LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - pageserver/src - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 90.7 % 75 68
Test Date: 2025-02-20 13:11:02 Functions: 88.2 % 17 15

            Line data    Source code
       1              : //! Defines [`RequestContext`].
       2              : //!
       3              : //! It is a structure that we use throughout the pageserver to propagate
       4              : //! high-level context from places that _originate_ activity down to the
       5              : //! shared code paths at the heart of the pageserver. It's inspired by
       6              : //! Golang's `context.Context`.
       7              : //!
       8              : //! For example, in `Timeline::get(page_nr, lsn)` we need to answer the following questions:
       9              : //! 1. What high-level activity ([`TaskKind`]) needs this page?
      10              : //!    We need that information as a categorical dimension for page access
      11              : //!    statistics, which we, in turn, need to guide layer eviction policy design.
      12              : //! 2. How should we behave if, to produce the page image, we need to
      13              : //!    on-demand download a layer file ([`DownloadBehavior`]).
      14              : //!
      15              : //! [`RequestContext`] satisfies those needs.
      16              : //! The current implementation is a small `struct` that is passed through
      17              : //! the call chain by reference.
      18              : //!
      19              : //! ### Future Work
      20              : //!
      21              : //! However, we do not intend to stop here, since there are other needs that
      22              : //! require carrying information from high to low levels of the app.
      23              : //!
      24              : //! Most importantly, **cancellation signaling** in response to
      25              : //! 1. timeouts (page_service max response time) and
      26              : //! 2. lifecycle requests (detach tenant, delete timeline).
      27              : //!
      28              : //! Related to that, there is sometimes a need to ensure that all tokio tasks spawned
      29              : //! by the transitive callees of a request have finished. The keyword here
      30              : //! is **Structured Concurrency**, and right now, we use `task_mgr` in most places,
      31              : //! `TaskHandle` in some places, and careful code review around `FuturesUnordered`
      32              : //! or `JoinSet` in other places.
      33              : //!
      34              : //! We do not yet have a systematic cancellation story in pageserver, and it is
      35              : //! pretty clear that [`RequestContext`] will be responsible for that.
      36              : //! So, the API already prepares for this role through the
      37              : //! [`RequestContext::detached_child`] and [`RequestContext::attached_child`]  methods.
      38              : //! See their doc comments for details on how we will use them in the future.
      39              : //!
      40              : //! It is not clear whether or how we will enforce Structured Concurrency, and
      41              : //! what role [`RequestContext`] will play there.
      42              : //! So, the API doesn't prepare us for this topic.
      43              : //!
      44              : //! Other future uses of `RequestContext`:
      45              : //! - Communicate compute & IO priorities (user-initiated request vs. background-loop)
      46              : //! - Request IDs for distributed tracing
      47              : //! - Request/Timeline/Tenant-scoped log levels
      48              : //!
      49              : //! RequestContext might look quite different once it supports those features.
      50              : //! Likely, it will have a shape similar to Golang's `context.Context`.
      51              : //!
      52              : //! ### Why A Struct Instead Of Method Parameters
      53              : //!
      54              : //! What's typical about such information is that it needs to be passed down
      55              : //! along the call chain from high level to low level, but few of the functions
      56              : //! in the middle need to understand it.
      57              : //! Further, it is to be expected that we will need to propagate more data
      58              : //! in the future (see the earlier section on future work).
      59              : //! Hence, for functions in the middle of the call chain, we have the following
      60              : //! requirements:
      61              : //! 1. It should be easy to forward the context to callees.
      62              : //! 2. To propagate more data from high-level to low-level code, the functions in
      63              : //!    the middle should not need to be modified.
      64              : //!
      65              : //! The solution is to have a container structure ([`RequestContext`]) that
      66              : //! carries the information. Functions that don't care about what's in it
      67              : //! pass it along to callees.
      68              : //!
      69              : //! ### Why Not Task-Local Variables
      70              : //!
      71              : //! One could use task-local variables (the equivalent of thread-local variables)
      72              : //! to address the immediate needs outlined above.
      73              : //! However, we reject task-local variables because:
      74              : //! 1. they are implicit, thereby making it harder to trace the data flow in code
      75              : //!    reviews and during debugging,
      76              : //! 2. they can be mutable, which enables implicit return data flow,
      77              : //! 3. they are restrictive in that code which fans out into multiple tasks,
      78              : //!    or even threads, needs to carefully propagate the state.
      79              : //!
      80              : //! In contrast, information flow with [`RequestContext`] is
      81              : //! 1. always explicit,
      82              : //! 2. strictly uni-directional because RequestContext is immutable,
      83              : //! 3. tangible because a [`RequestContext`] is just a value.
      84              : //!    When creating child activities, regardless of whether it's a task,
      85              : //!    thread, or even an RPC to another service, the value can
      86              : //!    be used like any other argument.
      87              : //!
      88              : //! The solution is that all code paths are infected with precisely one
      89              : //! [`RequestContext`] argument. Functions in the middle of the call chain
      90              : //! only need to pass it on.
