LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - storage_controller/src/service - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 100.0 % 85 85
Test Date: 2025-02-20 13:11:02 Functions: 100.0 % 3 3

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use std::collections::BTreeMap;
       2              : 
       3              : use utils::id::TenantId;
       4              : use utils::shard::TenantShardId;
       5              : 
       6              : use crate::scheduler::{ScheduleContext, ScheduleMode};
       7              : use crate::tenant_shard::TenantShard;
       8              : 
       9              : /// When making scheduling decisions, it is useful to have the ScheduleContext for a whole
      10              : /// tenant while considering the individual shards within it.  This iterator is a helper
      11              : /// that gathers all the shards in a tenant and then yields them together with a ScheduleContext
      12              : /// for the tenant.
      13              : pub(super) struct TenantShardContextIterator<'a> {
      14              :     schedule_mode: ScheduleMode,
      15              :     inner: std::collections::btree_map::IterMut<'a, TenantShardId, TenantShard>,
      16              : }
      17              : 
      18              : impl<'a> TenantShardContextIterator<'a> {
      19            1 :     pub(super) fn new(
      20            1 :         tenants: &'a mut BTreeMap<TenantShardId, TenantShard>,
      21            1 :         schedule_mode: ScheduleMode,
      22            1 :     ) -> Self {
      23            1 :         Self {
      24            1 :             schedule_mode,
      25            1 :             inner: tenants.iter_mut(),
      26            1 :         }
      27            1 :     }
      28              : }
      29              : 
      30              : impl<'a> Iterator for TenantShardContextIterator<'a> {
      31              :     type Item = (TenantId, ScheduleContext, Vec<&'a mut TenantShard>);
      32              : 
      33            3 :     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
      34            3 :         let mut tenant_shards = Vec::new();
      35            3 :         let mut schedule_context = ScheduleContext::new(self.schedule_mode.clone());
      36              :         loop {
      37            6 :             let (tenant_shard_id, shard) =;
      38              : 
      39            6 :             if tenant_shard_id.is_shard_zero() {
      40              :                 // Cleared on last shard of previous tenant
      41            3 :                 assert!(tenant_shards.is_empty());
      42            3 :             }
      43              : 
      44              :             // Accumulate the schedule context for all the shards in a tenant
      45            6 :             schedule_context.avoid(&shard.intent.all_pageservers());
      46            6 :             tenant_shards.push(shard);
      47            6 : 
      48            6 :             if tenant_shard_id.shard_number.0 == tenant_shard_id.shard_count.count() - 1 {
      49            3 :                 return Some((tenant_shard_id.tenant_id, schedule_context, tenant_shards));
      50            3 :             }
      51              :         }
      52            3 :     }
      53              : }
      54              : 
      55              : #[cfg(test)]
      56              : mod tests {
      57              :     use std::{collections::BTreeMap, str::FromStr};
      58              : 
      59              :     use pageserver_api::controller_api::PlacementPolicy;
      60              :     use utils::shard::{ShardCount, ShardNumber};
      61              : 
      62              :     use crate::{
      63              :         scheduler::test_utils::make_test_nodes, service::Scheduler,
      64              :         tenant_shard::tests::make_test_tenant_with_id,
      65              :     };
      66              : 
      67              :     use super::*;
      68              : 
      69              :     #[test]
      70            1 :     fn test_context_iterator() {
      71            1 :         // Hand-crafted tenant IDs to ensure they appear in the expected order when put into
      72            1 :         // a btreemap & iterated
      73            1 :         let mut t_1_shards = make_test_tenant_with_id(
      74            1 :             TenantId::from_str("af0480929707ee75372337efaa5ecf96").unwrap(),
      75            1 :             PlacementPolicy::Attached(1),
      76            1 :             ShardCount(1),
      77            1 :             None,
      78            1 :         );
      79            1 :         let t_2_shards = make_test_tenant_with_id(
      80            1 :             TenantId::from_str("bf0480929707ee75372337efaa5ecf96").unwrap(),
      81            1 :             PlacementPolicy::Attached(1),
      82            1 :             ShardCount(4),
      83            1 :             None,
      84            1 :         );
      85            1 :         let mut t_3_shards = make_test_tenant_with_id(
      86            1 :             TenantId::from_str("cf0480929707ee75372337efaa5ecf96").unwrap(),
      87            1 :             PlacementPolicy::Attached(1),
      88            1 :             ShardCount(1),
      89            1 :             None,
      90            1 :         );
      91            1 : 
      92            1 :         let t1_id = t_1_shards[0].tenant_shard_id.tenant_id;
      93            1 :         let t2_id = t_2_shards[0].tenant_shard_id.tenant_id;
      94            1 :         let t3_id = t_3_shards[0].tenant_shard_id.tenant_id;
      95            1 : 
      96            1 :         let mut tenants = BTreeMap::new();
      97            1 :         tenants.insert(t_1_shards[0].tenant_shard_id, t_1_shards.pop().unwrap());
      98            5 :         for shard in t_2_shards {
      99            4 :             tenants.insert(shard.tenant_shard_id, shard);
     100            4 :         }
     101            1 :         tenants.insert(t_3_shards[0].tenant_shard_id, t_3_shards.pop().unwrap());
     102            1 : 
     103            1 :         let nodes = make_test_nodes(3, &[]);
     104            1 :         let mut scheduler = Scheduler::new(nodes.values());
     105            1 :         let mut context = ScheduleContext::default();
     106            6 :         for shard in tenants.values_mut() {
     107            6 :             shard.schedule(&mut scheduler, &mut context).unwrap();
     108            6 :         }
     109              : 
     110            1 :         let mut iter = TenantShardContextIterator::new(&mut tenants, ScheduleMode::Speculative);
     111            1 :         let (tenant_id, context, shards) =;
     112            1 :         assert_eq!(tenant_id, t1_id);
     113            1 :         assert_eq!(shards[0].tenant_shard_id.shard_number, ShardNumber(0));
     114            1 :         assert_eq!(shards.len(), 1);
     115            1 :         assert_eq!(context.location_count(), 2);
     116              : 
     117            1 :         let (tenant_id, context, shards) =;
     118            1 :         assert_eq!(tenant_id, t2_id);
     119            1 :         assert_eq!(shards[0].tenant_shard_id.shard_number, ShardNumber(0));
     120            1 :         assert_eq!(shards[1].tenant_shard_id.shard_number, ShardNumber(1));
     121            1 :         assert_eq!(shards[2].tenant_shard_id.shard_number, ShardNumber(2));
     122            1 :         assert_eq!(shards[3].tenant_shard_id.shard_number, ShardNumber(3));
     123            1 :         assert_eq!(shards.len(), 4);
     124            1 :         assert_eq!(context.location_count(), 8);
     125              : 
     126            1 :         let (tenant_id, context, shards) =;
     127            1 :         assert_eq!(tenant_id, t3_id);
     128            1 :         assert_eq!(shards[0].tenant_shard_id.shard_number, ShardNumber(0));
     129            1 :         assert_eq!(shards.len(), 1);
     130            1 :         assert_eq!(context.location_count(), 2);
     131              : 
     132            6 :         for shard in tenants.values_mut() {
     133            6 :             shard.intent.clear(&mut scheduler);
     134            6 :         }
     135            1 :     }
     136              : }

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