LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libs/postgres_ffi/src - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 33.0 % 97 32
Test Date: 2024-09-25 14:04:07 Functions: 47.4 % 19 9

            Line data    Source code
       1              : #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
       2              : #![allow(non_camel_case_types)]
       3              : #![allow(non_snake_case)]
       4              : // bindgen creates some unsafe code with no doc comments.
       5              : #![allow(clippy::missing_safety_doc)]
       6              : // noted at 1.63 that in many cases there's u32 -> u32 transmutes in bindgen code.
       7              : #![allow(clippy::useless_transmute)]
       8              : // modules included with the postgres_ffi macro depend on the types of the specific version's
       9              : // types, and trigger a too eager lint.
      10              : #![allow(clippy::duplicate_mod)]
      11              : #![deny(clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks)]
      12              : 
      13              : use bytes::Bytes;
      14              : use utils::bin_ser::SerializeError;
      15              : use utils::lsn::Lsn;
      16              : 
      17              : macro_rules! postgres_ffi {
      18              :     ($version:ident) => {
      19              :         #[path = "."]
      20              :         pub mod $version {
      21              :             pub mod bindings {
      22              :                 // bindgen generates bindings for a lot of stuff we don't need
      23              :                 #![allow(dead_code)]
      24              :                 #![allow(clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks)]
      25              : 
      26              :                 use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
      27              :                 include!(concat!(
      28              :                     env!("OUT_DIR"),
      29              :                     "/bindings_",
      30              :                     stringify!($version),
      31              :                     ".rs"
      32              :                 ));
      33              : 
      34              :                 include!(concat!("pg_constants_", stringify!($version), ".rs"));
      35              :             }
      36              :             pub mod controlfile_utils;
      37              :             pub mod nonrelfile_utils;
      38              :             pub mod wal_craft_test_export;
      39              :             pub mod waldecoder_handler;
      40              :             pub mod xlog_utils;
      41              : 
      42              :             pub const PG_MAJORVERSION: &str = stringify!($version);
      43              : 
      44              :             // Re-export some symbols from bindings
      45              :             pub use bindings::DBState_DB_SHUTDOWNED;
      46              :             pub use bindings::{CheckPoint, ControlFileData, XLogRecord};
      47              : 
      48              :             pub const ZERO_CHECKPOINT: bytes::Bytes =
      49              :                 bytes::Bytes::from_static(&[0u8; xlog_utils::SIZEOF_CHECKPOINT]);
      50              :         }
      51              :     };
      52              : }
      53              : 
      54              : #[macro_export]
      55              : macro_rules! for_all_postgres_versions {
      56              :     ($macro:tt) => {
      57              :         $macro!(v14);
      58              :         $macro!(v15);
      59              :         $macro!(v16);
      60              :         $macro!(v17);
      61              :     };
      62              : }
      63              : 
      64              : for_all_postgres_versions! { postgres_ffi }
      65              : 
      66              : /// dispatch_pgversion
      67              : ///
      68              : /// Run a code block in a context where the postgres_ffi bindings for a
      69              : /// specific (supported) PostgreSQL version are `use`-ed in scope under the pgv
      70              : /// identifier.
      71              : /// If the provided pg_version is not supported, we panic!(), unless the
      72              : /// optional third argument was provided (in which case that code will provide
      73              : /// the default handling instead).
      74              : ///
      75              : /// Use like
      76              : ///
      77              : /// dispatch_pgversion!(my_pgversion, { pgv::constants::XLOG_DBASE_CREATE })
      78              : /// dispatch_pgversion!(my_pgversion, pgv::constants::XLOG_DBASE_CREATE)
      79              : ///
      80              : /// Other uses are for macro-internal purposes only and strictly unsupported.
      81              : ///
      82              : #[macro_export]
      83              : macro_rules! dispatch_pgversion {
      84              :     ($version:expr, $code:expr) => {
      85              :         dispatch_pgversion!($version, $code, panic!("Unknown PostgreSQL version {}", $version))
      86              :     };
      87              :     ($version:expr, $code:expr, $invalid_pgver_handling:expr) => {
      88              :         dispatch_pgversion!(
      89              :             $version => $code,
      90              :             default = $invalid_pgver_handling,
      91              :             pgversions = [
      92              :                 14 : v14,
      93              :                 15 : v15,
      94              :                 16 : v16,
      95              :                 17 : v17,
      96              :             ]
      97              :         )
      98              :     };
      99              :     ($pgversion:expr => $code:expr,
     100              :      default = $default:expr,
     101              :      pgversions = [$($sv:literal : $vsv:ident),+ $(,)?]) => {
     102              :         match ($pgversion) {
     103              :             $($sv => {
     104              :                 use $crate::$vsv as pgv;
     105              :                 $code
     106              :             },)+
     107              :             _ => {
     108              :                 $default
     109              :             }
     110              :         }
     111              :     };
     112              : }
     113              : 
     114              : #[macro_export]
     115              : macro_rules! enum_pgversion_dispatch {
     116              :     ($name:expr, $typ:ident, $bind:ident, $code:block) => {
     117              :         enum_pgversion_dispatch!(
     118              :             name = $name,
     119              :             bind = $bind,
     120              :             typ = $typ,
     121              :             code = $code,
     122              :             pgversions = [
     123              :                 V14 : v14,
     124              :                 V15 : v15,
     125              :                 V16 : v16,
     126              :                 V17 : v17,
     127              :             ]
     128              :         )
     129              :     };
     130              :     (name = $name:expr,
     131              :      bind = $bind:ident,
     132              :      typ = $typ:ident,
     133              :      code = $code:block,
     134              :      pgversions = [$($variant:ident : $md:ident),+ $(,)?]) => {
     135              :         match $name {
     136              :             $(
     137              :             self::$typ::$variant($bind) => {
     138              :                 use $crate::$md as pgv;
     139              :                 $code
     140              :             }
     141              :             ),+,
     142              :         }
     143              :     };
     144              : }
     145              : 
     146              : #[macro_export]
     147              : macro_rules! enum_pgversion {
     148              :     {$name:ident, pgv :: $t:ident} => {
     149              :         enum_pgversion!{
     150              :             name = $name,
     151              :             typ = $t,
     152              :             pgversions = [
     153              :                 V14 : v14,
     154              :                 V15 : v15,
     155              :                 V16 : v16,
     156              :                 V17 : v17,
     157              :             ]
     158              :         }
     159              :     };
     160              :     {$name:ident, pgv :: $p:ident :: $t:ident} => {
     161              :         enum_pgversion!{
     162              :             name = $name,
     163              :             path = $p,
     164              :             typ = $t,
     165              :             pgversions = [
     166              :                 V14 : v14,
     167              :                 V15 : v15,
     168              :                 V16 : v16,
     169              :                 V17 : v17,
     170              :             ]
     171              :         }
     172              :     };
     173              :     {name = $name:ident,
     174              :      typ = $t:ident,
     175              :      pgversions = [$($variant:ident : $md:ident),+ $(,)?]} => {
     176              :         pub enum $name {
     177              :             $($variant ( $crate::$md::$t )),+
     178              :         }
     179              :         impl self::$name {
     180            0 :             pub fn pg_version(&self) -> u32 {
     181            0 :                 enum_pgversion_dispatch!(self, $name, _ign, {
     182            0 :                     pgv::bindings::PG_MAJORVERSION_NUM
     183              :                 })
     184            0 :             }
     185            0 :         }
     186            0 :         $(
     187            0 :         impl Into<self::$name> for $crate::$md::$t {
     188           36 :             fn into(self) -> self::$name {
     189           36 :                 self::$name::$variant (self)
     190           36 :             }
     191              :         }
     192              :         )+
     193              :     };
     194              :     {name = $name:ident,
     195              :      path = $p:ident,
     196              :      typ = $t:ident,
     197              :      pgversions = [$($variant:ident : $md:ident),+ $(,)?]} => {
     198              :         pub enum $name {
     199              :             $($variant ($crate::$md::$p::$t)),+
     200              :         }
     201              :         impl $name {
     202              :             pub fn pg_version(&self) -> u32 {
     203              :                 enum_pgversion_dispatch!(self, $name, _ign, {
     204              :                     pgv::bindings::PG_MAJORVERSION_NUM
     205              :                 })
     206              :             }
     207              :         }
     208              :         $(
     209              :         impl Into<$name> for $crate::$md::$p::$t {
     210              :             fn into(self) -> $name {
     211              :                 $name::$variant (self)
     212              :             }
     213              :         }
     214              :         )+
     215              :     };
     216              : }
     217              : 
     218              : pub mod pg_constants;
     219              : pub mod relfile_utils;
     220              : 
     221              : // Export some widely used datatypes that are unlikely to change across Postgres versions
     222              : pub use v14::bindings::RepOriginId;
     223              : pub use v14::bindings::{uint32, uint64, Oid};
     224              : pub use v14::bindings::{BlockNumber, OffsetNumber};
     225              : pub use v14::bindings::{MultiXactId, TransactionId};
     226              : pub use v14::bindings::{TimeLineID, TimestampTz, XLogRecPtr, XLogSegNo};
     227              : 
     228              : // Likewise for these, although the assumption that these don't change is a little more iffy.
     229              : pub use v14::bindings::{MultiXactOffset, MultiXactStatus};
     230              : pub use v14::bindings::{PageHeaderData, XLogRecord};
     231              : pub use v14::xlog_utils::{
     233              : };
     234              : 
     235              : pub use v14::bindings::{CheckPoint, ControlFileData};
     236              : 
     237              : // from pg_config.h. These can be changed with configure options --with-blocksize=BLOCKSIZE and
     238              : // --with-segsize=SEGSIZE, but assume the defaults for now.
     239              : pub const BLCKSZ: u16 = 8192;
     240              : pub const RELSEG_SIZE: u32 = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 / (BLCKSZ as u32);
     241              : pub const XLOG_BLCKSZ: usize = 8192;
     242              : pub const WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE: usize = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
     243              : 
     244              : pub const MAX_SEND_SIZE: usize = XLOG_BLCKSZ * 16;
     245              : 
     246              : // Export some version independent functions that are used outside of this mod
     247              : pub use v14::xlog_utils::encode_logical_message;
     248              : pub use v14::xlog_utils::get_current_timestamp;
     249              : pub use v14::xlog_utils::to_pg_timestamp;
     250              : pub use v14::xlog_utils::try_from_pg_timestamp;
     251              : pub use v14::xlog_utils::XLogFileName;
     252              : 
     253              : pub use v14::bindings::DBState_DB_SHUTDOWNED;
     254              : 
     255          252 : pub fn bkpimage_is_compressed(bimg_info: u8, version: u32) -> bool {
     256          252 :     dispatch_pgversion!(version, pgv::bindings::bkpimg_is_compressed(bimg_info))
     257          252 : }
     258              : 
     259            0 : pub fn generate_wal_segment(
     260            0 :     segno: u64,
     261            0 :     system_id: u64,
     262            0 :     pg_version: u32,
     263            0 :     lsn: Lsn,
     264            0 : ) -> Result<Bytes, SerializeError> {
     265            0 :     assert_eq!(segno, lsn.segment_number(WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE));
     266              : 
     267              :     dispatch_pgversion!(
     268            0 :         pg_version,
     269            0 :         pgv::xlog_utils::generate_wal_segment(segno, system_id, lsn),
     270            0 :         Err(SerializeError::BadInput)
     271              :     )
     272            0 : }
     273              : 
     274            0 : pub fn generate_pg_control(
     275            0 :     pg_control_bytes: &[u8],
     276            0 :     checkpoint_bytes: &[u8],
     277            0 :     lsn: Lsn,
     278            0 :     pg_version: u32,
     279            0 : ) -> anyhow::Result<(Bytes, u64)> {
     280            0 :     dispatch_pgversion!(
     281            0 :         pg_version,
     282            0 :         pgv::xlog_utils::generate_pg_control(pg_control_bytes, checkpoint_bytes, lsn),
     283            0 :         anyhow::bail!("Unknown version {}", pg_version)
     284              :     )
     285            0 : }
     286              : 
     287              : // PG timeline is always 1, changing it doesn't have any useful meaning in Neon.
     288              : //
     289              : // NOTE: this is not to be confused with Neon timelines; different concept!
     290              : //
     291              : // It's a shaky assumption, that it's always 1. We might import a
     292              : // PostgreSQL data directory that has gone through timeline bumps,
     293              : // for example. FIXME later.
     294              : pub const PG_TLI: u32 = 1;
     295              : 
     296              : //  See TransactionIdIsNormal in transam.h
     297            0 : pub const fn transaction_id_is_normal(id: TransactionId) -> bool {
     298            0 :     id > pg_constants::FIRST_NORMAL_TRANSACTION_ID
     299            0 : }
     300              : 
     301              : // See TransactionIdPrecedes in transam.c
     302            0 : pub const fn transaction_id_precedes(id1: TransactionId, id2: TransactionId) -> bool {
     303            0 :     /*
     304            0 :      * If either ID is a permanent XID then we can just do unsigned
     305            0 :      * comparison.  If both are normal, do a modulo-2^32 comparison.
     306            0 :      */
     307            0 : 
     308            0 :     if !(transaction_id_is_normal(id1)) || !transaction_id_is_normal(id2) {
     309            0 :         return id1 < id2;
     310            0 :     }
     311            0 : 
     312            0 :     let diff = id1.wrapping_sub(id2) as i32;
     313            0 :     diff < 0
     314            0 : }
     315              : 
     316              : // Check if page is not yet initialized (port of Postgres PageIsInit() macro)
     317           72 : pub fn page_is_new(pg: &[u8]) -> bool {
     318           72 :     pg[14] == 0 && pg[15] == 0 // pg_upper == 0
     319           72 : }
     320              : 
     321              : // ExtractLSN from page header
     322            0 : pub fn page_get_lsn(pg: &[u8]) -> Lsn {
     323            0 :     Lsn(
     324            0 :         ((u32::from_le_bytes(pg[0..4].try_into().unwrap()) as u64) << 32)
     325            0 :             | u32::from_le_bytes(pg[4..8].try_into().unwrap()) as u64,
     326            0 :     )
     327            0 : }
     328              : 
     329           54 : pub fn page_set_lsn(pg: &mut [u8], lsn: Lsn) {
     330           54 :     pg[0..4].copy_from_slice(&((lsn.0 >> 32) as u32).to_le_bytes());
     331           54 :     pg[4..8].copy_from_slice(&(lsn.0 as u32).to_le_bytes());
     332           54 : }
     333              : 
     334              : // This is port of function with the same name from freespace.c.
     335              : // The only difference is that it does not have "level" parameter because XLogRecordPageWithFreeSpace
     336              : // always call it with level=FSM_BOTTOM_LEVEL
     337            0 : pub fn fsm_logical_to_physical(addr: BlockNumber) -> BlockNumber {
     338            0 :     let mut leafno = addr;
     339              :     const FSM_TREE_DEPTH: u32 = if pg_constants::SLOTS_PER_FSM_PAGE >= 1626 {
     340              :         3
     341              :     } else {
     342              :         4
     343              :     };
     344              : 
     345              :     /* Count upper level nodes required to address the leaf page */
     346            0 :     let mut pages: BlockNumber = 0;
     347            0 :     for _l in 0..FSM_TREE_DEPTH {
     348            0 :         pages += leafno + 1;
     349            0 :         leafno /= pg_constants::SLOTS_PER_FSM_PAGE;
     350            0 :     }
     351              :     /* Turn the page count into 0-based block number */
     352            0 :     pages - 1
     353            0 : }
     354              : 
     355              : pub mod waldecoder {
     356              :     use bytes::{Buf, Bytes, BytesMut};
     357              :     use std::num::NonZeroU32;
     358              :     use thiserror::Error;
     359              :     use utils::lsn::Lsn;
     360              : 
     361              :     pub enum State {
     362              :         WaitingForRecord,
     363              :         ReassemblingRecord {
     364              :             recordbuf: BytesMut,
     365              :             contlen: NonZeroU32,
     366              :         },
     367              :         SkippingEverything {
     368              :             skip_until_lsn: Lsn,
     369              :         },
     370              :     }
     371              : 
     372              :     pub struct WalStreamDecoder {
     373              :         pub lsn: Lsn,
     374              :         pub pg_version: u32,
     375              :         pub inputbuf: BytesMut,
     376              :         pub state: State,
     377              :     }
     378              : 
     379            0 :     #[derive(Error, Debug, Clone)]
     380              :     #[error("{msg} at {lsn}")]
     381              :     pub struct WalDecodeError {
     382              :         pub msg: String,
     383              :         pub lsn: Lsn,
     384              :     }
     385              : 
     386              :     impl WalStreamDecoder {
     387        41347 :         pub fn new(lsn: Lsn, pg_version: u32) -> WalStreamDecoder {
     388        41347 :             WalStreamDecoder {
     389        41347 :                 lsn,
     390        41347 :                 pg_version,
     391        41347 :                 inputbuf: BytesMut::new(),
     392        41347 :                 state: State::WaitingForRecord,
     393        41347 :             }
     394        41347 :         }
     395              : 
     396              :         // The latest LSN position fed to the decoder.
     397         2125 :         pub fn available(&self) -> Lsn {
     398         2125 :             self.lsn + self.inputbuf.remaining() as u64
     399         2125 :         }
     400              : 
     401      1445168 :         pub fn feed_bytes(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) {
     402      1445168 :             self.inputbuf.extend_from_slice(buf);
     403      1445168 :         }
     404              : 
     405      1922842 :         pub fn poll_decode(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(Lsn, Bytes)>, WalDecodeError> {
     406      1922842 :             dispatch_pgversion!(
     407      1922842 :                 self.pg_version,
     408              :                 {
     409              :                     use pgv::waldecoder_handler::WalStreamDecoderHandler;
     410         4167 :                     self.poll_decode_internal()
     411              :                 },
     412            0 :                 Err(WalDecodeError {
     413            0 :                     msg: format!("Unknown version {}", self.pg_version),
     414            0 :                     lsn: self.lsn,
     415            0 :                 })
     416              :             )
     417      1922842 :         }
     418              :     }
     419              : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta