Line data Source code
1 : //! This module contains functions to serve per-tenant background processes,
2 : //! such as compaction and GC
3 :
4 : use std::ops::ControlFlow;
5 : use std::sync::Arc;
6 : use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
7 :
8 : use crate::context::{DownloadBehavior, RequestContext};
9 : use crate::metrics::TENANT_TASK_EVENTS;
10 : use crate::task_mgr;
11 : use crate::task_mgr::{TaskKind, BACKGROUND_RUNTIME};
12 : use crate::tenant::timeline::CompactionError;
13 : use crate::tenant::{Tenant, TenantState};
14 : use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken;
15 : use tracing::*;
16 : use utils::{backoff, completion};
17 :
18 : static CONCURRENT_BACKGROUND_TASKS: once_cell::sync::Lazy<tokio::sync::Semaphore> =
19 374 : once_cell::sync::Lazy::new(|| {
20 374 : let total_threads = *task_mgr::BACKGROUND_RUNTIME_WORKER_THREADS;
21 374 : let permits = usize::max(
22 374 : 1,
23 374 : // while a lot of the work is done on spawn_blocking, we still do
24 374 : // repartitioning in the async context. this should give leave us some workers
25 374 : // unblocked to be blocked on other work, hopefully easing any outside visible
26 374 : // effects of restarts.
27 374 : //
28 374 : // 6/8 is a guess; previously we ran with unlimited 8 and more from
29 374 : // spawn_blocking.
30 374 : (total_threads * 3).checked_div(4).unwrap_or(0),
31 374 : );
32 374 : assert_ne!(permits, 0, "we will not be adding in permits later");
33 374 : assert!(
34 374 : permits < total_threads,
35 0 : "need threads avail for shorter work"
36 : );
37 374 : tokio::sync::Semaphore::new(permits)
38 374 : });
39 :
40 2144 : #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, strum_macros::IntoStaticStr)]
41 : #[strum(serialize_all = "snake_case")]
42 : pub(crate) enum BackgroundLoopKind {
43 : Compaction,
44 : Gc,
45 : Eviction,
46 : ConsumptionMetricsCollectMetrics,
47 : ConsumptionMetricsSyntheticSizeWorker,
48 : InitialLogicalSizeCalculation,
49 : HeatmapUpload,
50 : SecondaryDownload,
51 : }
52 :
53 : impl BackgroundLoopKind {
54 2144 : fn as_static_str(&self) -> &'static str {
55 2144 : let s: &'static str = self.into();
56 2144 : s
57 2144 : }
58 : }
59 :
60 : /// Cancellation safe.
61 2187 : pub(crate) async fn concurrent_background_tasks_rate_limit_permit(
62 2187 : loop_kind: BackgroundLoopKind,
63 2187 : _ctx: &RequestContext,
64 2187 : ) -> impl Drop {
65 2129 : let _guard = crate::metrics::BACKGROUND_LOOP_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_GAUGE
66 2129 : .with_label_values(&[loop_kind.as_static_str()])
67 2129 : .guard();
68 2129 :
69 2129 : pausable_failpoint!(
70 577 : "initial-size-calculation-permit-pause",
71 577 : loop_kind == BackgroundLoopKind::InitialLogicalSizeCalculation
72 577 : );
73 :
74 1767 : match CONCURRENT_BACKGROUND_TASKS.acquire().await {
75 1767 : Ok(permit) => permit,
76 0 : Err(_closed) => unreachable!("we never close the semaphore"),
77 : }
78 1767 : }
79 :
80 : /// Start per tenant background loops: compaction and gc.
81 830 : pub fn start_background_loops(
82 830 : tenant: &Arc<Tenant>,
83 830 : background_jobs_can_start: Option<&completion::Barrier>,
84 830 : ) {
85 830 : let tenant_shard_id = tenant.tenant_shard_id;
86 830 : task_mgr::spawn(
87 830 : BACKGROUND_RUNTIME.handle(),
88 830 : TaskKind::Compaction,
89 830 : Some(tenant_shard_id),
90 830 : None,
91 830 : &format!("compactor for tenant {tenant_shard_id}"),
92 830 : false,
93 830 : {
94 830 : let tenant = Arc::clone(tenant);
95 830 : let background_jobs_can_start = background_jobs_can_start.cloned();
96 830 : async move {
97 830 : let cancel = task_mgr::shutdown_token();
98 830 : tokio::select! {
99 830 : _ = cancel.cancelled() => { return Ok(()) },
100 830 : _ = completion::Barrier::maybe_wait(background_jobs_can_start) => {}
101 830 : };
102 830 : compaction_loop(tenant, cancel)
103 830 : .instrument(info_span!("compaction_loop", tenant_id = %tenant_shard_id.tenant_id, shard_id = %tenant_shard_id.shard_slug()))
104 129483 : .await;
105 385 : Ok(())
106 830 : }
107 830 : },
108 830 : );
109 830 : task_mgr::spawn(
110 830 : BACKGROUND_RUNTIME.handle(),
111 830 : TaskKind::GarbageCollector,
112 830 : Some(tenant_shard_id),
113 830 : None,
114 830 : &format!("garbage collector for tenant {tenant_shard_id}"),
115 830 : false,
116 830 : {
117 830 : let tenant = Arc::clone(tenant);
118 830 : let background_jobs_can_start = background_jobs_can_start.cloned();
119 830 : async move {
120 830 : let cancel = task_mgr::shutdown_token();
121 830 : tokio::select! {
122 830 : _ = cancel.cancelled() => { return Ok(()) },
123 830 : _ = completion::Barrier::maybe_wait(background_jobs_can_start) => {}
124 830 : };
125 830 : gc_loop(tenant, cancel)
126 830 : .instrument(info_span!("gc_loop", tenant_id = %tenant_shard_id.tenant_id, shard_id = %tenant_shard_id.shard_slug()))
127 265112 : .await;
128 385 : Ok(())
129 830 : }
130 830 : },
131 830 : );
132 830 : }
133 :
134 : ///
135 : /// Compaction task's main loop
136 : ///
137 830 : async fn compaction_loop(tenant: Arc<Tenant>, cancel: CancellationToken) {
138 830 : const MAX_BACKOFF_SECS: f64 = 300.0;
139 830 : // How many errors we have seen consequtively
140 830 : let mut error_run_count = 0;
141 830 :
142 830 : TENANT_TASK_EVENTS.with_label_values(&["start"]).inc();
143 830 : async {
144 830 : let ctx = RequestContext::todo_child(TaskKind::Compaction, DownloadBehavior::Download);
145 830 : let mut first = true;
146 1212 : loop {
147 1424 : tokio::select! {
148 : _ = cancel.cancelled() => {
149 : return;
150 : },
151 1205 : tenant_wait_result = wait_for_active_tenant(&tenant) => match tenant_wait_result {
152 : ControlFlow::Break(()) => return,
153 : ControlFlow::Continue(()) => (),
154 : },
155 1212 : }
156 :
157 1205 : let period = tenant.get_compaction_period();
158 1205 :
159 1205 : // TODO: we shouldn't need to await to find tenant and this could be moved outside of
160 1205 : // loop, #3501. There are also additional "allowed_errors" in tests.
161 1205 : if first {
162 823 : first = false;
163 823 : if random_init_delay(period, &cancel).await.is_err() {
164 234 : break;
165 395 : }
166 382 : }
167 :
168 777 : let started_at = Instant::now();
169 :
170 777 : let sleep_duration = if period == Duration::ZERO {
171 : #[cfg(not(feature = "testing"))]
172 : info!("automatic compaction is disabled");
173 : // check again in 10 seconds, in case it's been enabled again.
174 387 : Duration::from_secs(10)
175 : } else {
176 : // Run compaction
177 128298 : if let Err(e) = tenant.compaction_iteration(&cancel, &ctx).await {
178 0 : let wait_duration = backoff::exponential_backoff_duration_seconds(
179 0 : error_run_count + 1,
180 0 : 1.0,
182 0 : );
183 0 : error_run_count += 1;
184 0 : let wait_duration = Duration::from_secs_f64(wait_duration);
185 0 : log_compaction_error(
186 0 : &e,
187 0 : error_run_count,
188 0 : &wait_duration,
189 0 : cancel.is_cancelled(),
190 0 : );
191 0 : wait_duration
192 : } else {
193 388 : error_run_count = 0;
194 388 : period
195 : }
196 : };
197 :
198 775 : warn_when_period_overrun(started_at.elapsed(), period, BackgroundLoopKind::Compaction);
199 :
200 : // Perhaps we did no work and the walredo process has been idle for some time:
201 : // give it a chance to shut down to avoid leaving walredo process running indefinitely.
202 775 : if let Some(walredo_mgr) = &tenant.walredo_mgr {
203 775 : walredo_mgr.maybe_quiesce(period * 10);
204 775 : }
205 :
206 : // Sleep
207 775 : if tokio::time::timeout(sleep_duration, cancel.cancelled())
208 526 : .await
209 526 : .is_ok()
210 : {
211 144 : break;
212 382 : }
213 : }
214 385 : }
215 129483 : .await;
216 385 : TENANT_TASK_EVENTS.with_label_values(&["stop"]).inc();
217 385 : }
218 :
219 0 : fn log_compaction_error(
220 0 : e: &CompactionError,
221 0 : error_run_count: u32,
222 0 : sleep_duration: &std::time::Duration,
223 0 : task_cancelled: bool,
224 0 : ) {
225 : use crate::tenant::upload_queue::NotInitialized;
226 : use crate::tenant::PageReconstructError;
227 : use CompactionError::*;
228 :
229 : enum LooksLike {
230 : Info,
231 : Error,
232 : }
233 :
234 0 : let decision = match e {
235 0 : ShuttingDown => None,
236 0 : _ if task_cancelled => Some(LooksLike::Info),
237 0 : Other(e) => {
238 0 : let root_cause = e.root_cause();
239 :
240 0 : let is_stopping = {
241 0 : let upload_queue = root_cause
242 0 : .downcast_ref::<NotInitialized>()
243 0 : .is_some_and(|e| e.is_stopping());
244 0 :
245 0 : let timeline = root_cause
246 0 : .downcast_ref::<PageReconstructError>()
247 0 : .is_some_and(|e| e.is_stopping());
248 0 :
249 0 : upload_queue || timeline
250 : };
251 :
252 0 : if is_stopping {
253 0 : Some(LooksLike::Info)
254 : } else {
255 0 : Some(LooksLike::Error)
256 : }
257 : }
258 : };
259 :
260 0 : match decision {
261 0 : Some(LooksLike::Info) => info!(
262 0 : "Compaction failed {error_run_count} times, retrying in {sleep_duration:?}: {e:#}",
263 0 : ),
264 0 : Some(LooksLike::Error) => error!(
265 0 : "Compaction failed {error_run_count} times, retrying in {sleep_duration:?}: {e:?}",
266 0 : ),
267 0 : None => {}
268 : }
269 0 : }
270 :
271 : ///
272 : /// GC task's main loop
273 : ///
274 830 : async fn gc_loop(tenant: Arc<Tenant>, cancel: CancellationToken) {
275 830 : const MAX_BACKOFF_SECS: f64 = 300.0;
276 830 : // How many errors we have seen consequtively
277 830 : let mut error_run_count = 0;
278 830 :
279 830 : TENANT_TASK_EVENTS.with_label_values(&["start"]).inc();
280 830 : async {
281 830 : // GC might require downloading, to find the cutoff LSN that corresponds to the
282 830 : // cutoff specified as time.
283 830 : let ctx =
284 830 : RequestContext::todo_child(TaskKind::GarbageCollector, DownloadBehavior::Download);
285 830 : let mut first = true;
286 1074 : loop {
287 1259 : tokio::select! {
288 : _ = cancel.cancelled() => {
289 : return;
290 : },
291 1071 : tenant_wait_result = wait_for_active_tenant(&tenant) => match tenant_wait_result {
292 : ControlFlow::Break(()) => return,
293 : ControlFlow::Continue(()) => (),
294 : },
295 1074 : }
296 :
297 1071 : let period = tenant.get_gc_period();
298 1071 :
299 1071 : if first {
300 827 : first = false;
301 827 : if random_init_delay(period, &cancel).await.is_err() {
302 285 : break;
303 190 : }
304 244 : }
305 :
306 434 : let started_at = Instant::now();
307 434 :
308 434 : let gc_horizon = tenant.get_gc_horizon();
309 434 : let sleep_duration = if period == Duration::ZERO || gc_horizon == 0 {
310 : #[cfg(not(feature = "testing"))]
311 : info!("automatic GC is disabled");
312 : // check again in 10 seconds, in case it's been enabled again.
313 388 : Duration::from_secs(10)
314 : } else {
315 : // Run gc
316 46 : let res = tenant
317 46 : .gc_iteration(None, gc_horizon, tenant.get_pitr_interval(), &cancel, &ctx)
318 264292 : .await;
319 45 : if let Err(e) = res {
320 0 : let wait_duration = backoff::exponential_backoff_duration_seconds(
321 0 : error_run_count + 1,
322 0 : 1.0,
324 0 : );
325 0 : error_run_count += 1;
326 0 : let wait_duration = Duration::from_secs_f64(wait_duration);
327 0 : error!(
328 0 : "Gc failed {error_run_count} times, retrying in {wait_duration:?}: {e:?}",
329 0 : );
330 0 : wait_duration
331 : } else {
332 45 : error_run_count = 0;
333 45 : period
334 : }
335 : };
336 :
337 433 : warn_when_period_overrun(started_at.elapsed(), period, BackgroundLoopKind::Gc);
338 433 :
339 433 : // Sleep
340 433 : if tokio::time::timeout(sleep_duration, cancel.cancelled())
341 341 : .await
342 341 : .is_ok()
343 : {
344 97 : break;
345 244 : }
346 : }
347 385 : }
348 265112 : .await;
349 385 : TENANT_TASK_EVENTS.with_label_values(&["stop"]).inc();
350 385 : }
351 :
352 2286 : async fn wait_for_active_tenant(tenant: &Arc<Tenant>) -> ControlFlow<()> {
353 2286 : // if the tenant has a proper status already, no need to wait for anything
354 2286 : if tenant.current_state() == TenantState::Active {
355 1899 : ControlFlow::Continue(())
356 : } else {
357 387 : let mut tenant_state_updates = tenant.subscribe_for_state_updates();
358 : loop {
359 398 : match tenant_state_updates.changed().await {
360 : Ok(()) => {
361 388 : let new_state = &*tenant_state_updates.borrow();
362 388 : match new_state {
363 : TenantState::Active => {
364 0 : debug!("Tenant state changed to active, continuing the task loop");
365 377 : return ControlFlow::Continue(());
366 : }
367 11 : state => {
368 0 : debug!("Not running the task loop, tenant is not active: {state:?}");
369 11 : continue;
370 : }
371 : }
372 : }
373 0 : Err(_sender_dropped_error) => {
374 0 : return ControlFlow::Break(());
375 : }
376 : }
377 : }
378 : }
379 2276 : }
380 :
381 0 : #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
382 : #[error("cancelled")]
383 : pub(crate) struct Cancelled;
384 :
385 : /// Provide a random delay for background task initialization.
386 : ///
387 : /// This delay prevents a thundering herd of background tasks and will likely keep them running on
388 : /// different periods for more stable load.
389 2889 : pub(crate) async fn random_init_delay(
390 2889 : period: Duration,
391 2889 : cancel: &CancellationToken,
392 2889 : ) -> Result<(), Cancelled> {
393 2889 : use rand::Rng;
394 2889 :
395 2889 : if period == Duration::ZERO {
396 361 : return Ok(());
397 2528 : }
398 2528 :
399 2528 : let d = {
400 2528 : let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
401 2528 : rng.gen_range(Duration::ZERO..=period)
402 2528 : };
403 2528 :
404 2528 : match tokio::time::timeout(d, cancel.cancelled()).await {
405 854 : Ok(_) => Err(Cancelled),
406 806 : Err(_) => Ok(()),
407 : }
408 2021 : }
409 :
410 : /// Attention: the `task` and `period` beocme labels of a pageserver-wide prometheus metric.
411 1287 : pub(crate) fn warn_when_period_overrun(
412 1287 : elapsed: Duration,
413 1287 : period: Duration,
414 1287 : task: BackgroundLoopKind,
415 1287 : ) {
416 1287 : // Duration::ZERO will happen because it's the "disable [bgtask]" value.
417 1287 : if elapsed >= period && period != Duration::ZERO {
418 : // humantime does no significant digits clamping whereas Duration's debug is a bit more
419 : // intelligent. however it makes sense to keep the "configuration format" for period, even
420 : // though there's no way to output the actual config value.
421 15 : info!(
422 15 : ?elapsed,
423 15 : period = %humantime::format_duration(period),
424 15 : ?task,
425 15 : "task iteration took longer than the configured period"
426 15 : );
428 15 : .with_label_values(&[task.as_static_str(), &format!("{}", period.as_secs())])
429 15 : .inc();
430 1272 : }
431 1287 : }