LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - safekeeper/tests/walproposer_sim - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 100.0 % 45 45
Test Date: 2025-03-12 18:28:53 Functions: 95.2 % 21 20

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use std::fmt;
       2              : use std::sync::Arc;
       3              : 
       4              : use desim::time::Timing;
       5              : use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
       6              : use parking_lot::Mutex;
       7              : use tracing_subscriber::fmt::format::Writer;
       8              : use tracing_subscriber::fmt::time::FormatTime;
       9              : 
      10              : /// SimClock can be plugged into tracing logger to print simulation time.
      11              : #[derive(Clone)]
      12              : pub struct SimClock {
      13              :     clock_ptr: Arc<Mutex<Option<Arc<Timing>>>>,
      14              : }
      15              : 
      16              : impl Default for SimClock {
      17            9 :     fn default() -> Self {
      18            9 :         SimClock {
      19            9 :             clock_ptr: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)),
      20            9 :         }
      21            9 :     }
      22              : }
      23              : 
      24              : impl SimClock {
      25          508 :     pub fn set_clock(&self, clock: Arc<Timing>) {
      26          508 :         *self.clock_ptr.lock() = Some(clock);
      27          508 :     }
      28              : }
      29              : 
      30              : impl FormatTime for SimClock {
      31        12208 :     fn format_time(&self, w: &mut Writer<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
      32        12208 :         let clock = self.clock_ptr.lock();
      33              : 
      34        12208 :         if let Some(clock) = clock.as_ref() {
      35        12203 :             let now =;
      36        12203 :             write!(w, "[{}]", now)
      37              :         } else {
      38            5 :             write!(w, "[?]")
      39              :         }
      40        12208 :     }
      41              : }
      42              : 
      43              : static LOGGING_DONE: OnceCell<SimClock> = OnceCell::new();
      44              : 
      45              : /// Returns ptr to clocks attached to tracing logger to update them when the
      46              : /// world is (re)created.
      47            9 : pub fn init_tracing_logger(debug_enabled: bool) -> SimClock {
      48            9 :     LOGGING_DONE
      49            9 :         .get_or_init(|| {
      50            9 :             let clock = SimClock::default();
      51            9 :             let base_logger = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
      52            9 :                 .with_target(false)
      53            9 :                 // prefix log lines with simulated time timestamp
      54            9 :                 .with_timer(clock.clone())
      55            9 :                 // .with_ansi(true) TODO
      56            9 :                 .with_max_level(match debug_enabled {
      57            2 :                     true => tracing::Level::DEBUG,
      58            7 :                     false => tracing::Level::WARN,
      59              :                 })
      60            9 :                 .with_writer(std::io::stdout);
      61            9 :             base_logger.init();
      62            9 : 
      63            9 :             // logging::replace_panic_hook_with_tracing_panic_hook().forget();
      64            9 : 
      65            9 :             if !debug_enabled {
      66        19613 :                 std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {}));
      67            7 :             }
      68              : 
      69            9 :             clock
      70            9 :         })
      71            9 :         .clone()
      72            9 : }
      73              : 
      74            7 : pub fn init_logger() -> SimClock {
      75            7 :     // RUST_TRACEBACK envvar controls whether we print all logs or only warnings.
      76            7 :     let debug_enabled = std::env::var("RUST_TRACEBACK").is_ok();
      77            7 : 
      78            7 :     init_tracing_logger(debug_enabled)
      79            7 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta