LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - compute_tools/src/http - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 61.1 % 234 143
Test Date: 2024-02-07 07:37:29 Functions: 64.3 % 42 27

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use std::convert::Infallible;
       2              : use std::net::IpAddr;
       3              : use std::net::Ipv6Addr;
       4              : use std::net::SocketAddr;
       5              : use std::sync::Arc;
       6              : use std::thread;
       7              : 
       8              : use crate::compute::{ComputeNode, ComputeState, ParsedSpec};
       9              : use compute_api::requests::ConfigurationRequest;
      10              : use compute_api::responses::{ComputeStatus, ComputeStatusResponse, GenericAPIError};
      11              : 
      12              : use anyhow::Result;
      13              : use hyper::service::{make_service_fn, service_fn};
      14              : use hyper::{Body, Method, Request, Response, Server, StatusCode};
      15              : use num_cpus;
      16              : use serde_json;
      17              : use tokio::task;
      18              : use tracing::{error, info, warn};
      19              : use tracing_utils::http::OtelName;
      20              : 
      21         2218 : fn status_response_from_state(state: &ComputeState) -> ComputeStatusResponse {
      22         2218 :     ComputeStatusResponse {
      23         2218 :         start_time: state.start_time,
      24         2218 :         tenant: state
      25         2218 :             .pspec
      26         2218 :             .as_ref()
      27         2218 :             .map(|pspec| pspec.tenant_id.to_string()),
      28         2218 :         timeline: state
      29         2218 :             .pspec
      30         2218 :             .as_ref()
      31         2218 :             .map(|pspec| pspec.timeline_id.to_string()),
      32         2218 :         status: state.status,
      33         2218 :         last_active: state.last_active,
      34         2218 :         error: state.error.clone(),
      35         2218 :     }
      36         2218 : }
      37              : 
      38              : // Service function to handle all available routes.
      39         2261 : async fn routes(req: Request<Body>, compute: &Arc<ComputeNode>) -> Response<Body> {
      40         2261 :     //
      41         2261 :     // NOTE: The URI path is currently included in traces. That's OK because
      42         2261 :     // it doesn't contain any variable parts or sensitive information. But
      43         2261 :     // please keep that in mind if you change the routing here.
      44         2261 :     //
      45         2261 :     match (req.method(), req.uri().path()) {
      46              :         // Serialized compute state.
      47         1997 :         (&Method::GET, "/status") => {
      48         1997 :             info!("serving /status GET request");
      49         1997 :             let state = compute.state.lock().unwrap();
      50         1997 :             let status_response = status_response_from_state(&state);
      51         1997 :             Response::new(Body::from(serde_json::to_string(&status_response).unwrap()))
      52              :         }
      53              : 
      54              :         // Startup metrics in JSON format. Keep /metrics reserved for a possible
      55              :         // future use for Prometheus metrics format.
