LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - pageserver/src - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 95.4 % 196 187
Test Date: 2025-02-20 13:11:02 Functions: 100.0 % 15 15

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use std::sync::Arc;
       2              : 
       3              : use ::metrics::IntGauge;
       4              : use bytes::{Buf, BufMut, Bytes};
       5              : use pageserver_api::key::{Key, AUX_KEY_PREFIX, METADATA_KEY_SIZE};
       6              : use tracing::warn;
       7              : 
       8              : // BEGIN Copyright (c) 2017 Servo Contributors
       9              : 
      10              : /// Const version of FNV hash.
      11              : #[inline]
      12              : #[must_use]
      13           74 : pub const fn fnv_hash(bytes: &[u8]) -> u128 {
      14              :     const INITIAL_STATE: u128 = 0x6c62272e07bb014262b821756295c58d;
      15              :     const PRIME: u128 = 0x0000000001000000000000000000013B;
      16              : 
      17           74 :     let mut hash = INITIAL_STATE;
      18           74 :     let mut i = 0;
      19          596 :     while i < bytes.len() {
      20          522 :         hash ^= bytes[i] as u128;
      21          522 :         hash = hash.wrapping_mul(PRIME);
      22          522 :         i += 1;
      23          522 :     }
      24           74 :     hash
      25           74 : }
      26              : 
      27              : // END Copyright (c) 2017 Servo Contributors
      28              : 
      29              : /// Create a metadata key from a hash, encoded as [AUX_KEY_PREFIX, 2B directory prefix, least significant 13B of FNV hash].
      30           62 : fn aux_hash_to_metadata_key(dir_level1: u8, dir_level2: u8, data: &[u8]) -> Key {
      31           62 :     let mut key: [u8; 16] = [0; METADATA_KEY_SIZE];
      32           62 :     let hash = fnv_hash(data).to_be_bytes();
      33           62 :     key[0] = AUX_KEY_PREFIX;
      34           62 :     key[1] = dir_level1;
      35           62 :     key[2] = dir_level2;
      36           62 :     key[3..16].copy_from_slice(&hash[3..16]);
      37           62 :     Key::from_metadata_key_fixed_size(&key)
      38           62 : }
      39              : 
      40              : const AUX_DIR_PG_LOGICAL: u8 = 0x01;
      41              : const AUX_DIR_PG_REPLSLOT: u8 = 0x02;
      42              : const AUX_DIR_PG_STAT: u8 = 0x03;
      43              : const AUX_DIR_PG_UNKNOWN: u8 = 0xFF;
      44              : 
      45              : /// Encode the aux file into a fixed-size key.
      46              : ///
      47              : /// The first byte is the AUX key prefix. We use the next 2 bytes of the key for the directory / aux file type.
      48              : /// We have one-to-one mapping for each of the aux file that we support. We hash the remaining part of the path
      49              : /// (usually a single file name, or several components) into 13-byte hash. The way we determine the 2-byte prefix
      50              : /// is roughly based on the first two components of the path, one unique number for one component.
      51              : ///
      52              : /// * pg_logical/mappings -> 0x0101
      53              : /// * pg_logical/snapshots -> 0x0102
      54              : /// * pg_logical/replorigin_checkpoint -> 0x0103
      55              : /// * pg_logical/others -> 0x01FF
      56              : /// * pg_replslot/ -> 0x0201
      57              : /// * pg_stat/pgstat.stat -> 0x0301
      58              : /// * others -> 0xFFFF
      59              : ///
      60              : /// If you add new AUX files to this function, please also add a test case to `test_encoding_portable`.
      61              : /// The new file type must have never been written to the storage before. Otherwise, there could be data
      62              : /// corruptions as the new file belongs to a new prefix but it might have been stored under the `others` prefix.
      63           62 : pub fn encode_aux_file_key(path: &str) -> Key {
      64           62 :     if let Some(fname) = path.strip_prefix("pg_logical/mappings/") {
      65           13 :         aux_hash_to_metadata_key(AUX_DIR_PG_LOGICAL, 0x01, fname.as_bytes())
      66           49 :     } else if let Some(fname) = path.strip_prefix("pg_logical/snapshots/") {
      67            5 :         aux_hash_to_metadata_key(AUX_DIR_PG_LOGICAL, 0x02, fname.as_bytes())
      68           44 :     } else if path == "pg_logical/replorigin_checkpoint" {
      69            5 :         aux_hash_to_metadata_key(AUX_DIR_PG_LOGICAL, 0x03, b"")
      70           39 :     } else if let Some(fname) = path.strip_prefix("pg_logical/") {
      71            5 :         if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
      72            5 :             warn!(
      73            0 :                 "unsupported pg_logical aux file type: {}, putting to 0x01FF, would affect path scanning",
      74              :                 path
      75              :             );
      76            0 :         }
      77            5 :         aux_hash_to_metadata_key(AUX_DIR_PG_LOGICAL, 0xFF, fname.as_bytes())
      78           34 :     } else if let Some(fname) = path.strip_prefix("pg_replslot/") {
      79            5 :         aux_hash_to_metadata_key(AUX_DIR_PG_REPLSLOT, 0x01, fname.as_bytes())
      80           29 :     } else if let Some(fname) = path.strip_prefix("pg_stat/") {
      81            0 :         aux_hash_to_metadata_key(AUX_DIR_PG_STAT, 0x01, fname.as_bytes())
      82              :     } else {
      83           29 :         if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
      84           29 :             warn!(
      85            0 :                 "unsupported aux file type: {}, putting to 0xFFFF, would affect path scanning",
      86              :                 path
      87              :             );
      88            0 :         }
      89           29 :         aux_hash_to_metadata_key(AUX_DIR_PG_UNKNOWN, 0xFF, path.as_bytes())
      90              :     }
      91           62 : }
      92              : 
      93              : const AUX_FILE_ENCODING_VERSION: u8 = 0x01;
      94              : 
      95           16 : pub fn decode_file_value(val: &[u8]) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<(&str, &[u8])>> {
      96           16 :     let mut ptr = val;
      97           16 :     if ptr.is_empty() {
      98              :         // empty value = no files
      99            4 :         return Ok(Vec::new());
     100           12 :     }
     101           12 :     assert_eq!(
     102           12 :         ptr.get_u8(),
     103              :         AUX_FILE_ENCODING_VERSION,
     104            0 :         "unsupported aux file value"
     105              :     );
     106           12 :     let mut files = vec![];
     107           28 :     while ptr.has_remaining() {
     108           16 :         let key_len = ptr.get_u32() as usize;
     109           16 :         let key = &ptr[..key_len];
     110           16 :         ptr.advance(key_len);
     111           16 :         let val_len = ptr.get_u32() as usize;
     112           16 :         let content = &ptr[..val_len];
     113           16 :         ptr.advance(val_len);
     114              : 
     115           16 :         let path = std::str::from_utf8(key)?;
     116           16 :         files.push((path, content));
     117              :     }
     118           12 :     Ok(files)
     119           16 : }
     120              : 
     121              : /// Decode an aux file key-value pair into a list of files. The returned `Bytes` contains reference
     122              : /// to the original value slice. Be cautious about memory consumption.
     123           36 : pub fn decode_file_value_bytes(val: &Bytes) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<(String, Bytes)>> {
     124           36 :     let mut ptr = val.clone();
     125           36 :     if ptr.is_empty() {
     126              :         // empty value = no files
     127            4 :         return Ok(Vec::new());
     128           32 :     }
     129           32 :     assert_eq!(
     130           32 :         ptr.get_u8(),
     131              :         AUX_FILE_ENCODING_VERSION,
     132            0 :         "unsupported aux file value"
     133              :     );
     134           32 :     let mut files = vec![];
     135           64 :     while ptr.has_remaining() {
     136           32 :         let key_len = ptr.get_u32() as usize;
     137           32 :         let key = ptr.slice(..key_len);
     138           32 :         ptr.advance(key_len);
     139           32 :         let val_len = ptr.get_u32() as usize;
     140           32 :         let content = ptr.slice(..val_len);
     141           32 :         ptr.advance(val_len);
     142              : 
     143           32 :         let path = std::str::from_utf8(&key)?.to_string();
     144           32 :         files.push((path, content));
     145              :     }
     146           32 :     Ok(files)
     147           36 : }
     148              : 
     149           40 : pub fn encode_file_value(files: &[(&str, &[u8])]) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>> {
     150           40 :     if files.is_empty() {
     151              :         // no files = empty value
     152            8 :         return Ok(Vec::new());
     153           32 :     }
     154           32 :     let mut encoded = vec![];
     155           32 :     encoded.put_u8(AUX_FILE_ENCODING_VERSION);
     156           68 :     for (path, content) in files {
     157           36 :         if path.len() > u32::MAX as usize {
     158            0 :             anyhow::bail!("{} exceeds path size limit", path);
     159           36 :         }
     160           36 :         encoded.put_u32(path.len() as u32);
     161           36 :         encoded.put_slice(path.as_bytes());
     162           36 :         if content.len() > u32::MAX as usize {
     163            0 :             anyhow::bail!("{} exceeds content size limit", path);
     164           36 :         }
     165           36 :         encoded.put_u32(content.len() as u32);
     166           36 :         encoded.put_slice(content);
     167              :     }
     168           32 :     Ok(encoded)
     169           40 : }
     170              : 
     171              : /// An estimation of the size of aux files.
     172              : pub struct AuxFileSizeEstimator {
     173              :     aux_file_size_gauge: IntGauge,
     174              :     size: Arc<std::sync::Mutex<Option<isize>>>,
     175              : }
     176              : 
     177              : impl AuxFileSizeEstimator {
     178          896 :     pub fn new(aux_file_size_gauge: IntGauge) -> Self {
     179          896 :         Self {
     180          896 :             aux_file_size_gauge,
     181          896 :             size: Arc::new(std::sync::Mutex::new(None)),
     182          896 :         }
     183          896 :     }
     184              : 
     185              :     /// When generating base backup or doing initial logical size calculation
     186           24 :     pub fn on_initial(&self, new_size: usize) {
     187           24 :         let mut guard = self.size.lock().unwrap();
     188           24 :         *guard = Some(new_size as isize);
     189           24 : as isize);
     190           24 :     }
     191              : 
     192           24 :     pub fn on_add(&self, file_size: usize) {
     193           24 :         let mut guard = self.size.lock().unwrap();
     194           24 :         if let Some(size) = &mut *guard {
     195            4 :             *size += file_size as isize;
     196            4 :   *size);
     197           20 :         }
     198           24 :     }
     199              : 
     200            4 :     pub fn on_remove(&self, file_size: usize) {
     201            4 :         let mut guard = self.size.lock().unwrap();
     202            4 :         if let Some(size) = &mut *guard {
     203            4 :             *size -= file_size as isize;
     204            4 :   *size);
     205            4 :         }
     206            4 :     }
     207              : 
     208            4 :     pub fn on_update(&self, old_size: usize, new_size: usize) {
     209            4 :         let mut guard = self.size.lock().unwrap();
     210            4 :         if let Some(size) = &mut *guard {
     211            4 :             *size += new_size as isize - old_size as isize;
     212            4 :   *size);
     213            4 :         }
     214            4 :     }
     215              : 
     216           36 :     pub fn report(&self, size: isize) {
     217           36 :         self.aux_file_size_gauge.set(size as i64);
     218           36 :     }
     219              : }
     220              : 
     221              : #[cfg(test)]
     222              : mod tests {
     223              :     use super::*;
     224              : 
     225              :     #[test]
     226            4 :     fn test_hash_portable() {
     227            4 :         // AUX file encoding requires the hash to be portable across all platforms. This test case checks
     228            4 :         // if the algorithm produces the same hash across different environments.
     229            4 : 
     230            4 :         assert_eq!(
     231            4 :             265160408618497461376862998434862070044,
     232            4 :             super::fnv_hash("test1".as_bytes())
     233            4 :         );
     234            4 :         assert_eq!(
     235            4 :             295486155126299629456360817749600553988,
     236            4 :             super::fnv_hash("test/test2".as_bytes())
     237            4 :         );
     238            4 :         assert_eq!(
     239            4 :             144066263297769815596495629667062367629,
     240            4 :             super::fnv_hash("".as_bytes())
     241            4 :         );
     242            4 :     }
     243              : 
     244              :     #[test]
     245            4 :     fn test_encoding_portable() {
     246            4 :         // To correct retrieve AUX files, the generated keys for the same file must be the same for all versions
     247            4 :         // of the page server.
     248            4 :         assert_eq!(
     249            4 :             "62000001017F8B83D94F7081693471ABF91C",
     250            4 :             encode_aux_file_key("pg_logical/mappings/test1").to_string(),
     251            4 :         );
     252            4 :         assert_eq!(
     253            4 :             "62000001027F8E83D94F7081693471ABFCCD",
     254            4 :             encode_aux_file_key("pg_logical/snapshots/test2").to_string(),
     255            4 :         );
     256            4 :         assert_eq!(
     257            4 :             "62000001032E07BB014262B821756295C58D",
     258            4 :             encode_aux_file_key("pg_logical/replorigin_checkpoint").to_string(),
     259            4 :         );
     260            4 :         assert_eq!(
     261            4 :             "62000001FF4F38E1C74754E7D03C1A660178",
     262            4 :             encode_aux_file_key("pg_logical/unsupported").to_string(),
     263            4 :         );
     264            4 :         assert_eq!(
     265            4 :             "62000002017F8D83D94F7081693471ABFB92",
     266            4 :             encode_aux_file_key("pg_replslot/test3").to_string()
     267            4 :         );
     268            4 :         assert_eq!(
     269            4 :             "620000FFFF2B6ECC8AEF93F643DC44F15E03",
     270            4 :             encode_aux_file_key("other_file_not_supported").to_string(),
     271            4 :         );
     272            4 :     }
     273              : 
     274              :     #[test]
     275            4 :     fn test_value_encoding() {
     276            4 :         let files = vec![
     277            4 :             ("pg_logical/1.file", "1111".as_bytes()),
     278            4 :             ("pg_logical/2.file", "2222".as_bytes()),
     279            4 :         ];
     280            4 :         assert_eq!(
     281            4 :             files,
     282            4 :             decode_file_value(&encode_file_value(&files).unwrap()).unwrap()
     283            4 :         );
     284            4 :         let files = vec![];
     285            4 :         assert_eq!(
     286            4 :             files,
     287            4 :             decode_file_value(&encode_file_value(&files).unwrap()).unwrap()
     288            4 :         );
     289            4 :     }
     290              : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta