LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - proxy/src/serverless - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 84.6 % 286 242
Test Date: 2024-02-07 07:37:29 Functions: 63.9 % 108 69

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use std::sync::Arc;
       2              : 
       3              : use anyhow::bail;
       4              : use anyhow::Context;
       5              : use futures::pin_mut;
       6              : use futures::StreamExt;
       7              : use hyper::body::HttpBody;
       8              : use hyper::header;
       9              : use hyper::http::HeaderName;
      10              : use hyper::http::HeaderValue;
      11              : use hyper::Response;
      12              : use hyper::StatusCode;
      13              : use hyper::{Body, HeaderMap, Request};
      14              : use serde_json::json;
      15              : use serde_json::Value;
      16              : use tokio_postgres::error::DbError;
      17              : use tokio_postgres::error::ErrorPosition;
      18              : use tokio_postgres::GenericClient;
      19              : use tokio_postgres::IsolationLevel;
      20              : use tokio_postgres::ReadyForQueryStatus;
      21              : use tokio_postgres::Transaction;
      22              : use tracing::error;
      23              : use tracing::instrument;
      24              : use url::Url;
      25              : use utils::http::error::ApiError;
      26              : use utils::http::json::json_response;
      27              : 
      28              : use crate::auth::backend::ComputeUserInfo;
      29              : use crate::auth::endpoint_sni;
      30              : use crate::config::HttpConfig;
      31              : use crate::config::TlsConfig;
      32              : use crate::context::RequestMonitoring;
      33              : use crate::metrics::NUM_CONNECTION_REQUESTS_GAUGE;
      34              : use crate::proxy::NeonOptions;
      35              : use crate::RoleName;
      36              : 
      37              : use super::conn_pool::ConnInfo;
      38              : use super::conn_pool::GlobalConnPool;
      39              : use super::json::{json_to_pg_text, pg_text_row_to_json};
      40              : use super::SERVERLESS_DRIVER_SNI;
      41              : 
      42          281 : #[derive(serde::Deserialize)]
      43              : struct QueryData {
      44              :     query: String,
      45              :     params: Vec<serde_json::Value>,
      46              : }
      47              : 
      48            6 : #[derive(serde::Deserialize)]
      49              : struct BatchQueryData {
      50              :     queries: Vec<QueryData>,
      51              : }
      52              : 
      53           48 : #[derive(serde::Deserialize)]
      54              : #[serde(untagged)]
      55              : enum Payload {
      56              :     Single(QueryData),
      57              :     Batch(BatchQueryData),
      58              : }
      59              : 
      60              : const MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE: usize = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 MiB
      61              : const MAX_REQUEST_SIZE: u64 = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 MiB
      62              : 
      63              : static RAW_TEXT_OUTPUT: HeaderName = HeaderName::from_static("neon-raw-text-output");
      64              : static ARRAY_MODE: HeaderName = HeaderName::from_static("neon-array-mode");
      65              : static ALLOW_POOL: HeaderName = HeaderName::from_static("neon-pool-opt-in");
      66              : static TXN_ISOLATION_LEVEL: HeaderName = HeaderName::from_static("neon-batch-isolation-level");
      67              : static TXN_READ_ONLY: HeaderName = HeaderName::from_static("neon-batch-read-only");
      68              : static TXN_DEFERRABLE: HeaderName = HeaderName::from_static("neon-batch-deferrable");
      69              : 
      70              : static HEADER_VALUE_TRUE: HeaderValue = HeaderValue::from_static("true");
      71              : 
      72           46 : fn get_conn_info(
      73           46 :     ctx: &mut RequestMonitoring,
      74           46 :     headers: &HeaderMap,
      75           46 :     sni_hostname: Option<String>,
      76           46 :     tls: &TlsConfig,
      77           46 : ) -> Result<ConnInfo, anyhow::Error> {
      78           46 :     let connection_string = headers
      79           46 :         .get("Neon-Connection-String")
      80           46 :         .ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("missing connection string"))?
      81           46 :         .to_str()?;
      82              : 
      83           46 :     let connection_url = Url::parse(connection_string)?;
      84              : 
      85           46 :     let protocol = connection_url.scheme();
      86           46 :     if protocol != "postgres" && protocol != "postgresql" {
      87            0 :         return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
      88            0 :             "connection string must start with postgres: or postgresql:"
      89            0 :         ));
      90           46 :     }
      91              : 
      92           46 :     let mut url_path = connection_url
      93           46 :         .path_segments()
      94           46 :         .ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("missing database name"))?;
      95              : 
      96           46 :     let dbname = url_path
      97           46 :         .next()
      98           46 :         .ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("invalid database name"))?;
      99              : 
     100           46 :     let username = RoleName::from(connection_url.username());
     101           46 :     if username.is_empty() {
     102            0 :         return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("missing username"));
     103           46 :     }
     104           46 :     ctx.set_user(username.clone());
     105              : 
     106           46 :     let password = connection_url
     107           46 :         .password()
     108           46 :         .ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("no password"))?;
     109              : 
     110              :     // TLS certificate selector now based on SNI hostname, so if we are running here
     111              :     // we are sure that SNI hostname is set to one of the configured domain names.
     112           46 :     let sni_hostname = sni_hostname.ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("no SNI hostname set"))?;
     113              : 
     114           46 :     let hostname = connection_url
     115           46 :         .host_str()
     116           46 :         .ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("no host"))?;
     117              : 
     118           46 :     let host_header = headers
     119           46 :         .get("host")
     120           46 :         .and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok())
     121           46 :         .and_then(|h| h.split(':').next());
     122           46 : 
     123           46 :     // sni_hostname has to be either the same as hostname or the one used in serverless driver.
     124           46 :     if !check_matches(&sni_hostname, hostname)? {
     125            0 :         return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("mismatched SNI hostname and hostname"));
     126           46 :     } else if let Some(h) = host_header {
     127           46 :         if h != sni_hostname {
     128            0 :             return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("mismatched host header and hostname"));
     129           46 :         }
     130            0 :     }
     131              : 
     132           46 :     let endpoint = endpoint_sni(hostname, &tls.common_names)?.context("malformed endpoint")?;
     133           46 :     ctx.set_endpoint_id(endpoint.clone());
     134           46 : 
     135           46 :     let pairs = connection_url.query_pairs();
     136           46 : 
     137           46 :     let mut options = Option::None;
     138              : 
     139           46 :     for (key, value) in pairs {
     140            0 :         if key == "options" {
     141            0 :             options = Some(NeonOptions::parse_options_raw(&value));
     142            0 :             break;
     143            0 :         }
     144              :     }
     145              : 
     146           46 :     let user_info = ComputeUserInfo {
     147           46 :         endpoint,
     148           46 :         user: username,
     149           46 :         options: options.unwrap_or_default(),
     150           46 :     };
     151           46 : 
     152           46 :     Ok(ConnInfo {
     153           46 :         user_info,
     154           46 :         dbname: dbname.into(),
     155           46 :         password: password.into(),
     156           46 :     })
     157           46 : }
     158              : 
     159           46 : fn check_matches(sni_hostname: &str, hostname: &str) -> Result<bool, anyhow::Error> {
     160           46 :     if sni_hostname == hostname {
     161           45 :         return Ok(true);
     162            1 :     }
     163            1 :     let (sni_hostname_first, sni_hostname_rest) = sni_hostname
     164            1 :         .split_once('.')
     165            1 :         .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Unexpected sni format."))?;
     166            1 :     let (_, hostname_rest) = hostname
     167            1 :         .split_once('.')
     168            1 :         .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Unexpected hostname format."))?;
     169            1 :     Ok(sni_hostname_rest == hostname_rest && sni_hostname_first == SERVERLESS_DRIVER_SNI)
     170           46 : }
     171              : 
     172              : // TODO: return different http error codes
     173           46 : pub async fn handle(
     174           46 :     tls: &'static TlsConfig,
     175           46 :     config: &'static HttpConfig,
     176           46 :     ctx: &mut RequestMonitoring,
     177           46 :     request: Request<Body>,
     178           46 :     sni_hostname: Option<String>,
     179           46 :     conn_pool: Arc<GlobalConnPool>,
     180           46 : ) -> Result<Response<Body>, ApiError> {
     181           46 :     let result = tokio::time::timeout(
     182           46 :         config.request_timeout,
     183           46 :         handle_inner(tls, config, ctx, request, sni_hostname, conn_pool),
     184           46 :     )
     185          832 :     .await;
     186           46 :     let mut response = match result {
     187           46 :         Ok(r) => match r {
     188           41 :             Ok(r) => r,
     189            5 :             Err(e) => {
     190            5 :                 let mut message = format!("{:?}", e);
     191            5 :                 let db_error = e
     192            5 :                     .downcast_ref::<tokio_postgres::Error>()
     193            5 :                     .and_then(|e| e.as_db_error());
     194           65 :                 fn get<'a, T: serde::Serialize>(
     195           65 :                     db: Option<&'a DbError>,
     196           65 :                     x: impl FnOnce(&'a DbError) -> T,
     197           65 :                 ) -> Value {
     198           65 :           
     199           65 :                         .and_then(|t| serde_json::to_value(t).ok())
     200           65 :                         .unwrap_or_default()
     201           65 :                 }
     202              : 
     203            5 :                 if let Some(db_error) = db_error {
     204            3 :                     db_error.message().clone_into(&mut message);
     205            3 :                 }
     206              : 
     207            5 :                 let position = db_error.and_then(|db| db.position());
     208            5 :                 let (position, internal_position, internal_query) = match position {
     209            1 :                     Some(ErrorPosition::Original(position)) => (
     210            1 :                         Value::String(position.to_string()),
     211            1 :                         Value::Null,
     212            1 :                         Value::Null,
     213            1 :                     ),
     214            0 :                     Some(ErrorPosition::Internal { position, query }) => (
     215            0 :                         Value::Null,
     216            0 :                         Value::String(position.to_string()),
     217            0 :                         Value::String(query.clone()),
     218            0 :                     ),
     219            4 :                     None => (Value::Null, Value::Null, Value::Null),
     220              :                 };
     221              : 
     222            5 :                 let code = get(db_error, |db| db.code().code());
     223            5 :                 let severity = get(db_error, |db| db.severity());
     224            5 :                 let detail = get(db_error, |db| db.detail());
     225            5 :                 let hint = get(db_error, |db| db.hint());
     226            5 :                 let where_ = get(db_error, |db| db.where_());
     227            5 :                 let table = get(db_error, |db| db.table());
     228            5 :                 let column = get(db_error, |db| db.column());
     229            5 :                 let schema = get(db_error, |db| db.schema());
     230            5 :                 let datatype = get(db_error, |db| db.datatype());
     231            5 :                 let constraint = get(db_error, |db| db.constraint());
     232            5 :                 let file = get(db_error, |db| db.file());
     233            5 :                 let line = get(db_error, |db| db.line().map(|l| l.to_string()));
     234            5 :                 let routine = get(db_error, |db| db.routine());
     235              : 
     236            5 :                 error!(
     237            5 :                     ?code,
     238            5 :                     "sql-over-http per-client task finished with an error: {e:#}"
     239            5 :                 );
     240              :                 // TODO: this shouldn't always be bad request.
     241            5 :                 json_response(
     242            5 :                     StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
     243            5 :                     json!({
     244            5 :                         "message": message,
     245            5 :                         "code": code,
     246            5 :                         "detail": detail,
     247            5 :                         "hint": hint,
     248            5 :                         "position": position,
     249            5 :                         "internalPosition": internal_position,
     250            5 :                         "internalQuery": internal_query,
     251            5 :                         "severity": severity,
     252            5 :                         "where": where_,
     253            5 :                         "table": table,
     254            5 :                         "column": column,
     255            5 :                         "schema": schema,
     256            5 :                         "dataType": datatype,
     257            5 :                         "constraint": constraint,
     258            5 :                         "file": file,
     259            5 :                         "line": line,
     260            5 :                         "routine": routine,
     261            5 :                     }),
     262            5 :                 )?
     263              :             }
     264              :         },
     265              :         Err(_) => {
     266            0 :             let message = format!(
     267            0 :                 "HTTP-Connection timed out, execution time exeeded {} seconds",
     268            0 :                 config.request_timeout.as_secs()
     269            0 :             );
     270            0 :             error!(message);
     271            0 :             json_response(
     272            0 :                 StatusCode::GATEWAY_TIMEOUT,
     273            0 :                 json!({ "message": message, "code": StatusCode::GATEWAY_TIMEOUT.as_u16() }),
     274            0 :             )?
     275              :         }
     276              :     };
     277           46 :     response.headers_mut().insert(
     278           46 :         "Access-Control-Allow-Origin",
     279           46 :         hyper::http::HeaderValue::from_static("*"),
     280           46 :     );
     281           46 :     Ok(response)
     282           46 : }
     283              : 
     284            0 : #[instrument(name = "sql-over-http", fields(pid = tracing::field::Empty), skip_all)]
     285              : async fn handle_inner(
     286              :     tls: &'static TlsConfig,
     287              :     config: &'static HttpConfig,
     288              :     ctx: &mut RequestMonitoring,
     289              :     request: Request<Body>,
     290              :     sni_hostname: Option<String>,
     291              :     conn_pool: Arc<GlobalConnPool>,
     292              : ) -> anyhow::Result<Response<Body>> {
     293              :     let _request_gauge = NUM_CONNECTION_REQUESTS_GAUGE
     294              :         .with_label_values(&["http"])
     295              :         .guard();
     296              : 
     297              :     //
     298              :     // Determine the destination and connection params
     299              :     //
     300              :     let headers = request.headers();
     301              :     let conn_info = get_conn_info(ctx, headers, sni_hostname, tls)?;
     302              : 
     303              :     // Determine the output options. Default behaviour is 'false'. Anything that is not
     304              :     // strictly 'true' assumed to be false.
     305              :     let raw_output = headers.get(&RAW_TEXT_OUTPUT) == Some(&HEADER_VALUE_TRUE);
     306              :     let array_mode = headers.get(&ARRAY_MODE) == Some(&HEADER_VALUE_TRUE);
     307              : 
     308              :     // Allow connection pooling only if explicitly requested
     309              :     // or if we have decided that http pool is no longer opt-in
     310              :     let allow_pool =
     311              :         !config.pool_options.opt_in || headers.get(&ALLOW_POOL) == Some(&HEADER_VALUE_TRUE);
     312              : 
     313              :     // isolation level, read only and deferrable
     314              : 
     315              :     let txn_isolation_level_raw = headers.get(&TXN_ISOLATION_LEVEL).cloned();
     316              :     let txn_isolation_level = match txn_isolation_level_raw {
     317              :         Some(ref x) => Some(match x.as_bytes() {
     318              :             b"Serializable" => IsolationLevel::Serializable,
     319              :             b"ReadUncommitted" => IsolationLevel::ReadUncommitted,
     320              :             b"ReadCommitted" => IsolationLevel::ReadCommitted,
     321              :             b"RepeatableRead" => IsolationLevel::RepeatableRead,
     322              :             _ => bail!("invalid isolation level"),
     323              :         }),
     324              :         None => None,
     325              :     };
     326              : 
     327              :     let txn_read_only = headers.get(&TXN_READ_ONLY) == Some(&HEADER_VALUE_TRUE);
     328              :     let txn_deferrable = headers.get(&TXN_DEFERRABLE) == Some(&HEADER_VALUE_TRUE);
     329              : 
     330              :     let paused = ctx.latency_timer.pause();
     331              :     let request_content_length = match request.body().size_hint().upper() {
     332              :         Some(v) => v,
     333              :         None => MAX_REQUEST_SIZE + 1,
     334              :     };
     335              :     drop(paused);
     336              : 
     337              :     // we don't have a streaming request support yet so this is to prevent OOM
     338              :     // from a malicious user sending an extremely large request body
     339              :     if request_content_length > MAX_REQUEST_SIZE {
     340              :         return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
     341              :             "request is too large (max is {MAX_REQUEST_SIZE} bytes)"
     342              :         ));
     343              :     }
     344              : 
     345              :     //
     346              :     // Read the query and query params from the request body
     347              :     //
     348              :     let body = hyper::body::to_bytes(request.into_body()).await?;
     349              :     let payload: Payload = serde_json::from_slice(&body)?;
     350              : 
     351              :     let mut client = conn_pool.get(ctx, conn_info, !allow_pool).await?;
     352              : 
     353              :     let mut response = Response::builder()
     354              :         .status(StatusCode::OK)
     355              :         .header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json");
     356              : 
     357              :     //
     358              :     // Now execute the query and return the result
     359              :     //
     360              :     let mut size = 0;
     361              :     let result =
     362              :         match payload {
     363              :             Payload::Single(stmt) => {
     364              :                 let (status, results) =
     365              :                     query_to_json(&*client, stmt, &mut 0, raw_output, array_mode)
     366              :                         .await
     367            2 :                         .map_err(|e| {
     368            2 :                             client.discard();
     369            2 :                             e
     370            2 :                         })?;
     371              :                 client.check_idle(status);
     372              :                 results
     373              :             }
     374              :             Payload::Batch(statements) => {
     375              :                 let (inner, mut discard) = client.inner();
     376              :                 let mut builder = inner.build_transaction();
     377              :                 if let Some(isolation_level) = txn_isolation_level {
     378              :                     builder = builder.isolation_level(isolation_level);
     379              :                 }
     380              :                 if txn_read_only {
     381              :                     builder = builder.read_only(true);
     382              :                 }
     383              :                 if txn_deferrable {
     384              :                     builder = builder.deferrable(true);
     385              :                 }
     386              : 
     387            0 :                 let transaction = builder.start().await.map_err(|e| {
     388            0 :                     // if we cannot start a transaction, we should return immediately
     389            0 :                     // and not return to the pool. connection is clearly broken
     390            0 :                     discard.discard();
     391            0 :                     e
     392            0 :                 })?;
     393              : 
     394              :                 let results =
     395              :                     match query_batch(&transaction, statements, &mut size, raw_output, array_mode)
     396              :                         .await
     397              :                     {
     398              :                         Ok(results) => {
     399            0 :                             let status = transaction.commit().await.map_err(|e| {
     400            0 :                                 // if we cannot commit - for now don't return connection to pool
     401            0 :                                 // TODO: get a query status from the error
     402            0 :                                 discard.discard();
     403            0 :                                 e
     404            0 :                             })?;
     405              :                             discard.check_idle(status);
     406              :                             results
     407              :                         }
     408              :                         Err(err) => {
     409            0 :                             let status = transaction.rollback().await.map_err(|e| {
     410            0 :                                 // if we cannot rollback - for now don't return connection to pool
     411            0 :                                 // TODO: get a query status from the error
     412            0 :                                 discard.discard();
     413            0 :                                 e
     414            0 :                             })?;
     415              :                             discard.check_idle(status);
     416              :                             return Err(err);
     417              :                         }
     418              :                     };
     419              : 
     420              :                 if txn_read_only {
     421              :                     response = response.header(
     422              :                         TXN_READ_ONLY.clone(),
     423              :                         HeaderValue::try_from(txn_read_only.to_string())?,
     424              :                     );
     425              :                 }
     426              :                 if txn_deferrable {
     427              :                     response = response.header(
     428              :                         TXN_DEFERRABLE.clone(),
     429              :                         HeaderValue::try_from(txn_deferrable.to_string())?,
     430              :                     );
     431              :                 }
     432              :                 if let Some(txn_isolation_level) = txn_isolation_level_raw {
     433              :                     response = response.header(TXN_ISOLATION_LEVEL.clone(), txn_isolation_level);
     434              :                 }
     435              :                 json!({ "results": results })
     436              :             }
     437              :         };
     438              : 
     439              :     ctx.set_success();
     440              :     ctx.log();
     441              :     let metrics = client.metrics();
     442              : 
     443              :     // how could this possibly fail
     444              :     let body = serde_json::to_string(&result).expect("json serialization should not fail");
     445              :     let len = body.len();
     446              :     let response = response
     447              :         .body(Body::from(body))
     448              :         // only fails if invalid status code or invalid header/values are given.
     449              :         // these are not user configurable so it cannot fail dynamically
     450              :         .expect("building response payload should not fail");
     451              : 
     452              :     // count the egress bytes - we miss the TLS and header overhead but oh well...
     453              :     // moving this later in the stack is going to be a lot of effort and ehhhh
     454              :     metrics.record_egress(len as u64);
     455              : 
     456              :     Ok(response)
     457              : }
     458              : 
     459            2 : async fn query_batch(
     460            2 :     transaction: &Transaction<'_>,
     461            2 :     queries: BatchQueryData,
     462            2 :     total_size: &mut usize,
     463            2 :     raw_output: bool,
     464            2 :     array_mode: bool,
     465            2 : ) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Value>> {
     466            2 :     let mut results = Vec::with_capacity(queries.queries.len());
     467            2 :     let mut current_size = 0;
     468           13 :     for stmt in queries.queries {
     469           11 :         // TODO: maybe we should check that the transaction bit is set here
     470           11 :         let (_, values) =
     471           11 :             query_to_json(transaction, stmt, &mut current_size, raw_output, array_mode).await?;
     472           11 :         results.push(values);
     473              :     }
     474            2 :     *total_size += current_size;
     475            2 :     Ok(results)
     476            2 : }
     477              : 
     478           52 : async fn query_to_json<T: GenericClient>(
     479           52 :     client: &T,
     480           52 :     data: QueryData,
     481           52 :     current_size: &mut usize,
     482           52 :     raw_output: bool,
     483           52 :     array_mode: bool,
     484           52 : ) -> anyhow::Result<(ReadyForQueryStatus, Value)> {
     485           52 :     let query_params = json_to_pg_text(data.params);
     486           52 :     let row_stream = client.query_raw_txt(&data.query, query_params).await?;
     487              : 
     488              :     // Manually drain the stream into a vector to leave row_stream hanging
     489              :     // around to get a command tag. Also check that the response is not too
     490              :     // big.
     491           51 :     pin_mut!(row_stream);
     492           51 :     let mut rows: Vec<tokio_postgres::Row> = Vec::new();
     493       506406 :     while let Some(row) = {
     494       506356 :         let row = row?;
     495       506356 :         *current_size += row.body_len();
     496       506356 :         rows.push(row);
     497       506356 :         // we don't have a streaming response support yet so this is to prevent OOM
     498       506356 :         // from a malicious query (eg a cross join)
     499       506356 :         if *current_size > MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE {
     500            1 :             return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
     501            1 :                 "response is too large (max is {MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE} bytes)"
     502            1 :             ));
     503       506355 :         }
     504              :     }
     505              : 
     506           50 :     let ready = row_stream.ready_status();
     507           50 : 
     508           50 :     // grab the command tag and number of rows affected
     509           50 :     let command_tag = row_stream.command_tag().unwrap_or_default();
     510           50 :     let mut command_tag_split = command_tag.split(' ');
     511           50 :     let command_tag_name =;
     512           50 :     let command_tag_count = if command_tag_name == "INSERT" {
     513              :         // INSERT returns OID first and then number of rows
     514            2 :         command_tag_split.nth(1)
     515              :     } else {
     516              :         // other commands return number of rows (if any)
     517           48 :
     518              :     }
     519           50 :     .and_then(|s| s.parse::<i64>().ok());
     520           50 : 
     521           50 :     let mut fields = vec![];
     522           50 :     let mut columns = vec![];
     523              : 
     524          118 :     for c in row_stream.columns() {
     525          118 :         fields.push(json!({
     526          118 :             "name": Value::String(,
     527          118 :             "dataTypeID": Value::Number(c.type_().oid().into()),
     528          118 :             "tableID": c.table_oid(),
     529          118 :             "columnID": c.column_id(),
     530          118 :             "dataTypeSize": c.type_size(),
     531          118 :             "dataTypeModifier": c.type_modifier(),
     532          118 :             "format": "text",
     533          118 :         }));
     534          118 :         columns.push(client.get_type(c.type_oid()).await?);
     535              :     }
     536              : 
     537              :     // convert rows to JSON
     538           50 :     let rows = rows
     539           50 :         .iter()
     540           52 :         .map(|row| pg_text_row_to_json(row, &columns, raw_output, array_mode))
     541           50 :         .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
     542              : 
     543              :     // resulting JSON format is based on the format of node-postgres result
     544           50 :     Ok((
     545           50 :         ready,
     546           50 :         json!({
     547           50 :             "command": command_tag_name,
     548           50 :             "rowCount": command_tag_count,
     549           50 :             "rows": rows,
     550           50 :             "fields": fields,
     551           50 :             "rowAsArray": array_mode,
     552           50 :         }),
     553           50 :     ))
     554           52 : }

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