      56            0 :         (&Method::GET, "/metrics.json") => {
      57            0 :             info!("serving /metrics.json GET request");
      58            0 :             let metrics = compute.state.lock().unwrap().metrics.clone();
      59            0 :             Response::new(Body::from(serde_json::to_string(&metrics).unwrap()))
      60              :         }
      61              : 
      62              :         // Collect Postgres current usage insights
      63            0 :         (&Method::GET, "/insights") => {
      64            0 :             info!("serving /insights GET request");
      65            0 :             let status = compute.get_status();
      66            0 :             if status != ComputeStatus::Running {
      67            0 :                 let msg = format!("compute is not running, current status: {:?}", status);
      68            0 :                 error!(msg);
      69            0 :                 return Response::new(Body::from(msg));
      70            0 :             }
      71              : 
      72            0 :             let insights = compute.collect_insights().await;
      73            0 :             Response::new(Body::from(insights))
      74              :         }
      75              : 
      76          264 :         (&Method::POST, "/check_writability") => {
      77            0 :             info!("serving /check_writability POST request");
      78            0 :             let status = compute.get_status();
      79            0 :             if status != ComputeStatus::Running {
      80            0 :                 let msg = format!(
      81            0 :                     "invalid compute status for check_writability request: {:?}",
      82            0 :                     status
      83            0 :                 );
      84            0 :                 error!(msg);
      85            0 :                 return Response::new(Body::from(msg));
      86            0 :             }
      87              : 
      88            0 :             let res = crate::checker::check_writability(compute).await;
      89            0 :             match res {
      90            0 :                 Ok(_) => Response::new(Body::from("true")),
      91            0 :                 Err(e) => {
      92            0 :                     error!("check_writability failed: {}", e);
      93            0 :                     Response::new(Body::from(e.to_string()))
      94              :                 }
      95              :             }
      96              :         }
      97              : 
      98            0 :         (&Method::GET, "/info") => {
      99            0 :             let num_cpus = num_cpus::get_physical();
     100            0 :             info!("serving /info GET request. num_cpus: {}", num_cpus);
     101            0 :             Response::new(Body::from(
     102            0 :                 serde_json::json!({
     103            0 :                     "num_cpus": num_cpus,
     104            0 :                 })
     105            0 :                 .to_string(),
     106            0 :             ))
     107              :         }
     108              : 
     109              :         // Accept spec in JSON format and request compute configuration. If
     110              :         // anything goes wrong after we set the compute status to `ConfigurationPending`
     111              :         // and update compute state with new spec, we basically leave compute
     112              :         // in the potentially wrong state. That said, it's control-plane's
     113              :         // responsibility to watch compute state after reconfiguration request
     114              :         // and to clean restart in case of errors.
     115          264 :         (&Method::POST, "/configure") => {
     116          221 :             info!("serving /configure POST request");
     117          442 :             match handle_configure_request(req, compute).await {
     118          221 :                 Ok(msg) => Response::new(Body::from(msg)),
     119            0 :                 Err((msg, code)) => {
     120            0 :                     error!("error handling /configure request: {msg}");
     121            0 :                     render_json_error(&msg, code)
     122              :                 }
     123              :             }
     124              :         }
     125              : 
     126              :         // download extension files from remote extension storage on demand
     127           43 :         (&Method::POST, route) if route.starts_with("/extension_server/") => {
     128           43 :             info!("serving {:?} POST request", route);
     129           43 :             info!("req.uri {:?}", req.uri());
     130              : 
     131              :             // don't even try to download extensions
     132              :             // if no remote storage is configured
     133           43 :             if compute.ext_remote_storage.is_none() {
     134           41 :                 info!("no extensions remote storage configured");
     135           41 :                 let mut resp = Response::new(Body::from("no remote storage configured"));
     136           41 :                 *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
     137           41 :                 return resp;
     138            2 :             }
     139            2 : 
     140            2 :             let mut is_library = false;
     141            2 :             if let Some(params) = req.uri().query() {
     142            0 :                 info!("serving {:?} POST request with params: {}", route, params);
     143            0 :                 if params == "is_library=true" {
     144            0 :                     is_library = true;
     145            0 :                 } else {
     146            0 :                     let mut resp = Response::new(Body::from("Wrong request parameters"));
     147            0 :                     *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST;
     148            0 :                     return resp;
     149              :                 }
     150            2 :             }
     151            2 :             let filename = route.split('/').last().unwrap().to_string();
     152            2 :             info!("serving /extension_server POST request, filename: {filename:?} is_library: {is_library}");
     153              : 
     154              :             // get ext_name and path from spec
     155              :             // don't lock compute_state for too long
     156            2 :             let ext = {
     157            2 :                 let compute_state = compute.state.lock().unwrap();
     158            2 :                 let pspec = compute_state.pspec.as_ref().expect("spec must be set");
     159            2 :                 let spec = &pspec.spec;
     160              : 
     161              :                 // debug only
     162            2 :                 info!("spec: {:?}", spec);
     163              : 
     164            2 :                 let remote_extensions = match spec.remote_extensions.as_ref() {
     165            2 :                     Some(r) => r,
     166              :                     None => {
     167            0 :                         info!("no remote extensions spec was provided");
     168            0 :                         let mut resp = Response::new(Body::from("no remote storage configured"));
     169            0 :                         *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
     170            0 :                         return resp;
     171              :                     }
     172              :                 };
     173              : 
     174            2 :                 remote_extensions.get_ext(
     175            2 :                     &filename,
     176            2 :                     is_library,
     177            2 :                     &compute.build_tag,
     178            2 :                     &compute.pgversion,
     179            2 :                 )
     180            2 :             };
     181            2 : 
     182            2 :             match ext {
     183            2 :                 Ok((ext_name, ext_path)) => {
     184           10 :                     match compute.download_extension(ext_name, ext_path).await {
     185            2 :                         Ok(_) => Response::new(Body::from("OK")),
     186            0 :                         Err(e) => {
     187            0 :                             error!("extension download failed: {}", e);
     188            0 :                             let mut resp = Response::new(Body::from(e.to_string()));
     189            0 :                             *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
     190            0 :                             resp
     191              :                         }
     192              :                     }
     193              :                 }
     194            0 :                 Err(e) => {
     195            0 :                     warn!("extension download failed to find extension: {}", e);
     196            0 :                     let mut resp = Response::new(Body::from("failed to find file"));
     197            0 :                     *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
     198            0 :                     resp
     199              :                 }
     200              :             }
     201              :         }
     202              : 
     203              :         // Return the `404 Not Found` for any other routes.
     204              :         _ => {
     205            0 :             let mut not_found = Response::new(Body::from("404 Not Found"));
     206            0 :             *not_found.status_mut() = StatusCode::NOT_FOUND;
     207            0 :             not_found
     208              :         }
     209              :     }
     210         2261 : }
     211              : 
     212          221 : async fn handle_configure_request(
     213          221 :     req: Request<Body>,
     214          221 :     compute: &Arc<ComputeNode>,
     215          221 : ) -> Result<String, (String, StatusCode)> {
     216          221 :     if !compute.live_config_allowed {
     217            0 :         return Err((
     218            0 :             "live configuration is not allowed for this compute node".to_string(),
     219            0 :             StatusCode::PRECONDITION_FAILED,
     220            0 :         ));
     221          221 :     }
     222              : 
     223          221 :     let body_bytes = hyper::body::to_bytes(req.into_body()).await.unwrap();
     224          221 :     let spec_raw = String::from_utf8(body_bytes.to_vec()).unwrap();
     225          221 :     if let Ok(request) = serde_json::from_str::<ConfigurationRequest>(&spec_raw) {
     226          221 :         let spec = request.spec;
     227              : 
     228          221 :         let parsed_spec = match ParsedSpec::try_from(spec) {
     229          221 :             Ok(ps) => ps,
     230            0 :             Err(msg) => return Err((msg, StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST)),
     231              :         };
     232              : 
     233              :         // XXX: wrap state update under lock in code blocks. Otherwise,
     234              :         // we will try to `Send` `mut state` into the spawned thread
     235              :         // bellow, which will cause error:
     236              :         // ```
     237              :         // error: future cannot be sent between threads safely
     238              :         // ```
     239              :         {
     240          221 :             let mut state = compute.state.lock().unwrap();
     241          221 :             if state.status != ComputeStatus::Empty && state.status != ComputeStatus::Running {
     242            0 :                 let msg = format!(
     243            0 :                     "invalid compute status for configuration request: {:?}",
     244            0 :                     state.status.clone()
     245            0 :                 );
     246            0 :                 return Err((msg, StatusCode::PRECONDITION_FAILED));
     247          221 :             }
     248          221 :             state.pspec = Some(parsed_spec);
     249          221 :             state.status = ComputeStatus::ConfigurationPending;
     250          221 :             compute.state_changed.notify_all();
     251          221 :             drop(state);
     252          221 :             info!("set new spec and notified waiters");
     253              :         }
     254              : 
     255              :         // Spawn a blocking thread to wait for compute to become Running.
     256              :         // This is needed to do not block the main pool of workers and
     257              :         // be able to serve other requests while some particular request
     258              :         // is waiting for compute to finish configuration.
     259          221 :         let c = compute.clone();
     260          221 :         task::spawn_blocking(move || {
     261          221 :             let mut state = c.state.lock().unwrap();
     262          450 :             while state.status != ComputeStatus::Running {
     263          229 :                 state = c.state_changed.wait(state).unwrap();
     264          229 :                 info!(
     265          229 :                     "waiting for compute to become Running, current status: {:?}",
     266          229 :                     state.status
     267          229 :                 );
     268              : 
     269          229 :                 if state.status == ComputeStatus::Failed {
     270            0 :                     let err = state.error.as_ref().map_or("unknown error", |x| x);
     271            0 :                     let msg = format!("compute configuration failed: {:?}", err);
     272            0 :                     return Err((msg, StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));
     273          229 :                 }
     274              :             }
     275              : 
     276          221 :             Ok(())
     277          221 :         })
     278          442 :         .await
     279          221 :         .unwrap()?;
     280              : 
     281              :         // Return current compute state if everything went well.
     282          221 :         let state = compute.state.lock().unwrap().clone();
     283          221 :         let status_response = status_response_from_state(&state);
     284          221 :         Ok(serde_json::to_string(&status_response).unwrap())
     285              :     } else {
     286            0 :         Err(("invalid spec".to_string(), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST))
     287              :     }
     288          221 : }
     289              : 
     290            0 : fn render_json_error(e: &str, status: StatusCode) -> Response<Body> {
     291            0 :     let error = GenericAPIError {
     292            0 :         error: e.to_string(),
     293            0 :     };
     294            0 :     Response::builder()
     295            0 :         .status(status)
     296            0 :         .body(Body::from(serde_json::to_string(&error).unwrap()))
     297            0 :         .unwrap()
     298            0 : }
     299              : 
     300              : // Main Hyper HTTP server function that runs it and blocks waiting on it forever.
     301              : #[tokio::main]
     302          575 : async fn serve(port: u16, state: Arc<ComputeNode>) {
     303          575 :     // this usually binds to both IPv4 and IPv6 on linux
     304          575 :     // see e.g.
     305          575 :     let addr = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::from(Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED), port);
     306          575 : 
     307         2261 :     let make_service = make_service_fn(move |_conn| {
     308         2261 :         let state = state.clone();
     309         2261 :         async move {
     310         2261 :             Ok::<_, Infallible>(service_fn(move |req: Request<Body>| {
     311         2261 :                 let state = state.clone();
     312         2261 :                 async move {
     313         2261 :                     Ok::<_, Infallible>(
     314         2261 :                         // NOTE: We include the URI path in the string. It
     315         2261 :                         // doesn't contain any variable parts or sensitive
     316         2261 :                         // information in this API.
     317         2261 :                         tracing_utils::http::tracing_handler(
     318         2261 :                             req,
     319         2261 :                             |req| routes(req, &state),
     320         2261 :                             OtelName::UriPath,
     321         2261 :                         )
     322          452 :                         .await,
     323              :                     )
     324         2261 :                 }
     325         2261 :             }))
     326         2261 :         }
     327         2261 :     });
     328          575 : 
     329          575 :     info!("starting HTTP server on {}", addr);
     330              : 
     331          575 :     let server = Server::bind(&addr).serve(make_service);
     332              : 
     333              :     // Run this server forever
     334         2261 :     if let Err(e) = server.await {
     335            0 :         error!("server error: {}", e);
     336            0 :     }
     337              : }
     338              : 
     339              : /// Launch a separate Hyper HTTP API server thread and return its `JoinHandle`.
     340          575 : pub fn launch_http_server(port: u16, state: &Arc<ComputeNode>) -> Result<thread::JoinHandle<()>> {
     341          575 :     let state = Arc::clone(state);
     342          575 : 
     343          575 :     Ok(thread::Builder::new()
     344          575 :         .name("http-endpoint".into())
     345          575 :         .spawn(move || serve(port, state))?)
     346          575 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta