LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - compute_tools/src - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 0.0 % 133 0
Test Date: 2024-09-25 14:04:07 Functions: 0.0 % 9 0

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use anyhow::bail;
       2              : use anyhow::Result;
       3              : use postgres::{NoTls, SimpleQueryMessage};
       4              : use std::time::SystemTime;
       5              : use std::{str::FromStr, sync::Arc, thread, time::Duration};
       6              : use utils::id::TenantId;
       7              : use utils::id::TimelineId;
       8              : 
       9              : use compute_api::spec::ComputeMode;
      10              : use tracing::{info, warn};
      11              : use utils::{
      12              :     lsn::Lsn,
      13              :     shard::{ShardCount, ShardNumber, TenantShardId},
      14              : };
      15              : 
      16              : use crate::compute::ComputeNode;
      17              : 
      18              : /// Spawns a background thread to periodically renew LSN leases for static compute.
      19              : /// Do nothing if the compute is not in static mode.
      20            0 : pub fn launch_lsn_lease_bg_task_for_static(compute: &Arc<ComputeNode>) {
      21            0 :     let (tenant_id, timeline_id, lsn) = {
      22            0 :         let state = compute.state.lock().unwrap();
      23            0 :         let spec = state.pspec.as_ref().expect("Spec must be set");
      24            0 :         match spec.spec.mode {
      25            0 :             ComputeMode::Static(lsn) => (spec.tenant_id, spec.timeline_id, lsn),
      26            0 :             _ => return,
      27              :         }
      28              :     };
      29            0 :     let compute = compute.clone();
      30              : 
      31            0 :     let span = tracing::info_span!("lsn_lease_bg_task", %tenant_id, %timeline_id, %lsn);
      32            0 :     thread::spawn(move || {
      33            0 :         let _entered = span.entered();
      34            0 :         if let Err(e) = lsn_lease_bg_task(compute, tenant_id, timeline_id, lsn) {
      35              :             // TODO: might need stronger error feedback than logging an warning.
      36            0 :             warn!("Exited with error: {e}");
      37            0 :         }
      38            0 :     });
      39            0 : }
      40              : 
      41              : /// Renews lsn lease periodically so static compute are not affected by GC.
      42            0 : fn lsn_lease_bg_task(
      43            0 :     compute: Arc<ComputeNode>,
      44            0 :     tenant_id: TenantId,
      45            0 :     timeline_id: TimelineId,
      46            0 :     lsn: Lsn,
      47            0 : ) -> Result<()> {
      48              :     loop {
      49            0 :         let valid_until = acquire_lsn_lease_with_retry(&compute, tenant_id, timeline_id, lsn)?;
      50            0 :         let valid_duration = valid_until
      51            0 :             .duration_since(SystemTime::now())
      52            0 :             .unwrap_or(Duration::ZERO);
      53            0 : 
      54            0 :         // Sleep for 60 seconds less than the valid duration but no more than half of the valid duration.
      55            0 :         let sleep_duration = valid_duration
      56            0 :             .saturating_sub(Duration::from_secs(60))
      57            0 :             .max(valid_duration / 2);
      58            0 : 
      59            0 :         info!(
      60            0 :             "Succeeded, sleeping for {} seconds",
      61            0 :             sleep_duration.as_secs()
      62              :         );
      63            0 :         thread::sleep(sleep_duration);
      64              :     }
      65            0 : }
      66              : 
      67              : /// Acquires lsn lease in a retry loop. Returns the expiration time if a lease is granted.
      68              : /// Returns an error if a lease is explicitly not granted. Otherwise, we keep sending requests.
      69            0 : fn acquire_lsn_lease_with_retry(
      70            0 :     compute: &Arc<ComputeNode>,
      71            0 :     tenant_id: TenantId,
      72            0 :     timeline_id: TimelineId,
      73            0 :     lsn: Lsn,
      74            0 : ) -> Result<SystemTime> {
      75            0 :     let mut attempts = 0usize;
      76            0 :     let mut retry_period_ms: f64 = 500.0;
      77              :     const MAX_RETRY_PERIOD_MS: f64 = 60.0 * 1000.0;
      78              : 
      79              :     loop {
      80              :         // Note: List of pageservers is dynamic, need to re-read configs before each attempt.
      81            0 :         let configs = {
      82            0 :             let state = compute.state.lock().unwrap();
      83            0 : 
      84            0 :             let spec = state.pspec.as_ref().expect("spec must be set");
      85            0 : 
      86            0 :             let conn_strings = spec.pageserver_connstr.split(',');
      87            0 : 
      88            0 :             conn_strings
      89            0 :                 .map(|connstr| {
      90            0 :                     let mut config = postgres::Config::from_str(connstr).expect("Invalid connstr");
      91            0 :                     if let Some(storage_auth_token) = &spec.storage_auth_token {
      92            0 :                         info!("Got storage auth token from spec file");
      93            0 :                         config.password(storage_auth_token.clone());
      94              :                     } else {
      95            0 :                         info!("Storage auth token not set");
      96              :                     }
      97            0 :                     config
      98            0 :                 })
      99            0 :                 .collect::<Vec<_>>()
     100            0 :         };
     101            0 : 
     102            0 :         let result = try_acquire_lsn_lease(tenant_id, timeline_id, lsn, &configs);
     103            0 :         match result {
     104            0 :             Ok(Some(res)) => {
     105            0 :                 return Ok(res);
     106              :             }
     107              :             Ok(None) => {
     108            0 :                 bail!("Permanent error: lease could not be obtained, LSN is behind the GC cutoff");
     109              :             }
     110            0 :             Err(e) => {
     111            0 :                 warn!("Failed to acquire lsn lease: {e} (attempt {attempts}");
     112              : 
     113            0 :                 thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(retry_period_ms as u64));
     114            0 :                 retry_period_ms *= 1.5;
     115            0 :                 retry_period_ms = retry_period_ms.min(MAX_RETRY_PERIOD_MS);
     116            0 :             }
     117            0 :         }
     118            0 :         attempts += 1;
     119              :     }
     120            0 : }
     121              : 
     122              : /// Tries to acquire an LSN lease through PS page_service API.
     123            0 : fn try_acquire_lsn_lease(
     124            0 :     tenant_id: TenantId,
     125            0 :     timeline_id: TimelineId,
     126            0 :     lsn: Lsn,
     127            0 :     configs: &[postgres::Config],
     128            0 : ) -> Result<Option<SystemTime>> {
     129            0 :     fn get_valid_until(
     130            0 :         config: &postgres::Config,
     131            0 :         tenant_shard_id: TenantShardId,
     132            0 :         timeline_id: TimelineId,
     133            0 :         lsn: Lsn,
     134            0 :     ) -> Result<Option<SystemTime>> {
     135            0 :         let mut client = config.connect(NoTls)?;
     136            0 :         let cmd = format!("lease lsn {} {} {} ", tenant_shard_id, timeline_id, lsn);
     137            0 :         let res = client.simple_query(&cmd)?;
     138            0 :         let msg = match res.first() {
     139            0 :             Some(msg) => msg,
     140            0 :             None => bail!("empty response"),
     141              :         };
     142            0 :         let row = match msg {
     143            0 :             SimpleQueryMessage::Row(row) => row,
     144            0 :             _ => bail!("error parsing lsn lease response"),
     145              :         };
     146              : 
     147              :         // Note: this will be None if a lease is explicitly not granted.
     148            0 :         let valid_until_str = row.get("valid_until");
     149            0 : 
     150            0 :         let valid_until =|s| {
     151            0 :             SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH
     152            0 :                 .checked_add(Duration::from_millis(u128::from_str(s).unwrap() as u64))
     153            0 :                 .expect("Time larger than max SystemTime could handle")
     154            0 :         });
     155            0 :         Ok(valid_until)
     156            0 :     }
     157              : 
     158            0 :     let shard_count = configs.len();
     159              : 
     160            0 :     let valid_until = if shard_count > 1 {
     161            0 :         configs
     162            0 :             .iter()
     163            0 :             .enumerate()
     164            0 :             .map(|(shard_number, config)| {
     165            0 :                 let tenant_shard_id = TenantShardId {
     166            0 :                     tenant_id,
     167            0 :                     shard_count: ShardCount::new(shard_count as u8),
     168            0 :                     shard_number: ShardNumber(shard_number as u8),
     169            0 :                 };
     170            0 :                 get_valid_until(config, tenant_shard_id, timeline_id, lsn)
     171            0 :             })
     172            0 :             .collect::<Result<Vec<Option<SystemTime>>>>()?
     173            0 :             .into_iter()
     174            0 :             .min()
     175            0 :             .unwrap()
     176              :     } else {
     177            0 :         get_valid_until(
     178            0 :             &configs[0],
     179            0 :             TenantShardId::unsharded(tenant_id),
     180            0 :             timeline_id,
     181            0 :             lsn,
     182            0 :         )?
     183              :     };
     184              : 
     185            0 :     Ok(valid_until)
     186            0 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta