LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - pageserver/src/virtual_file - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 69.7 % 195 136
Test Date: 2025-02-20 13:11:02 Functions: 86.0 % 43 37

            Line data    Source code
       1              : //! [`super::VirtualFile`] supports different IO engines.
       2              : //!
       3              : //! The [`IoEngineKind`] enum identifies them.
       4              : //!
       5              : //! The choice of IO engine is global.
       6              : //! Initialize using [`init`].
       7              : //!
       8              : //! Then use [`get`] and  [`super::OpenOptions`].
       9              : //!
      10              : //!
      11              : 
      12              : #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
      13              : pub(super) mod tokio_epoll_uring_ext;
      14              : 
      15              : use tokio_epoll_uring::IoBuf;
      16              : use tracing::Instrument;
      17              : 
      18              : pub(crate) use super::api::IoEngineKind;
      19              : #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
      20              : #[repr(u8)]
      21              : pub(crate) enum IoEngine {
      22              :     NotSet,
      23              :     StdFs,
      24              :     #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
      25              :     TokioEpollUring,
      26              : }
      27              : 
      28              : impl From<IoEngineKind> for IoEngine {
      29          468 :     fn from(value: IoEngineKind) -> Self {
      30          468 :         match value {
      31          234 :             IoEngineKind::StdFs => IoEngine::StdFs,
      32              :             #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
      33          234 :             IoEngineKind::TokioEpollUring => IoEngine::TokioEpollUring,
      34              :         }
      35          468 :     }
      36              : }
      37              : 
      38              : impl TryFrom<u8> for IoEngine {
      39              :     type Error = u8;
      40              : 
      41      3265895 :     fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
      42      3265895 :         Ok(match value {
      43      3265895 :             v if v == (IoEngine::NotSet as u8) => IoEngine::NotSet,
      44      3265427 :             v if v == (IoEngine::StdFs as u8) => IoEngine::StdFs,
      45              :             #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
      46      1633007 :             v if v == (IoEngine::TokioEpollUring as u8) => IoEngine::TokioEpollUring,
      47            0 :             x => return Err(x),
      48              :         })
      49      3265895 :     }
      50              : }
      51              : 
      52              : static IO_ENGINE: AtomicU8 = AtomicU8::new(IoEngine::NotSet as u8);
      53              : 
      54          468 : pub(crate) fn set(engine_kind: IoEngineKind) {
      55          468 :     let engine: IoEngine = engine_kind.into();
      56          468 : as u8, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
      57          468 :     #[cfg(not(test))]
      58          468 :     {
      59          468 :         let metric = &crate::metrics::virtual_file_io_engine::KIND;
      60          468 :         metric.reset();
      61          468 :         metric
      62          468 :             .with_label_values(&[&format!("{engine_kind}")])
      63          468 :             .set(1);
      64          468 :     }
      65          468 : }
      66              : 
      67              : #[cfg(not(test))]
      68            0 : pub(super) fn init(engine_kind: IoEngineKind) {
      69            0 :     set(engine_kind);
      70            0 : }
      71              : 
      72              : /// Longer-term, this API should only be used by [`super::VirtualFile`].
      73      3265895 : pub(crate) fn get() -> IoEngine {
      74      3265895 :     let cur = IoEngine::try_from(IO_ENGINE.load(Ordering::Relaxed)).unwrap();
      75      3265895 :     if cfg!(test) {
      76      3265895 :         let env_var_name = "NEON_PAGESERVER_UNIT_TEST_VIRTUAL_FILE_IOENGINE";
      77      3265895 :         match cur {
      78              :             IoEngine::NotSet => {
      79          468 :                 let kind = match std::env::var(env_var_name) {
      80          468 :                     Ok(v) => match v.parse::<IoEngineKind>() {
      81          468 :                         Ok(engine_kind) => engine_kind,
      82            0 :                         Err(e) => {
      83            0 :                             panic!("invalid VirtualFile io engine for env var {env_var_name}: {e:#}: {v:?}")
      84              :                         }
      85              :                     },
      86              :                     Err(std::env::VarError::NotPresent) => {
      87              :                         #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
      88              :                         {
      89            0 :                             IoEngineKind::TokioEpollUring
      90              :                         }
      91              :                         #[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
      92              :                         {
      93              :                             IoEngineKind::StdFs
      94              :                         }
      95              :                     }
      96              :                     Err(std::env::VarError::NotUnicode(_)) => {
      97            0 :                         panic!("env var {env_var_name} is not unicode");
      98              :                     }
      99              :                 };
     100          468 :                 self::set(kind);
     101          468 :                 self::get()
     102              :             }
     103      3265427 :             x => x,
     104              :         }
     105              :     } else {
     106            0 :         cur
     107              :     }
     108      3265895 : }
     109              : 
     110              : use std::{
     111              :     os::unix::prelude::FileExt,
     112              :     sync::atomic::{AtomicU8, Ordering},
     113              : };
     114              : 
     115              : use super::{
     116              :     owned_buffers_io::{io_buf_ext::FullSlice, slice::SliceMutExt},
     117              :     FileGuard, Metadata,
     118              : };
     119              : 
     120              : #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
     121            4 : fn epoll_uring_error_to_std(e: tokio_epoll_uring::Error<std::io::Error>) -> std::io::Error {
     122            4 :     match e {
     123            4 :         tokio_epoll_uring::Error::Op(e) => e,
     124            0 :         tokio_epoll_uring::Error::System(system) => {
     125            0 :             std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, system)
     126              :         }
     127              :     }
     128            4 : }
     129              : 
     130              : impl IoEngine {
     131       967647 :     pub(super) async fn read_at<Buf>(
     132       967647 :         &self,
     133       967647 :         file_guard: FileGuard,
     134       967647 :         offset: u64,
     135       967647 :         mut slice: tokio_epoll_uring::Slice<Buf>,
     136       967647 :     ) -> (
     137       967647 :         (FileGuard, tokio_epoll_uring::Slice<Buf>),
     138       967647 :         std::io::Result<usize>,
     139       967647 :     )
     140       967647 :     where
     141       967647 :         Buf: tokio_epoll_uring::IoBufMut + Send,
     142       967647 :     {
     143       967647 :         match self {
     144            0 :             IoEngine::NotSet => panic!("not initialized"),
     145              :             IoEngine::StdFs => {
     146       483550 :                 let rust_slice = slice.as_mut_rust_slice_full_zeroed();
     147       483550 :                 let res = file_guard.with_std_file(|std_file| std_file.read_at(rust_slice, offset));
     148       483550 :                 ((file_guard, slice), res)
     149              :             }
     150              :             #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
     151              :             IoEngine::TokioEpollUring => {
     152       484097 :                 let system = tokio_epoll_uring_ext::thread_local_system().await;
     153       484097 :                 let (resources, res) =, offset, slice).await;
     154       484097 :                 (resources, res.map_err(epoll_uring_error_to_std))
     155              :             }
     156              :         }
     157       967647 :     }
     158         5634 :     pub(super) async fn sync_all(&self, file_guard: FileGuard) -> (FileGuard, std::io::Result<()>) {
     159         5634 :         match self {
     160            0 :             IoEngine::NotSet => panic!("not initialized"),
     161              :             IoEngine::StdFs => {
     162         2810 :                 let res = file_guard.with_std_file(|std_file| std_file.sync_all());
     163         2810 :                 (file_guard, res)
     164              :             }
     165              :             #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
     166              :             IoEngine::TokioEpollUring => {
     167         2824 :                 let system = tokio_epoll_uring_ext::thread_local_system().await;
     168         2824 :                 let (resources, res) = system.fsync(file_guard).await;
     169         2824 :                 (resources, res.map_err(epoll_uring_error_to_std))
     170              :             }
     171              :         }
     172         5634 :     }
     173            0 :     pub(super) async fn sync_data(
     174            0 :         &self,
     175            0 :         file_guard: FileGuard,
     176            0 :     ) -> (FileGuard, std::io::Result<()>) {
     177            0 :         match self {
     178            0 :             IoEngine::NotSet => panic!("not initialized"),
     179              :             IoEngine::StdFs => {
     180            0 :                 let res = file_guard.with_std_file(|std_file| std_file.sync_data());
     181            0 :                 (file_guard, res)
     182              :             }
     183              :             #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
     184              :             IoEngine::TokioEpollUring => {
     185            0 :                 let system = tokio_epoll_uring_ext::thread_local_system().await;
     186            0 :                 let (resources, res) = system.fdatasync(file_guard).await;
     187            0 :                 (resources, res.map_err(epoll_uring_error_to_std))
     188              :             }
     189              :         }
     190            0 :     }
     191         3604 :     pub(super) async fn metadata(
     192         3604 :         &self,
     193         3604 :         file_guard: FileGuard,
     194         3604 :     ) -> (FileGuard, std::io::Result<Metadata>) {
     195         3604 :         match self {
     196            0 :             IoEngine::NotSet => panic!("not initialized"),
     197              :             IoEngine::StdFs => {
     198         1802 :                 let res =
     199         1802 :                     file_guard.with_std_file(|std_file| std_file.metadata().map(Metadata::from));
     200         1802 :                 (file_guard, res)
     201              :             }
     202              :             #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
     203              :             IoEngine::TokioEpollUring => {
     204         1802 :                 let system = tokio_epoll_uring_ext::thread_local_system().await;
     205         1802 :                 let (resources, res) = system.statx(file_guard).await;
     206         1802 :                 (
     207         1802 :                     resources,
     208         1802 :                     res.map_err(epoll_uring_error_to_std).map(Metadata::from),
     209         1802 :                 )
     210              :             }
     211              :         }
     212         3604 :     }
     213      2273936 :     pub(super) async fn write_at<B: IoBuf + Send>(
     214      2273936 :         &self,
     215      2273936 :         file_guard: FileGuard,
     216      2273936 :         offset: u64,
     217      2273936 :         buf: FullSlice<B>,
     218      2273936 :     ) -> ((FileGuard, FullSlice<B>), std::io::Result<usize>) {
     219      2273936 :         match self {
     220            0 :             IoEngine::NotSet => panic!("not initialized"),
     221              :             IoEngine::StdFs => {
     222      1136962 :                 let result = file_guard.with_std_file(|std_file| std_file.write_at(&buf, offset));
     223      1136962 :                 ((file_guard, buf), result)
     224              :             }
     225              :             #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
     226              :             IoEngine::TokioEpollUring => {
     227      1136974 :                 let system = tokio_epoll_uring_ext::thread_local_system().await;
     228      1136974 :                 let ((file_guard, slice), res) =
     229      1136974 :                     system.write(file_guard, offset, buf.into_raw_slice()).await;
     230      1136974 :                 (
     231      1136974 :                     (file_guard, FullSlice::must_new(slice)),
     232      1136974 :                     res.map_err(epoll_uring_error_to_std),
     233      1136974 :                 )
     234              :             }
     235              :         }
     236      2273936 :     }
     237              : 
     238              :     /// If we switch a user of [`tokio::fs`] to use [`super::io_engine`],
     239              :     /// they'd start blocking the executor thread if [`IoEngine::StdFs`] is configured
     240              :     /// whereas before the switch to [`super::io_engine`], that wasn't the case.
     241              :     /// This method helps avoid such a regression.
     242              :     ///
     243              :     /// Panics if the `spawn_blocking` fails, see [`tokio::task::JoinError`] for reasons why that can happen.
     244           28 :     pub(crate) async fn spawn_blocking_and_block_on_if_std<Fut, R>(&self, work: Fut) -> R
     245           28 :     where
     246           28 :         Fut: 'static + Send + std::future::Future<Output = R>,
     247           28 :         R: 'static + Send,
     248           28 :     {
     249           28 :         match self {
     250            0 :             IoEngine::NotSet => panic!("not initialized"),
     251              :             IoEngine::StdFs => {
     252           14 :                 let span = tracing::info_span!("spawn_blocking_block_on_if_std");
     253           14 :                 tokio::task::spawn_blocking({
     254           14 :                     move || tokio::runtime::Handle::current().block_on(work.instrument(span))
     255           14 :                 })
     256           14 :                 .await
     257           14 :                 .expect("failed to join blocking code most likely it panicked, panicking as well")
     258              :             }
     259              :             #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
     260           14 :             IoEngine::TokioEpollUring => work.await,
     261              :         }
     262           28 :     }
     263              : }
     264              : 
     265              : pub enum FeatureTestResult {
     266              :     PlatformPreferred(IoEngineKind),
     267              :     Worse {
     268              :         engine: IoEngineKind,
     269              :         remark: String,
     270              :     },
     271              : }
     272              : 
     273              : impl FeatureTestResult {
     274              :     #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
     275              :     const PLATFORM_PREFERRED: IoEngineKind = IoEngineKind::TokioEpollUring;
     276              :     #[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
     277              :     const PLATFORM_PREFERRED: IoEngineKind = IoEngineKind::StdFs;
     278              : }
     279              : 
     280              : impl From<FeatureTestResult> for IoEngineKind {
     281            0 :     fn from(val: FeatureTestResult) -> Self {
     282            0 :         match val {
     283            0 :             FeatureTestResult::PlatformPreferred(e) => e,
     284            0 :             FeatureTestResult::Worse { engine, .. } => engine,
     285              :         }
     286            0 :     }
     287              : }
     288              : 
     289              : /// Somewhat costly under the hood, do only once.
     290              : /// Panics if we can't set up the feature test.
     291          480 : pub fn feature_test() -> anyhow::Result<FeatureTestResult> {
     292          480 :     std::thread::spawn(|| {
     293          480 : 
     294          480 :         #[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
     295          480 :         {
     296          480 :             Ok(FeatureTestResult::PlatformPreferred(
     297          480 :                 FeatureTestResult::PLATFORM_PREFERRED,
     298          480 :             ))
     299          480 :         }
     300          480 :         #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
     301          480 :         {
     302          480 :             let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread()
     303          480 :                 .enable_all()
     304          480 :                 .build()
     305          480 :                 .unwrap();
     306          480 :             Ok(match rt.block_on(tokio_epoll_uring::System::launch()) {
     307              :                 Ok(_) => FeatureTestResult::PlatformPreferred({
     308          480 :                     assert!(matches!(
     309          480 :                         IoEngineKind::TokioEpollUring,
     310              :                         FeatureTestResult::PLATFORM_PREFERRED
     311              :                     ));
     312          480 :                     FeatureTestResult::PLATFORM_PREFERRED
     313              :                 }),
     314            0 :                 Err(tokio_epoll_uring::LaunchResult::IoUringBuild(e)) => {
     315            0 :                     let remark = match e.raw_os_error() {
     316              :                         Some(nix::libc::EPERM) => {
     317              :                             // fall back
     318            0 :                             "creating tokio-epoll-uring fails with EPERM, assuming it's admin-disabled "
     319            0 :                                 .to_string()
     320              :                         }
     321              :                     Some(nix::libc::EFAULT) => {
     322              :                             // fail feature test
     323            0 :                             anyhow::bail!(
     324            0 :                                 "creating tokio-epoll-uring fails with EFAULT, might have corrupted memory"
     325            0 :                             );
     326              :                         }
     327              :                         Some(_) | None => {
     328              :                             // fall back
     329            0 :                             format!("creating tokio-epoll-uring fails with error: {e:#}")
     330              :                         }
     331              :                 };
     332            0 :                     FeatureTestResult::Worse {
     333            0 :                         engine: IoEngineKind::StdFs,
     334            0 :                         remark,
     335            0 :                     }
     336              :                 }
     337              :             })
     338              :         }
     339          480 :     })
     340          480 :     .join()
     341          480 :     .unwrap()
     342          480 : }
     343              : 
     344              : /// For use in benchmark binaries only.
     345              : ///
     346              : /// Benchmarks which initialize `virtual_file` need to know what engine to use, but we also
     347              : /// don't want to silently fall back to slower I/O engines in a benchmark: this could waste
     348              : /// developer time trying to figure out why it's slow.
     349              : ///
     350              : /// In practice, this method will either return IoEngineKind::TokioEpollUring, or panic.
     351            0 : pub fn io_engine_for_bench() -> IoEngineKind {
     352            0 :     #[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
     353            0 :     {
     354            0 :         panic!("This benchmark does I/O and can only give a representative result on Linux");
     355            0 :     }
     356            0 :     #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
     357            0 :     {
     358            0 :         match feature_test().unwrap() {
     359            0 :             FeatureTestResult::PlatformPreferred(engine) => engine,
     360              :             FeatureTestResult::Worse {
     361            0 :                 engine: _engine,
     362            0 :                 remark,
     363            0 :             } => {
     364            0 :                 panic!("This benchmark does I/O can requires the preferred I/O engine: {remark}");
     365              :             }
     366              :         }
     367              :     }
     368            0 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta