LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - pageserver/pagebench/src/cmd - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 0.0 % 179 0
Test Date: 2024-05-10 13:18:37 Functions: 0.0 % 29 0

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use pageserver_api::{models::HistoricLayerInfo, shard::TenantShardId};
       2              : 
       3              : use pageserver_client::mgmt_api;
       4              : use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
       5              : use tracing::{debug, info};
       6              : use utils::id::{TenantTimelineId, TimelineId};
       7              : 
       8              : use tokio::{
       9              :     sync::{mpsc, OwnedSemaphorePermit},
      10              :     task::JoinSet,
      11              : };
      12              : 
      13              : use std::{
      14              :     num::NonZeroUsize,
      15              :     sync::{
      16              :         atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering},
      17              :         Arc,
      18              :     },
      19              :     time::{Duration, Instant},
      20              : };
      21              : 
      22              : /// Evict & on-demand download random layers.
      23            0 : #[derive(clap::Parser)]
      24              : pub(crate) struct Args {
      25              :     #[clap(long, default_value = "http://localhost:9898")]
      26            0 :     mgmt_api_endpoint: String,
      27              :     #[clap(long)]
      28              :     pageserver_jwt: Option<String>,
      29              :     #[clap(long)]
      30              :     runtime: Option<humantime::Duration>,
      31              :     #[clap(long, default_value = "1")]
      32            0 :     tasks_per_target: NonZeroUsize,
      33              :     #[clap(long, default_value = "1")]
      34            0 :     concurrency_per_target: NonZeroUsize,
      35              :     /// Probability for sending `latest=true` in the request (uniform distribution).
      36              :     #[clap(long)]
      37              :     limit_to_first_n_targets: Option<usize>,
      38              :     /// Before starting the benchmark, live-reconfigure the pageserver to use the given
      39              :     /// [`pageserver_api::models::virtual_file::IoEngineKind`].
      40              :     #[clap(long)]
      41              :     set_io_engine: Option<pageserver_api::models::virtual_file::IoEngineKind>,
      42            0 :     targets: Option<Vec<TenantTimelineId>>,
      43              : }
      44              : 
      45            0 : pub(crate) fn main(args: Args) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
      46            0 :     let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread()
      47            0 :         .enable_all()
      48            0 :         .build()?;
      49            0 :     let task = rt.spawn(main_impl(args));
      50            0 :     rt.block_on(task).unwrap().unwrap();
      51            0 :     Ok(())
      52            0 : }
      53              : 
      54              : #[derive(Debug, Default)]
      55              : struct LiveStats {
      56              :     evictions: AtomicU64,
      57              :     downloads: AtomicU64,
      58              :     timeline_restarts: AtomicU64,
      59              : }
      60              : 
      61              : impl LiveStats {
      62            0 :     fn eviction_done(&self) {
      63            0 :         self.evictions.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
      64            0 :     }
      65            0 :     fn download_done(&self) {
      66            0 :         self.downloads.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
      67            0 :     }
      68            0 :     fn timeline_restart_done(&self) {
      69            0 :         self.timeline_restarts.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
      70            0 :     }
      71              : }
      72              : 
      73            0 : async fn main_impl(args: Args) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
      74            0 :     let args: &'static Args = Box::leak(Box::new(args));
      75            0 : 
      76            0 :     let mgmt_api_client = Arc::new(pageserver_client::mgmt_api::Client::new(
      77            0 :         args.mgmt_api_endpoint.clone(),
      78            0 :         args.pageserver_jwt.as_deref(),
      79            0 :     ));
      80              : 
      81            0 :     if let Some(engine_str) = &args.set_io_engine {
      82            0 :         mgmt_api_client.put_io_engine(engine_str).await?;
      83            0 :     }
      84              : 
      85              :     // discover targets
      86            0 :     let timelines: Vec<TenantTimelineId> = crate::util::cli::targets::discover(
      87            0 :         &mgmt_api_client,
      88            0 :         crate::util::cli::targets::Spec {
      89            0 :             limit_to_first_n_targets: args.limit_to_first_n_targets,
