Line data Source code
1 : //! Tests for postgres_ffi xlog_utils module. Put it here to break cyclic dependency.
2 :
3 : use super::*;
4 : use crate::{error, info};
5 : use regex::Regex;
6 : use std::cmp::min;
7 : use std::fs::{self, File};
8 : use std::io::Write;
9 : use std::{env, str::FromStr};
10 : use utils::const_assert;
11 : use utils::lsn::Lsn;
12 :
13 18 : fn init_logging() {
14 18 : let _ = env_logger::Builder::from_env(env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or(
15 18 : format!("crate=info,postgres_ffi::{PG_MAJORVERSION}::xlog_utils=trace"),
16 18 : ))
17 18 : .is_test(true)
18 18 : .try_init();
19 18 : }
20 :
21 18 : fn test_end_of_wal<C: crate::Crafter>(test_name: &str) {
22 18 : use crate::*;
23 18 :
24 18 : let pg_version = PG_MAJORVERSION[1..3].parse::<u32>().unwrap();
25 18 :
26 18 : // Craft some WAL
27 18 : let top_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))
28 18 : .join("..")
29 18 : .join("..")
30 18 : .join("..");
31 18 : let cfg = Conf {
32 18 : pg_version,
33 18 : pg_distrib_dir: top_path.join("pg_install"),
34 18 : datadir: top_path.join(format!("test_output/{}-{PG_MAJORVERSION}", test_name)),
35 18 : };
36 18 : if cfg.datadir.exists() {
37 9 : fs::remove_dir_all(&cfg.datadir).unwrap();
38 9 : }
39 18 : cfg.initdb().unwrap();
40 18 : let srv = cfg.start_server().unwrap();
41 18 : let (intermediate_lsns, expected_end_of_wal_partial) =
42 18 : C::craft(&mut srv.connect_with_timeout().unwrap()).unwrap();
43 18 : let intermediate_lsns: Vec<Lsn> = intermediate_lsns
44 18 : .iter()
45 24 : .map(|&lsn| u64::from(lsn).into())
46 18 : .collect();
47 18 : let expected_end_of_wal: Lsn = u64::from(expected_end_of_wal_partial).into();
48 18 : srv.kill();
49 18 :
50 18 : // Check find_end_of_wal on the initial WAL
51 18 : let last_segment = cfg
52 18 : .wal_dir()
53 18 : .read_dir()
54 18 : .unwrap()
55 48 : .map(|f| f.unwrap().file_name().into_string().unwrap())
56 48 : .filter(|fname| IsXLogFileName(fname))
57 18 : .max()
58 18 : .unwrap();
59 18 : check_pg_waldump_end_of_wal(&cfg, &last_segment, expected_end_of_wal);
60 42 : for start_lsn in intermediate_lsns
61 18 : .iter()
62 18 : .chain(std::iter::once(&expected_end_of_wal))
63 : {
64 : // Erase all WAL before `start_lsn` to ensure it's not used by `find_end_of_wal`.
65 : // We assume that `start_lsn` is non-decreasing.
66 42 : info!(
67 42 : "Checking with start_lsn={}, erasing WAL before it",
68 : start_lsn
69 : );
70 114 : for file in fs::read_dir(cfg.wal_dir()).unwrap().flatten() {
71 114 : let fname = file.file_name().into_string().unwrap();
72 114 : if !IsXLogFileName(&fname) {
73 42 : continue;
74 72 : }
75 72 : let (segno, _) = XLogFromFileName(&fname, WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE);
76 72 : let seg_start_lsn = XLogSegNoOffsetToRecPtr(segno, 0, WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE);
77 72 : if seg_start_lsn > u64::from(*start_lsn) {
78 12 : continue;
79 60 : }
80 60 : let mut f = File::options().write(true).open(file.path()).unwrap();
81 60 : const ZEROS: [u8; WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE] = [0u8; WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE];
82 60 : f.write_all(
83 60 : &ZEROS[0..min(
85 60 : (u64::from(*start_lsn) - seg_start_lsn) as usize,
86 60 : )],
87 60 : )
88 60 : .unwrap();
89 : }
90 42 : check_end_of_wal(&cfg, &last_segment, *start_lsn, expected_end_of_wal);
91 : }
92 18 : }
93 :
94 18 : fn check_pg_waldump_end_of_wal(
95 18 : cfg: &crate::Conf,
96 18 : last_segment: &str,
97 18 : expected_end_of_wal: Lsn,
98 18 : ) {
99 18 : // Get the actual end of WAL by pg_waldump
100 18 : let waldump_output = cfg
101 18 : .pg_waldump("000000010000000000000001", last_segment)
102 18 : .unwrap()
103 18 : .stderr;
104 18 : let waldump_output = std::str::from_utf8(&waldump_output).unwrap();
105 18 : let caps = match Regex::new(r"invalid record length at (.+):")
106 18 : .unwrap()
107 18 : .captures(waldump_output)
108 : {
109 18 : Some(caps) => caps,
110 : None => {
111 0 : error!("Unable to parse pg_waldump's stderr:\n{}", waldump_output);
112 0 : panic!();
113 : }
114 : };
115 18 : let waldump_wal_end = Lsn::from_str(caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str()).unwrap();
116 18 : info!(
117 18 : "waldump erred on {}, expected wal end at {}",
118 : waldump_wal_end, expected_end_of_wal
119 : );
120 18 : assert_eq!(waldump_wal_end, expected_end_of_wal);
121 18 : }
122 :
123 42 : fn check_end_of_wal(
124 42 : cfg: &crate::Conf,
125 42 : last_segment: &str,
126 42 : start_lsn: Lsn,
127 42 : expected_end_of_wal: Lsn,
128 42 : ) {
129 42 : // Check end_of_wal on non-partial WAL segment (we treat it as fully populated)
130 42 : // let wal_end = find_end_of_wal(&cfg.wal_dir(), WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE, start_lsn).unwrap();
131 42 : // info!(
132 42 : // "find_end_of_wal returned wal_end={} with non-partial WAL segment",
133 42 : // wal_end
134 42 : // );
135 42 : // assert_eq!(wal_end, expected_end_of_wal_non_partial);
136 42 :
137 42 : // Rename file to partial to actually find last valid lsn, then rename it back.
138 42 : fs::rename(
139 42 : cfg.wal_dir().join(last_segment),
140 42 : cfg.wal_dir().join(format!("{}.partial", last_segment)),
141 42 : )
142 42 : .unwrap();
143 42 : let wal_end = find_end_of_wal(&cfg.wal_dir(), WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE, start_lsn).unwrap();
144 42 : info!(
145 42 : "find_end_of_wal returned wal_end={} with partial WAL segment",
146 : wal_end
147 : );
148 42 : assert_eq!(wal_end, expected_end_of_wal);
149 42 : fs::rename(
150 42 : cfg.wal_dir().join(format!("{}.partial", last_segment)),
151 42 : cfg.wal_dir().join(last_segment),
152 42 : )
153 42 : .unwrap();
154 42 : }
155 :
156 : const_assert!(WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE == 16 * 1024 * 1024);
157 :
158 6 : #[test]
159 6 : pub fn test_find_end_of_wal_simple() {
160 6 : init_logging();
161 6 : test_end_of_wal::<crate::Simple>("test_find_end_of_wal_simple");
162 6 : }
163 :
164 6 : #[test]
165 6 : pub fn test_find_end_of_wal_crossing_segment_followed_by_small_one() {
166 6 : init_logging();
167 6 : test_end_of_wal::<crate::WalRecordCrossingSegmentFollowedBySmallOne>(
168 6 : "test_find_end_of_wal_crossing_segment_followed_by_small_one",
169 6 : );
170 6 : }
171 :
172 6 : #[test]
173 6 : pub fn test_find_end_of_wal_last_crossing_segment() {
174 6 : init_logging();
175 6 : test_end_of_wal::<crate::LastWalRecordCrossingSegment>(
176 6 : "test_find_end_of_wal_last_crossing_segment",
177 6 : );
178 6 : }
179 :
180 : /// Check the math in update_next_xid
181 : ///
182 : /// NOTE: These checks are sensitive to the value of XID_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL,
183 : /// currently 1024.
184 6 : #[test]
185 6 : pub fn test_update_next_xid() {
186 6 : let checkpoint_buf = [0u8; std::mem::size_of::<CheckPoint>()];
187 6 : let mut checkpoint = CheckPoint::decode(&checkpoint_buf).unwrap();
188 6 :
189 6 : checkpoint.nextXid = FullTransactionId { value: 10 };
190 6 : assert_eq!(checkpoint.nextXid.value, 10);
191 :
192 : // The input XID gets rounded up to the next XID_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL
193 : // boundary
194 6 : checkpoint.update_next_xid(100);
195 6 : assert_eq!(checkpoint.nextXid.value, 1024);
196 :
197 : // No change
198 6 : checkpoint.update_next_xid(500);
199 6 : assert_eq!(checkpoint.nextXid.value, 1024);
200 6 : checkpoint.update_next_xid(1023);
201 6 : assert_eq!(checkpoint.nextXid.value, 1024);
202 :
203 : // The function returns the *next* XID, given the highest XID seen so
204 : // far. So when we pass 1024, the nextXid gets bumped up to the next
205 : // XID_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL boundary.
206 6 : checkpoint.update_next_xid(1024);
207 6 : assert_eq!(checkpoint.nextXid.value, 2048);
208 6 : }
209 :
210 6 : #[test]
211 6 : pub fn test_encode_logical_message() {
212 6 : let expected = [
213 6 : 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 0, 0, 170, 34, 166, 227, 255,
214 6 : 38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 112, 114,
215 6 : 101, 102, 105, 120, 0, 109, 101, 115, 115, 97, 103, 101,
216 6 : ];
217 6 : let actual = encode_logical_message("prefix", "message");
218 6 : assert_eq!(expected, actual[..]);
219 6 : }