LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - pageserver/src/tenant - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 40.3 % 588 237
Test Date: 2025-02-20 13:11:02 Functions: 17.0 % 53 9

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use std::cmp;
       2              : use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
       3              : use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
       4              : use std::sync::Arc;
       5              : 
       6              : use tenant_size_model::svg::SvgBranchKind;
       7              : use tokio::sync::oneshot::error::RecvError;
       8              : use tokio::sync::Semaphore;
       9              : use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken;
      10              : 
      11              : use crate::context::RequestContext;
      12              : use crate::pgdatadir_mapping::CalculateLogicalSizeError;
      13              : 
      14              : use super::{GcError, LogicalSizeCalculationCause, Tenant};
      15              : use crate::tenant::{MaybeOffloaded, Timeline};
      16              : use utils::id::TimelineId;
      17              : use utils::lsn::Lsn;
      18              : 
      19              : use tracing::*;
      20              : 
      21              : use tenant_size_model::{Segment, StorageModel};
      22              : 
      23              : /// Inputs to the actual tenant sizing model
      24              : ///
      25              : /// Implements [`serde::Serialize`] but is not meant to be part of the public API, instead meant to
      26              : /// be a transferrable format between execution environments and developer.
      27              : ///
      28              : /// This tracks more information than the actual StorageModel that calculation
      29              : /// needs. We will convert this into a StorageModel when it's time to perform
      30              : /// the calculation.
      31              : ///
      32           16 : #[derive(Debug, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
      33              : pub struct ModelInputs {
      34              :     pub segments: Vec<SegmentMeta>,
      35              :     pub timeline_inputs: Vec<TimelineInputs>,
      36              : }
      37              : 
      38              : /// A [`Segment`], with some extra information for display purposes
      39          168 : #[derive(Debug, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
      40              : pub struct SegmentMeta {
      41              :     pub segment: Segment,
      42              :     pub timeline_id: TimelineId,
      43              :     pub kind: LsnKind,
      44              : }
      45              : 
      46              : #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
      47              : pub(crate) enum CalculateSyntheticSizeError {
      48              :     /// Something went wrong internally to the calculation of logical size at a particular branch point
      49              :     #[error("Failed to calculated logical size on timeline {timeline_id} at {lsn}: {error}")]
      50              :     LogicalSize {
      51              :         timeline_id: TimelineId,
      52              :         lsn: Lsn,
      53              :         error: CalculateLogicalSizeError,
      54              :     },
      55              : 
      56              :     /// Something went wrong internally when calculating GC parameters at start of size calculation
      57              :     #[error(transparent)]
      58              :     GcInfo(GcError),
      59              : 
      60              :     /// Totally unexpected errors, like panics joining a task
      61              :     #[error(transparent)]
      62              :     Fatal(anyhow::Error),
      63              : 
      64              :     /// Tenant shut down while calculating size
      65              :     #[error("Cancelled")]
      66              :     Cancelled,
      67              : }
      68              : 
      69              : impl From<GcError> for CalculateSyntheticSizeError {
      70            0 :     fn from(value: GcError) -> Self {
      71            0 :         match value {
      72              :             GcError::TenantCancelled | GcError::TimelineCancelled => {
      73            0 :                 CalculateSyntheticSizeError::Cancelled
      74              :             }
      75            0 :             other => CalculateSyntheticSizeError::GcInfo(other),
      76              :         }
      77            0 :     }
      78              : }
      79              : 
      80              : impl SegmentMeta {
      81            0 :     fn size_needed(&self) -> bool {
      82            0 :         match self.kind {
      83              :             LsnKind::BranchStart => {
      84              :                 // If we don't have a later GcCutoff point on this branch, and
      85              :                 // no ancestor, calculate size for the branch start point.
      86            0 :                 self.segment.needed && self.segment.parent.is_none()
      87              :             }
      88            0 :             LsnKind::BranchPoint => true,
      89            0 :             LsnKind::GcCutOff => true,
      90            0 :             LsnKind::BranchEnd => false,
      91            0 :             LsnKind::LeasePoint => true,
      92            0 :             LsnKind::LeaseStart => false,
      93            0 :             LsnKind::LeaseEnd => false,
      94              :         }
      95            0 :     }
      96              : }
      97              : 
      98              : #[derive(
      99           56 :     Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize,
     100              : )]
     101              : pub enum LsnKind {
     102              :     /// A timeline starting here
     103              :     BranchStart,
     104              :     /// A child timeline branches off from here
     105              :     BranchPoint,
     106              :     /// GC cutoff point
     107              :     GcCutOff,
     108              :     /// Last record LSN
     109              :     BranchEnd,
     110              :     /// A LSN lease is granted here.
     111              :     LeasePoint,
     112              :     /// A lease starts from here.
     113              :     LeaseStart,
     114              :     /// Last record LSN for the lease (should have the same LSN as the previous [`LsnKind::LeaseStart`]).
     115              :     LeaseEnd,
     116              : }
     117              : 
     118              : impl From<LsnKind> for SvgBranchKind {
     119            0 :     fn from(kind: LsnKind) -> Self {
     120            0 :         match kind {
     121            0 :             LsnKind::LeasePoint | LsnKind::LeaseStart | LsnKind::LeaseEnd => SvgBranchKind::Lease,
     122            0 :             _ => SvgBranchKind::Timeline,
     123              :         }
     124            0 :     }
     125              : }
     126              : 
     127              : /// Collect all relevant LSNs to the inputs. These will only be helpful in the serialized form as
     128              : /// part of [`ModelInputs`] from the HTTP api, explaining the inputs.
     129          112 : #[derive(Debug, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
     130              : pub struct TimelineInputs {
     131              :     pub timeline_id: TimelineId,
     132              : 
     133              :     pub ancestor_id: Option<TimelineId>,
     134              : 
     135              :     ancestor_lsn: Lsn,
     136              :     last_record: Lsn,
     137              :     latest_gc_cutoff: Lsn,
     138              : 
     139              :     /// Cutoff point based on GC settings
     140              :     next_pitr_cutoff: Lsn,
     141              : 
     142              :     /// Cutoff point calculated from the user-supplied 'max_retention_period'
     143              :     retention_param_cutoff: Option<Lsn>,
     144              : 
     145              :     /// Lease points on the timeline
     146              :     lease_points: Vec<Lsn>,
     147              : }
     148              : 
     149              : /// Gathers the inputs for the tenant sizing model.
     150              : ///
     151              : /// Tenant size does not consider the latest state, but only the state until next_pitr_cutoff, which
     152              : /// is updated on-demand, during the start of this calculation and separate from the
     153              : /// [`TimelineInputs::latest_gc_cutoff`].
     154              : ///
     155              : /// For timelines in general:
     156              : ///
     157              : /// ```text
     158              : /// 0-----|---------|----|------------| · · · · · |·> lsn
     159              : ///   initdb_lsn  branchpoints*  next_pitr_cutoff  latest
     160              : /// ```
     161            0 : pub(super) async fn gather_inputs(
     162            0 :     tenant: &Tenant,
     163            0 :     limit: &Arc<Semaphore>,
     164            0 :     max_retention_period: Option<u64>,
     165            0 :     logical_size_cache: &mut HashMap<(TimelineId, Lsn), u64>,
     166            0 :     cause: LogicalSizeCalculationCause,
     167            0 :     cancel: &CancellationToken,
     168            0 :     ctx: &RequestContext,
     169            0 : ) -> Result<ModelInputs, CalculateSyntheticSizeError> {
     170            0 :     // refresh is needed to update [`timeline::GcCutoffs`]
     171            0 :     tenant.refresh_gc_info(cancel, ctx).await?;
     172              : 
     173              :     // Collect information about all the timelines
     174            0 :     let mut timelines = tenant.list_timelines();
     175            0 : 
     176            0 :     if timelines.is_empty() {
     177              :         // perhaps the tenant has just been created, and as such doesn't have any data yet
     178            0 :         return Ok(ModelInputs {
     179            0 :             segments: vec![],
     180            0 :             timeline_inputs: Vec::new(),
     181            0 :         });
     182            0 :     }
     183            0 : 
     184            0 :     // Filter out timelines that are not active
     185            0 :     //
     186            0 :     // There may be a race when a timeline is dropped,
     187            0 :     // but it is unlikely to cause any issues. In the worst case,
     188            0 :     // the calculation will error out.
     189            0 :     timelines.retain(|t| t.is_active());
     190            0 :     // Also filter out archived timelines.
     191            0 :     timelines.retain(|t| t.is_archived() != Some(true));
     192            0 : 
     193            0 :     // Build a map of branch points.
     194            0 :     let mut branchpoints: HashMap<TimelineId, HashSet<Lsn>> = HashMap::new();
     195            0 :     for timeline in timelines.iter() {
     196            0 :         if let Some(ancestor_id) = timeline.get_ancestor_timeline_id() {
     197            0 :             branchpoints
     198            0 :                 .entry(ancestor_id)
     199            0 :                 .or_default()
     200            0 :                 .insert(timeline.get_ancestor_lsn());
     201            0 :         }
     202              :     }
     203              : 
     204              :     // These become the final result.
     205            0 :     let mut timeline_inputs = Vec::with_capacity(timelines.len());
     206            0 :     let mut segments: Vec<SegmentMeta> = Vec::new();
     207            0 : 
     208            0 :     //
     209            0 :     // Build Segments representing each timeline. As we do that, also remember
     210            0 :     // the branchpoints and branch startpoints in 'branchpoint_segments' and
     211            0 :     // 'branchstart_segments'
     212            0 :     //
     213            0 : 
     214            0 :     // BranchPoint segments of each timeline
     215            0 :     // (timeline, branchpoint LSN) -> segment_id
     216            0 :     let mut branchpoint_segments: HashMap<(TimelineId, Lsn), usize> = HashMap::new();
     217              : 
     218              :     // timeline, Branchpoint seg id, (ancestor, ancestor LSN)
     219              :     type BranchStartSegment = (TimelineId, usize, Option<(TimelineId, Lsn)>);
     220            0 :     let mut branchstart_segments: Vec<BranchStartSegment> = Vec::new();
     221              : 
     222            0 :     for timeline in timelines.iter() {
     223            0 :         let timeline_id = timeline.timeline_id;
     224            0 :         let last_record_lsn = timeline.get_last_record_lsn();
     225            0 :         let ancestor_lsn = timeline.get_ancestor_lsn();
     226            0 : 
     227            0 :         // there's a race between the update (holding tenant.gc_lock) and this read but it
     228            0 :         // might not be an issue, because it's not for Timeline::gc
     229            0 :         let gc_info =;
     230            0 : 
     231            0 :         // similar to gc, but Timeline::get_latest_gc_cutoff_lsn() will not be updated before a
     232            0 :         // new gc run, which we have no control over. however differently from `Timeline::gc`
     233            0 :         // we don't consider the `Timeline::disk_consistent_lsn` at all, because we are not
     234            0 :         // actually removing files.
     235            0 :         //
     236            0 :         // We only consider [`timeline::GcCutoffs::time`], and not [`timeline::GcCutoffs::space`], because from
     237            0 :         // a user's perspective they have only requested retention up to the time bound (pitr_cutoff), rather
     238            0 :         // than our internal space cutoff.  This means that if someone drops a database and waits for their
     239            0 :         // PITR interval, they will see synthetic size decrease, even if we are still storing data inside
     240            0 :         // the space cutoff.
     241            0 :         let mut next_pitr_cutoff = gc_info.cutoffs.time;
     242              : 
     243              :         // If the caller provided a shorter retention period, use that instead of the GC cutoff.
     244            0 :         let retention_param_cutoff = if let Some(max_retention_period) = max_retention_period {
     245            0 :             let param_cutoff = Lsn(last_record_lsn.0.saturating_sub(max_retention_period));
     246            0 :             if next_pitr_cutoff < param_cutoff {
     247            0 :                 next_pitr_cutoff = param_cutoff;
     248            0 :             }
     249            0 :             Some(param_cutoff)
     250              :         } else {
     251            0 :             None
     252              :         };
     253              : 
     254            0 :         let lease_points = gc_info
     255            0 :             .leases
     256            0 :             .keys()
     257            0 :             .filter(|&&lsn| lsn > ancestor_lsn)
     258            0 :             .copied()
     259            0 :             .collect::<Vec<_>>();
     260            0 : 
     261            0 :         // next_pitr_cutoff in parent branch are not of interest (right now at least), nor do we
     262            0 :         // want to query any logical size before initdb_lsn.
     263            0 :         let branch_start_lsn = cmp::max(ancestor_lsn, timeline.initdb_lsn);
     264            0 : 
     265            0 :         // Build "interesting LSNs" on this timeline
     266            0 :         let mut lsns: Vec<(Lsn, LsnKind)> = gc_info
     267            0 :             .retain_lsns
     268            0 :             .iter()
     269            0 :             .filter(|(lsn, _child_id, is_offloaded)| {
     270            0 :                 lsn > &ancestor_lsn && *is_offloaded == MaybeOffloaded::No
     271            0 :             })
     272            0 :             .copied()
     273            0 :             // this assumes there are no other retain_lsns than the branchpoints
     274            0 :             .map(|(lsn, _child_id, _is_offloaded)| (lsn, LsnKind::BranchPoint))
     275            0 :             .collect::<Vec<_>>();
     276            0 : 
     277            0 :         lsns.extend(lease_points.iter().map(|&lsn| (lsn, LsnKind::LeasePoint)));
     278            0 : 
     279            0 :         drop(gc_info);
     280              : 
     281              :         // Add branch points we collected earlier, just in case there were any that were
     282              :         // not present in retain_lsns. We will remove any duplicates below later.
     283            0 :         if let Some(this_branchpoints) = branchpoints.get(&timeline_id) {
     284            0 :             lsns.extend(
     285            0 :                 this_branchpoints
     286            0 :                     .iter()
     287            0 :                     .map(|lsn| (*lsn, LsnKind::BranchPoint)),
     288            0 :             )
     289            0 :         }
     290              : 
     291              :         // Add a point for the PITR cutoff
     292            0 :         let branch_start_needed = next_pitr_cutoff <= branch_start_lsn;
     293            0 :         if !branch_start_needed {
     294            0 :             lsns.push((next_pitr_cutoff, LsnKind::GcCutOff));
     295            0 :         }
     296              : 
     297            0 :         lsns.sort_unstable();
     298            0 :         lsns.dedup();
     299            0 : 
     300            0 :         //
     301            0 :         // Create Segments for the interesting points.
     302            0 :         //
     303            0 : 
     304            0 :         // Timeline start point
     305            0 :         let ancestor = timeline
     306            0 :             .get_ancestor_timeline_id()
     307            0 :             .map(|ancestor_id| (ancestor_id, ancestor_lsn));
     308            0 :         branchstart_segments.push((timeline_id, segments.len(), ancestor));
     309            0 :         segments.push(SegmentMeta {
     310            0 :             segment: Segment {
     311            0 :                 parent: None, // filled in later
     312            0 :                 lsn: branch_start_lsn.0,
     313            0 :                 size: None, // filled in later
     314            0 :                 needed: branch_start_needed,
     315            0 :             },
     316            0 :             timeline_id: timeline.timeline_id,
     317            0 :             kind: LsnKind::BranchStart,
     318            0 :         });
     319            0 : 
     320            0 :         // GC cutoff point, and any branch points, i.e. points where
     321            0 :         // other timelines branch off from this timeline.
     322            0 :         let mut parent = segments.len() - 1;
     323            0 :         for (lsn, kind) in lsns {
     324            0 :             if kind == LsnKind::BranchPoint {
     325            0 :                 branchpoint_segments.insert((timeline_id, lsn), segments.len());
     326            0 :             }
     327              : 
     328            0 :             segments.push(SegmentMeta {
     329            0 :                 segment: Segment {
     330            0 :                     parent: Some(parent),
     331            0 :                     lsn: lsn.0,
     332            0 :                     size: None,
     333            0 :                     needed: lsn > next_pitr_cutoff,
     334            0 :                 },
     335            0 :                 timeline_id: timeline.timeline_id,
     336            0 :                 kind,
     337            0 :             });
     338            0 : 
     339            0 :             parent = segments.len() - 1;
     340            0 : 
     341            0 :             if kind == LsnKind::LeasePoint {
     342            0 :                 // Needs `LeaseStart` and `LeaseEnd` as well to model lease as a read-only branch that never writes data
     343            0 :                 // (i.e. it's lsn has not advanced from ancestor_lsn), and therefore the three segments have the same LSN
     344            0 :                 // value. Without the other two segments, the calculation code would not count the leased LSN as a point
     345            0 :                 // to be retained.
     346            0 :                 // Did not use `BranchStart` or `BranchEnd` so we can differentiate branches and leases during debug.
     347            0 :                 //
     348            0 :                 // Alt Design: rewrite the entire calculation code to be independent of timeline id. Both leases and
     349            0 :                 // branch points can be given a synthetic id so we can unite them.
     350            0 :                 let mut lease_parent = parent;
     351            0 : 
     352            0 :                 // Start of a lease.
     353            0 :                 segments.push(SegmentMeta {
     354            0 :                     segment: Segment {
     355            0 :                         parent: Some(lease_parent),
     356            0 :                         lsn: lsn.0,
     357            0 :                         size: None,                     // Filled in later, if necessary
     358            0 :                         needed: lsn > next_pitr_cutoff, // only needed if the point is within rentention.
     359            0 :                     },
     360            0 :                     timeline_id: timeline.timeline_id,
     361            0 :                     kind: LsnKind::LeaseStart,
     362            0 :                 });
     363            0 :                 lease_parent += 1;
     364            0 : 
     365            0 :                 // End of the lease.
     366            0 :                 segments.push(SegmentMeta {
     367            0 :                     segment: Segment {
     368            0 :                         parent: Some(lease_parent),
     369            0 :                         lsn: lsn.0,
     370            0 :                         size: None,   // Filled in later, if necessary
     371            0 :                         needed: true, // everything at the lease LSN must be readable => is needed
     372            0 :                     },
     373            0 :                     timeline_id: timeline.timeline_id,
     374            0 :                     kind: LsnKind::LeaseEnd,
     375            0 :                 });
     376            0 :             }
     377              :         }
     378              : 
     379              :         // Current end of the timeline
     380            0 :         segments.push(SegmentMeta {
     381            0 :             segment: Segment {
     382            0 :                 parent: Some(parent),
     383            0 :                 lsn: last_record_lsn.0,
     384            0 :                 size: None, // Filled in later, if necessary
     385            0 :                 needed: true,
     386            0 :             },
     387            0 :             timeline_id: timeline.timeline_id,
     388            0 :             kind: LsnKind::BranchEnd,
     389            0 :         });
     390            0 : 
     391            0 :         timeline_inputs.push(TimelineInputs {
     392            0 :             timeline_id: timeline.timeline_id,
     393            0 :             ancestor_id: timeline.get_ancestor_timeline_id(),
     394            0 :             ancestor_lsn,
     395            0 :             last_record: last_record_lsn,
     396            0 :             // this is not used above, because it might not have updated recently enough
     397            0 :             latest_gc_cutoff: *timeline.get_applied_gc_cutoff_lsn(),
     398            0 :             next_pitr_cutoff,
     399            0 :             retention_param_cutoff,
     400            0 :             lease_points,
     401            0 :         });
     402              :     }
     403              : 
     404              :     // We now have all segments from the timelines in 'segments'. The timelines
     405              :     // haven't been linked to each other yet, though. Do that.
     406            0 :     for (_timeline_id, seg_id, ancestor) in branchstart_segments {
     407              :         // Look up the branch point
     408            0 :         if let Some(ancestor) = ancestor {
     409            0 :             let parent_id = *branchpoint_segments.get(&ancestor).unwrap();
     410            0 :             segments[seg_id].segment.parent = Some(parent_id);
     411            0 :         }
     412              :     }
     413              : 
     414              :     // We left the 'size' field empty in all of the Segments so far.
     415              :     // Now find logical sizes for all of the points that might need or benefit from them.
     416            0 :     fill_logical_sizes(
     417            0 :         &timelines,
     418            0 :         &mut segments,
     419            0 :         limit,
     420            0 :         logical_size_cache,
     421            0 :         cause,
     422            0 :         ctx,
     423            0 :     )
     424            0 :     .await?;
     425              : 
     426            0 :     if tenant.cancel.is_cancelled() {
     427              :         // If we're shutting down, return an error rather than a sparse result that might include some
     428              :         // timelines from before we started shutting down
     429            0 :         return Err(CalculateSyntheticSizeError::Cancelled);
     430            0 :     }
     431            0 : 
     432            0 :     Ok(ModelInputs {
     433            0 :         segments,
     434            0 :         timeline_inputs,
     435            0 :     })
     436            0 : }
     437              : 
     438              : /// Augment 'segments' with logical sizes
     439              : ///
     440              : /// This will leave segments' sizes as None if the Timeline associated with the segment is deleted concurrently
     441              : /// (i.e. we cannot read its logical size at a particular LSN).
     442            0 : async fn fill_logical_sizes(
     443            0 :     timelines: &[Arc<Timeline>],
     444            0 :     segments: &mut [SegmentMeta],
     445            0 :     limit: &Arc<Semaphore>,
     446            0 :     logical_size_cache: &mut HashMap<(TimelineId, Lsn), u64>,
     447            0 :     cause: LogicalSizeCalculationCause,
     448            0 :     ctx: &RequestContext,
     449            0 : ) -> Result<(), CalculateSyntheticSizeError> {
     450            0 :     let timeline_hash: HashMap<TimelineId, Arc<Timeline>> = HashMap::from_iter(
     451            0 :         timelines
     452            0 :             .iter()
     453            0 :             .map(|timeline| (timeline.timeline_id, Arc::clone(timeline))),
     454            0 :     );
     455            0 : 
     456            0 :     // record the used/inserted cache keys here, to remove extras not to start leaking
     457            0 :     // after initial run the cache should be quite stable, but live timelines will eventually
     458            0 :     // require new lsns to be inspected.
     459            0 :     let mut sizes_needed = HashMap::<(TimelineId, Lsn), Option<u64>>::new();
     460            0 : 
     461            0 :     // with joinset, on drop, all of the tasks will just be de-scheduled, which we can use to
     462            0 :     // our advantage with `?` error handling.
     463            0 :     let mut joinset = tokio::task::JoinSet::new();
     464              : 
     465              :     // For each point that would benefit from having a logical size available,
     466              :     // spawn a Task to fetch it, unless we have it cached already.
     467            0 :     for seg in segments.iter() {
     468            0 :         if !seg.size_needed() {
     469            0 :             continue;
     470            0 :         }
     471            0 : 
     472            0 :         let timeline_id = seg.timeline_id;
     473            0 :         let lsn = Lsn(seg.segment.lsn);
     474              : 
     475            0 :         if let Entry::Vacant(e) = sizes_needed.entry((timeline_id, lsn)) {
     476            0 :             let cached_size = logical_size_cache.get(&(timeline_id, lsn)).cloned();
     477            0 :             if cached_size.is_none() {
     478            0 :                 let timeline = Arc::clone(timeline_hash.get(&timeline_id).unwrap());
     479            0 :                 let parallel_size_calcs = Arc::clone(limit);
     480            0 :                 let ctx = ctx.attached_child();
     481            0 :                 joinset.spawn(
     482            0 :                     calculate_logical_size(parallel_size_calcs, timeline, lsn, cause, ctx)
     483            0 :                         .in_current_span(),
     484            0 :                 );
     485            0 :             }
     486            0 :             e.insert(cached_size);
     487            0 :         }
     488              :     }
     489              : 
     490              :     // Perform the size lookups
     491            0 :     let mut have_any_error = None;
     492            0 :     while let Some(res) = joinset.join_next().await {
     493              :         // each of these come with Result<anyhow::Result<_>, JoinError>
     494              :         // because of spawn + spawn_blocking
     495            0 :         match res {
     496            0 :             Err(join_error) if join_error.is_cancelled() => {
     497            0 :                 unreachable!("we are not cancelling any of the futures, nor should be");
     498              :             }
     499            0 :             Err(join_error) => {
     500            0 :                 // cannot really do anything, as this panic is likely a bug
     501            0 :                 error!("task that calls spawn_ondemand_logical_size_calculation panicked: {join_error:#}");
     502              : 
     503            0 :                 have_any_error = Some(CalculateSyntheticSizeError::Fatal(
     504            0 :                     anyhow::anyhow!(join_error)
     505            0 :                         .context("task that calls spawn_ondemand_logical_size_calculation"),
     506            0 :                 ));
     507              :             }
     508            0 :             Ok(Err(recv_result_error)) => {
     509            0 :                 // cannot really do anything, as this panic is likely a bug
     510            0 :                 error!("failed to receive logical size query result: {recv_result_error:#}");
     511            0 :                 have_any_error = Some(CalculateSyntheticSizeError::Fatal(
     512            0 :                     anyhow::anyhow!(recv_result_error)
     513            0 :                         .context("Receiving logical size query result"),
     514            0 :                 ));
     515              :             }
     516            0 :             Ok(Ok(TimelineAtLsnSizeResult(timeline, lsn, Err(error)))) => {
     517            0 :                 if matches!(error, CalculateLogicalSizeError::Cancelled) {
     518              :                     // Skip this: it's okay if one timeline among many is shutting down while we
     519              :                     // calculate inputs for the overall tenant.
     520            0 :                     continue;
     521              :                 } else {
     522            0 :                     warn!(
     523            0 :                         timeline_id=%timeline.timeline_id,
     524            0 :                         "failed to calculate logical size at {lsn}: {error:#}"
     525              :                     );
     526            0 :                     have_any_error = Some(CalculateSyntheticSizeError::LogicalSize {
     527            0 :                         timeline_id: timeline.timeline_id,
     528            0 :                         lsn,
     529            0 :                         error,
     530            0 :                     });
     531              :                 }
     532              :             }
     533            0 :             Ok(Ok(TimelineAtLsnSizeResult(timeline, lsn, Ok(size)))) => {
     534            0 :                 debug!(timeline_id=%timeline.timeline_id, %lsn, size, "size calculated");
     535              : 
     536            0 :                 logical_size_cache.insert((timeline.timeline_id, lsn), size);
     537            0 :                 sizes_needed.insert((timeline.timeline_id, lsn), Some(size));
     538              :             }
     539              :         }
     540              :     }
     541              : 
     542              :     // prune any keys not needed anymore; we record every used key and added key.
     543            0 :     logical_size_cache.retain(|key, _| sizes_needed.contains_key(key));
     544              : 
     545            0 :     if let Some(error) = have_any_error {
     546              :         // we cannot complete this round, because we are missing data.
     547              :         // we have however cached all we were able to request calculation on.
     548            0 :         return Err(error);
     549            0 :     }
     550              : 
     551              :     // Insert the looked up sizes to the Segments
     552            0 :     for seg in segments.iter_mut() {
     553            0 :         if !seg.size_needed() {
     554            0 :             continue;
     555            0 :         }
     556            0 : 
     557            0 :         let timeline_id = seg.timeline_id;
     558            0 :         let lsn = Lsn(seg.segment.lsn);
     559              : 
     560            0 :         if let Some(Some(size)) = sizes_needed.get(&(timeline_id, lsn)) {
     561            0 :             seg.segment.size = Some(*size);
     562            0 :         }
     563              :     }
     564            0 :     Ok(())
     565            0 : }
     566              : 
     567              : impl ModelInputs {
     568            8 :     pub fn calculate_model(&self) -> tenant_size_model::StorageModel {
     569            8 :         // Convert SegmentMetas into plain Segments
     570            8 :         StorageModel {
     571            8 :             segments: self
     572            8 :                 .segments
     573            8 :                 .iter()
     574           56 :                 .map(|seg| seg.segment.clone())
     575            8 :                 .collect(),
     576            8 :         }
     577            8 :     }
     578              : 
     579              :     // calculate total project size
     580            4 :     pub fn calculate(&self) -> u64 {
     581            4 :         let storage = self.calculate_model();
     582            4 :         let sizes = storage.calculate();
     583            4 :         sizes.total_size
     584            4 :     }
     585              : }
     586              : 
     587              : /// Newtype around the tuple that carries the timeline at lsn logical size calculation.
     588              : struct TimelineAtLsnSizeResult(
     589              :     Arc<crate::tenant::Timeline>,
     590              :     utils::lsn::Lsn,
     591              :     Result<u64, CalculateLogicalSizeError>,
     592              : );
     593              : 
     594              : #[instrument(skip_all, fields(timeline_id=%timeline.timeline_id, lsn=%lsn))]
     595              : async fn calculate_logical_size(
     596              :     limit: Arc<tokio::sync::Semaphore>,
     597              :     timeline: Arc<crate::tenant::Timeline>,
     598              :     lsn: utils::lsn::Lsn,
     599              :     cause: LogicalSizeCalculationCause,
     600              :     ctx: RequestContext,
     601              : ) -> Result<TimelineAtLsnSizeResult, RecvError> {
     602              :     let _permit = tokio::sync::Semaphore::acquire_owned(limit)
     603              :         .await
     604              :         .expect("global semaphore should not had been closed");
     605              : 
     606              :     let size_res = timeline
     607              :         .spawn_ondemand_logical_size_calculation(lsn, cause, ctx)
     608              :         .instrument(info_span!("spawn_ondemand_logical_size_calculation"))
     609              :         .await?;
     610              :     Ok(TimelineAtLsnSizeResult(timeline, lsn, size_res))
     611              : }
     612              : 
     613              : #[test]
     614            4 : fn verify_size_for_multiple_branches() {
     615            4 :     // this is generated from integration test test_tenant_size_with_multiple_branches, but this way
     616            4 :     // it has the stable lsn's
     617            4 :     //
     618            4 :     // The timeline_inputs don't participate in the size calculation, and are here just to explain
     619            4 :     // the inputs.
     620            4 :     let doc = r#"
     621            4 : {
     622            4 :   "segments": [
     623            4 :     {
     624            4 :       "segment": {
     625            4 :         "parent": 9,
     626            4 :         "lsn": 26033560,
     627            4 :         "size": null,
     628            4 :         "needed": false
     629            4 :       },
     630            4 :       "timeline_id": "20b129c9b50cff7213e6503a31b2a5ce",
     631            4 :       "kind": "BranchStart"
     632            4 :     },
     633            4 :     {
     634            4 :       "segment": {
     635            4 :         "parent": 0,
     636            4 :         "lsn": 35720400,
     637            4 :         "size": 25206784,
     638            4 :         "needed": false
     639            4 :       },
     640            4 :       "timeline_id": "20b129c9b50cff7213e6503a31b2a5ce",
     641            4 :       "kind": "GcCutOff"
     642            4 :     },
     643            4 :     {
     644            4 :       "segment": {
     645            4 :         "parent": 1,
     646            4 :         "lsn": 35851472,
     647            4 :         "size": null,
     648            4 :         "needed": true
     649            4 :       },
     650            4 :       "timeline_id": "20b129c9b50cff7213e6503a31b2a5ce",
     651            4 :       "kind": "BranchEnd"
     652            4 :     },
     653            4 :     {
     654            4 :       "segment": {
     655            4 :         "parent": 7,
     656            4 :         "lsn": 24566168,
     657            4 :         "size": null,
     658            4 :         "needed": false
     659            4 :       },
     660            4 :       "timeline_id": "454626700469f0a9914949b9d018e876",
     661            4 :       "kind": "BranchStart"
     662            4 :     },
     663            4 :     {
     664            4 :       "segment": {
     665            4 :         "parent": 3,
     666            4 :         "lsn": 25261936,
     667            4 :         "size": 26050560,
     668            4 :         "needed": false
     669            4 :       },
     670            4 :       "timeline_id": "454626700469f0a9914949b9d018e876",
     671            4 :       "kind": "GcCutOff"
     672            4 :     },
     673            4 :     {
     674            4 :       "segment": {
     675            4 :         "parent": 4,
     676            4 :         "lsn": 25393008,
     677            4 :         "size": null,
     678            4 :         "needed": true
     679            4 :       },
     680            4 :       "timeline_id": "454626700469f0a9914949b9d018e876",
     681            4 :       "kind": "BranchEnd"
     682            4 :     },
     683            4 :     {
     684            4 :       "segment": {
     685            4 :         "parent": null,
     686            4 :         "lsn": 23694408,
     687            4 :         "size": null,
     688            4 :         "needed": false
     689            4 :       },
     690            4 :       "timeline_id": "cb5e3cbe60a4afc00d01880e1a37047f",
     691            4 :       "kind": "BranchStart"
     692            4 :     },
     693            4 :     {
     694            4 :       "segment": {
     695            4 :         "parent": 6,
     696            4 :         "lsn": 24566168,
     697            4 :         "size": 25739264,
     698            4 :         "needed": false
     699            4 :       },
     700            4 :       "timeline_id": "cb5e3cbe60a4afc00d01880e1a37047f",
     701            4 :       "kind": "BranchPoint"
     702            4 :     },
     703            4 :     {
     704            4 :       "segment": {
     705            4 :         "parent": 7,
     706            4 :         "lsn": 25902488,
     707            4 :         "size": 26402816,
     708            4 :         "needed": false
     709            4 :       },
     710            4 :       "timeline_id": "cb5e3cbe60a4afc00d01880e1a37047f",
     711            4 :       "kind": "GcCutOff"
     712            4 :     },
     713            4 :     {
     714            4 :       "segment": {
     715            4 :         "parent": 8,
     716            4 :         "lsn": 26033560,
     717            4 :         "size": 26468352,
     718            4 :         "needed": true
     719            4 :       },
     720            4 :       "timeline_id": "cb5e3cbe60a4afc00d01880e1a37047f",
     721            4 :       "kind": "BranchPoint"
     722            4 :     },
     723            4 :     {
     724            4 :       "segment": {
     725            4 :         "parent": 9,
     726            4 :         "lsn": 26033560,
     727            4 :         "size": null,
     728            4 :         "needed": true
     729            4 :       },
     730            4 :       "timeline_id": "cb5e3cbe60a4afc00d01880e1a37047f",
     731            4 :       "kind": "BranchEnd"
     732            4 :     }
     733            4 :   ],
     734            4 :   "timeline_inputs": [
     735            4 :     {
     736            4 :       "timeline_id": "20b129c9b50cff7213e6503a31b2a5ce",
     737            4 :       "ancestor_lsn": "0/18D3D98",
     738            4 :       "last_record": "0/2230CD0",
     739            4 :       "latest_gc_cutoff": "0/1698C48",
     740            4 :       "next_pitr_cutoff": "0/2210CD0",
     741            4 :       "retention_param_cutoff": null,
     742            4 :       "lease_points": []
     743            4 :     },
     744            4 :     {
     745            4 :       "timeline_id": "454626700469f0a9914949b9d018e876",
     746            4 :       "ancestor_lsn": "0/176D998",
     747            4 :       "last_record": "0/1837770",
     748            4 :       "latest_gc_cutoff": "0/1698C48",
     749            4 :       "next_pitr_cutoff": "0/1817770",
     750            4 :       "retention_param_cutoff": null,
     751            4 :       "lease_points": []
     752            4 :     },
     753            4 :     {
     754            4 :       "timeline_id": "cb5e3cbe60a4afc00d01880e1a37047f",
     755            4 :       "ancestor_lsn": "0/0",
     756            4 :       "last_record": "0/18D3D98",
     757            4 :       "latest_gc_cutoff": "0/1698C48",
     758            4 :       "next_pitr_cutoff": "0/18B3D98",
     759            4 :       "retention_param_cutoff": null,
     760            4 :       "lease_points": []
     761            4 :     }
     762            4 :   ]
     763            4 : }
     764            4 : "#;
     765            4 :     let inputs: ModelInputs = serde_json::from_str(doc).unwrap();
     766            4 : 
     767            4 :     assert_eq!(inputs.calculate(), 37_851_408);
     768            4 : }
     769              : 
     770              : #[test]
     771            4 : fn verify_size_for_one_branch() {
     772            4 :     let doc = r#"
     773            4 : {
     774            4 :   "segments": [
     775            4 :     {
     776            4 :       "segment": {
     777            4 :         "parent": null,
     778            4 :         "lsn": 0,
     779            4 :         "size": null,
     780            4 :         "needed": false
     781            4 :       },
     782            4 :       "timeline_id": "f15ae0cf21cce2ba27e4d80c6709a6cd",
     783            4 :       "kind": "BranchStart"
     784            4 :     },
     785            4 :     {
     786            4 :       "segment": {
     787            4 :         "parent": 0,
     788            4 :         "lsn": 305547335776,
     789            4 :         "size": 220054675456,
     790            4 :         "needed": false
     791            4 :       },
     792            4 :       "timeline_id": "f15ae0cf21cce2ba27e4d80c6709a6cd",
     793            4 :       "kind": "GcCutOff"
     794            4 :     },
     795            4 :     {
     796            4 :       "segment": {
     797            4 :         "parent": 1,
     798            4 :         "lsn": 305614444640,
     799            4 :         "size": null,
     800            4 :         "needed": true
     801            4 :       },
     802            4 :       "timeline_id": "f15ae0cf21cce2ba27e4d80c6709a6cd",
     803            4 :       "kind": "BranchEnd"
     804            4 :     }
     805            4 :   ],
     806            4 :   "timeline_inputs": [
     807            4 :     {
     808            4 :       "timeline_id": "f15ae0cf21cce2ba27e4d80c6709a6cd",
     809            4 :       "ancestor_lsn": "0/0",
     810            4 :       "last_record": "47/280A5860",
     811            4 :       "latest_gc_cutoff": "47/240A5860",
     812            4 :       "next_pitr_cutoff": "47/240A5860",
     813            4 :       "retention_param_cutoff": "0/0",
     814            4 :       "lease_points": []
     815            4 :     }
     816            4 :   ]
     817            4 : }"#;
     818            4 : 
     819            4 :     let model: ModelInputs = serde_json::from_str(doc).unwrap();
     820            4 : 
     821            4 :     let res = model.calculate_model().calculate();
     822            4 : 
     823            4 :     println!("calculated synthetic size: {}", res.total_size);
     824            4 :     println!("result: {:?}", serde_json::to_string(&res.segments));
     825              : 
     826              :     use utils::lsn::Lsn;
     827            4 :     let latest_gc_cutoff_lsn: Lsn = "47/240A5860".parse().unwrap();
     828            4 :     let last_lsn: Lsn = "47/280A5860".parse().unwrap();
     829            4 :     println!(
     830            4 :         "latest_gc_cutoff lsn 47/240A5860 is {}, last_lsn lsn 47/280A5860 is {}",
     831            4 :         u64::from(latest_gc_cutoff_lsn),
     832            4 :         u64::from(last_lsn)
     833            4 :     );
     834            4 :     assert_eq!(res.total_size, 220121784320);
     835            4 : }

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