LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - pageserver/src/walredo - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 84.6 % 130 110
Test Date: 2024-02-07 07:37:29 Functions: 66.7 % 3 2

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use crate::walrecord::NeonWalRecord;
       2              : use anyhow::Context;
       3              : use byteorder::{ByteOrder, LittleEndian};
       4              : use bytes::BytesMut;
       5              : use pageserver_api::key::{key_to_rel_block, key_to_slru_block, Key};
       6              : use pageserver_api::reltag::SlruKind;
       7              : use postgres_ffi::pg_constants;
       8              : use postgres_ffi::relfile_utils::VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM;
       9              : use postgres_ffi::v14::nonrelfile_utils::{
      10              :     mx_offset_to_flags_bitshift, mx_offset_to_flags_offset, mx_offset_to_member_offset,
      11              :     transaction_id_set_status,
      12              : };
      13              : use postgres_ffi::BLCKSZ;
      14              : use tracing::*;
      15              : 
      16              : /// Can this request be served by neon redo functions
      17              : /// or we need to pass it to wal-redo postgres process?
      18     81820489 : pub(crate) fn can_apply_in_neon(rec: &NeonWalRecord) -> bool {
      19     81820489 :     // Currently, we don't have bespoken Rust code to replay any
      20     81820489 :     // Postgres WAL records. But everything else is handled in neon.
      21     81820489 :     #[allow(clippy::match_like_matches_macro)]
      22     81820489 :     match rec {
      23              :         NeonWalRecord::Postgres {
      24              :             will_init: _,
      25              :             rec: _,
      26     62894964 :         } => false,
      27     18925525 :         _ => true,
      28              :     }
      29     81820489 : }
      30              : 
      31     18925525 : pub(crate) fn apply_in_neon(
      32     18925525 :     record: &NeonWalRecord,
      33     18925525 :     key: Key,
      34     18925525 :     page: &mut BytesMut,
      35     18925525 : ) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
      36     18925525 :     match record {
      37              :         NeonWalRecord::Postgres {
      38              :             will_init: _,
      39              :             rec: _,
      40              :         } => {
      41            0 :             anyhow::bail!("tried to pass postgres wal record to neon WAL redo");
      42              :         }
      43              :         NeonWalRecord::ClearVisibilityMapFlags {
      44         4574 :             new_heap_blkno,
      45         4574 :             old_heap_blkno,
      46         4574 :             flags,
      47              :         } => {
      48              :             // sanity check that this is modifying the correct relation
      49         4574 :             let (rel, blknum) = key_to_rel_block(key).context("invalid record")?;
      50         4574 :             assert!(
      51         4574 :                 rel.forknum == VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM,
      52            0 :                 "ClearVisibilityMapFlags record on unexpected rel {}",
      53              :                 rel
      54              :             );
      55         4574 :             if let Some(heap_blkno) = *new_heap_blkno {
      56              :                 // Calculate the VM block and offset that corresponds to the heap block.
      57          410 :                 let map_block = pg_constants::HEAPBLK_TO_MAPBLOCK(heap_blkno);
      58          410 :                 let map_byte = pg_constants::HEAPBLK_TO_MAPBYTE(heap_blkno);
      59          410 :                 let map_offset = pg_constants::HEAPBLK_TO_OFFSET(heap_blkno);
      60              : 
      61              :                 // Check that we're modifying the correct VM block.
      62          410 :                 assert!(map_block == blknum);
      63              : 
      64              :                 // equivalent to PageGetContents(page)
      65          410 :                 let map = &mut page[pg_constants::MAXALIGN_SIZE_OF_PAGE_HEADER_DATA..];
      66          410 : 
      67          410 :                 map[map_byte as usize] &= !(flags << map_offset);
      68         4164 :             }
      69              : 
      70              :             // Repeat for 'old_heap_blkno', if any
      71         4574 :             if let Some(heap_blkno) = *old_heap_blkno {
      72         4170 :                 let map_block = pg_constants::HEAPBLK_TO_MAPBLOCK(heap_blkno);
      73         4170 :                 let map_byte = pg_constants::HEAPBLK_TO_MAPBYTE(heap_blkno);
      74         4170 :                 let map_offset = pg_constants::HEAPBLK_TO_OFFSET(heap_blkno);
      75              : 
      76         4170 :                 assert!(map_block == blknum);
      77              : 
      78         4170 :                 let map = &mut page[pg_constants::MAXALIGN_SIZE_OF_PAGE_HEADER_DATA..];
      79         4170 : 
      80         4170 :                 map[map_byte as usize] &= !(flags << map_offset);
      81          404 :             }
      82              :         }
      83              :         // Non-relational WAL records are handled here, with custom code that has the
      84              :         // same effects as the corresponding Postgres WAL redo function.
      85     18819679 :         NeonWalRecord::ClogSetCommitted { xids, timestamp } => {
      86     18819679 :             let (slru_kind, segno, blknum) = key_to_slru_block(key).context("invalid record")?;
      87     18819679 :             assert_eq!(
      88              :                 slru_kind,
      89              :                 SlruKind::Clog,
      90            0 :                 "ClogSetCommitted record with unexpected key {}",
      91              :                 key
      92              :             );
      93     37749399 :             for &xid in xids {
      94     18929720 :                 let pageno = xid / pg_constants::CLOG_XACTS_PER_PAGE;
      95     18929720 :                 let expected_segno = pageno / pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
      96     18929720 :                 let expected_blknum = pageno % pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
      97              : 
      98              :                 // Check that we're modifying the correct CLOG block.
      99     18929720 :                 assert!(
     100     18929720 :                     segno == expected_segno,
     101            0 :                     "ClogSetCommitted record for XID {} with unexpected key {}",
     102              :                     xid,
     103              :                     key
     104              :                 );
     105     18929720 :                 assert!(
     106     18929720 :                     blknum == expected_blknum,
     107            0 :                     "ClogSetCommitted record for XID {} with unexpected key {}",
     108              :                     xid,
     109              :                     key
     110              :                 );
     111              : 
     112     18929720 :                 transaction_id_set_status(xid, pg_constants::TRANSACTION_STATUS_COMMITTED, page);
     113              :             }
     114              : 
     115              :             // Append the timestamp
     116     18819679 :             if page.len() == BLCKSZ as usize + 8 {
     117     18816230 :                 page.truncate(BLCKSZ as usize);
     118     18816230 :             }
     119     18819679 :             if page.len() == BLCKSZ as usize {
     120     18819679 :                 page.extend_from_slice(&timestamp.to_be_bytes());
     121     18819679 :             } else {
     122            0 :                 warn!(
     123            0 :                     "CLOG blk {} in seg {} has invalid size {}",
     124            0 :                     blknum,
     125            0 :                     segno,
     126            0 :                     page.len()
     127            0 :                 );
     128              :             }
     129              :         }
     130         5394 :         NeonWalRecord::ClogSetAborted { xids } => {
     131         5394 :             let (slru_kind, segno, blknum) = key_to_slru_block(key).context("invalid record")?;
     132         5394 :             assert_eq!(
     133              :                 slru_kind,
     134              :                 SlruKind::Clog,
     135            0 :                 "ClogSetAborted record with unexpected key {}",
     136              :                 key
     137              :             );
     138        10809 :             for &xid in xids {
     139         5415 :                 let pageno = xid / pg_constants::CLOG_XACTS_PER_PAGE;
     140         5415 :                 let expected_segno = pageno / pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
     141         5415 :                 let expected_blknum = pageno % pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
     142              : 
     143              :                 // Check that we're modifying the correct CLOG block.
     144         5415 :                 assert!(
     145         5415 :                     segno == expected_segno,
     146            0 :                     "ClogSetAborted record for XID {} with unexpected key {}",
     147              :                     xid,
     148              :                     key
     149              :                 );
     150         5415 :                 assert!(
     151         5415 :                     blknum == expected_blknum,
     152            0 :                     "ClogSetAborted record for XID {} with unexpected key {}",
     153              :                     xid,
     154              :                     key
     155              :                 );
     156              : 
     157         5415 :                 transaction_id_set_status(xid, pg_constants::TRANSACTION_STATUS_ABORTED, page);
     158              :             }
     159              :         }
     160        47665 :         NeonWalRecord::MultixactOffsetCreate { mid, moff } => {
     161        47665 :             let (slru_kind, segno, blknum) = key_to_slru_block(key).context("invalid record")?;
     162        47665 :             assert_eq!(
     163              :                 slru_kind,
     164              :                 SlruKind::MultiXactOffsets,
     165            0 :                 "MultixactOffsetCreate record with unexpected key {}",
     166              :                 key
     167              :             );
     168              :             // Compute the block and offset to modify.
     169              :             // See RecordNewMultiXact in PostgreSQL sources.
     170        47665 :             let pageno = mid / pg_constants::MULTIXACT_OFFSETS_PER_PAGE as u32;
     171        47665 :             let entryno = mid % pg_constants::MULTIXACT_OFFSETS_PER_PAGE as u32;
     172        47665 :             let offset = (entryno * 4) as usize;
     173        47665 : 
     174        47665 :             // Check that we're modifying the correct multixact-offsets block.
     175        47665 :             let expected_segno = pageno / pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
     176        47665 :             let expected_blknum = pageno % pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
     177        47665 :             assert!(
     178        47665 :                 segno == expected_segno,
     179            0 :                 "MultiXactOffsetsCreate record for multi-xid {} with unexpected key {}",
     180              :                 mid,
     181              :                 key
     182              :             );
     183        47665 :             assert!(
     184        47665 :                 blknum == expected_blknum,
     185            0 :                 "MultiXactOffsetsCreate record for multi-xid {} with unexpected key {}",
     186              :                 mid,
     187              :                 key
     188              :             );
     189              : 
     190        47665 :             LittleEndian::write_u32(&mut page[offset..offset + 4], *moff);
     191              :         }
     192        48213 :         NeonWalRecord::MultixactMembersCreate { moff, members } => {
     193        48213 :             let (slru_kind, segno, blknum) = key_to_slru_block(key).context("invalid record")?;
     194        48213 :             assert_eq!(
     195              :                 slru_kind,
     196              :                 SlruKind::MultiXactMembers,
     197            0 :                 "MultixactMembersCreate record with unexpected key {}",
     198              :                 key
     199              :             );
     200       945044 :             for (i, member) in members.iter().enumerate() {
     201       945044 :                 let offset = moff + i as u32;
     202       945044 : 
     203       945044 :                 // Compute the block and offset to modify.
     204       945044 :                 // See RecordNewMultiXact in PostgreSQL sources.
     205       945044 :                 let pageno = offset / pg_constants::MULTIXACT_MEMBERS_PER_PAGE as u32;
     206       945044 :                 let memberoff = mx_offset_to_member_offset(offset);
     207       945044 :                 let flagsoff = mx_offset_to_flags_offset(offset);
     208       945044 :                 let bshift = mx_offset_to_flags_bitshift(offset);
     209       945044 : 
     210       945044 :                 // Check that we're modifying the correct multixact-members block.
     211       945044 :                 let expected_segno = pageno / pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
     212       945044 :                 let expected_blknum = pageno % pg_constants::SLRU_PAGES_PER_SEGMENT;
     213       945044 :                 assert!(
     214       945044 :                     segno == expected_segno,
     215            0 :                     "MultiXactMembersCreate record for offset {} with unexpected key {}",
     216              :                     moff,
     217              :                     key
     218              :                 );
     219       945044 :                 assert!(
     220       945044 :                     blknum == expected_blknum,
     221            0 :                     "MultiXactMembersCreate record for offset {} with unexpected key {}",
     222              :                     moff,
     223              :                     key
     224              :                 );
     225              : 
     226       945044 :                 let mut flagsval = LittleEndian::read_u32(&page[flagsoff..flagsoff + 4]);
     227       945044 :                 flagsval &= !(((1 << pg_constants::MXACT_MEMBER_BITS_PER_XACT) - 1) << bshift);
     228       945044 :                 flagsval |= member.status << bshift;
     229       945044 :                 LittleEndian::write_u32(&mut page[flagsoff..flagsoff + 4], flagsval);
     230       945044 :                 LittleEndian::write_u32(&mut page[memberoff..memberoff + 4], member.xid);
     231              :             }
     232              :         }
     233              :     }
     234     18925525 :     Ok(())
     235     18925525 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta