LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - pageserver/src/tenant/timeline - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 77.2 % 101 78
Test Date: 2025-03-12 18:28:53 Functions: 66.7 % 6 4

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use std::sync::Arc;
       2              : 
       3              : use pageserver_api::models::{TenantState, TimelineState};
       4              : 
       5              : use super::Timeline;
       6              : use super::delete::{DeletionGuard, delete_local_timeline_directory};
       7              : use crate::span::debug_assert_current_span_has_tenant_and_timeline_id;
       8              : use crate::tenant::remote_timeline_client::ShutdownIfArchivedError;
       9              : use crate::tenant::timeline::delete::{TimelineDeleteGuardKind, make_timeline_delete_guard};
      10              : use crate::tenant::{
      11              :     DeleteTimelineError, OffloadedTimeline, Tenant, TenantManifestError, TimelineOrOffloaded,
      12              : };
      13              : 
      14              : #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
      15              : pub(crate) enum OffloadError {
      16              :     #[error("Cancelled")]
      17              :     Cancelled,
      18              :     #[error("Timeline is not archived")]
      19              :     NotArchived,
      20              :     #[error(transparent)]
      21              :     RemoteStorage(anyhow::Error),
      22              :     #[error("Unexpected offload error: {0}")]
      23              :     Other(anyhow::Error),
      24              : }
      25              : 
      26              : impl From<TenantManifestError> for OffloadError {
      27            0 :     fn from(e: TenantManifestError) -> Self {
      28            0 :         match e {
      29            0 :             TenantManifestError::Cancelled => Self::Cancelled,
      30            0 :             TenantManifestError::RemoteStorage(e) => Self::RemoteStorage(e),
      31              :         }
      32            0 :     }
      33              : }
      34              : 
      35            4 : pub(crate) async fn offload_timeline(
      36            4 :     tenant: &Tenant,
      37            4 :     timeline: &Arc<Timeline>,
      38            4 : ) -> Result<(), OffloadError> {
      39            4 :     debug_assert_current_span_has_tenant_and_timeline_id();
      40            4 :     tracing::info!("offloading archived timeline");
      41              : 
      42            4 :     let delete_guard_res = make_timeline_delete_guard(
      43            4 :         tenant,
      44            4 :         timeline.timeline_id,
      45            4 :         TimelineDeleteGuardKind::Offload,
      46            4 :     );
      47            0 :     if let Err(DeleteTimelineError::HasChildren(children)) = delete_guard_res {
      48            0 :         let is_archived = timeline.is_archived();
      49            0 :         if is_archived == Some(true) {
      50            0 :             tracing::error!("timeline is archived but has non-archived children: {children:?}");
      51            0 :             return Err(OffloadError::NotArchived);
      52            0 :         }
      53            0 :         tracing::info!(
      54              :             ?is_archived,
      55            0 :             "timeline is not archived and has unarchived children"
      56              :         );
      57            0 :         return Err(OffloadError::NotArchived);
      58            4 :     };
      59            4 :     let (timeline, guard) =
      60            4 :         delete_guard_res.map_err(|e| OffloadError::Other(anyhow::anyhow!(e)))?;
      61              : 
      62            4 :     let TimelineOrOffloaded::Timeline(timeline) = timeline else {
      63            0 :         tracing::error!("timeline already offloaded, but given timeline object");
      64            0 :         return Ok(());
      65              :     };
      66              : 
      67            4 :     match timeline.remote_client.shutdown_if_archived().await {
      68            4 :         Ok(()) => {}
      69            0 :         Err(ShutdownIfArchivedError::NotInitialized(_)) => {
      70            0 :             // Either the timeline is being deleted, the operation is being retried, or we are shutting down.
      71            0 :             // Don't return cancelled here to keep it idempotent.
      72            0 :         }
      73            0 :         Err(ShutdownIfArchivedError::NotArchived) => return Err(OffloadError::NotArchived),
      74              :     }
      75            4 :     timeline.set_state(TimelineState::Stopping);
      76            4 : 
      77            4 :     // Now that the Timeline is in Stopping state, request all the related tasks to shut down.
      78            4 :     timeline.shutdown(super::ShutdownMode::Reload).await;
      79              : 
      80              :     // TODO extend guard mechanism above with method
      81              :     // to make deletions possible while offloading is in progress
      82              : 
      83            4 :     let conf = &tenant.conf;
      84            4 :     delete_local_timeline_directory(conf, tenant.tenant_shard_id, &timeline).await;
      85              : 
      86            4 :     let remaining_refcount = remove_timeline_from_tenant(tenant, &timeline, &guard);
      87            4 : 
      88            4 :     {
      89            4 :         let mut offloaded_timelines = tenant.timelines_offloaded.lock().unwrap();
      90            4 :         if matches!(
      91            4 :             tenant.current_state(),
      92              :             TenantState::Stopping { .. } | TenantState::Broken { .. }
      93              :         ) {
      94              :             // Cancel the operation if the tenant is shutting down. Do this while the
      95              :             // timelines_offloaded lock is held to prevent a race with Tenant::shutdown
      96              :             // for defusing the lock
      97            0 :             return Err(OffloadError::Cancelled);
      98            4 :         }
      99            4 :         offloaded_timelines.insert(
     100            4 :             timeline.timeline_id,
     101            4 :             Arc::new(
     102            4 :                 OffloadedTimeline::from_timeline(&timeline)
     103            4 :                     .expect("we checked above that timeline was ready"),
     104            4 :             ),
     105            4 :         );
     106            4 :     }
     107            4 : 
     108            4 :     // Last step: mark timeline as offloaded in S3
     109            4 :     // TODO: maybe move this step above, right above deletion of the local timeline directory,
     110            4 :     // then there is no potential race condition where we partially offload a timeline, and
     111            4 :     // at the next restart attach it again.
     112            4 :     // For that to happen, we'd need to make the manifest reflect our *intended* state,
     113            4 :     // not our actual state of offloaded timelines.
     114            4 :     tenant.store_tenant_manifest().await?;
     115              : 
     116            4 :     tracing::info!("Timeline offload complete (remaining arc refcount: {remaining_refcount})");
     117              : 
     118            4 :     Ok(())
     119            4 : }
     120              : 
     121              : /// It is important that this gets called when DeletionGuard is being held.
     122              : /// For more context see comments in [`make_timeline_delete_guard`]
     123              : ///
     124              : /// Returns the strong count of the timeline `Arc`
     125            4 : fn remove_timeline_from_tenant(
     126            4 :     tenant: &Tenant,
     127            4 :     timeline: &Timeline,
     128            4 :     _: &DeletionGuard, // using it as a witness
     129            4 : ) -> usize {
     130            4 :     // Remove the timeline from the map.
     131            4 :     let mut timelines = tenant.timelines.lock().unwrap();
     132            4 :     let children_exist = timelines
     133            4 :         .iter()
     134            8 :         .any(|(_, entry)| entry.get_ancestor_timeline_id() == Some(timeline.timeline_id));
     135            4 :     // XXX this can happen because `branch_timeline` doesn't check `TimelineState::Stopping`.
     136            4 :     // We already deleted the layer files, so it's probably best to panic.
     137            4 :     // (Ideally, above remove_dir_all is atomic so we don't see this timeline after a restart)
     138            4 :     if children_exist {
     139            0 :         panic!("Timeline grew children while we removed layer files");
     140            4 :     }
     141            4 : 
     142            4 :     let timeline = timelines
     143            4 :         .remove(&timeline.timeline_id)
     144            4 :         .expect("timeline that we were deleting was concurrently removed from 'timelines' map");
     145            4 : 
     146            4 :     // Clear the compaction queue for this timeline
     147            4 :     tenant
     148            4 :         .scheduled_compaction_tasks
     149            4 :         .lock()
     150            4 :         .unwrap()
     151            4 :         .remove(&timeline.timeline_id);
     152            4 : 
     153            4 :     Arc::strong_count(&timeline)
     154            4 : }

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