Line data Source code
1 : //! Functions to encrypt a password in the client.
2 : //!
3 : //! This is intended to be used by client applications that wish to
4 : //! send commands like `ALTER USER joe PASSWORD 'pwd'`. The password
5 : //! need not be sent in cleartext if it is encrypted on the client
6 : //! side. This is good because it ensures the cleartext password won't
7 : //! end up in logs pg_stat displays, etc.
8 :
9 : use crate::authentication::sasl;
10 : use hmac::{Hmac, Mac};
11 : use rand::RngCore;
12 : use sha2::digest::FixedOutput;
13 : use sha2::{Digest, Sha256};
14 :
15 : #[cfg(test)]
16 : mod test;
17 :
18 : const SCRAM_DEFAULT_ITERATIONS: u32 = 4096;
19 : const SCRAM_DEFAULT_SALT_LEN: usize = 16;
20 :
21 : /// Hash password using SCRAM-SHA-256 with a randomly-generated
22 : /// salt.
23 : ///
24 : /// The client may assume the returned string doesn't contain any
25 : /// special characters that would require escaping in an SQL command.
26 16 : pub async fn scram_sha_256(password: &[u8]) -> String {
27 16 : let mut salt: [u8; SCRAM_DEFAULT_SALT_LEN] = [0; SCRAM_DEFAULT_SALT_LEN];
28 16 : let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
29 16 : rng.fill_bytes(&mut salt);
30 16 : scram_sha_256_salt(password, salt).await
31 16 : }
32 :
33 : // Internal implementation of scram_sha_256 with a caller-provided
34 : // salt. This is useful for testing.
35 17 : pub(crate) async fn scram_sha_256_salt(
36 17 : password: &[u8],
37 17 : salt: [u8; SCRAM_DEFAULT_SALT_LEN],
38 17 : ) -> String {
39 : // Prepare the password, per [RFC
40 : // 4013](, if possible.
41 : //
42 : // Postgres treats passwords as byte strings (without embedded NUL
43 : // bytes), but SASL expects passwords to be valid UTF-8.
44 : //
45 : // Follow the behavior of libpq's PQencryptPasswordConn(), and
46 : // also the backend. If the password is not valid UTF-8, or if it
47 : // contains prohibited characters (such as non-ASCII whitespace),
48 : // just skip the SASLprep step and use the original byte
49 : // sequence.
50 17 : let prepared: Vec<u8> = match std::str::from_utf8(password) {
51 17 : Ok(password_str) => {
52 17 : match stringprep::saslprep(password_str) {
53 17 : Ok(p) => p.into_owned().into_bytes(),
54 : // contains invalid characters; skip saslprep
55 0 : Err(_) => Vec::from(password),
56 : }
57 : }
58 : // not valid UTF-8; skip saslprep
59 0 : Err(_) => Vec::from(password),
60 : };
61 :
62 : // salt password
63 17 : let salted_password = sasl::hi(&prepared, &salt, SCRAM_DEFAULT_ITERATIONS).await;
64 :
65 : // client key
66 17 : let mut hmac = Hmac::<Sha256>::new_from_slice(&salted_password)
67 17 : .expect("HMAC is able to accept all key sizes");
68 17 : hmac.update(b"Client Key");
69 17 : let client_key = hmac.finalize().into_bytes();
70 17 :
71 17 : // stored key
72 17 : let mut hash = Sha256::default();
73 17 : hash.update(client_key.as_slice());
74 17 : let stored_key = hash.finalize_fixed();
75 17 :
76 17 : // server key
77 17 : let mut hmac = Hmac::<Sha256>::new_from_slice(&salted_password)
78 17 : .expect("HMAC is able to accept all key sizes");
79 17 : hmac.update(b"Server Key");
80 17 : let server_key = hmac.finalize().into_bytes();
81 17 :
82 17 : format!(
83 17 : "SCRAM-SHA-256${}:{}${}:{}",
85 17 : base64::encode(salt),
86 17 : base64::encode(stored_key),
87 17 : base64::encode(server_key)
88 17 : )
89 17 : }