LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - pageserver/src - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 82.1 % 262 215
Test Date: 2024-09-25 14:04:07 Functions: 47.8 % 46 22

            Line data    Source code
       1              : //! Functions for handling page server configuration options
       2              : //!
       3              : //! Configuration options can be set in the pageserver.toml configuration
       4              : //! file, or on the command line.
       5              : //! See also `` for better description on every parameter.
       6              : 
       7              : use anyhow::{bail, ensure, Context};
       8              : use pageserver_api::models::ImageCompressionAlgorithm;
       9              : use pageserver_api::{
      10              :     config::{DiskUsageEvictionTaskConfig, MaxVectoredReadBytes},
      11              :     shard::TenantShardId,
      12              : };
      13              : use remote_storage::{RemotePath, RemoteStorageConfig};
      14              : use std::env;
      15              : use storage_broker::Uri;
      16              : use utils::logging::SecretString;
      17              : 
      18              : use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
      19              : use reqwest::Url;
      20              : use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
      21              : use std::sync::Arc;
      22              : use std::time::Duration;
      23              : 
      24              : use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf};
      25              : use postgres_backend::AuthType;
      26              : use utils::{
      27              :     id::{NodeId, TimelineId},
      28              :     logging::LogFormat,
      29              : };
      30              : 
      31              : use crate::tenant::storage_layer::inmemory_layer::IndexEntry;
      32              : use crate::tenant::{TENANTS_SEGMENT_NAME, TIMELINES_SEGMENT_NAME};
      33              : use crate::virtual_file;
      34              : use crate::virtual_file::io_engine;
      35              : use crate::{TENANT_HEATMAP_BASENAME, TENANT_LOCATION_CONFIG_NAME};
      36              : 
      37              : /// Global state of pageserver.
      38              : ///
      39              : /// It's mostly immutable configuration, but some semaphores and the
      40              : /// like crept in over time and the name stuck.
      41              : ///
      42              : /// Instantiated by deserializing `pageserver.toml` into  [`pageserver_api::config::ConfigToml`]
      43              : /// and passing that to [`PageServerConf::parse_and_validate`].
      44              : ///
      45              : /// # Adding a New Field
      46              : ///
      47              : /// 1. Add the field to `pageserver_api::config::ConfigToml`.
      48              : /// 2. Fix compiler errors (exhaustive destructuring will guide you).
      49              : ///
      50              : /// For fields that require additional validation or filling in of defaults at runtime,
      51              : /// check for examples in the [`PageServerConf::parse_and_validate`] method.
      52              : #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
      53              : pub struct PageServerConf {
      54              :     // Identifier of that particular pageserver so e g safekeepers
      55              :     // can safely distinguish different pageservers
      56              :     pub id: NodeId,
      57              : 
      58              :     /// Example (default):
      59              :     pub listen_pg_addr: String,
      60              :     /// Example (default):
      61              :     pub listen_http_addr: String,
      62              : 
      63              :     /// Current availability zone. Used for traffic metrics.
      64              :     pub availability_zone: Option<String>,
      65              : 
      66              :     // Timeout when waiting for WAL receiver to catch up to an LSN given in a GetPage@LSN call.
      67              :     pub wait_lsn_timeout: Duration,
      68              :     // How long to wait for WAL redo to complete.
      69              :     pub wal_redo_timeout: Duration,
      70              : 
      71              :     pub superuser: String,
      72              : 
      73              :     pub page_cache_size: usize,
      74              :     pub max_file_descriptors: usize,
      75              : 
      76              :     // Repository directory, relative to current working directory.
      77              :     // Normally, the page server changes the current working directory
      78              :     // to the repository, and 'workdir' is always '.'. But we don't do
      79              :     // that during unit testing, because the current directory is global
      80              :     // to the process but different unit tests work on different
      81              :     // repositories.
      82              :     pub workdir: Utf8PathBuf,
      83              : 
      84              :     pub pg_distrib_dir: Utf8PathBuf,
      85              : 
      86              :     // Authentication
      87              :     /// authentication method for the HTTP mgmt API
      88              :     pub http_auth_type: AuthType,
      89              :     /// authentication method for libpq connections from compute
      90              :     pub pg_auth_type: AuthType,
      91              :     /// Path to a file or directory containing public key(s) for verifying JWT tokens.
      92              :     /// Used for both mgmt and compute auth, if enabled.
      93              :     pub auth_validation_public_key_path: Option<Utf8PathBuf>,
      94              : 
      95              :     pub remote_storage_config: Option<RemoteStorageConfig>,
      96              : 
      97              :     pub default_tenant_conf: crate::tenant::config::TenantConf,
      98              : 
      99              :     /// Storage broker endpoints to connect to.
     100              :     pub broker_endpoint: Uri,
     101              :     pub broker_keepalive_interval: Duration,
     102              : 
     103              :     pub log_format: LogFormat,
     104              : 
     105              :     /// Number of tenants which will be concurrently loaded from remote storage proactively on startup or attach.
     106              :     ///
     107              :     /// A lower value implicitly deprioritizes loading such tenants, vs. other work in the system.
     108              :     pub concurrent_tenant_warmup: ConfigurableSemaphore,
     109              : 
     110              :     /// Number of concurrent [`Tenant::gather_size_inputs`](crate::tenant::Tenant::gather_size_inputs) allowed.
     111              :     pub concurrent_tenant_size_logical_size_queries: ConfigurableSemaphore,
     112              :     /// Limit of concurrent [`Tenant::gather_size_inputs`] issued by module `eviction_task`.
     113              :     /// The number of permits is the same as `concurrent_tenant_size_logical_size_queries`.
     114              :     /// See the comment in `eviction_task` for details.
     115              :     ///
     116              :     /// [`Tenant::gather_size_inputs`]: crate::tenant::Tenant::gather_size_inputs
     117              :     pub eviction_task_immitated_concurrent_logical_size_queries: ConfigurableSemaphore,
     118              : 
     119              :     // How often to collect metrics and send them to the metrics endpoint.
     120              :     pub metric_collection_interval: Duration,
     121              :     // How often to send unchanged cached metrics to the metrics endpoint.
     122              :     pub metric_collection_endpoint: Option<Url>,
     123              :     pub metric_collection_bucket: Option<RemoteStorageConfig>,
     124              :     pub synthetic_size_calculation_interval: Duration,
     125              : 
     126              :     pub disk_usage_based_eviction: Option<DiskUsageEvictionTaskConfig>,
     127              : 
     128              :     pub test_remote_failures: u64,
     129              : 
     130              :     pub ondemand_download_behavior_treat_error_as_warn: bool,
     131              : 
     132              :     /// How long will background tasks be delayed at most after initial load of tenants.
     133              :     ///
     134              :     /// Our largest initialization completions are in the range of 100-200s, so perhaps 10s works
     135              :     /// as we now isolate initial loading, initial logical size calculation and background tasks.
     136              :     /// Smaller nodes will have background tasks "not running" for this long unless every timeline
     137              :     /// has it's initial logical size calculated. Not running background tasks for some seconds is
     138              :     /// not terrible.
     139              :     pub background_task_maximum_delay: Duration,
     140              : 
     141              :     pub control_plane_api: Option<Url>,
     142              : 
     143              :     /// JWT token for use with the control plane API.
     144              :     pub control_plane_api_token: Option<SecretString>,
     145              : 
     146              :     /// If true, pageserver will make best-effort to operate without a control plane: only
     147              :     /// for use in major incidents.
     148              :     pub control_plane_emergency_mode: bool,
     149              : 
     150              :     /// How many heatmap uploads may be done concurrency: lower values implicitly deprioritize
     151              :     /// heatmap uploads vs. other remote storage operations.
     152              :     pub heatmap_upload_concurrency: usize,
     153              : 
     154              :     /// How many remote storage downloads may be done for secondary tenants concurrently.  Implicitly
     155              :     /// deprioritises secondary downloads vs. remote storage operations for attached tenants.
     156              :     pub secondary_download_concurrency: usize,
     157              : 
     158              :     /// Maximum number of WAL records to be ingested and committed at the same time
     159              :     pub ingest_batch_size: u64,
     160              : 
     161              :     pub virtual_file_io_engine: virtual_file::IoEngineKind,
     162              : 
     163              :     pub max_vectored_read_bytes: MaxVectoredReadBytes,
     164              : 
     165              :     pub image_compression: ImageCompressionAlgorithm,
     166              : 
     167              :     /// How many bytes of ephemeral layer content will we allow per kilobyte of RAM.  When this
     168              :     /// is exceeded, we start proactively closing ephemeral layers to limit the total amount
     169              :     /// of ephemeral data.
     170              :     ///
     171              :     /// Setting this to zero disables limits on total ephemeral layer size.
     172              :     pub ephemeral_bytes_per_memory_kb: usize,
     173              : 
     174              :     pub l0_flush: crate::l0_flush::L0FlushConfig,
     175              : 
     176              :     /// Direct IO settings
     177              :     pub virtual_file_direct_io: virtual_file::DirectIoMode,
     178              : 
     179              :     pub io_buffer_alignment: usize,
     180              : }
     181              : 
     182              : /// Token for authentication to safekeepers
     183              : ///
     184              : /// We do not want to store this in a PageServerConf because the latter may be logged
     185              : /// and/or serialized at a whim, while the token is secret. Currently this token is the
     186              : /// same for accessing all tenants/timelines, but may become per-tenant/per-timeline in
     187              : /// the future, more tokens and auth may arrive for storage broker, completely changing the logic.
     188              : /// Hence, we resort to a global variable for now instead of passing the token from the
     189              : /// startup code to the connection code through a dozen layers.
     190              : pub static SAFEKEEPER_AUTH_TOKEN: OnceCell<Arc<String>> = OnceCell::new();
     191              : 
     192              : impl PageServerConf {
     193              :     //
     194              :     // Repository paths, relative to workdir.
     195              :     //
     196              : 
     197        20778 :     pub fn tenants_path(&self) -> Utf8PathBuf {
     198        20778 :         self.workdir.join(TENANTS_SEGMENT_NAME)
     199        20778 :     }
     200              : 
     201          216 :     pub fn deletion_prefix(&self) -> Utf8PathBuf {
     202          216 :         self.workdir.join("deletion")
     203          216 :     }
     204              : 
     205            0 :     pub fn metadata_path(&self) -> Utf8PathBuf {
     206            0 :         self.workdir.join("metadata.json")
     207            0 :     }
     208              : 
     209           84 :     pub fn deletion_list_path(&self, sequence: u64) -> Utf8PathBuf {
     210              :         // Encode a version in the filename, so that if we ever switch away from JSON we can
     211              :         // increment this.
     212              :         const VERSION: u8 = 1;
     213              : 
     214           84 :         self.deletion_prefix()
     215           84 :             .join(format!("{sequence:016x}-{VERSION:02x}.list"))
     216           84 :     }
     217              : 
     218           72 :     pub fn deletion_header_path(&self) -> Utf8PathBuf {
     219              :         // Encode a version in the filename, so that if we ever switch away from JSON we can
     220              :         // increment this.
     221              :         const VERSION: u8 = 1;
     222              : 
     223           72 :         self.deletion_prefix().join(format!("header-{VERSION:02x}"))
     224           72 :     }
     225              : 
     226        20778 :     pub fn tenant_path(&self, tenant_shard_id: &TenantShardId) -> Utf8PathBuf {
     227        20778 :         self.tenants_path().join(tenant_shard_id.to_string())
     228        20778 :     }
     229              : 
     230              :     /// Points to a place in pageserver's local directory,
     231              :     /// where certain tenant's LocationConf be stored.
     232            0 :     pub(crate) fn tenant_location_config_path(
     233            0 :         &self,
     234            0 :         tenant_shard_id: &TenantShardId,
     235            0 :     ) -> Utf8PathBuf {
     236            0 :         self.tenant_path(tenant_shard_id)
     237            0 :             .join(TENANT_LOCATION_CONFIG_NAME)
     238            0 :     }
     239              : 
     240            0 :     pub(crate) fn tenant_heatmap_path(&self, tenant_shard_id: &TenantShardId) -> Utf8PathBuf {
     241            0 :         self.tenant_path(tenant_shard_id)
     242            0 :             .join(TENANT_HEATMAP_BASENAME)
     243            0 :     }
     244              : 
     245        20196 :     pub fn timelines_path(&self, tenant_shard_id: &TenantShardId) -> Utf8PathBuf {
     246        20196 :         self.tenant_path(tenant_shard_id)
     247        20196 :             .join(TIMELINES_SEGMENT_NAME)
     248        20196 :     }
     249              : 
     250        19044 :     pub fn timeline_path(
     251        19044 :         &self,
     252        19044 :         tenant_shard_id: &TenantShardId,
     253        19044 :         timeline_id: &TimelineId,
     254        19044 :     ) -> Utf8PathBuf {
     255        19044 :         self.timelines_path(tenant_shard_id)
     256        19044 :             .join(timeline_id.to_string())
     257        19044 :     }
     258              : 
     259              :     /// Turns storage remote path of a file into its local path.
     260            0 :     pub fn local_path(&self, remote_path: &RemotePath) -> Utf8PathBuf {
     261            0 :         remote_path.with_base(&self.workdir)
     262            0 :     }
     263              : 
     264              :     //
     265              :     // Postgres distribution paths
     266              :     //
     267           48 :     pub fn pg_distrib_dir(&self, pg_version: u32) -> anyhow::Result<Utf8PathBuf> {
     268           48 :         let path = self.pg_distrib_dir.clone();
     269           48 : 
     270           48 :         #[allow(clippy::manual_range_patterns)]
     271           48 :         match pg_version {
     272           48 :             14 | 15 | 16 | 17 => Ok(path.join(format!("v{pg_version}"))),
     273            0 :             _ => bail!("Unsupported postgres version: {}", pg_version),
     274              :         }
     275           48 :     }
     276              : 
     277           24 :     pub fn pg_bin_dir(&self, pg_version: u32) -> anyhow::Result<Utf8PathBuf> {
     278           24 :         Ok(self.pg_distrib_dir(pg_version)?.join("bin"))
     279           24 :     }
     280           24 :     pub fn pg_lib_dir(&self, pg_version: u32) -> anyhow::Result<Utf8PathBuf> {
     281           24 :         Ok(self.pg_distrib_dir(pg_version)?.join("lib"))
     282           24 :     }
     283              : 
     284              :     /// Parse a configuration file (pageserver.toml) into a PageServerConf struct,
     285              :     /// validating the input and failing on errors.
     286              :     ///
     287              :     /// This leaves any options not present in the file in the built-in defaults.
     288          618 :     pub fn parse_and_validate(
     289          618 :         id: NodeId,
     290          618 :         config_toml: pageserver_api::config::ConfigToml,
     291          618 :         workdir: &Utf8Path,
     292          618 :     ) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
     293          618 :         let pageserver_api::config::ConfigToml {
     294          618 :             listen_pg_addr,
     295          618 :             listen_http_addr,
     296          618 :             availability_zone,
     297          618 :             wait_lsn_timeout,
     298          618 :             wal_redo_timeout,
     299          618 :             superuser,
     300          618 :             page_cache_size,
     301          618 :             max_file_descriptors,
     302          618 :             pg_distrib_dir,
     303          618 :             http_auth_type,
     304          618 :             pg_auth_type,
     305          618 :             auth_validation_public_key_path,
     306          618 :             remote_storage,
     307          618 :             broker_endpoint,
     308          618 :             broker_keepalive_interval,
     309          618 :             log_format,
     310          618 :             metric_collection_interval,
     311          618 :             metric_collection_endpoint,
     312          618 :             metric_collection_bucket,
     313          618 :             synthetic_size_calculation_interval,
     314          618 :             disk_usage_based_eviction,
     315          618 :             test_remote_failures,
     316          618 :             ondemand_download_behavior_treat_error_as_warn,
     317          618 :             background_task_maximum_delay,
     318          618 :             control_plane_api,
     319          618 :             control_plane_api_token,
     320          618 :             control_plane_emergency_mode,
     321          618 :             heatmap_upload_concurrency,
     322          618 :             secondary_download_concurrency,
     323          618 :             ingest_batch_size,
     324          618 :             max_vectored_read_bytes,
     325          618 :             image_compression,
     326          618 :             ephemeral_bytes_per_memory_kb,
     327          618 :             compact_level0_phase1_value_access: _,
     328          618 :             l0_flush,
     329          618 :             virtual_file_direct_io,
     330          618 :             concurrent_tenant_warmup,
     331          618 :             concurrent_tenant_size_logical_size_queries,
     332          618 :             virtual_file_io_engine,
     333          618 :             io_buffer_alignment,
     334          618 :             tenant_config,
     335          618 :         } = config_toml;
     336              : 
     337          618 :         let mut conf = PageServerConf {
     338              :             // ------------------------------------------------------------
     339              :             // fields that are already fully validated by the ConfigToml Deserialize impl
     340              :             // ------------------------------------------------------------
     341          618 :             listen_pg_addr,
     342          618 :             listen_http_addr,
     343          618 :             availability_zone,
     344          618 :             wait_lsn_timeout,
     345          618 :             wal_redo_timeout,
     346          618 :             superuser,
     347          618 :             page_cache_size,
     348          618 :             max_file_descriptors,
     349          618 :             http_auth_type,
     350          618 :             pg_auth_type,
     351          618 :             auth_validation_public_key_path,
     352          618 :             remote_storage_config: remote_storage,
     353          618 :             broker_endpoint,
     354          618 :             broker_keepalive_interval,
     355          618 :             log_format,
     356          618 :             metric_collection_interval,
     357          618 :             metric_collection_endpoint,
     358          618 :             metric_collection_bucket,
     359          618 :             synthetic_size_calculation_interval,
     360          618 :             disk_usage_based_eviction,
     361          618 :             test_remote_failures,
     362          618 :             ondemand_download_behavior_treat_error_as_warn,
     363          618 :             background_task_maximum_delay,
     364          618 :             control_plane_api,
     365          618 :             control_plane_emergency_mode,
     366          618 :             heatmap_upload_concurrency,
     367          618 :             secondary_download_concurrency,
     368          618 :             ingest_batch_size,
     369          618 :             max_vectored_read_bytes,
     370          618 :             image_compression,
     371          618 :             ephemeral_bytes_per_memory_kb,
     372          618 :             virtual_file_direct_io,
     373          618 :             io_buffer_alignment,
     374          618 : 
     375          618 :             // ------------------------------------------------------------
     376          618 :             // fields that require additional validation or custom handling
     377          618 :             // ------------------------------------------------------------
     378          618 :             workdir: workdir.to_owned(),
     379          618 :             pg_distrib_dir: pg_distrib_dir.unwrap_or_else(|| {
     380            6 :                 std::env::current_dir()
     381            6 :                     .expect("current_dir() failed")
     382            6 :                     .try_into()
     383            6 :                     .expect("current_dir() is not a valid Utf8Path")
     384          618 :             }),
     385          618 :             control_plane_api_token:,
     386          618 :             id,
     387          618 :             default_tenant_conf: tenant_config,
     388          618 :             concurrent_tenant_warmup: ConfigurableSemaphore::new(concurrent_tenant_warmup),
     389          618 :             concurrent_tenant_size_logical_size_queries: ConfigurableSemaphore::new(
     390          618 :                 concurrent_tenant_size_logical_size_queries,
     391          618 :             ),
     392          618 :             eviction_task_immitated_concurrent_logical_size_queries: ConfigurableSemaphore::new(
     393          618 :                 // re-use `concurrent_tenant_size_logical_size_queries`
     394          618 :                 concurrent_tenant_size_logical_size_queries,
     395          618 :             ),
     396          618 :             virtual_file_io_engine: match virtual_file_io_engine {
     397            0 :                 Some(v) => v,
     398          618 :                 None => match crate::virtual_file::io_engine_feature_test()
     399          618 :                     .context("auto-detect virtual_file_io_engine")?
     400              :                 {
     401          618 :                     io_engine::FeatureTestResult::PlatformPreferred(v) => v, // make no noise
     402            0 :                     io_engine::FeatureTestResult::Worse { engine, remark } => {
     403            0 :                         // TODO: bubble this up to the caller so we can tracing::warn! it.
     404            0 :                         eprintln!("auto-detected IO engine is not platform-preferred: engine={engine:?} remark={remark:?}");
     405            0 :                         engine
     406              :                     }
     407              :                 },
     408              :             },
     409          618 :             l0_flush: l0_flush
     410          618 :                 .map(crate::l0_flush::L0FlushConfig::from)
     411          618 :                 .unwrap_or_default(),
     412          618 :         };
     413          618 : 
     414          618 :         // ------------------------------------------------------------
     415          618 :         // custom validation code that covers more than one field in isolation
     416          618 :         // ------------------------------------------------------------
     417          618 : 
     418          618 :         if conf.http_auth_type == AuthType::NeonJWT || conf.pg_auth_type == AuthType::NeonJWT {
     419            0 :             let auth_validation_public_key_path = conf
     420            0 :                 .auth_validation_public_key_path
     421            0 :                 .get_or_insert_with(|| workdir.join("auth_public_key.pem"));
     422            0 :             ensure!(
     423            0 :                 auth_validation_public_key_path.exists(),
     424            0 :                 format!(
     425            0 :                     "Can't find auth_validation_public_key at '{auth_validation_public_key_path}'",
     426            0 :                 )
     427              :             );
     428          618 :         }
     429              : 
     430          618 :         IndexEntry::validate_checkpoint_distance(conf.default_tenant_conf.checkpoint_distance)
     431          618 :             .map_err(anyhow::Error::msg)
     432          618 :             .with_context(|| {
     433            0 :                 format!(
     434            0 :                     "effective checkpoint distance is unsupported: {}",
     435            0 :                     conf.default_tenant_conf.checkpoint_distance
     436            0 :                 )
     437          618 :             })?;
     438              : 
     439          618 :         Ok(conf)
     440          618 :     }
     441              : 
     442              :     #[cfg(test)]
     443          624 :     pub fn test_repo_dir(test_name: &str) -> Utf8PathBuf {
     444          624 :         let test_output_dir = std::env::var("TEST_OUTPUT").unwrap_or("../tmp_check".into());
     445          624 :         Utf8PathBuf::from(format!("{test_output_dir}/test_{test_name}"))
     446          624 :     }
     447              : 
     448          612 :     pub fn dummy_conf(repo_dir: Utf8PathBuf) -> Self {
     449          612 :         let pg_distrib_dir = Utf8PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("../pg_install");
     450          612 : 
     451          612 :         let config_toml = pageserver_api::config::ConfigToml {
     452          612 :             wait_lsn_timeout: Duration::from_secs(60),
     453          612 :             wal_redo_timeout: Duration::from_secs(60),
     454          612 :             pg_distrib_dir: Some(pg_distrib_dir),
     455          612 :             metric_collection_interval: Duration::from_secs(60),
     456          612 :             synthetic_size_calculation_interval: Duration::from_secs(60),
     457          612 :             background_task_maximum_delay: Duration::ZERO,
     458          612 :             ..Default::default()
     459          612 :         };
     460          612 :         PageServerConf::parse_and_validate(NodeId(0), config_toml, &repo_dir).unwrap()
     461          612 :     }
     462              : }
     463              : 
     464            0 : #[derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
     465              : #[serde(deny_unknown_fields)]
     466              : pub struct PageserverIdentity {
     467              :     pub id: NodeId,
     468              : }
     469              : 
     470              : /// Configurable semaphore permits setting.
     471              : ///
     472              : /// Does not allow semaphore permits to be zero, because at runtime initially zero permits and empty
     473              : /// semaphore cannot be distinguished, leading any feature using these to await forever (or until
     474              : /// new permits are added).
     475              : #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
     476              : pub struct ConfigurableSemaphore {
     477              :     initial_permits: NonZeroUsize,
     478              :     inner: std::sync::Arc<tokio::sync::Semaphore>,
     479              : }
     480              : 
     481              : impl ConfigurableSemaphore {
     482              :     /// Initializse using a non-zero amount of permits.
     483              :     ///
     484              :     /// Require a non-zero initial permits, because using permits == 0 is a crude way to disable a
     485              :     /// feature such as [`Tenant::gather_size_inputs`]. Otherwise any semaphore using future will
     486              :     /// behave like [`futures::future::pending`], just waiting until new permits are added.
     487              :     ///
     488              :     /// [`Tenant::gather_size_inputs`]: crate::tenant::Tenant::gather_size_inputs
     489         1854 :     pub fn new(initial_permits: NonZeroUsize) -> Self {
     490         1854 :         ConfigurableSemaphore {
     491         1854 :             initial_permits,
     492         1854 :             inner: std::sync::Arc::new(tokio::sync::Semaphore::new(initial_permits.get())),
     493         1854 :         }
     494         1854 :     }
     495              : 
     496              :     /// Returns the configured amount of permits.
     497            0 :     pub fn initial_permits(&self) -> NonZeroUsize {
     498            0 :         self.initial_permits
     499            0 :     }
     500              : }
     501              : 
     502              : impl PartialEq for ConfigurableSemaphore {
     503            0 :     fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
     504            0 :         // the number of permits can be increased at runtime, so we cannot really fulfill the
     505            0 :         // PartialEq value equality otherwise
     506            0 :         self.initial_permits == other.initial_permits
     507            0 :     }
     508              : }
     509              : 
     510              : impl Eq for ConfigurableSemaphore {}
     511              : 
     512              : impl ConfigurableSemaphore {
     513            0 :     pub fn inner(&self) -> &std::sync::Arc<tokio::sync::Semaphore> {
     514            0 :         &self.inner
     515            0 :     }
     516              : }
     517              : 
     518              : #[cfg(test)]
     519              : mod tests {
     520              : 
     521              :     use camino::Utf8PathBuf;
     522              :     use utils::id::NodeId;
     523              : 
     524              :     use super::PageServerConf;
     525              : 
     526              :     #[test]
     527            6 :     fn test_empty_config_toml_is_valid() {
     528            6 :         // we use Default impl of everything in this situation
     529            6 :         let input = r#"
     530            6 :         "#;
     531            6 :         let config_toml = toml_edit::de::from_str::<pageserver_api::config::ConfigToml>(input)
     532            6 :             .expect("empty config is valid");
     533            6 :         let workdir = Utf8PathBuf::from("/nonexistent");
     534            6 :         PageServerConf::parse_and_validate(NodeId(0), config_toml, &workdir)
     535            6 :             .expect("parse_and_validate");
     536            6 :     }
     537              : 
     538              :     #[test]
     539            6 :     fn test_compactl0_phase1_access_mode_is_ignored_silently() {
     540            6 :         let input = indoc::indoc! {r#"
     541            6 :             [compact_level0_phase1_value_access]
     542            6 :             mode = "streaming-kmerge"
     543            6 :             validate = "key-lsn-value"
     544            6 :         "#};
     545            6 :         toml_edit::de::from_str::<pageserver_api::config::ConfigToml>(input).unwrap();
     546            6 :     }
     547              : 
     548              :     /// If there's a typo in the pageserver config, we'd rather catch that typo
     549              :     /// and fail pageserver startup than silently ignoring the typo, leaving whoever
     550              :     /// made it in the believe that their config change is effective.
     551              :     ///
     552              :     /// The default in serde is to allow unknown fields, so, we rely
     553              :     /// on developer+review discipline to add `deny_unknown_fields` when adding
     554              :     /// new structs to the config, and these tests here as a regression test.
     555              :     ///
     556              :     /// The alternative to all of this would be to allow unknown fields in the config.
     557              :     /// To catch them, we could have a config check tool or mgmt API endpoint that
     558              :     /// compares the effective config with the TOML on disk and makes sure that
     559              :     /// the on-disk TOML is a strict subset of the effective config.
     560              :     mod unknown_fields_handling {
     561              :         macro_rules! test {
     562              :             ($short_name:ident, $input:expr) => {
     563              :                 #[test]
     564           30 :                 fn $short_name() {
     565           30 :                     let input = $input;
     566           30 :                     let err = toml_edit::de::from_str::<pageserver_api::config::ConfigToml>(&input)
     567           30 :                         .expect_err("some_invalid_field is an invalid field");
     568           30 :                     dbg!(&err);
     569           30 :                     assert!(err.to_string().contains("some_invalid_field"));
     570           30 :                 }
     571              :             };
     572              :         }
     573              :         use indoc::indoc;
     574              : 
     575              :         test!(
     576              :             toplevel,
     577              :             indoc! {r#"
     578              :                 some_invalid_field = 23
     579              :             "#}
     580              :         );
     581              : 
     582              :         test!(
     583              :             toplevel_nested,
     584              :             indoc! {r#"
     585              :                 [some_invalid_field]
     586              :                 foo = 23
     587              :             "#}
     588              :         );
     589              : 
     590              :         test!(
     591              :             disk_usage_based_eviction,
     592              :             indoc! {r#"
     593              :                 [disk_usage_based_eviction]
     594              :                 some_invalid_field = 23
     595              :             "#}
     596              :         );
     597              : 
     598              :         test!(
     599              :             tenant_config,
     600              :             indoc! {r#"
     601              :                 [tenant_config]
     602              :                 some_invalid_field = 23
     603              :             "#}
     604              :         );
     605              : 
     606              :         test!(
     607              :             l0_flush,
     608              :             indoc! {r#"
     609              :                 [l0_flush]
     610              :                 mode = "direct"
     611              :                 some_invalid_field = 23
     612              :             "#}
     613              :         );
     614              : 
     615              :         // TODO: fix this =>
     616              :         // test!(
     617              :         //     remote_storage_config,
     618              :         //     indoc! {r#"
     619              :         //         [remote_storage_config]
     620              :         //         local_path = "/nonexistent"
     621              :         //         some_invalid_field = 23
     622              :         //     "#}
     623              :         // );
     624              :     }
     625              : }

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