Line data Source code
1 : use anyhow::{bail, ensure};
2 : use camino_tempfile::{tempdir, Utf8TempDir};
3 : use log::*;
4 : use postgres::types::PgLsn;
5 : use postgres::Client;
6 : use postgres_ffi::{WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE, XLOG_BLCKSZ};
7 : use postgres_ffi::{
9 : };
10 : use std::ffi::OsStr;
11 : use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
12 : use std::process::Command;
13 : use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
14 :
15 : macro_rules! xlog_utils_test {
16 : ($version:ident) => {
17 : #[path = "."]
18 : mod $version {
19 : #[allow(unused_imports)]
20 : pub use postgres_ffi::$version::wal_craft_test_export::*;
21 : #[allow(clippy::duplicate_mod)]
22 : #[cfg(test)]
23 : mod xlog_utils_test;
24 : }
25 : };
26 : }
27 :
28 : postgres_ffi::for_all_postgres_versions! { xlog_utils_test }
29 :
30 : pub struct Conf {
31 : pub pg_version: u32,
32 : pub pg_distrib_dir: PathBuf,
33 : pub datadir: PathBuf,
34 : }
35 :
36 : pub struct PostgresServer {
37 : process: std::process::Child,
38 : _unix_socket_dir: Utf8TempDir,
39 : client_config: postgres::Config,
40 : }
41 :
42 : pub static REQUIRED_POSTGRES_CONFIG: [&str; 4] = [
43 : "wal_keep_size=50MB", // Ensure old WAL is not removed
44 : "shared_preload_libraries=neon", // can only be loaded at startup
45 : // Disable background processes as much as possible
46 : "wal_writer_delay=10s",
47 : "autovacuum=off",
48 : ];
49 :
50 : impl Conf {
51 108 : pub fn pg_distrib_dir(&self) -> anyhow::Result<PathBuf> {
52 108 : let path = self.pg_distrib_dir.clone();
53 108 :
54 108 : #[allow(clippy::manual_range_patterns)]
55 108 : match self.pg_version {
56 108 : 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 => Ok(path.join(format!("v{}", self.pg_version))),
57 0 : _ => bail!("Unsupported postgres version: {}", self.pg_version),
58 : }
59 108 : }
60 :
61 36 : fn pg_bin_dir(&self) -> anyhow::Result<PathBuf> {
62 36 : Ok(self.pg_distrib_dir()?.join("bin"))
63 36 : }
64 :
65 72 : fn pg_lib_dir(&self) -> anyhow::Result<PathBuf> {
66 72 : Ok(self.pg_distrib_dir()?.join("lib"))
67 72 : }
68 :
69 204 : pub fn wal_dir(&self) -> PathBuf {
70 204 : self.datadir.join("pg_wal")
71 204 : }
72 :
73 36 : fn new_pg_command(&self, command: impl AsRef<Path>) -> anyhow::Result<Command> {
74 36 : let path = self.pg_bin_dir()?.join(command);
75 36 : ensure!(path.exists(), "Command {:?} does not exist", path);
76 36 : let mut cmd = Command::new(path);
77 36 : cmd.env_clear()
78 36 : .env("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", self.pg_lib_dir()?)
79 36 : .env("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", self.pg_lib_dir()?);
80 36 : Ok(cmd)
81 36 : }
82 :
83 12 : pub fn initdb(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
84 12 : if let Some(parent) = self.datadir.parent() {
85 12 : info!("Pre-creating parent directory {:?}", parent);
86 : // Tests may be run concurrently and there may be a race to create `test_output/`.
87 : // std::fs::create_dir_all is guaranteed to have no races with another thread creating directories.
88 12 : std::fs::create_dir_all(parent)?;
89 0 : }
90 12 : info!(
91 12 : "Running initdb in {:?} with user \"postgres\"",
92 : self.datadir
93 : );
94 12 : let output = self
95 12 : .new_pg_command("initdb")?
96 12 : .arg("--pgdata")
97 12 : .arg(&self.datadir)
98 12 : .args(["--username", "postgres", "--no-instructions", "--no-sync"])
99 12 : .output()?;
100 12 : debug!("initdb output: {:?}", output);
101 12 : ensure!(
102 12 : output.status.success(),
103 0 : "initdb failed, stdout and stderr follow:\n{}{}",
104 0 : String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout),
105 0 : String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr),
106 : );
107 12 : Ok(())
108 12 : }
109 :
110 12 : pub fn start_server(&self) -> anyhow::Result<PostgresServer> {
111 12 : info!("Starting Postgres server in {:?}", self.datadir);
112 12 : let unix_socket_dir = tempdir()?; // We need a directory with a short name for Unix socket (up to 108 symbols)
113 12 : let unix_socket_dir_path = unix_socket_dir.path().to_owned();
114 12 : let server_process = self
115 12 : .new_pg_command("postgres")?
116 12 : .args(["-c", "listen_addresses="])
117 12 : .arg("-k")
118 12 : .arg(&unix_socket_dir_path)
119 12 : .arg("-D")
120 12 : .arg(&self.datadir)
121 48 : .args(REQUIRED_POSTGRES_CONFIG.iter().flat_map(|cfg| ["-c", cfg]))
122 12 : .spawn()?;
123 12 : let server = PostgresServer {
124 12 : process: server_process,
125 12 : _unix_socket_dir: unix_socket_dir,
126 12 : client_config: {
127 12 : let mut c = postgres::Config::new();
128 12 : c.host_path(&unix_socket_dir_path);
129 12 : c.user("postgres");
130 12 : c.connect_timeout(Duration::from_millis(10000));
131 12 : c
132 12 : },
133 12 : };
134 12 : Ok(server)
135 12 : }
136 :
137 12 : pub fn pg_waldump(
138 12 : &self,
139 12 : first_segment_name: &OsStr,
140 12 : last_segment_name: &OsStr,
141 12 : ) -> anyhow::Result<std::process::Output> {
142 12 : let first_segment_file = self.datadir.join(first_segment_name);
143 12 : let last_segment_file = self.datadir.join(last_segment_name);
144 12 : info!(
145 12 : "Running pg_waldump for {} .. {}",
146 12 : first_segment_file.display(),
147 12 : last_segment_file.display()
148 : );
149 12 : let output = self
150 12 : .new_pg_command("pg_waldump")?
151 12 : .args([&first_segment_file, &last_segment_file])
152 12 : .output()?;
153 12 : debug!("waldump output: {:?}", output);
154 12 : Ok(output)
155 12 : }
156 : }
157 :
158 : impl PostgresServer {
159 12 : pub fn connect_with_timeout(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Client> {
160 12 : let retry_until = Instant::now() + *self.client_config.get_connect_timeout().unwrap();
161 27 : while Instant::now() < retry_until {
162 27 : if let Ok(client) = self.client_config.connect(postgres::NoTls) {
163 12 : return Ok(client);
164 15 : }
165 15 : std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100));
166 : }
167 0 : bail!("Connection timed out");
168 12 : }
169 :
170 12 : pub fn kill(mut self) {
171 12 : self.process.kill().unwrap();
172 12 : self.process.wait().unwrap();
173 12 : }
174 : }
175 :
176 : impl Drop for PostgresServer {
177 12 : fn drop(&mut self) {
178 12 : match self.process.try_wait() {
179 12 : Ok(Some(_)) => return,
180 : Ok(None) => {
181 0 : warn!("Server was not terminated, will be killed");
182 : }
183 0 : Err(e) => {
184 0 : error!("Unable to get status of the server: {}, will be killed", e);
185 : }
186 : }
187 0 : let _ = self.process.kill();
188 12 : }
189 : }
190 :
191 : pub trait PostgresClientExt: postgres::GenericClient {
192 24 : fn pg_current_wal_insert_lsn(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<PgLsn> {
193 24 : Ok(self
194 24 : .query_one("SELECT pg_current_wal_insert_lsn()", &[])?
195 24 : .get(0))
196 24 : }
197 0 : fn pg_current_wal_flush_lsn(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<PgLsn> {
198 0 : Ok(self
199 0 : .query_one("SELECT pg_current_wal_flush_lsn()", &[])?
200 0 : .get(0))
201 0 : }
202 : }
203 :
204 : impl<C: postgres::GenericClient> PostgresClientExt for C {}
205 :
206 12 : pub fn ensure_server_config(client: &mut impl postgres::GenericClient) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
207 12 : client.execute("create extension if not exists neon_test_utils", &[])?;
208 :
209 12 : let wal_keep_size: String = client.query_one("SHOW wal_keep_size", &[])?.get(0);
210 12 : ensure!(wal_keep_size == "50MB");
211 12 : let wal_writer_delay: String = client.query_one("SHOW wal_writer_delay", &[])?.get(0);
212 12 : ensure!(wal_writer_delay == "10s");
213 12 : let autovacuum: String = client.query_one("SHOW autovacuum", &[])?.get(0);
214 12 : ensure!(autovacuum == "off");
215 :
216 12 : let wal_segment_size = client.query_one(
217 12 : "select cast(setting as bigint) as setting, unit \
218 12 : from pg_settings where name = 'wal_segment_size'",
219 12 : &[],
220 12 : )?;
221 12 : ensure!(
222 12 : wal_segment_size.get::<_, String>("unit") == "B",
223 0 : "Unexpected wal_segment_size unit"
224 : );
225 12 : ensure!(
226 12 : wal_segment_size.get::<_, i64>("setting") == WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE as i64,
227 0 : "Unexpected wal_segment_size in bytes"
228 : );
229 :
230 12 : Ok(())
231 12 : }
232 :
233 : pub trait Crafter {
234 : const NAME: &'static str;
235 :
236 : /// Generates WAL using the client `client`. Returns a vector of some valid
237 : /// "interesting" intermediate LSNs which one may start reading from.
238 : /// test_end_of_wal uses this to check various starting points.
239 : ///
240 : /// Note that postgres is generally keen about writing some WAL. While we
241 : /// try to disable it (autovacuum, big wal_writer_delay, etc) it is always
242 : /// possible, e.g. xl_running_xacts are dumped each 15s. So checks about
243 : /// stable WAL end would be flaky unless postgres is shut down. For this
244 : /// reason returning potential end of WAL here is pointless. Most of the
245 : /// time this doesn't happen though, so it is reasonable to create needed
246 : /// WAL structure and immediately kill postgres like test_end_of_wal does.
247 : fn craft(client: &mut impl postgres::GenericClient) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<PgLsn>>;
248 : }
249 :
250 : /// Wraps some WAL craft function, providing current LSN to it before the
251 : /// insertion and flushing WAL afterwards. Also pushes initial LSN to the
252 : /// result.
253 12 : fn craft_internal<C: postgres::GenericClient>(
254 12 : client: &mut C,
255 12 : f: impl Fn(&mut C, PgLsn) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<PgLsn>>,
256 12 : ) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<PgLsn>> {
257 12 : ensure_server_config(client)?;
258 :
259 12 : let initial_lsn = client.pg_current_wal_insert_lsn()?;
260 12 : info!("LSN initial = {}", initial_lsn);
261 :
262 12 : let mut intermediate_lsns = f(client, initial_lsn)?;
263 12 : if !intermediate_lsns.starts_with(&[initial_lsn]) {
264 12 : intermediate_lsns.insert(0, initial_lsn);
265 12 : }
266 :
267 : // Some records may be not flushed, e.g. non-transactional logical messages. Flush now.
268 : //
269 : // If the previous WAL record ended exactly at page boundary, pg_current_wal_insert_lsn
270 : // returns the position just after the page header on the next page. That's where the next
271 : // record will be inserted. But the page header hasn't actually been written to the WAL
272 : // yet, and if you try to flush it, you get a "request to flush past end of generated WAL"
273 : // error. Because of that, if the insert location is just after a page header, back off to
274 : // previous page boundary.
275 12 : let mut lsn = u64::from(client.pg_current_wal_insert_lsn()?);
276 12 : if lsn % WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE as u64 == XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_LONG_PHD as u64 {
277 0 : lsn -= XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_LONG_PHD as u64;
278 12 : } else if lsn % XLOG_BLCKSZ as u64 == XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_SHORT_PHD as u64 {
279 0 : lsn -= XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_SHORT_PHD as u64;
280 12 : }
281 12 : client.execute("select neon_xlogflush($1)", &[&PgLsn::from(lsn)])?;
282 12 : Ok(intermediate_lsns)
283 12 : }
284 :
285 : pub struct Simple;
286 : impl Crafter for Simple {
287 : const NAME: &'static str = "simple";
288 4 : fn craft(client: &mut impl postgres::GenericClient) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<PgLsn>> {
289 4 : craft_internal(client, |client, _| {
290 4 : client.execute("CREATE table t(x int)", &[])?;
291 4 : Ok(Vec::new())
292 4 : })
293 4 : }
294 : }
295 :
296 : pub struct LastWalRecordXlogSwitch;
297 : impl Crafter for LastWalRecordXlogSwitch {
298 : const NAME: &'static str = "last_wal_record_xlog_switch";
299 0 : fn craft(client: &mut impl postgres::GenericClient) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<PgLsn>> {
300 0 : // Do not use craft_internal because here we end up with flush_lsn exactly on
301 0 : // the segment boundary and insert_lsn after the initial page header, which is unusual.
302 0 : ensure_server_config(client)?;
303 :
304 0 : client.execute("CREATE table t(x int)", &[])?;
305 0 : let before_xlog_switch = client.pg_current_wal_insert_lsn()?;
306 : // pg_switch_wal returns end of last record of the switched segment,
307 : // i.e. end of SWITCH itself.
308 0 : let xlog_switch_record_end: PgLsn = client.query_one("SELECT pg_switch_wal()", &[])?.get(0);
309 0 : let before_xlog_switch_u64 = u64::from(before_xlog_switch);
310 0 : let next_segment = PgLsn::from(
311 0 : before_xlog_switch_u64 - (before_xlog_switch_u64 % WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE as u64)
312 0 : + WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE as u64,
313 0 : );
314 0 : ensure!(
315 0 : xlog_switch_record_end <= next_segment,
316 0 : "XLOG_SWITCH record ended after the expected segment boundary: {} > {}",
317 : xlog_switch_record_end,
318 : next_segment
319 : );
320 0 : Ok(vec![before_xlog_switch, xlog_switch_record_end])
321 0 : }
322 : }
323 :
324 : pub struct LastWalRecordXlogSwitchEndsOnPageBoundary;
325 : /// Craft xlog SWITCH record ending at page boundary.
326 : impl Crafter for LastWalRecordXlogSwitchEndsOnPageBoundary {
327 : const NAME: &'static str = "last_wal_record_xlog_switch_ends_on_page_boundary";
328 0 : fn craft(client: &mut impl postgres::GenericClient) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<PgLsn>> {
329 0 : // Do not use generate_internal because here we end up with flush_lsn exactly on
330 0 : // the segment boundary and insert_lsn after the initial page header, which is unusual.
331 0 : ensure_server_config(client)?;
332 :
333 0 : client.execute("CREATE table t(x int)", &[])?;
334 :
335 : // Add padding so the XLOG_SWITCH record ends exactly on XLOG_BLCKSZ boundary. We
336 : // will use carefully-sized logical messages to advance WAL insert location such
337 : // that there is just enough space on the page for the XLOG_SWITCH record.
338 : loop {
339 : // We start with measuring how much WAL it takes for one logical message,
340 : // considering all alignments and headers.
341 0 : let before_lsn = client.pg_current_wal_insert_lsn()?;
342 0 : client.execute(
343 0 : "SELECT pg_logical_emit_message(false, 'swch', REPEAT('a', 10))",
344 0 : &[],
345 0 : )?;
346 0 : let after_lsn = client.pg_current_wal_insert_lsn()?;
347 :
348 : // Did the record cross a page boundary? If it did, start over. Crossing a
349 : // page boundary adds to the apparent size of the record because of the page
350 : // header, which throws off the calculation.
351 0 : if u64::from(before_lsn) / XLOG_BLCKSZ as u64
352 0 : != u64::from(after_lsn) / XLOG_BLCKSZ as u64
353 : {
354 0 : continue;
355 0 : }
356 0 : // base_size is the size of a logical message without the payload
357 0 : let base_size = u64::from(after_lsn) - u64::from(before_lsn) - 10;
358 0 :
359 0 : // Is there enough space on the page for another logical message and an
360 0 : // XLOG_SWITCH? If not, start over.
361 0 : let page_remain = XLOG_BLCKSZ as u64 - u64::from(after_lsn) % XLOG_BLCKSZ as u64;
362 0 : if page_remain < base_size + XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_RECORD as u64 {
363 0 : continue;
364 0 : }
365 0 :
366 0 : // We will write another logical message, such that after the logical message
367 0 : // record, there will be space for exactly one XLOG_SWITCH. How large should
368 0 : // the logical message's payload be? An XLOG_SWITCH record has no data => its
369 0 : // size is exactly XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_RECORD.
370 0 : let repeats = page_remain - base_size - XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_RECORD as u64;
371 0 :
372 0 : client.execute(
373 0 : "SELECT pg_logical_emit_message(false, 'swch', REPEAT('a', $1))",
374 0 : &[&(repeats as i32)],
375 0 : )?;
376 0 : info!(
377 0 : "current_wal_insert_lsn={}, XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_RECORD={}",
378 0 : client.pg_current_wal_insert_lsn()?,
380 : );
381 :
382 : // Emit the XLOG_SWITCH
383 0 : let before_xlog_switch = client.pg_current_wal_insert_lsn()?;
384 0 : let xlog_switch_record_end: PgLsn =
385 0 : client.query_one("SELECT pg_switch_wal()", &[])?.get(0);
386 0 :
387 0 : if u64::from(xlog_switch_record_end) as usize % XLOG_BLCKSZ
389 : {
390 0 : warn!(
391 0 : "XLOG_SWITCH message ended not on page boundary: {}, offset = {}, repeating",
392 0 : xlog_switch_record_end,
393 0 : u64::from(xlog_switch_record_end) as usize % XLOG_BLCKSZ
394 : );
395 0 : continue;
396 0 : }
397 0 : return Ok(vec![before_xlog_switch, xlog_switch_record_end]);
398 : }
399 0 : }
400 : }
401 :
402 : /// Write ~16MB logical message; it should cross WAL segment.
403 8 : fn craft_seg_size_logical_message(
404 8 : client: &mut impl postgres::GenericClient,
405 8 : transactional: bool,
406 8 : ) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<PgLsn>> {
407 8 : craft_internal(client, |client, initial_lsn| {
408 8 : ensure!(
409 8 : initial_lsn < PgLsn::from(0x0200_0000 - 1024 * 1024),
410 0 : "Initial LSN is too far in the future"
411 : );
412 :
413 8 : let message_lsn: PgLsn = client
414 8 : .query_one(
415 8 : "select pg_logical_emit_message($1, 'big-16mb-msg', \
416 8 : concat(repeat('abcd', 16 * 256 * 1024), 'end')) as message_lsn",
417 8 : &[&transactional],
418 8 : )?
419 8 : .get("message_lsn");
420 8 : ensure!(
421 8 : message_lsn > PgLsn::from(0x0200_0000 + 4 * 8192),
422 0 : "Logical message did not cross the segment boundary"
423 : );
424 8 : ensure!(
425 8 : message_lsn < PgLsn::from(0x0400_0000),
426 0 : "Logical message crossed two segments"
427 : );
428 :
429 8 : Ok(vec![message_lsn])
430 8 : })
431 8 : }
432 :
433 : pub struct WalRecordCrossingSegmentFollowedBySmallOne;
434 : impl Crafter for WalRecordCrossingSegmentFollowedBySmallOne {
435 : const NAME: &'static str = "wal_record_crossing_segment_followed_by_small_one";
436 4 : fn craft(client: &mut impl postgres::GenericClient) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<PgLsn>> {
437 4 : // Transactional message crossing WAL segment will be followed by small
438 4 : // commit record.
439 4 : craft_seg_size_logical_message(client, true)
440 4 : }
441 : }
442 :
443 : pub struct LastWalRecordCrossingSegment;
444 : impl Crafter for LastWalRecordCrossingSegment {
445 : const NAME: &'static str = "last_wal_record_crossing_segment";
446 4 : fn craft(client: &mut impl postgres::GenericClient) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<PgLsn>> {
447 4 : craft_seg_size_logical_message(client, false)
448 4 : }
449 : }