      91              : 
      92              : use crate::task_mgr::TaskKind;
      93              : 
      94              : // The main structure of this module, see module-level comment.
      95              : #[derive(Debug)]
      96              : pub struct RequestContext {
      97              :     task_kind: TaskKind,
      98              :     download_behavior: DownloadBehavior,
      99              :     access_stats_behavior: AccessStatsBehavior,
     100              :     page_content_kind: PageContentKind,
     101              :     read_path_debug: bool,
     102              : }
     103              : 
     104              : /// The kind of access to the page cache.
     105              : #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, enum_map::Enum, strum_macros::IntoStaticStr)]
     106              : pub enum PageContentKind {
     107              :     Unknown,
     108              :     DeltaLayerSummary,
     109              :     DeltaLayerBtreeNode,
     110              :     DeltaLayerValue,
     111              :     ImageLayerSummary,
     112              :     ImageLayerBtreeNode,
     113              :     ImageLayerValue,
     114              :     InMemoryLayer,
     115              : }
     116              : 
     117              : /// Desired behavior if the operation requires an on-demand download
     118              : /// to proceed.
     119              : #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
     120              : pub enum DownloadBehavior {
     121              :     /// Download the layer file. It can take a while.
     122              :     Download,
     123              : 
     124              :     /// Download the layer file, but print a warning to the log. This should be used
     125              :     /// in code where the layer file is expected to already exist locally.
     126              :     Warn,
     127              : 
     128              :     /// Return a PageReconstructError::NeedsDownload error
     129              :     Error,
     130              : }
     131              : 
     132              : /// Whether this request should update access times used in LRU eviction
     133              : #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
     134              : pub(crate) enum AccessStatsBehavior {
     135              :     /// Update access times: this request's access to data should be taken
     136              :     /// as a hint that the accessed layer is likely to be accessed again
     137              :     Update,
     138              : 
     139              :     /// Do not update access times: this request is accessing the layer
     140              :     /// but does not want to indicate that the layer should be retained in cache,
     141              :     /// perhaps because the requestor is a compaction routine that will soon cover
     142              :     /// this layer with another.
     143              :     Skip,
     144              : }
     145              : 
     146              : pub struct RequestContextBuilder {
     147              :     inner: RequestContext,
     148              : }
     149              : 
     150              : impl RequestContextBuilder {
     151              :     /// A new builder with default settings
     152      1533106 :     pub fn new(task_kind: TaskKind) -> Self {
     153      1533106 :         Self {
     154      1533106 :             inner: RequestContext {
     155      1533106 :                 task_kind,
     156      1533106 :                 download_behavior: DownloadBehavior::Download,
     157      1533106 :                 access_stats_behavior: AccessStatsBehavior::Update,
     158      1533106 :                 page_content_kind: PageContentKind::Unknown,
     159      1533106 :                 read_path_debug: false,
     160      1533106 :             },
     161      1533106 :         }
     162      1533106 :     }
     163              : 
     164      1697203 :     pub fn extend(original: &RequestContext) -> Self {
     165      1697203 :         Self {
     166      1697203 :             // This is like a Copy, but avoid implementing Copy because ordinary users of
     167      1697203 :             // RequestContext should always move or ref it.
     168      1697203 :             inner: RequestContext {
     169      1697203 :                 task_kind: original.task_kind,
     170      1697203 :                 download_behavior: original.download_behavior,
     171      1697203 :                 access_stats_behavior: original.access_stats_behavior,
     172      1697203 :                 page_content_kind: original.page_content_kind,
     173      1697203 :                 read_path_debug: original.read_path_debug,
     174      1697203 :             },
     175      1697203 :         }
     176      1697203 :     }
     177              : 
     178              :     /// Configure the DownloadBehavior of the context: whether to
     179              :     /// download missing layers, and/or warn on the download.
     180      1533106 :     pub fn download_behavior(mut self, b: DownloadBehavior) -> Self {
     181      1533106 :         self.inner.download_behavior = b;
     182      1533106 :         self
     183      1533106 :     }
     184              : 
     185              :     /// Configure the AccessStatsBehavior of the context: whether layer
     186              :     /// accesses should update the access time of the layer.
     187          728 :     pub(crate) fn access_stats_behavior(mut self, b: AccessStatsBehavior) -> Self {
     188          728 :         self.inner.access_stats_behavior = b;
     189          728 :         self
     190          728 :     }
     191              : 
     192      1696475 :     pub(crate) fn page_content_kind(mut self, k: PageContentKind) -> Self {
     193      1696475 :         self.inner.page_content_kind = k;
     194      1696475 :         self
     195      1696475 :     }
     196              : 
     197            0 :     pub(crate) fn read_path_debug(mut self, b: bool) -> Self {
     198            0 :         self.inner.read_path_debug = b;
     199            0 :         self
     200            0 :     }
     201              : 
     202      3230309 :     pub fn build(self) -> RequestContext {
     203      3230309 :         self.inner
     204      3230309 :     }
     205              : }
     206              : 
     207              : impl RequestContext {
     208              :     /// Create a new RequestContext that has no parent.
     209              :     ///
     210              :     /// The function is called `new` because, once we add children
     211              :     /// to it using `detached_child` or `attached_child`, the context
     212              :     /// form a tree (not implemented yet since cancellation will be
     213              :     /// the first feature that requires a tree).
     214              :     ///
     215              :     /// # Future: Cancellation
     216              :     ///
     217              :     /// The only reason why a context like this one can be canceled is
     218              :     /// because someone explicitly canceled it.
     219              :     /// It has no parent, so it cannot inherit cancellation from there.
     220      1533106 :     pub fn new(task_kind: TaskKind, download_behavior: DownloadBehavior) -> Self {
     221      1533106 :         RequestContextBuilder::new(task_kind)
     222      1533106 :             .download_behavior(download_behavior)
     223      1533106 :             .build()
     224      1533106 :     }
     225              : 
     226              :     /// Create a detached child context for a task that may outlive `self`.
     227              :     ///
     228              :     /// Use this when spawning new background activity that should complete
     229              :     /// even if the current request is canceled.
     230              :     ///
     231              :     /// # Future: Cancellation
     232              :     ///
     233              :     /// Cancellation of `self` will not propagate to the child context returned
     234              :     /// by this method.
     235              :     ///
     236              :     /// # Future: Structured Concurrency
     237              :     ///
     238              :     /// We could add the Future as a parameter to this function, spawn it as a task,
     239              :     /// and pass to the new task the child context as an argument.
     240              :     /// That would be an ergonomic improvement.
     241              :     ///
     242              :     /// We could make new calls to this function fail if `self` is already canceled.
     243          432 :     pub fn detached_child(&self, task_kind: TaskKind, download_behavior: DownloadBehavior) -> Self {
     244          432 :         self.child_impl(task_kind, download_behavior)
     245          432 :     }
     246              : 
     247              :     /// Create a child of context `self` for a task that shall not outlive `self`.
     248              :     ///
     249              :     /// Use this when fanning-out work to other async tasks.
     250              :     ///
     251              :     /// # Future: Cancellation
     252              :     ///
     253              :     /// Cancelling a context will propagate to its attached children.
     254              :     ///
     255              :     /// # Future: Structured Concurrency
     256              :     ///
     257              :     /// We could add the Future as a parameter to this function, spawn it as a task,
     258              :     /// and track its `JoinHandle` inside the `RequestContext`.
     259              :     ///
     260              :     /// We could then provide another method to allow waiting for all child tasks
     261              :     /// to finish.
     262              :     ///
     263              :     /// We could make new calls to this function fail if `self` is already canceled.
     264              :     /// Alternatively, we could allow the creation but not spawn the task.
     265              :     /// The method to wait for child tasks would return an error, indicating
     266              :     /// that the child task was not started because the context was canceled.
     267      1531106 :     pub fn attached_child(&self) -> Self {
     268      1531106 :         self.child_impl(self.task_kind(), self.download_behavior())
     269      1531106 :     }
     270              : 
     271              :     /// Use this function when you should be creating a child context using
     272              :     /// [`attached_child`] or [`detached_child`], but your caller doesn't provide
     273              :     /// a context and you are unwilling to change all callers to provide one.
     274              :     ///
     275              :     /// Before we add cancellation, we should get rid of this method.
     276              :     ///
     277              :     /// [`attached_child`]: Self::attached_child
     278              :     /// [`detached_child`]: Self::detached_child
     279          884 :     pub fn todo_child(task_kind: TaskKind, download_behavior: DownloadBehavior) -> Self {
     280          884 :         Self::new(task_kind, download_behavior)
     281          884 :     }
     282              : 
     283      1531538 :     fn child_impl(&self, task_kind: TaskKind, download_behavior: DownloadBehavior) -> Self {
     284      1531538 :         Self::new(task_kind, download_behavior)
     285      1531538 :     }
     286              : 
     287      3967630 :     pub fn task_kind(&self) -> TaskKind {
     288      3967630 :         self.task_kind
     289      3967630 :     }
     290              : 
     291      1531138 :     pub fn download_behavior(&self) -> DownloadBehavior {
     292      1531138 :         self.download_behavior
     293      1531138 :     }
     294              : 
     295       479440 :     pub(crate) fn access_stats_behavior(&self) -> AccessStatsBehavior {
     296       479440 :         self.access_stats_behavior
     297       479440 :     }
     298              : 
     299      1944592 :     pub(crate) fn page_content_kind(&self) -> PageContentKind {
     300      1944592 :         self.page_content_kind
     301      1944592 :     }
     302              : 
     303            0 :     pub(crate) fn read_path_debug(&self) -> bool {
     304            0 :         self.read_path_debug
     305            0 :     }
     306              : }

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