Line data Source code
1 : use anyhow::Context;
2 : use tracing::instrument;
3 :
4 : pub const DISK_QUOTA_BIN: &str = "/neonvm/bin/set-disk-quota";
5 :
6 : /// If size_bytes is 0, it disables the quota. Otherwise, it sets filesystem quota to size_bytes.
7 : /// `fs_mountpoint` should point to the mountpoint of the filesystem where the quota should be set.
8 : #[instrument]
9 : pub fn set_disk_quota(size_bytes: u64, fs_mountpoint: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
10 : let size_kb = size_bytes / 1024;
11 : // run `/neonvm/bin/set-disk-quota {size_kb} {mountpoint}`
12 : let child_result = std::process::Command::new("/usr/bin/sudo")
13 : .arg(DISK_QUOTA_BIN)
14 : .arg(size_kb.to_string())
15 : .arg(fs_mountpoint)
16 : .spawn();
17 :
18 : child_result
19 : .context("spawn() failed")
20 0 : .and_then(|mut child| child.wait().context("wait() failed"))
21 0 : .and_then(|status| match status.success() {
22 0 : true => Ok(()),
23 0 : false => Err(anyhow::anyhow!("process exited with {status}")),
24 0 : })
25 : // wrap any prior error with the overall context that we couldn't run the command
26 0 : .with_context(|| format!("could not run `/usr/bin/sudo {DISK_QUOTA_BIN}`"))
27 : }