LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - pageserver/src/deletion_queue - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 73.0 % 100 73
Test Date: 2025-02-20 13:11:02 Functions: 83.3 % 12 10

            Line data    Source code
       1              : //! The deleter is the final stage in the deletion queue.  It accumulates remote
       2              : //! paths to delete, and periodically executes them in batches of up to 1000
       3              : //! using the DeleteObjects request.
       4              : //!
       5              : //! Its purpose is to increase efficiency of remote storage I/O by issuing a smaller
       6              : //! number of full-sized DeleteObjects requests, rather than a larger number of
       7              : //! smaller requests.
       8              : 
       9              : use remote_storage::GenericRemoteStorage;
      10              : use remote_storage::RemotePath;
      11              : use remote_storage::TimeoutOrCancel;
      12              : use std::time::Duration;
      13              : use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken;
      14              : use tracing::info;
      15              : use tracing::warn;
      16              : use utils::backoff;
      17              : use utils::pausable_failpoint;
      18              : 
      19              : use crate::metrics;
      20              : 
      21              : use super::DeletionQueueError;
      22              : use super::FlushOp;
      23              : 
      24              : const AUTOFLUSH_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
      25              : 
      26              : pub(super) enum DeleterMessage {
      27              :     Delete(Vec<RemotePath>),
      28              :     Flush(FlushOp),
      29              : }
      30              : 
      31              : /// Non-persistent deletion queue, for coalescing multiple object deletes into
      32              : /// larger DeleteObjects requests.
      33              : pub(super) struct Deleter {
      34              :     // Accumulate up to 1000 keys for the next deletion operation
      35              :     accumulator: Vec<RemotePath>,
      36              : 
      37              :     rx: tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver<DeleterMessage>,
      38              : 
      39              :     cancel: CancellationToken,
      40              :     remote_storage: GenericRemoteStorage,
      41              : }
      42              : 
      43              : impl Deleter {
      44           16 :     pub(super) fn new(
      45           16 :         remote_storage: GenericRemoteStorage,
      46           16 :         rx: tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver<DeleterMessage>,
      47           16 :         cancel: CancellationToken,
      48           16 :     ) -> Self {
      49           16 :         Self {
      50           16 :             remote_storage,
      51           16 :             rx,
      52           16 :             cancel,
      53           16 :             accumulator: Vec::new(),
      54           16 :         }
      55           16 :     }
      56              : 
      57              :     /// Wrap the remote `delete_objects` with a failpoint
      58           12 :     async fn remote_delete(&self) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
      59           12 :         // A backoff::retry is used here for two reasons:
      60           12 :         // - To provide a backoff rather than busy-polling the API on errors
      61           12 :         // - To absorb transient 429/503 conditions without hitting our error
      62           12 :         //   logging path for issues deleting objects.
      63           12 :         backoff::retry(
      64           12 :             || async {
      65           12 :                 fail::fail_point!("deletion-queue-before-execute", |_| {
      66            0 :                     info!("Skipping execution, failpoint set");
      67              : 
      68            0 :                     metrics::DELETION_QUEUE
      69            0 :                         .remote_errors
      70            0 :                         .with_label_values(&["failpoint"])
      71            0 :                         .inc();
      72            0 :                     Err(anyhow::anyhow!("failpoint: deletion-queue-before-execute"))
      73           12 :                 });
      74              : 
      75           12 :                 self.remote_storage
      76           12 :                     .delete_objects(&self.accumulator, &self.cancel)
      77           12 :                     .await
      78           24 :             },
      79           12 :             TimeoutOrCancel::caused_by_cancel,
      80           12 :             3,
      81           12 :             10,
      82           12 :             "executing deletion batch",
      83           12 :             &self.cancel,
      84           12 :         )
      85           12 :         .await
      86           12 :         .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Shutting down"))
      87           12 :         .and_then(|x| x)
      88           12 :     }
      89              : 
      90              :     /// Block until everything in accumulator has been executed
      91           44 :     async fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<(), DeletionQueueError> {
      92           56 :         while !self.accumulator.is_empty() && !self.cancel.is_cancelled() {
      93           12 :             pausable_failpoint!("deletion-queue-before-execute-pause");
      94           12 :             match self.remote_delete().await {
      95              :                 Ok(()) => {
      96              :                     // Note: we assume that the remote storage layer returns Ok(()) if some
      97              :                     // or all of the deleted objects were already gone.
      98           12 :                     metrics::DELETION_QUEUE
      99           12 :                         .keys_executed
     100           12 :                         .inc_by(self.accumulator.len() as u64);
     101           12 :                     info!(
     102            0 :                         "Executed deletion batch {}..{}",
     103            0 :                         self.accumulator
     104            0 :                             .first()
     105            0 :                             .expect("accumulator should be non-empty"),
     106            0 :                         self.accumulator
     107            0 :                             .last()
     108            0 :                             .expect("accumulator should be non-empty"),
     109              :                     );
     110           12 :                     self.accumulator.clear();
     111              :                 }
     112            0 :                 Err(e) => {
     113            0 :                     if self.cancel.is_cancelled() {
     114            0 :                         return Err(DeletionQueueError::ShuttingDown);
     115            0 :                     }
     116            0 :                     warn!("DeleteObjects request failed: {e:#}, will continue trying");
     117            0 :                     metrics::DELETION_QUEUE
     118            0 :                         .remote_errors
     119            0 :                         .with_label_values(&["execute"])
     120            0 :                         .inc();
     121              :                 }
     122              :             };
     123              :         }
     124           44 :         if self.cancel.is_cancelled() {
     125              :             // Expose an error because we may not have actually flushed everything
     126            4 :             Err(DeletionQueueError::ShuttingDown)
     127              :         } else {
     128           40 :             Ok(())
     129              :         }
     130           44 :     }
     131              : 
     132           16 :     pub(super) async fn background(&mut self) -> Result<(), DeletionQueueError> {
     133           16 :         let max_keys_per_delete = self.remote_storage.max_keys_per_delete();
     134           16 :         self.accumulator.reserve(max_keys_per_delete);
     135              : 
     136              :         loop {
     137           76 :             if self.cancel.is_cancelled() {
     138            0 :                 return Err(DeletionQueueError::ShuttingDown);
     139           76 :             }
     140              : 
     141           76 :             let msg = match tokio::time::timeout(AUTOFLUSH_INTERVAL, self.rx.recv()).await {
     142           56 :                 Ok(Some(m)) => m,
     143              :                 Ok(None) => {
     144              :                     // All queue senders closed
     145            0 :                     info!("Shutting down");
     146            0 :                     return Err(DeletionQueueError::ShuttingDown);
     147              :                 }
     148              :                 Err(_) => {
     149              :                     // Timeout, we hit deadline to execute whatever we have in hand.  These functions will
     150              :                     // return immediately if no work is pending
     151            8 :                     self.flush().await?;
     152              : 
     153            4 :                     continue;
     154              :                 }
     155              :             };
     156              : 
     157           56 :             match msg {
     158           20 :                 DeleterMessage::Delete(mut list) => {
     159           32 :                     while !list.is_empty() || self.accumulator.len() == max_keys_per_delete {
     160           12 :                         if self.accumulator.len() == max_keys_per_delete {
     161            0 :                             self.flush().await?;
     162              :                             // If we have received this number of keys, proceed with attempting to execute
     163            0 :                             assert_eq!(self.accumulator.len(), 0);
     164           12 :                         }
     165              : 
     166           12 :                         let available_slots = max_keys_per_delete - self.accumulator.len();
     167           12 :                         let take_count = std::cmp::min(available_slots, list.len());
     168           12 :                         for path in list.drain(list.len() - take_count..) {
     169           12 :                             self.accumulator.push(path);
     170           12 :                         }
     171              :                     }
     172              :                 }
     173           36 :                 DeleterMessage::Flush(flush_op) => {
     174           36 :                     // If flush() errors, we drop the flush_op and the caller will get
     175           36 :                     // an error recv()'ing their oneshot channel.
     176           36 :                     self.flush().await?;
     177           36 :                     flush_op.notify();
     178              :                 }
     179              :             }
     180              :         }
     181            4 :     }
     182              : }

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