Line data Source code
1 : use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
2 : use utils::seqwait::MonotonicCounter;
3 :
4 : mod compute_hook;
5 : pub mod http;
6 : mod node;
7 : pub mod persistence;
8 : mod reconciler;
9 : mod scheduler;
10 : mod schema;
11 : pub mod service;
12 : mod tenant_state;
13 :
14 504 : #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
15 : enum PlacementPolicy {
16 : /// Cheapest way to attach a tenant: just one pageserver, no secondary
17 : Single,
18 : /// Production-ready way to attach a tenant: one attached pageserver and
19 : /// some number of secondaries.
20 : Double(usize),
21 : /// Do not attach to any pageservers
22 : Detached,
23 : }
24 :
25 2410 : #[derive(Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
26 : struct Sequence(u64);
27 :
28 : impl Sequence {
29 27 : fn initial() -> Self {
30 27 : Self(0)
31 27 : }
32 : }
33 :
34 : impl std::fmt::Display for Sequence {
35 984 : fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
36 984 : write!(f, "{}", self.0)
37 984 : }
38 : }
39 :
40 : impl MonotonicCounter<Sequence> for Sequence {
41 489 : fn cnt_advance(&mut self, v: Sequence) {
42 489 : assert!(*self <= v);
43 489 : *self = v;
44 489 : }
45 1452 : fn cnt_value(&self) -> Sequence {
46 1452 : *self
47 1452 : }
48 : }
49 :
50 : impl Sequence {
51 5 : fn next(&self) -> Sequence {
52 5 : Sequence(self.0 + 1)
53 5 : }
54 : }
55 :
56 : impl Default for PlacementPolicy {
57 13 : fn default() -> Self {
58 13 : PlacementPolicy::Double(1)
59 13 : }
60 : }