Line data Source code
1 : use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
2 : use pageserver_compaction::interface::CompactionLayer;
3 : use pageserver_compaction::simulator::MockTimeline;
4 : use utils::logging;
5 :
6 : static LOG_HANDLE: OnceCell<()> = OnceCell::new();
7 :
8 2 : pub(crate) fn setup_logging() {
9 2 : LOG_HANDLE.get_or_init(|| {
10 2 : logging::init(
11 2 : logging::LogFormat::Test,
12 2 : logging::TracingErrorLayerEnablement::EnableWithRustLogFilter,
13 2 : logging::Output::Stdout,
14 2 : )
15 2 : .expect("Failed to init test logging");
16 2 : });
17 2 : }
18 :
19 : /// Test the extreme case that there are so many updates for a single key that
20 : /// even if we produce an extremely narrow delta layer, spanning just that one
21 : /// key, we still too many records to fit in the target file size. We need to
22 : /// split in the LSN dimension too in that case.
23 : #[tokio::test]
24 1 : async fn test_many_updates_for_single_key() {
25 1 : setup_logging();
26 1 : let mut executor = MockTimeline::new();
27 1 : executor.target_file_size = 1_000_000; // 1 MB
28 1 :
29 1 : // Ingest 10 MB of updates to a single key.
30 1000 : for _ in 1..1000 {
31 999 : executor.ingest_uniform(100, 10, &(0..100_000)).unwrap();
32 999 : executor.ingest_uniform(1000, 10, &(0..1)).unwrap();
33 999 : executor.compact().await.unwrap();
34 1 : }
35 1 :
36 1 : // Check that all the layers are smaller than the target size (with some slop)
37 12 : for l in executor.live_layers.iter() {
38 12 : println!("layer {}: {}", l.short_id(), l.file_size());
39 12 : }
40 12 : for l in executor.live_layers.iter() {
41 12 : assert!(l.file_size() < executor.target_file_size * 2);
42 1 : // Sanity check that none of the delta layers are empty either.
43 12 : if l.is_delta() {
44 12 : assert!(l.file_size() > 0);
45 1 : }
46 1 : }
47 1 : }
48 :
49 : #[tokio::test]
50 1 : async fn test_simple_updates() {
51 1 : setup_logging();
52 1 : let mut executor = MockTimeline::new();
53 1 : executor.target_file_size = 500_000; // 500 KB
54 1 :
55 1 : // Ingest some traffic.
56 400 : for _ in 1..400 {
57 399 : executor.ingest_uniform(100, 500, &(0..100_000)).unwrap();
58 399 : }
59 1 :
60 39 : for l in executor.live_layers.iter() {
61 39 : println!("layer {}: {}", l.short_id(), l.file_size());
62 39 : }
63 1 :
64 1 : println!("Running compaction...");
65 1 : executor.compact().await.unwrap();
66 1 :
67 39 : for l in executor.live_layers.iter() {
68 39 : println!("layer {}: {}", l.short_id(), l.file_size());
69 39 : }
70 1 : }