Line data Source code
1 : //! Tools for SCRAM server secret management.
2 :
3 : use subtle::{Choice, ConstantTimeEq};
4 :
5 : use super::base64_decode_array;
6 : use super::key::ScramKey;
7 :
8 : /// Server secret is produced from user's password,
9 : /// and is used throughout the authentication process.
10 : #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
11 : pub(crate) struct ServerSecret {
12 : /// Number of iterations for `PBKDF2` function.
13 : pub(crate) iterations: u32,
14 : /// Salt used to hash user's password.
15 : pub(crate) salt_base64: String,
16 : /// Hashed `ClientKey`.
17 : pub(crate) stored_key: ScramKey,
18 : /// Used by client to verify server's signature.
19 : pub(crate) server_key: ScramKey,
20 : /// Should auth fail no matter what?
21 : /// This is exactly the case for mocked secrets.
22 : pub(crate) doomed: bool,
23 : }
24 :
25 : impl ServerSecret {
26 18 : pub(crate) fn parse(input: &str) -> Option<Self> {
27 : // SCRAM-SHA-256$<iterations>:<salt>$<storedkey>:<serverkey>
28 18 : let s = input.strip_prefix("SCRAM-SHA-256$")?;
29 18 : let (params, keys) = s.split_once('$')?;
30 :
31 18 : let ((iterations, salt), (stored_key, server_key)) =
32 18 : params.split_once(':').zip(keys.split_once(':'))?;
33 :
34 18 : let secret = ServerSecret {
35 18 : iterations: iterations.parse().ok()?,
36 18 : salt_base64: salt.to_owned(),
37 18 : stored_key: base64_decode_array(stored_key)?.into(),
38 18 : server_key: base64_decode_array(server_key)?.into(),
39 18 : doomed: false,
40 18 : };
41 18 :
42 18 : Some(secret)
43 18 : }
44 :
45 12 : pub(crate) fn is_password_invalid(&self, client_key: &ScramKey) -> Choice {
46 12 : // constant time to not leak partial key match
47 12 : client_key.sha256().ct_ne(&self.stored_key) | Choice::from(self.doomed as u8)
48 12 : }
49 :
50 : /// To avoid revealing information to an attacker, we use a
51 : /// mocked server secret even if the user doesn't exist.
52 : /// See `auth-scram.c : mock_scram_secret` for details.
53 7 : pub(crate) fn mock(nonce: [u8; 32]) -> Self {
54 7 : Self {
55 7 : // this doesn't reveal much information as we're going to use
56 7 : // iteration count 1 for our generated passwords going forward.
57 7 : // PG16 users can set iteration count=1 already today.
58 7 : iterations: 1,
59 7 : salt_base64: base64::encode(nonce),
60 7 : stored_key: ScramKey::default(),
61 7 : server_key: ScramKey::default(),
62 7 : doomed: true,
63 7 : }
64 7 : }
65 :
66 : /// Build a new server secret from the prerequisites.
67 : /// XXX: We only use this function in tests.
68 : #[cfg(test)]
69 16 : pub(crate) async fn build(password: &str) -> Option<Self> {
70 16 : Self::parse(&postgres_protocol::password::scram_sha_256(password.as_bytes()).await)
71 16 : }
72 : }
73 :
74 : #[cfg(test)]
75 : #[expect(clippy::unwrap_used)]
76 : mod tests {
77 : use super::*;
78 :
79 : #[test]
80 1 : fn parse_scram_secret() {
81 1 : let iterations = 4096;
82 1 : let salt = "+/tQQax7twvwTj64mjBsxQ==";
83 1 : let stored_key = "D5h6KTMBlUvDJk2Y8ELfC1Sjtc6k9YHjRyuRZyBNJns=";
84 1 : let server_key = "Pi3QHbcluX//NDfVkKlFl88GGzlJ5LkyPwcdlN/QBvI=";
85 1 :
86 1 : let secret = format!("SCRAM-SHA-256${iterations}:{salt}${stored_key}:{server_key}");
87 1 :
88 1 : let parsed = ServerSecret::parse(&secret).unwrap();
89 1 : assert_eq!(parsed.iterations, iterations);
90 1 : assert_eq!(parsed.salt_base64, salt);
91 :
92 1 : assert_eq!(base64::encode(parsed.stored_key), stored_key);
93 1 : assert_eq!(base64::encode(parsed.server_key), server_key);
94 1 : }
95 : }