      90            0 :             targets: args.targets.clone(),
      91            0 :         },
      92            0 :     )
      93            0 :     .await?;
      94              : 
      95            0 :     let mut tasks = JoinSet::new();
      96            0 : 
      97            0 :     let live_stats = Arc::new(LiveStats::default());
      98            0 :     tasks.spawn({
      99            0 :         let live_stats = Arc::clone(&live_stats);
     100            0 :         async move {
     101            0 :             let mut last_at = Instant::now();
     102              :             loop {
     103            0 :                 tokio::time::sleep_until((last_at + Duration::from_secs(1)).into()).await;
     104            0 :                 let now = Instant::now();
     105            0 :                 let delta: Duration = now - last_at;
     106            0 :                 last_at = now;
     107            0 : 
     108            0 :                 let LiveStats {
     109            0 :                     evictions,
     110            0 :                     downloads,
     111            0 :                     timeline_restarts,
     112            0 :                 } = &*live_stats;
     113            0 :                 let evictions = evictions.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as f64 / delta.as_secs_f64();
     114            0 :                 let downloads = downloads.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed) as f64 / delta.as_secs_f64();
     115            0 :                 let timeline_restarts = timeline_restarts.swap(0, Ordering::Relaxed);
     116            0 :                 info!("evictions={evictions:.2}/s downloads={downloads:.2}/s timeline_restarts={timeline_restarts}");
     117              :             }
     118            0 :         }
     119            0 :     });
     120              : 
     121            0 :     for tl in timelines {
     122            0 :         for _ in 0..args.tasks_per_target.get() {
     123            0 :             tasks.spawn(timeline_actor(
     124            0 :                 args,
     125            0 :                 Arc::clone(&mgmt_api_client),
     126            0 :                 tl,
     127            0 :                 Arc::clone(&live_stats),
     128            0 :             ));
     129            0 :         }
     130              :     }
     131              : 
     132            0 :     while let Some(res) = tasks.join_next().await {
     133            0 :         res.unwrap();
     134            0 :     }
     135            0 :     Ok(())
     136            0 : }
     137              : 
     138            0 : async fn timeline_actor(
     139            0 :     args: &'static Args,
     140            0 :     mgmt_api_client: Arc<pageserver_client::mgmt_api::Client>,
     141            0 :     timeline: TenantTimelineId,
     142            0 :     live_stats: Arc<LiveStats>,
     143            0 : ) {
     144            0 :     // TODO: support sharding
     145            0 :     let tenant_shard_id = TenantShardId::unsharded(timeline.tenant_id);
     146              : 
     147              :     struct Timeline {
     148              :         joinset: JoinSet<()>,
     149              :         layers: Vec<mpsc::Sender<OwnedSemaphorePermit>>,
     150              :         concurrency: Arc<tokio::sync::Semaphore>,
     151              :     }
     152            0 :     loop {
     153            0 :         debug!("restarting timeline");
     154            0 :         let layer_map_info = mgmt_api_client
     155            0 :             .layer_map_info(tenant_shard_id, timeline.timeline_id)
     156            0 :             .await
     157            0 :             .unwrap();
     158            0 :         let concurrency = Arc::new(tokio::sync::Semaphore::new(
     159            0 :             args.concurrency_per_target.get(),
     160            0 :         ));
     161            0 : 
     162            0 :         let mut joinset = JoinSet::new();
     163            0 :         let layers = layer_map_info
     164            0 :             .historic_layers
     165            0 :             .into_iter()
     166            0 :             .map(|historic_layer| {
     167            0 :                 let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(1);
     168            0 :                 joinset.spawn(layer_actor(
     169            0 :                     tenant_shard_id,
     170            0 :                     timeline.timeline_id,
     171            0 :                     historic_layer,
     172            0 :                     rx,
     173            0 :                     Arc::clone(&mgmt_api_client),
     174            0 :                     Arc::clone(&live_stats),
     175            0 :                 ));
     176            0 :                 tx
     177            0 :             })
     178            0 :             .collect::<Vec<_>>();
     179            0 : 
     180            0 :         let mut timeline = Timeline {
     181            0 :             joinset,
     182            0 :             layers,
     183            0 :             concurrency,
     184            0 :         };
     185            0 : 
     186            0 :         live_stats.timeline_restart_done();
     187              : 
     188            0 :         loop {
     189            0 :             assert!(!timeline.joinset.is_empty());
     190            0 :             if let Some(res) = timeline.joinset.try_join_next() {
     191            0 :                 debug!(?res, "a layer actor exited, should not happen");
     192            0 :                 timeline.joinset.shutdown().await;
     193            0 :                 break;
     194            0 :             }
     195              : 
     196            0 :             let mut permit = Some(
     197            0 :                 Arc::clone(&timeline.concurrency)
     198            0 :                     .acquire_owned()
     199            0 :                     .await
     200            0 :                     .unwrap(),
     201              :             );
     202              : 
     203            0 :             loop {
     204            0 :                 let layer_tx = {
     205            0 :                     let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
     206            0 :                     timeline.layers.choose_mut(&mut rng).expect("no layers")
     207            0 :                 };
     208            0 :                 match layer_tx.try_send(permit.take().unwrap()) {
     209            0 :                     Ok(_) => break,
     210            0 :                     Err(e) => match e {
     211            0 :                         mpsc::error::TrySendError::Full(back) => {
     212            0 :                             // TODO: retrying introduces bias away from slow downloaders
     213            0 :                             permit.replace(back);
     214            0 :                         }
     215            0 :                         mpsc::error::TrySendError::Closed(_) => panic!(),
     216              :                     },
     217              :                 }
     218              :             }
     219              :         }
     220              :     }
     221              : }
     222              : 
     223            0 : async fn layer_actor(
     224            0 :     tenant_shard_id: TenantShardId,
     225            0 :     timeline_id: TimelineId,
     226            0 :     mut layer: HistoricLayerInfo,
     227            0 :     mut rx: mpsc::Receiver<tokio::sync::OwnedSemaphorePermit>,
     228            0 :     mgmt_api_client: Arc<mgmt_api::Client>,
     229            0 :     live_stats: Arc<LiveStats>,
     230            0 : ) {
     231              :     #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
     232              :     enum Action {
     233              :         Evict,
     234              :         OnDemandDownload,
     235              :     }
     236              : 
     237            0 :     while let Some(_permit) = rx.recv().await {
     238            0 :         let action = if layer.is_remote() {
     239            0 :             Action::OnDemandDownload
     240              :         } else {
     241            0 :             Action::Evict
     242              :         };
     243              : 
     244            0 :         let did_it = match action {
     245              :             Action::Evict => {
     246            0 :                 let did_it = mgmt_api_client
     247            0 :                     .layer_evict(tenant_shard_id, timeline_id, layer.layer_file_name())
     248            0 :                     .await
     249            0 :                     .unwrap();
     250            0 :                 live_stats.eviction_done();
     251            0 :                 did_it
     252              :             }
     253              :             Action::OnDemandDownload => {
     254            0 :                 let did_it = mgmt_api_client
     255            0 :                     .layer_ondemand_download(tenant_shard_id, timeline_id, layer.layer_file_name())
     256            0 :                     .await
     257            0 :                     .unwrap();
     258            0 :                 live_stats.download_done();
     259            0 :                 did_it
     260              :             }
     261              :         };
     262            0 :         if !did_it {
     263            0 :             debug!("local copy of layer map appears out of sync, re-downloading");
     264            0 :             return;
     265            0 :         }
     266            0 :         debug!("did it");
     267            0 :         layer.set_remote(match action {
     268            0 :             Action::Evict => true,
     269            0 :             Action::OnDemandDownload => false,
     270              :         });
     271              :     }
     272            0 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta