembersTruncation
    1024            0 :         let mut segment: i32 = startsegment;
    1025              : 
    1026              :         // Delete all the segments except the last one. The last segment can still
    1027              :         // contain, possibly partially, valid data.
    1028            0 :         while segment != endsegment {
    1029            0 :             modification
    1030            0 :                 .drop_slru_segment(SlruKind::MultiXactMembers, segment as u32, ctx)
    1031            0 :                 .await?;
    1032              : 
    1033              :             /* move to next segment, handling wraparound correctly */
    1034            0 :             if segment == maxsegment {
    1035            0 :                 segment = 0;
    1036            0 :             } else {
    1037            0 :                 segment += 1;
    1038            0 :             }
    1039              :         }
    1040              : 
    1041              :         // Truncate offsets
    1042              :         // FIXME: this did not handle wraparound correctly
    1043              : 
    1044            0 :         Ok(())
    1045            0 :     }
    1046              : 
    1047            0 :     async fn ingest_multixact_zero_page(
    1048            0 :         &mut self,
    1049            0 :         zero_page: MultiXactZeroPage,
    1050            0 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
    1051            0 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
    1052            0 :     ) -> Result<()> {
    1053            0 :         let MultiXactZeroPage {
    1054            0 :             slru_kind,
    1055            0 :             segno,
    1056            0 :             rpageno,
    1057            0 :         } = zero_page;
    1058            0 :         self.put_slru_page_image(
    1059            0 :             modification,
    1060            0 :             slru_kind,
    1061            0 :             segno,
    1062            0 :             rpageno,
    1063            0 :             ZERO_PAGE.clone(),
    1064            0 :             ctx,
    1065            0 :         )
    1066            0 :         .await
    1067            0 :     }
    1068              : 
    1069            0 :     async fn ingest_relmap_update(
    1070            0 :         &mut self,
    1071            0 :         update: RelmapUpdate,
    1072            0 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
    1073            0 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
    1074            0 :     ) -> Result<()> {
    1075            0 :         let RelmapUpdate { update, buf } = update;
    1076            0 : 
    1077            0 :         modification
    1078            0 :             .put_relmap_file(update.tsid, update.dbid, buf, ctx)
    1079            0 :             .await
    1080            0 :     }
    1081              : 
    1082           30 :     async fn ingest_raw_xlog_record(
    1083           30 :         &mut self,
    1084           30 :         raw_record: RawXlogRecord,
    1085           30 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
    1086           30 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
    1087           30 :     ) -> Result<()> {
    1088           30 :         let RawXlogRecord { info, lsn, mut buf } = raw_record;
    1089           30 :         let pg_version = modification.tline.pg_version;
    1090           30 : 
    1091           30 :         if info == pg_constants::XLOG_PARAMETER_CHANGE {
    1092            2 :             if let CheckPoint::V17(cp) = &mut self.checkpoint {
    1093            0 :                 let rec = v17::XlParameterChange::decode(&mut buf);
    1094            0 :                 cp.wal_level = rec.wal_level;
    1095            0 :                 self.checkpoint_modified = true;
    1096            2 :             }
    1097           28 :         } else if info == pg_constants::XLOG_END_OF_RECOVERY {
    1098            0 :             if let CheckPoint::V17(cp) = &mut self.checkpoint {
    1099            0 :                 let rec = v17::XlEndOfRecovery::decode(&mut buf);
    1100            0 :                 cp.wal_level = rec.wal_level;
    1101            0 :                 self.checkpoint_modified = true;
    1102            0 :             }
    1103           28 :         }
    1104              : 
    1105           30 :         enum_pgversion_dispatch!(&mut self.checkpoint, CheckPoint, cp, {
    1106            0 :             if info == pg_constants::XLOG_NEXTOID {
    1107            0 :                 let next_oid = buf.get_u32_le();
    1108            0 :                 if cp.nextOid != next_oid {
    1109            0 :                     cp.nextOid = next_oid;
    1110            0 :                     self.checkpoint_modified = true;
    1111            0 :                 }
    1112            0 :             } else if info == pg_constants::XLOG_CHECKPOINT_ONLINE
    1113            0 :                 || info == pg_constants::XLOG_CHECKPOINT_SHUTDOWN
    1114              :             {
    1115            0 :                 let mut checkpoint_bytes = [0u8; pgv::xlog_utils::SIZEOF_CHECKPOINT];
    1116            0 :                 buf.copy_to_slice(&mut checkpoint_bytes);
    1117            0 :                 let xlog_checkpoint = pgv::CheckPoint::decode(&checkpoint_bytes)?;
    1118            0 :                 trace!(
    1119            0 :                     "xlog_checkpoint.oldestXid={}, checkpoint.oldestXid={}",
    1120              :                     xlog_checkpoint.oldestXid,
    1121              :                     cp.oldestXid
    1122              :                 );
    1123            0 :                 if (cp.oldestXid.wrapping_sub(xlog_checkpoint.oldestXid) as i32) < 0 {
    1124            0 :                     cp.oldestXid = xlog_checkpoint.oldestXid;
    1125            0 :                 }
    1126            0 :                 trace!(
    1127            0 :                     "xlog_checkpoint.oldestActiveXid={}, checkpoint.oldestActiveXid={}",
    1128              :                     xlog_checkpoint.oldestActiveXid,
    1129              :                     cp.oldestActiveXid
    1130              :                 );
    1131              : 
    1132              :                 // A shutdown checkpoint has `oldestActiveXid == InvalidTransactionid`,
    1133              :                 // because at shutdown, all in-progress transactions will implicitly
    1134              :                 // end. Postgres startup code knows that, and allows hot standby to start
    1135              :                 // immediately from a shutdown checkpoint.
    1136              :                 //
    1137              :                 // In Neon, Postgres hot standby startup always behaves as if starting from
    1138              :                 // an online checkpoint. It needs a valid `oldestActiveXid` value, so
    1139              :                 // instead of overwriting self.checkpoint.oldestActiveXid with
    1140              :                 // InvalidTransactionid from the checkpoint WAL record, update it to a
    1141              :                 // proper value, knowing that there are no in-progress transactions at this
    1142              :                 // point, except for prepared transactions.
    1143              :                 //
    1144              :                 // See also the neon code changes in the InitWalRecovery() function.
    1145            0 :                 if xlog_checkpoint.oldestActiveXid == pg_constants::INVALID_TRANSACTION_ID
    1146            0 :                     && info == pg_constants::XLOG_CHECKPOINT_SHUTDOWN
    1147              :                 {
    1148            0 :                     let oldest_active_xid = if pg_version >= 17 {
    1149            0 :                         let mut oldest_active_full_xid = cp.nextXid.value;
    1150            0 :                         for xid in modification.tline.list_twophase_files(lsn, ctx).await? {
    1151            0 :                             if xid < oldest_active_full_xid {
    1152            0 :                                 oldest_active_full_xid = xid;
    1153            0 :                             }
    1154              :                         }
    1155            0 :                         oldest_active_full_xid as u32
    1156              :                     } else {
    1157            0 :                         let mut oldest_active_xid = cp.nextXid.value as u32;
    1158            0 :                         for xid in modification.tline.list_twophase_files(lsn, ctx).await? {
    1159            0 :                             let narrow_xid = xid as u32;
    1160            0 :                             if (narrow_xid.wrapping_sub(oldest_active_xid) as i32) < 0 {
    1161            0 :                                 oldest_active_xid = narrow_xid;
    1162            0 :                             }
    1163              :                         }
    1164            0 :                         oldest_active_xid
    1165              :                     };
    1166            0 :                     cp.oldestActiveXid = oldest_active_xid;
    1167            0 :                 } else {
    1168            0 :                     cp.oldestActiveXid = xlog_checkpoint.oldestActiveXid;
    1169            0 :                 }
    1170              : 
    1171              :                 // Write a new checkpoint key-value pair on every checkpoint record, even
    1172              :                 // if nothing really changed. Not strictly required, but it seems nice to
    1173              :                 // have some trace of the checkpoint records in the layer files at the same
    1174              :                 // LSNs.
    1175            0 :                 self.checkpoint_modified = true;
    1176            0 :             }
    1177              :         });
    1178              : 
    1179           30 :         Ok(())
    1180           30 :     }
    1181              : 
    1182            0 :     async fn ingest_logical_message_put(
    1183            0 :         &mut self,
    1184            0 :         put: PutLogicalMessage,
    1185            0 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
    1186            0 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
    1187            0 :     ) -> Result<()> {
    1188            0 :         let PutLogicalMessage { path, buf } = put;
    1189            0 :         modification.put_file(path.as_str(), &buf, ctx).await
    1190            0 :     }
    1191              : 
    1192            0 :     fn ingest_standby_record(&mut self, record: StandbyRecord) -> Result<()> {
    1193            0 :         match record {
    1194            0 :             StandbyRecord::RunningXacts(running_xacts) => {
    1195            0 :                 enum_pgversion_dispatch!(&mut self.checkpoint, CheckPoint, cp, {
    1196            0 :                     cp.oldestActiveXid = running_xacts.oldest_running_xid;
    1197            0 :                 });
    1198              : 
    1199            0 :                 self.checkpoint_modified = true;
    1200            0 :             }
    1201            0 :         }
    1202            0 : 
    1203            0 :         Ok(())
    1204            0 :     }
    1205              : 
    1206            0 :     async fn ingest_replorigin_record(
    1207            0 :         &mut self,
    1208            0 :         record: ReploriginRecord,
    1209            0 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
    1210            0 :     ) -> Result<()> {
    1211            0 :         match record {
    1212            0 :             ReploriginRecord::Set(set) => {
    1213            0 :                 modification
    1214            0 :                     .set_replorigin(set.node_id, set.remote_lsn)
    1215            0 :                     .await?;
    1216              :             }
    1217            0 :             ReploriginRecord::Drop(drop) => {
    1218            0 :                 modification.drop_replorigin(drop.node_id).await?;
    1219              :             }
    1220              :         }
    1221              : 
    1222            0 :         Ok(())
    1223            0 :     }
    1224              : 
    1225           18 :     async fn put_rel_creation(
    1226           18 :         &mut self,
    1227           18 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
    1228           18 :         rel: RelTag,
    1229           18 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
    1230           18 :     ) -> Result<()> {
    1231           18 :         modification.put_rel_creation(rel, 0, ctx).await?;
    1232           18 :         Ok(())
    1233           18 :     }
    1234              : 
    1235              :     #[cfg(test)]
    1236       272402 :     async fn put_rel_page_image(
    1237       272402 :         &mut self,
    1238       272402 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
    1239       272402 :         rel: RelTag,
    1240       272402 :         blknum: BlockNumber,
    1241       272402 :         img: Bytes,
    1242       272402 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
    1243       272402 :     ) -> Result<(), PageReconstructError> {
    1244       272402 :         self.handle_rel_extend(modification, rel, blknum, ctx)
    1245         5420 :             .await?;
    1246       272402 :         modification.put_rel_page_image(rel, blknum, img)?;
    1247       272402 :         Ok(())
    1248       272402 :     }
    1249              : 
    1250           12 :     async fn put_rel_wal_record(
    1251           12 :         &mut self,
    1252           12 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
    1253           12 :         rel: RelTag,
    1254           12 :         blknum: BlockNumber,
    1255           12 :         rec: NeonWalRecord,
    1256           12 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
    1257           12 :     ) -> Result<()> {
    1258           12 :         self.handle_rel_extend(modification, rel, blknum, ctx)
    1259            0 :             .await?;
    1260           12 :         modification.put_rel_wal_record(rel, blknum, rec)?;
    1261           12 :         Ok(())
    1262           12 :     }
    1263              : 
    1264         6012 :     async fn put_rel_truncation(
    1265         6012 :         &mut self,
    1266         6012 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
    1267         6012 :         rel: RelTag,
    1268         6012 :         nblocks: BlockNumber,
    1269         6012 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
    1270         6012 :     ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    1271         6012 :         modification.put_rel_truncation(rel, nblocks, ctx).await?;
    1272         6012 :         Ok(())
    1273         6012 :     }
    1274              : 
    1275       272414 :     async fn handle_rel_extend(
    1276       272414 :         &mut self,
    1277       272414 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
    1278       272414 :         rel: RelTag,
    1279       272414 :         blknum: BlockNumber,
    1280       272414 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
    1281       272414 :     ) -> Result<(), PageReconstructError> {
    1282       272414 :         let new_nblocks = blknum + 1;
    1283              :         // Check if the relation exists. We implicitly create relations on first
    1284              :         // record.
    1285       272414 :         let old_nblocks = modification.create_relation_if_required(rel, ctx).await?;
    1286              : 
    1287       272414 :         if new_nblocks > old_nblocks {
    1288              :             //info!("extending {} {} to {}", rel, old_nblocks, new_nblocks);
    1289       272398 :             modification.put_rel_extend(rel, new_nblocks, ctx).await?;
    1290              : 
    1291       272398 :             let mut key = rel_block_to_key(rel, blknum);
    1292       272398 : 
    1293       272398 :             // fill the gap with zeros
    1294       272398 :             let mut gap_blocks_filled: u64 = 0;
    1295       272398 :             for gap_blknum in old_nblocks..blknum {
    1296         2998 :                 key.field6 = gap_blknum;
    1297         2998 : 
    1298         2998 :                 if self.shard.get_shard_number(&key) != self.shard.number {
    1299            0 :                     continue;
    1300         2998 :                 }
    1301         2998 : 
    1302         2998 :                 modification.put_rel_page_image_zero(rel, gap_blknum)?;
    1303         2998 :                 gap_blocks_filled += 1;
    1304              :             }
    1305              : 
    1306       272398 :             WAL_INGEST
    1307       272398 :                 .gap_blocks_zeroed_on_rel_extend
    1308       272398 :                 .inc_by(gap_blocks_filled);
    1309       272398 : 
    1310       272398 :             // Log something when relation extends cause use to fill gaps
    1311       272398 :             // with zero pages. Logging is rate limited per pg version to
    1312       272398 :             // avoid skewing.
    1313       272398 :             if gap_blocks_filled > 0 {
    1314              :                 use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
    1315              :                 use std::sync::Mutex;
    1316              :                 use utils::rate_limit::RateLimit;
    1317              : 
    1318              :                 struct RateLimitPerPgVersion {
    1319              :                     rate_limiters: [Lazy<Mutex<RateLimit>>; 4],
    1320              :                 }
    1321              : 
    1322              :                 impl RateLimitPerPgVersion {
    1323            0 :                     const fn new() -> Self {
    1324            0 :                         Self {
    1325            0 :                             rate_limiters: [const {
    1326            2 :                                 Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(RateLimit::new(Duration::from_secs(30))))
    1327            0 :                             }; 4],
    1328            0 :                         }
    1329            0 :                     }
    1330              : 
    1331            4 :                     const fn rate_limiter(
    1332            4 :                         &self,
    1333            4 :                         pg_version: u32,
    1334            4 :                     ) -> Option<&Lazy<Mutex<RateLimit>>> {
    1335              :                         const MIN_PG_VERSION: u32 = 14;
    1336              :                         const MAX_PG_VERSION: u32 = 17;
    1337              : 
    1338            4 :                         if pg_version < MIN_PG_VERSION || pg_version > MAX_PG_VERSION {
    1339            0 :                             return None;
    1340            4 :                         }
    1341            4 : 
    1342            4 :                         Some(&self.rate_limiters[(pg_version - MIN_PG_VERSION) as usize])
    1343            4 :                     }
    1344              :                 }
    1345              : 
    1346              :                 static LOGGED: RateLimitPerPgVersion = RateLimitPerPgVersion::new();
    1347            4 :                 if let Some(rate_limiter) = LOGGED.rate_limiter(modification.tline.pg_version) {
    1348            4 :                     if let Ok(mut locked) = rate_limiter.try_lock() {
    1349            4 :               || {
    1350            2 :                             info!(
    1351            0 :                                 lsn=%modification.get_lsn(),
    1352            0 :                                 pg_version=%modification.tline.pg_version,
    1353            0 :                                 rel=%rel,
    1354            0 :                                 "Filled {} gap blocks on rel extend to {} from {}",
    1355              :                                 gap_blocks_filled,
    1356              :                                 new_nblocks,
    1357              :                                 old_nblocks);
    1358            4 :                         });
    1359            4 :                     }
    1360            0 :                 }
    1361       272394 :             }
    1362           16 :         }
    1363       272414 :         Ok(())
    1364       272414 :     }
    1365              : 
    1366            0 :     async fn put_slru_page_image(
    1367            0 :         &mut self,
    1368            0 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
    1369            0 :         kind: SlruKind,
    1370            0 :         segno: u32,
    1371            0 :         blknum: BlockNumber,
    1372            0 :         img: Bytes,
    1373            0 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
    1374            0 :     ) -> Result<()> {
    1375            0 :         self.handle_slru_extend(modification, kind, segno, blknum, ctx)
    1376            0 :             .await?;
    1377            0 :         modification.put_slru_page_image(kind, segno, blknum, img)?;
    1378            0 :         Ok(())
    1379            0 :     }
    1380              : 
    1381            0 :     async fn handle_slru_extend(
    1382            0 :         &mut self,
    1383            0 :         modification: &mut DatadirModification<'_>,
    1384            0 :         kind: SlruKind,
    1385            0 :         segno: u32,
    1386            0 :         blknum: BlockNumber,
    1387            0 :         ctx: &RequestContext,
    1388            0 :     ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    1389            0 :         // we don't use a cache for this like we do for relations. SLRUS are explcitly
    1390            0 :         // extended with ZEROPAGE records, not with commit records, so it happens
    1391            0 :         // a lot less frequently.
    1392            0 : 
    1393            0 :         let new_nblocks = blknum + 1;
    1394              :         // Check if the relation exists. We implicitly create relations on first
    1395              :         // record.
    1396              :         // TODO: would be nice if to be more explicit about it
    1397            0 :         let old_nblocks = if !modification
    1398            0 :             .tline
    1399            0 :             .get_slru_segment_exists(kind, segno, Version::Modified(modification), ctx)
    1400            0 :             .await?
    1401              :         {
    1402              :             // create it with 0 size initially, the logic below will extend it
    1403            0 :             modification
    1404            0 :                 .put_slru_segment_creation(kind, segno, 0, ctx)
    1405            0 :                 .await?;
    1406            0 :             0
    1407              :         } else {
    1408            0 :             modification
    1409            0 :                 .tline
    1410            0 :                 .get_slru_segment_size(kind, segno, Version::Modified(modification), ctx)
    1411            0 :                 .await?
    1412              :         };
    1413              : 
    1414            0 :         if new_nblocks > old_nblocks {
    1415            0 :             trace!(
    1416            0 :                 "extending SLRU {:?} seg {} from {} to {} blocks",
    1417              :                 kind,
    1418              :                 segno,
    1419              :                 old_nblocks,
    1420              :                 new_nblocks
    1421              :             );
    1422            0 :             modification.put_slru_extend(kind, segno, new_nblocks)?;
    1423              : 
    1424              :             // fill the gap with zeros
    1425            0 :             for gap_blknum in old_nblocks..blknum {
    1426            0 :                 modification.put_slru_page_image_zero(kind, segno, gap_blknum)?;
    1427              :             }
    1428            0 :         }
    1429            0 :         Ok(())
    1430            0 :     }
    1431              : }
    1432              : 
    1433           12 : async fn get_relsize(
    1434           12 :     modification: &DatadirModification<'_>,
    1435           12 :     rel: RelTag,
    1436           12 :     ctx: &RequestContext,
    1437           12 : ) -> Result<BlockNumber, PageReconstructError> {
    1438           12 :     let nblocks = if !modification
    1439           12 :         .tline
    1440           12 :         .get_rel_exists(rel, Version::Modified(modification), ctx)
    1441            0 :         .await?
    1442              :     {
    1443            0 :         0
    1444              :     } else {
    1445           12 :         modification
    1446           12 :             .tline
    1447           12 :             .get_rel_size(rel, Version::Modified(modification), ctx)
    1448            0 :             .await?
    1449              :     };
    1450           12 :     Ok(nblocks)
    1451           12 : }
    1452              : 
    1453              : #[allow(clippy::bool_assert_comparison)]
    1454              : #[cfg(test)]
    1455              : mod tests {
    1456              :     use super::*;
    1457              :     use crate::tenant::harness::*;
    1458              :     use crate::tenant::remote_timeline_client::{remote_initdb_archive_path, INITDB_PATH};
    1459              :     use postgres_ffi::RELSEG_SIZE;
    1460              : 
    1461              :     use crate::DEFAULT_PG_VERSION;
    1462              : 
    1463              :     /// Arbitrary relation tag, for testing.
    1464              :     const TESTREL_A: RelTag = RelTag {
    1465              :         spcnode: 0,
    1466              :         dbnode: 111,
    1467              :         relnode: 1000,
    1468              :         forknum: 0,
    1469              :     };
    1470              : 
    1471           12 :     fn assert_current_logical_size(_timeline: &Timeline, _lsn: Lsn) {
    1472           12 :         // TODO
    1473           12 :     }
    1474              : 
    1475              :     #[tokio::test]
    1476            2 :     async fn test_zeroed_checkpoint_decodes_correctly() -> Result<()> {
    1477            8 :         for i in 14..=16 {
    1478            6 :             dispatch_pgversion!(i, {
    1479            2 :                 pgv::CheckPoint::decode(&pgv::ZERO_CHECKPOINT)?;
    1480            2 :             });
    1481            2 :         }
    1482            2 : 
    1483            2 :         Ok(())
    1484            2 :     }
    1485              : 
    1486            8 :     async fn init_walingest_test(tline: &Timeline, ctx: &RequestContext) -> Result<WalIngest> {
    1487            8 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(0x10));
    1488            8 :         m.put_checkpoint(dispatch_pgversion!(
    1489            8 :             tline.pg_version,
    1490            0 :             pgv::ZERO_CHECKPOINT.clone()
    1491            0 :         ))?;
    1492           16 :         m.put_relmap_file(0, 111, Bytes::from(""), ctx).await?; // dummy relmapper file
    1493            8 :         m.commit(ctx).await?;
    1494            8 :         let walingest = WalIngest::new(tline, Lsn(0x10), ctx).await?;
    1495              : 
    1496            8 :         Ok(walingest)
    1497            8 :     }
    1498              : 
    1499              :     #[tokio::test]
    1500            2 :     async fn test_relsize() -> Result<()> {
    1501           18 :         let (tenant, ctx) = TenantHarness::create("test_relsize").await?.load().await;
    1502            2 :         let tline = tenant
    1503            2 :             .create_test_timeline(TIMELINE_ID, Lsn(8), DEFAULT_PG_VERSION, &ctx)
    1504            5 :             .await?;
    1505            5 :         let mut walingest = init_walingest_test(&tline, &ctx).await?;
    1506            2 : 
    1507            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(0x20));
    1508            2 :         walingest.put_rel_creation(&mut m, TESTREL_A, &ctx).await?;
    1509            2 :         walingest
    1510            2 :             .put_rel_page_image(&mut m, TESTREL_A, 0, test_img("foo blk 0 at 2"), &ctx)
    1511            2 :             .await?;
    1512            2 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1513            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(0x30));
    1514            2 :         walingest
    1515            2 :             .put_rel_page_image(&mut m, TESTREL_A, 0, test_img("foo blk 0 at 3"), &ctx)
    1516            2 :             .await?;
    1517            2 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1518            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(0x40));
    1519            2 :         walingest
    1520            2 :             .put_rel_page_image(&mut m, TESTREL_A, 1, test_img("foo blk 1 at 4"), &ctx)
    1521            2 :             .await?;
    1522            2 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1523            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(0x50));
    1524            2 :         walingest
    1525            2 :             .put_rel_page_image(&mut m, TESTREL_A, 2, test_img("foo blk 2 at 5"), &ctx)
    1526            2 :             .await?;
    1527            2 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1528            2 : 
    1529            2 :         assert_current_logical_size(&tline, Lsn(0x50));
    1530            2 : 
    1531            2 :         let test_span = tracing::info_span!(parent: None, "test",
    1532            2 :                                             tenant_id=%tline.tenant_shard_id.tenant_id,
    1533            0 :                                             shard_id=%tline.tenant_shard_id.shard_slug(),
    1534            0 :                                             timeline_id=%tline.timeline_id);
    1535            2 : 
    1536            2 :         // The relation was created at LSN 2, not visible at LSN 1 yet.
    1537            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1538            2 :             tline
    1539            2 :                 .get_rel_exists(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x10)), &ctx)
    1540            2 :                 .await?,
    1541            2 :             false
    1542            2 :         );
    1543            2 :         assert!(tline
    1544            2 :             .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x10)), &ctx)
    1545            2 :             .await
    1546            2 :             .is_err());
    1547            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1548            2 :             tline
    1549            2 :                 .get_rel_exists(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x20)), &ctx)
    1550            2 :                 .await?,
    1551            2 :             true
    1552            2 :         );
    1553            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1554            2 :             tline
    1555            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x20)), &ctx)
    1556            2 :                 .await?,
    1557            2 :             1
    1558            2 :         );
    1559            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1560            2 :             tline
    1561            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x50)), &ctx)
    1562            2 :                 .await?,
    1563            2 :             3
    1564            2 :         );
    1565            2 : 
    1566            2 :         // Check page contents at each LSN
    1567            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1568            2 :             tline
    1569            2 :                 .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, 0, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x20)), &ctx)
    1570            2 :                 .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1571            2 :                 .await?,
    1572            2 :             test_img("foo blk 0 at 2")
    1573            2 :         );
    1574            2 : 
    1575            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1576            2 :             tline
    1577            2 :                 .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, 0, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x30)), &ctx)
    1578            2 :                 .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1579            2 :                 .await?,
    1580            2 :             test_img("foo blk 0 at 3")
    1581            2 :         );
    1582            2 : 
    1583            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1584            2 :             tline
    1585            2 :                 .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, 0, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x40)), &ctx)
    1586            2 :                 .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1587            2 :                 .await?,
    1588            2 :             test_img("foo blk 0 at 3")
    1589            2 :         );
    1590            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1591            2 :             tline
    1592            2 :                 .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, 1, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x40)), &ctx)
    1593            2 :                 .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1594            2 :                 .await?,
    1595            2 :             test_img("foo blk 1 at 4")
    1596            2 :         );
    1597            2 : 
    1598            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1599            2 :             tline
    1600            2 :                 .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, 0, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x50)), &ctx)
    1601            2 :                 .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1602            2 :                 .await?,
    1603            2 :             test_img("foo blk 0 at 3")
    1604            2 :         );
    1605            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1606            2 :             tline
    1607            2 :                 .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, 1, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x50)), &ctx)
    1608            2 :                 .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1609            2 :                 .await?,
    1610            2 :             test_img("foo blk 1 at 4")
    1611            2 :         );
    1612            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1613            2 :             tline
    1614            2 :                 .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, 2, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x50)), &ctx)
    1615            2 :                 .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1616            2 :                 .await?,
    1617            2 :             test_img("foo blk 2 at 5")
    1618            2 :         );
    1619            2 : 
    1620            2 :         // Truncate last block
    1621            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(0x60));
    1622            2 :         walingest
    1623            2 :             .put_rel_truncation(&mut m, TESTREL_A, 2, &ctx)
    1624            2 :             .await?;
    1625            2 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1626            2 :         assert_current_logical_size(&tline, Lsn(0x60));
    1627            2 : 
    1628            2 :         // Check reported size and contents after truncation
    1629            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1630            2 :             tline
    1631            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x60)), &ctx)
    1632            2 :                 .await?,
    1633            2 :             2
    1634            2 :         );
    1635            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1636            2 :             tline
    1637            2 :                 .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, 0, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x60)), &ctx)
    1638            2 :                 .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1639            2 :                 .await?,
    1640            2 :             test_img("foo blk 0 at 3")
    1641            2 :         );
    1642            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1643            2 :             tline
    1644            2 :                 .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, 1, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x60)), &ctx)
    1645            2 :                 .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1646            2 :                 .await?,
    1647            2 :             test_img("foo blk 1 at 4")
    1648            2 :         );
    1649            2 : 
    1650            2 :         // should still see the truncated block with older LSN
    1651            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1652            2 :             tline
    1653            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x50)), &ctx)
    1654            2 :                 .await?,
    1655            2 :             3
    1656            2 :         );
    1657            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1658            2 :             tline
    1659            2 :                 .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, 2, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x50)), &ctx)
    1660            2 :                 .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1661            2 :                 .await?,
    1662            2 :             test_img("foo blk 2 at 5")
    1663            2 :         );
    1664            2 : 
    1665            2 :         // Truncate to zero length
    1666            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(0x68));
    1667            2 :         walingest
    1668            2 :             .put_rel_truncation(&mut m, TESTREL_A, 0, &ctx)
    1669            2 :             .await?;
    1670            2 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1671            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1672            2 :             tline
    1673            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x68)), &ctx)
    1674            2 :                 .await?,
    1675            2 :             0
    1676            2 :         );
    1677            2 : 
    1678            2 :         // Extend from 0 to 2 blocks, leaving a gap
    1679            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(0x70));
    1680            2 :         walingest
    1681            2 :             .put_rel_page_image(&mut m, TESTREL_A, 1, test_img("foo blk 1"), &ctx)
    1682            2 :             .await?;
    1683            2 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1684            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1685            2 :             tline
    1686            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x70)), &ctx)
    1687            2 :                 .await?,
    1688            2 :             2
    1689            2 :         );
    1690            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1691            2 :             tline
    1692            2 :                 .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, 0, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x70)), &ctx)
    1693            2 :                 .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1694            2 :                 .await?,
    1695            2 :             ZERO_PAGE
    1696            2 :         );
    1697            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1698            2 :             tline
    1699            2 :                 .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, 1, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x70)), &ctx)
    1700            2 :                 .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1701            2 :                 .await?,
    1702            2 :             test_img("foo blk 1")
    1703            2 :         );
    1704            2 : 
    1705            2 :         // Extend a lot more, leaving a big gap that spans across segments
    1706            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(0x80));
    1707            2 :         walingest
    1708            2 :             .put_rel_page_image(&mut m, TESTREL_A, 1500, test_img("foo blk 1500"), &ctx)
    1709            2 :             .await?;
    1710          190 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1711            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1712            2 :             tline
    1713            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x80)), &ctx)
    1714            2 :                 .await?,
    1715            2 :             1501
    1716            2 :         );
    1717         2998 :         for blk in 2..1500 {
    1718         2996 :             assert_eq!(
    1719         2996 :                 tline
    1720         2996 :                     .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, blk, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x80)), &ctx)
    1721         2996 :                     .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1722         1540 :                     .await?,
    1723         2996 :                 ZERO_PAGE
    1724            2 :             );
    1725            2 :         }
    1726            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1727            2 :             tline
    1728            2 :                 .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, 1500, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x80)), &ctx)
    1729            2 :                 .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1730            2 :                 .await?,
    1731            2 :             test_img("foo blk 1500")
    1732            2 :         );
    1733            2 : 
    1734            2 :         Ok(())
    1735            2 :     }
    1736              : 
    1737              :     // Test what happens if we dropped a relation
    1738              :     // and then created it again within the same layer.
    1739              :     #[tokio::test]
    1740            2 :     async fn test_drop_extend() -> Result<()> {
    1741            2 :         let (tenant, ctx) = TenantHarness::create("test_drop_extend")
    1742            2 :             .await?
    1743            2 :             .load()
    1744           20 :             .await;
    1745            2 :         let tline = tenant
    1746            2 :             .create_test_timeline(TIMELINE_ID, Lsn(8), DEFAULT_PG_VERSION, &ctx)
    1747            6 :             .await?;
    1748            5 :         let mut walingest = init_walingest_test(&tline, &ctx).await?;
    1749            2 : 
    1750            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(0x20));
    1751            2 :         walingest
    1752            2 :             .put_rel_page_image(&mut m, TESTREL_A, 0, test_img("foo blk 0 at 2"), &ctx)
    1753            2 :             .await?;
    1754            2 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1755            2 : 
    1756            2 :         // Check that rel exists and size is correct
    1757            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1758            2 :             tline
    1759            2 :                 .get_rel_exists(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x20)), &ctx)
    1760            2 :                 .await?,
    1761            2 :             true
    1762            2 :         );
    1763            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1764            2 :             tline
    1765            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x20)), &ctx)
    1766            2 :                 .await?,
    1767            2 :             1
    1768            2 :         );
    1769            2 : 
    1770            2 :         // Drop rel
    1771            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(0x30));
    1772            2 :         let mut rel_drops = HashMap::new();
    1773            2 :         rel_drops.insert((TESTREL_A.spcnode, TESTREL_A.dbnode), vec![TESTREL_A]);
    1774            2 :         m.put_rel_drops(rel_drops, &ctx).await?;
    1775            2 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1776            2 : 
    1777            2 :         // Check that rel is not visible anymore
    1778            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1779            2 :             tline
    1780            2 :                 .get_rel_exists(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x30)), &ctx)
    1781            2 :                 .await?,
    1782            2 :             false
    1783            2 :         );
    1784            2 : 
    1785            2 :         // FIXME: should fail
    1786            2 :         //assert!(tline.get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Lsn(0x30), false)?.is_none());
    1787            2 : 
    1788            2 :         // Re-create it
    1789            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(0x40));
    1790            2 :         walingest
    1791            2 :             .put_rel_page_image(&mut m, TESTREL_A, 0, test_img("foo blk 0 at 4"), &ctx)
    1792            2 :             .await?;
    1793            2 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1794            2 : 
    1795            2 :         // Check that rel exists and size is correct
    1796            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1797            2 :             tline
    1798            2 :                 .get_rel_exists(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x40)), &ctx)
    1799            2 :                 .await?,
    1800            2 :             true
    1801            2 :         );
    1802            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1803            2 :             tline
    1804            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x40)), &ctx)
    1805            2 :                 .await?,
    1806            2 :             1
    1807            2 :         );
    1808            2 : 
    1809            2 :         Ok(())
    1810            2 :     }
    1811              : 
    1812              :     // Test what happens if we truncated a relation
    1813              :     // so that one of its segments was dropped
    1814              :     // and then extended it again within the same layer.
    1815              :     #[tokio::test]
    1816            2 :     async fn test_truncate_extend() -> Result<()> {
    1817            2 :         let (tenant, ctx) = TenantHarness::create("test_truncate_extend")
    1818            2 :             .await?
    1819            2 :             .load()
    1820           20 :             .await;
    1821            2 :         let tline = tenant
    1822            2 :             .create_test_timeline(TIMELINE_ID, Lsn(8), DEFAULT_PG_VERSION, &ctx)
    1823            6 :             .await?;
    1824            5 :         let mut walingest = init_walingest_test(&tline, &ctx).await?;
    1825            2 : 
    1826            2 :         // Create a 20 MB relation (the size is arbitrary)
    1827            2 :         let relsize = 20 * 1024 * 1024 / 8192;
    1828            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(0x20));
    1829         5120 :         for blkno in 0..relsize {
    1830         5120 :             let data = format!("foo blk {} at {}", blkno, Lsn(0x20));
    1831         5120 :             walingest
    1832         5120 :                 .put_rel_page_image(&mut m, TESTREL_A, blkno, test_img(&data), &ctx)
    1833            2 :                 .await?;
    1834            2 :         }
    1835            2 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1836            2 : 
    1837            2 :         let test_span = tracing::info_span!(parent: None, "test",
    1838            2 :                                             tenant_id=%tline.tenant_shard_id.tenant_id,
    1839            0 :                                             shard_id=%tline.tenant_shard_id.shard_slug(),
    1840            0 :                                             timeline_id=%tline.timeline_id);
    1841            2 : 
    1842            2 :         // The relation was created at LSN 20, not visible at LSN 1 yet.
    1843            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1844            2 :             tline
    1845            2 :                 .get_rel_exists(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x10)), &ctx)
    1846            2 :                 .await?,
    1847            2 :             false
    1848            2 :         );
    1849            2 :         assert!(tline
    1850            2 :             .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x10)), &ctx)
    1851            2 :             .await
    1852            2 :             .is_err());
    1853            2 : 
    1854            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1855            2 :             tline
    1856            2 :                 .get_rel_exists(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x20)), &ctx)
    1857            2 :                 .await?,
    1858            2 :             true
    1859            2 :         );
    1860            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1861            2 :             tline
    1862            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x20)), &ctx)
    1863            2 :                 .await?,
    1864            2 :             relsize
    1865            2 :         );
    1866            2 : 
    1867            2 :         // Check relation content
    1868         5120 :         for blkno in 0..relsize {
    1869         5120 :             let lsn = Lsn(0x20);
    1870         5120 :             let data = format!("foo blk {} at {}", blkno, lsn);
    1871         5120 :             assert_eq!(
    1872         5120 :                 tline
    1873         5120 :                     .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, blkno, Version::Lsn(lsn), &ctx)
    1874         5120 :                     .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1875         1803 :                     .await?,
    1876         5120 :                 test_img(&data)
    1877            2 :             );
    1878            2 :         }
    1879            2 : 
    1880            2 :         // Truncate relation so that second segment was dropped
    1881            2 :         // - only leave one page
    1882            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(0x60));
    1883            2 :         walingest
    1884            2 :             .put_rel_truncation(&mut m, TESTREL_A, 1, &ctx)
    1885            2 :             .await?;
    1886            2 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1887            2 : 
    1888            2 :         // Check reported size and contents after truncation
    1889            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1890            2 :             tline
    1891            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x60)), &ctx)
    1892            2 :                 .await?,
    1893            2 :             1
    1894            2 :         );
    1895            2 : 
    1896            4 :         for blkno in 0..1 {
    1897            2 :             let lsn = Lsn(0x20);
    1898            2 :             let data = format!("foo blk {} at {}", blkno, lsn);
    1899            2 :             assert_eq!(
    1900            2 :                 tline
    1901            2 :                     .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, blkno, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x60)), &ctx)
    1902            2 :                     .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1903            2 :                     .await?,
    1904            2 :                 test_img(&data)
    1905            2 :             );
    1906            2 :         }
    1907            2 : 
    1908            2 :         // should still see all blocks with older LSN
    1909            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1910            2 :             tline
    1911            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x50)), &ctx)
    1912            2 :                 .await?,
    1913            2 :             relsize
    1914            2 :         );
    1915         5120 :         for blkno in 0..relsize {
    1916         5120 :             let lsn = Lsn(0x20);
    1917         5120 :             let data = format!("foo blk {} at {}", blkno, lsn);
    1918         5120 :             assert_eq!(
    1919         5120 :                 tline
    1920         5120 :                     .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, blkno, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x50)), &ctx)
    1921         5120 :                     .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1922         1856 :                     .await?,
    1923         5120 :                 test_img(&data)
    1924            2 :             );
    1925            2 :         }
    1926            2 : 
    1927            2 :         // Extend relation again.
    1928            2 :         // Add enough blocks to create second segment
    1929            2 :         let lsn = Lsn(0x80);
    1930            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(lsn);
    1931         5120 :         for blkno in 0..relsize {
    1932         5120 :             let data = format!("foo blk {} at {}", blkno, lsn);
    1933         5120 :             walingest
    1934         5120 :                 .put_rel_page_image(&mut m, TESTREL_A, blkno, test_img(&data), &ctx)
    1935            2 :                 .await?;
    1936            2 :         }
    1937            3 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1938            2 : 
    1939            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1940            2 :             tline
    1941            2 :                 .get_rel_exists(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x80)), &ctx)
    1942            2 :                 .await?,
    1943            2 :             true
    1944            2 :         );
    1945            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1946            2 :             tline
    1947            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x80)), &ctx)
    1948            2 :                 .await?,
    1949            2 :             relsize
    1950            2 :         );
    1951            2 :         // Check relation content
    1952         5120 :         for blkno in 0..relsize {
    1953         5120 :             let lsn = Lsn(0x80);
    1954         5120 :             let data = format!("foo blk {} at {}", blkno, lsn);
    1955         5120 :             assert_eq!(
    1956         5120 :                 tline
    1957         5120 :                     .get_rel_page_at_lsn(TESTREL_A, blkno, Version::Lsn(Lsn(0x80)), &ctx)
    1958         5120 :                     .instrument(test_span.clone())
    1959         1828 :                     .await?,
    1960         5120 :                 test_img(&data)
    1961            2 :             );
    1962            2 :         }
    1963            2 : 
    1964            2 :         Ok(())
    1965            2 :     }
    1966              : 
    1967              :     /// Test get_relsize() and truncation with a file larger than 1 GB, so that it's
    1968              :     /// split into multiple 1 GB segments in Postgres.
    1969              :     #[tokio::test]
    1970            2 :     async fn test_large_rel() -> Result<()> {
    1971           20 :         let (tenant, ctx) = TenantHarness::create("test_large_rel").await?.load().await;
    1972            2 :         let tline = tenant
    1973            2 :             .create_test_timeline(TIMELINE_ID, Lsn(8), DEFAULT_PG_VERSION, &ctx)
    1974            6 :             .await?;
    1975            5 :         let mut walingest = init_walingest_test(&tline, &ctx).await?;
    1976            2 : 
    1977            2 :         let mut lsn = 0x10;
    1978       262146 :         for blknum in 0..RELSEG_SIZE + 1 {
    1979       262146 :             lsn += 0x10;
    1980       262146 :             let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(lsn));
    1981       262146 :             let img = test_img(&format!("foo blk {} at {}", blknum, Lsn(lsn)));
    1982       262146 :             walingest
    1983       262146 :                 .put_rel_page_image(&mut m, TESTREL_A, blknum as BlockNumber, img, &ctx)
    1984         5420 :                 .await?;
    1985       262146 :             m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    1986            2 :         }
    1987            2 : 
    1988            2 :         assert_current_logical_size(&tline, Lsn(lsn));
    1989            2 : 
    1990            2 :         assert_eq!(
    1991            2 :             tline
    1992            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(lsn)), &ctx)
    1993            2 :                 .await?,
    1994            2 :             RELSEG_SIZE + 1
    1995            2 :         );
    1996            2 : 
    1997            2 :         // Truncate one block
    1998            2 :         lsn += 0x10;
    1999            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(lsn));
    2000            2 :         walingest
    2001            2 :             .put_rel_truncation(&mut m, TESTREL_A, RELSEG_SIZE, &ctx)
    2002            2 :             .await?;
    2003            2 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    2004            2 :         assert_eq!(
    2005            2 :             tline
    2006            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(lsn)), &ctx)
    2007            2 :                 .await?,
    2008            2 :             RELSEG_SIZE
    2009            2 :         );
    2010            2 :         assert_current_logical_size(&tline, Lsn(lsn));
    2011            2 : 
    2012            2 :         // Truncate another block
    2013            2 :         lsn += 0x10;
    2014            2 :         let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(lsn));
    2015            2 :         walingest
    2016            2 :             .put_rel_truncation(&mut m, TESTREL_A, RELSEG_SIZE - 1, &ctx)
    2017            2 :             .await?;
    2018            2 :         m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    2019            2 :         assert_eq!(
    2020            2 :             tline
    2021            2 :                 .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(lsn)), &ctx)
    2022            2 :                 .await?,
    2023            2 :             RELSEG_SIZE - 1
    2024            2 :         );
    2025            2 :         assert_current_logical_size(&tline, Lsn(lsn));
    2026            2 : 
    2027            2 :         // Truncate to 1500, and then truncate all the way down to 0, one block at a time
    2028            2 :         // This tests the behavior at segment boundaries
    2029            2 :         let mut size: i32 = 3000;
    2030         6004 :         while size >= 0 {
    2031         6002 :             lsn += 0x10;
    2032         6002 :             let mut m = tline.begin_modification(Lsn(lsn));
    2033         6002 :             walingest
    2034         6002 :                 .put_rel_truncation(&mut m, TESTREL_A, size as BlockNumber, &ctx)
    2035            2 :                 .await?;
    2036         6002 :             m.commit(&ctx).await?;
    2037         6002 :             assert_eq!(
    2038         6002 :                 tline
    2039         6002 :                     .get_rel_size(TESTREL_A, Version::Lsn(Lsn(lsn)), &ctx)
    2040            2 :                     .await?,
    2041         6002 :                 size as BlockNumber
    2042            2 :             );
    2043            2 : 
    2044         6002 :             size -= 1;
    2045            2 :         }
    2046            2 :         assert_current_logical_size(&tline, Lsn(lsn));
    2047            2 : 
    2048            2 :         Ok(())
    2049            2 :     }
    2050              : 
    2051              :     /// Replay a wal segment file taken directly from safekeepers.
    2052              :     ///
    2053              :     /// This test is useful for benchmarking since it allows us to profile only
    2054              :     /// the walingest code in a single-threaded executor, and iterate more quickly
    2055              :     /// without waiting for unrelated steps.
    2056              :     #[tokio::test]
    2057            2 :     async fn test_ingest_real_wal() {
    2058            2 :         use crate::tenant::harness::*;
    2059            2 :         use postgres_ffi::waldecoder::WalStreamDecoder;
    2060            2 :         use postgres_ffi::WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE;
    2061            2 : 
    2062            2 :         // Define test data path and constants.
    2063            2 :         //
    2064            2 :         // Steps to reconstruct the data, if needed:
    2065            2 :         // 1. Run the pgbench python test
    2066            2 :         // 2. Take the first wal segment file from safekeeper
    2067            2 :         // 3. Compress it using `zstd --long input_file`
    2068            2 :         // 4. Copy initdb.tar.zst from local_fs_remote_storage
    2069            2 :         // 5. Grep sk logs for "restart decoder" to get startpoint
    2070            2 :         // 6. Run just the decoder from this test to get the endpoint.
    2071            2 :         //    It's the last LSN the decoder will output.
    2072            2 :         let pg_version = 15; // The test data was generated by pg15
    2073            2 :         let path = "test_data/sk_wal_segment_from_pgbench";
    2074            2 :         let wal_segment_path = format!("{path}/000000010000000000000001.zst");
    2075            2 :         let source_initdb_path = format!("{path}/{INITDB_PATH}");
    2076            2 :         let startpoint = Lsn::from_hex("14AEC08").unwrap();
    2077            2 :         let _endpoint = Lsn::from_hex("1FFFF98").unwrap();
    2078            2 : 
    2079            2 :         let harness = TenantHarness::create("test_ingest_real_wal").await.unwrap();
    2080            2 :         let span = harness
    2081            2 :             .span()
    2082            2 :             .in_scope(|| info_span!("timeline_span", timeline_id=%TIMELINE_ID));
    2083           20 :         let (tenant, ctx) = harness.load().await;
    2084            2 : 
    2085            2 :         let remote_initdb_path =
    2086            2 :             remote_initdb_archive_path(&tenant.tenant_shard_id().tenant_id, &TIMELINE_ID);
    2087            2 :         let initdb_path = harness.remote_fs_dir.join(remote_initdb_path.get_path());
    2088            2 : 
    2089            2 :         std::fs::create_dir_all(initdb_path.parent().unwrap())
    2090            2 :             .expect("creating test dir should work");
    2091            2 :         std::fs::copy(source_initdb_path, initdb_path).expect("copying the initdb.tar.zst works");
    2092            2 : 
    2093            2 :         // Bootstrap a real timeline. We can't use create_test_timeline because
    2094            2 :         // it doesn't create a real checkpoint, and Walingest::new tries to parse
    2095            2 :         // the garbage data.
    2096            2 :         let tline = tenant
    2097            2 :             .bootstrap_timeline_test(TIMELINE_ID, pg_version, Some(TIMELINE_ID), &ctx)
    2098        19271 :             .await
    2099            2 :             .unwrap();
    2100            2 : 
    2101            2 :         // We fully read and decompress this into memory before decoding
    2102            2 :         // to get a more accurate perf profile of the decoder.
    2103            2 :         let bytes = {
    2104            2 :             use async_compression::tokio::bufread::ZstdDecoder;
    2105            2 :             let file = tokio::fs::File::open(wal_segment_path).await.unwrap();
    2106            2 :             let reader = tokio::io::BufReader::new(file);
    2107            2 :             let decoder = ZstdDecoder::new(reader);
    2108            2 :             let mut reader = tokio::io::BufReader::new(decoder);
    2109            2 :             let mut buffer = Vec::new();
    2110          224 :             tokio::io::copy_buf(&mut reader, &mut buffer).await.unwrap();
    2111            2 :             buffer
    2112            2 :         };
    2113            2 : 
    2114            2 :         // TODO start a profiler too
    2115            2 :         let started_at = std::time::Instant::now();
    2116            2 : 
    2117            2 :         // Initialize walingest
    2118            2 :         let xlogoff: usize = startpoint.segment_offset(WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE);
    2119            2 :         let mut decoder = WalStreamDecoder::new(startpoint, pg_version);
    2120            2 :         let mut walingest = WalIngest::new(tline.as_ref(), startpoint, &ctx)
    2121            5 :             .await
    2122            2 :             .unwrap();
    2123            2 :         let mut modification = tline.begin_modification(startpoint);
    2124            2 :         println!("decoding {} bytes", bytes.len() - xlogoff);
    2125            2 : 
    2126            2 :         // Decode and ingest wal. We process the wal in chunks because
    2127            2 :         // that's what happens when we get bytes from safekeepers.
    2128       474686 :         for chunk in bytes[xlogoff..].chunks(50) {
    2129       474686 :             decoder.feed_bytes(chunk);
    2130       620536 :             while let Some((lsn, recdata)) = decoder.poll_decode().unwrap() {
    2131       145850 :                 let interpreted = InterpretedWalRecord::from_bytes_filtered(
    2132       145850 :                     recdata,
    2133       145850 :                     modification.tline.get_shard_identity(),
    2134       145850 :                     lsn,
    2135       145850 :                     modification.tline.pg_version,
    2136       145850 :                 )
    2137       145850 :                 .unwrap();
    2138       145850 : 
    2139       145850 :                 walingest
    2140       145850 :                     .ingest_record(interpreted, &mut modification, &ctx)
    2141       145850 :                     .instrument(span.clone())
    2142          296 :                     .await
    2143       145850 :                     .unwrap();
    2144            2 :             }
    2145       474686 :             modification.commit(&ctx).await.unwrap();
    2146            2 :         }
    2147            2 : 
    2148            2 :         let duration = started_at.elapsed();
    2149            2 :         println!("done in {:?}", duration);
    2150            2 :     }
    2151              : }

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