LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libs/postgres_ffi/src - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 82.7 % 295 244
Test Date: 2025-02-20 13:11:02 Functions: 78.1 % 128 100

            Line data    Source code
       1              : //
       2              : // This file contains common utilities for dealing with PostgreSQL WAL files and
       3              : // LSNs.
       4              : //
       5              : // Many of these functions have been copied from PostgreSQL, and rewritten in
       6              : // Rust. That's why they don't follow the usual Rust naming conventions, they
       7              : // have been named the same as the corresponding PostgreSQL functions instead.
       8              : //
       9              : 
      10              : use super::super::waldecoder::WalStreamDecoder;
      11              : use super::bindings::{
      12              :     CheckPoint, ControlFileData, DBState_DB_SHUTDOWNED, FullTransactionId, TimeLineID, TimestampTz,
      13              :     XLogLongPageHeaderData, XLogPageHeaderData, XLogRecPtr, XLogRecord, XLogSegNo, XLOG_PAGE_MAGIC,
      14              : };
      15              : use super::wal_generator::LogicalMessageGenerator;
      16              : use super::PG_MAJORVERSION;
      17              : use crate::pg_constants;
      18              : use crate::PG_TLI;
      19              : use crate::{uint32, uint64, Oid};
      20              : use crate::{WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE, XLOG_BLCKSZ};
      21              : 
      22              : use bytes::BytesMut;
      23              : use bytes::{Buf, Bytes};
      24              : 
      25              : use log::*;
      26              : 
      27              : use serde::Serialize;
      28              : use std::ffi::{CString, OsStr};
      29              : use std::fs::File;
      30              : use std::io::prelude::*;
      31              : use std::io::ErrorKind;
      32              : use std::io::SeekFrom;
      33              : use std::path::Path;
      34              : use std::time::SystemTime;
      35              : use utils::bin_ser::DeserializeError;
      36              : use utils::bin_ser::SerializeError;
      37              : 
      38              : use utils::lsn::Lsn;
      39              : 
      40              : pub const XLOG_FNAME_LEN: usize = 24;
      41              : pub const XLP_BKP_REMOVABLE: u16 = 0x0004;
      42              : pub const XLP_FIRST_IS_CONTRECORD: u16 = 0x0001;
      43              : pub const XLP_REM_LEN_OFFS: usize = 2 + 2 + 4 + 8;
      44              : pub const XLOG_RECORD_CRC_OFFS: usize = 4 + 4 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2;
      45              : 
      46              : pub const XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_SHORT_PHD: usize = size_of::<XLogPageHeaderData>();
      47              : pub const XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_LONG_PHD: usize = size_of::<XLogLongPageHeaderData>();
      48              : pub const XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_RECORD: usize = size_of::<XLogRecord>();
      49              : #[allow(clippy::identity_op)]
      50              : pub const SIZE_OF_XLOG_RECORD_DATA_HEADER_SHORT: usize = 1 * 2;
      51              : 
      52              : /// Interval of checkpointing metadata file. We should store metadata file to enforce
      53              : /// predicate that checkpoint.nextXid is larger than any XID in WAL.
      54              : /// But flushing checkpoint file for each transaction seems to be too expensive,
      55              : /// so XID_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL is used to forward align nextXid and so perform
      56              : /// metadata checkpoint only once per XID_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL transactions.
      57              : /// XID_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL should not be larger than BLCKSZ*CLOG_XACTS_PER_BYTE
      58              : /// in order to let CLOG_TRUNCATE mechanism correctly extend CLOG.
      59              : const XID_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL: u32 = 1024;
      60              : 
      61          185 : pub fn XLogSegmentsPerXLogId(wal_segsz_bytes: usize) -> XLogSegNo {
      62          185 :     (0x100000000u64 / wal_segsz_bytes as u64) as XLogSegNo
      63          185 : }
      64              : 
      65           59 : pub fn XLogSegNoOffsetToRecPtr(
      66           59 :     segno: XLogSegNo,
      67           59 :     offset: u32,
      68           59 :     wal_segsz_bytes: usize,
      69           59 : ) -> XLogRecPtr {
      70           59 :     segno * (wal_segsz_bytes as u64) + (offset as u64)
      71           59 : }
      72              : 
      73           63 : pub fn XLogFileName(tli: TimeLineID, logSegNo: XLogSegNo, wal_segsz_bytes: usize) -> String {
      74           63 :     format!(
      75           63 :         "{:>08X}{:>08X}{:>08X}",
      76           63 :         tli,
      77           63 :         logSegNo / XLogSegmentsPerXLogId(wal_segsz_bytes),
      78           63 :         logSegNo % XLogSegmentsPerXLogId(wal_segsz_bytes)
      79           63 :     )
      80           63 : }
      81              : 
      82           59 : pub fn XLogFromFileName(
      83           59 :     fname: &OsStr,
      84           59 :     wal_seg_size: usize,
      85           59 : ) -> anyhow::Result<(XLogSegNo, TimeLineID)> {
      86           59 :     if let Some(fname_str) = fname.to_str() {
      87           59 :         let tli = u32::from_str_radix(&fname_str[0..8], 16)?;
      88           59 :         let log = u32::from_str_radix(&fname_str[8..16], 16)? as XLogSegNo;
      89           59 :         let seg = u32::from_str_radix(&fname_str[16..24], 16)? as XLogSegNo;
      90           59 :         Ok((log * XLogSegmentsPerXLogId(wal_seg_size) + seg, tli))
      91              :     } else {
      92            0 :         anyhow::bail!("non-ut8 filename: {:?}", fname);
      93              :     }
      94           59 : }
      95              : 
      96          140 : pub fn IsXLogFileName(fname: &OsStr) -> bool {
      97          140 :     if let Some(fname) = fname.to_str() {
      98         1896 :         fname.len() == XLOG_FNAME_LEN && fname.chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_hexdigit())
      99              :     } else {
     100            0 :         false
     101              :     }
     102          140 : }
     103              : 
     104            6 : pub fn IsPartialXLogFileName(fname: &OsStr) -> bool {
     105            6 :     if let Some(fname) = fname.to_str() {
     106            6 :         fname.ends_with(".partial") && IsXLogFileName(OsStr::new(&fname[0..fname.len() - 8]))
     107              :     } else {
     108            0 :         false
     109              :     }
     110            6 : }
     111              : 
     112              : /// If LSN points to the beginning of the page, then shift it to first record,
     113              : /// otherwise align on 8-bytes boundary (required for WAL records)
     114           28 : pub fn normalize_lsn(lsn: Lsn, seg_sz: usize) -> Lsn {
     115           28 :     if lsn.0 % XLOG_BLCKSZ as u64 == 0 {
     116            0 :         let hdr_size = if lsn.0 % seg_sz as u64 == 0 {
     117            0 :             XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_LONG_PHD
     118              :         } else {
     119            0 :             XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_SHORT_PHD
     120              :         };
     121            0 :         lsn + hdr_size as u64
     122              :     } else {
     123           28 :         lsn.align()
     124              :     }
     125           28 : }
     126              : 
     127              : /// Generate a pg_control file, for a basebackup for starting up Postgres at the given LSN
     128              : ///
     129              : /// 'pg_control_bytes' and 'checkpoint_bytes' are the contents of those keys persisted in
     130              : /// the pageserver. They use the same format as the PostgreSQL control file and the
     131              : /// checkpoint record, but see for how exactly they are kept up to date.
     132              : /// 'lsn' is the LSN at which we're starting up.
     133              : ///
     134              : /// Returns:
     135              : /// - pg_control file contents
     136              : /// - system_identifier, extracted from the persisted information
     137              : /// - true, if we're starting up from a "clean shutdown", i.e. if there was a shutdown
     138              : ///   checkpoint at the given LSN
     139            0 : pub fn generate_pg_control(
     140            0 :     pg_control_bytes: &[u8],
     141            0 :     checkpoint_bytes: &[u8],
     142            0 :     lsn: Lsn,
     143            0 : ) -> anyhow::Result<(Bytes, u64, bool)> {
     144            0 :     let mut pg_control = ControlFileData::decode(pg_control_bytes)?;
     145            0 :     let mut checkpoint = CheckPoint::decode(checkpoint_bytes)?;
     146              : 
     147              :     // Generate new pg_control needed for bootstrap
     148              :     //
     149              :     // NB: In the checkpoint struct that we persist in the pageserver, we have a different
     150              :     // convention for the 'redo' field than in PostgreSQL: On a shutdown checkpoint,
     151              :     // 'redo' points the *end* of the checkpoint WAL record. On PostgreSQL, it points to
     152              :     // the beginning. Furthermore, on an online checkpoint, 'redo' is set to 0.
     153              :     //
     154              :     // We didn't always have this convention however, and old persisted records will have
     155              :     // old REDO values that point to some old LSN.
     156              :     //
     157              :     // The upshot is that if 'redo' is equal to the "current" LSN, there was a shutdown
     158              :     // checkpoint record at that point in WAL, with no new WAL records after it. That case
     159              :     // can be treated as starting from a clean shutdown. All other cases are treated as
     160              :     // non-clean shutdown. In Neon, we don't do WAL replay at startup in either case, so
     161              :     // that distinction doesn't matter very much. As of this writing, it only affects
     162              :     // whether the persisted pg_stats information can be used or not.
     163              :     //
     164              :     // In the Checkpoint struct in the returned pg_control file, the redo pointer is
     165              :     // always set to the LSN we're starting at, to hint that no WAL replay is required.
     166              :     // (There's some neon-specific code in Postgres startup to make that work, though.
     167              :     // Just setting the redo pointer is not sufficient.)
     168            0 :     let was_shutdown = Lsn(checkpoint.redo) == lsn;
     169            0 :     checkpoint.redo = normalize_lsn(lsn, WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE).0;
     170            0 : 
     171            0 :     // We use DBState_DB_SHUTDOWNED even if it was not a clean shutdown.  The
     172            0 :     // neon-specific code at postgres startup ignores the state stored in the control
     173            0 :     // file, similar to archive recovery in standalone PostgreSQL. Similarly, the
     174            0 :     // checkPoint pointer is ignored, so just set it to 0.
     175            0 :     pg_control.checkPoint = 0;
     176            0 :     pg_control.checkPointCopy = checkpoint;
     177            0 :     pg_control.state = DBState_DB_SHUTDOWNED;
     178            0 : 
     179            0 :     Ok((pg_control.encode(), pg_control.system_identifier, was_shutdown))
     180            0 : }
     181              : 
     182            4 : pub fn get_current_timestamp() -> TimestampTz {
     183            4 :     to_pg_timestamp(SystemTime::now())
     184            4 : }
     185              : 
     186              : // Module to reduce the scope of the constants
     187              : mod timestamp_conversions {
     188              :     use std::time::Duration;
     189              : 
     190              :     use anyhow::Context;
     191              : 
     192              :     use super::*;
     193              : 
     194              :     const UNIX_EPOCH_JDATE: u64 = 2440588; // == date2j(1970, 1, 1)
     195              :     const POSTGRES_EPOCH_JDATE: u64 = 2451545; // == date2j(2000, 1, 1)
     196              :     const SECS_PER_DAY: u64 = 86400;
     197              :     const USECS_PER_SEC: u64 = 1000000;
     198              :     const SECS_DIFF_UNIX_TO_POSTGRES_EPOCH: u64 =
     199              :         (POSTGRES_EPOCH_JDATE - UNIX_EPOCH_JDATE) * SECS_PER_DAY;
     200              : 
     201           12 :     pub fn to_pg_timestamp(time: SystemTime) -> TimestampTz {
     202           12 :         match time.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) {
     203           12 :             Ok(n) => {
     204           12 :                 ((n.as_secs() - SECS_DIFF_UNIX_TO_POSTGRES_EPOCH) * USECS_PER_SEC
     205           12 :                     + n.subsec_micros() as u64) as i64
     206              :             }
     207            0 :             Err(_) => panic!("SystemTime before UNIX EPOCH!"),
     208              :         }
     209           12 :     }
     210              : 
     211           24 :     pub fn try_from_pg_timestamp(time: TimestampTz) -> anyhow::Result<SystemTime> {
     212           24 :         let time: u64 = time
     213           24 :             .try_into()
     214           24 :             .context("timestamp before millenium (postgres epoch)")?;
     215           24 :         let since_unix_epoch = time + SECS_DIFF_UNIX_TO_POSTGRES_EPOCH * USECS_PER_SEC;
     216           24 :         SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH
     217           24 :             .checked_add(Duration::from_micros(since_unix_epoch))
     218           24 :             .context("SystemTime overflow")
     219           24 :     }
     220              : }
     221              : 
     222              : pub use timestamp_conversions::{to_pg_timestamp, try_from_pg_timestamp};
     223              : 
     224              : // Returns (aligned) end_lsn of the last record in data_dir with WAL segments.
     225              : // start_lsn must point to some previously known record boundary (beginning of
     226              : // the next record). If no valid record after is found, start_lsn is returned
     227              : // back.
     228           32 : pub fn find_end_of_wal(
     229           32 :     data_dir: &Path,
     230           32 :     wal_seg_size: usize,
     231           32 :     start_lsn: Lsn, // start reading WAL at this point; must point at record start_lsn.
     232           32 : ) -> anyhow::Result<Lsn> {
     233           32 :     let mut result = start_lsn;
     234           32 :     let mut curr_lsn = start_lsn;
     235           32 :     let mut buf = [0u8; XLOG_BLCKSZ];
     236           32 :     let pg_version = PG_MAJORVERSION[1..3].parse::<u32>().unwrap();
     237           32 :     debug!("find_end_of_wal PG_VERSION: {}", pg_version);
     238              : 
     239           32 :     let mut decoder = WalStreamDecoder::new(start_lsn, pg_version);
     240              : 
     241              :     // loop over segments
     242              :     loop {
     243           40 :         let segno = curr_lsn.segment_number(wal_seg_size);
     244           40 :         let seg_file_name = XLogFileName(PG_TLI, segno, wal_seg_size);
     245           40 :         let seg_file_path = data_dir.join(seg_file_name);
     246           40 :         match open_wal_segment(&seg_file_path)? {
     247              :             None => {
     248              :                 // no more segments
     249            0 :                 debug!(
     250            0 :                     "find_end_of_wal reached end at {:?}, segment {:?} doesn't exist",
     251              :                     result, seg_file_path
     252              :                 );
     253            0 :                 return Ok(result);
     254              :             }
     255           40 :             Some(mut segment) => {
     256           40 :                 let seg_offs = curr_lsn.segment_offset(wal_seg_size);
     257           40 :        as u64))?;
     258              :                 // loop inside segment
     259        16504 :                 while curr_lsn.segment_number(wal_seg_size) == segno {
     260        16496 :                     let bytes_read = buf)?;
     261        16496 :                     if bytes_read == 0 {
     262            0 :                         debug!(
     263            0 :                             "find_end_of_wal reached end at {:?}, EOF in segment {:?} at offset {}",
     264            0 :                             result,
     265            0 :                             seg_file_path,
     266            0 :                             curr_lsn.segment_offset(wal_seg_size)
     267              :                         );
     268            0 :                         return Ok(result);
     269        16496 :                     }
     270        16496 :                     curr_lsn += bytes_read as u64;
     271        16496 :                     decoder.feed_bytes(&buf[0..bytes_read]);
     272              : 
     273              :                     // advance result past all completely read records
     274              :                     loop {
     275        16664 :                         match decoder.poll_decode() {
     276          168 :                             Ok(Some(record)) => result = record.0,
     277           32 :                             Err(e) => {
     278           32 :                                 debug!(
     279           32 :                                     "find_end_of_wal reached end at {:?}, decode error: {:?}",
     280              :                                     result, e
     281              :                                 );
     282           32 :                                 return Ok(result);
     283              :                             }
     284        16464 :                             Ok(None) => break, // need more data
     285              :                         }
     286              :                     }
     287              :                 }
     288              :             }
     289              :         }
     290              :     }
     291           32 : }
     292              : 
     293              : // Open .partial or full WAL segment file, if present.
     294           40 : fn open_wal_segment(seg_file_path: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<Option<File>> {
     295           40 :     let mut partial_path = seg_file_path.to_owned();
     296           40 :     partial_path.set_extension("partial");
     297           40 :     match File::open(partial_path) {
     298           32 :         Ok(file) => Ok(Some(file)),
     299            8 :         Err(e) => match e.kind() {
     300              :             ErrorKind::NotFound => {
     301              :                 // .partial not found, try full
     302            8 :                 match File::open(seg_file_path) {
     303            8 :                     Ok(file) => Ok(Some(file)),
     304            0 :                     Err(e) => match e.kind() {
     305            0 :                         ErrorKind::NotFound => Ok(None),
     306            0 :                         _ => Err(e.into()),
     307              :                     },
     308              :                 }
     309              :             }
     310            0 :             _ => Err(e.into()),
     311              :         },
     312              :     }
     313           40 : }
     314              : 
     315              : impl XLogRecord {
     316       316737 :     pub fn from_slice(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<XLogRecord, DeserializeError> {
     317              :         use utils::bin_ser::LeSer;
     318       316737 :         XLogRecord::des(buf)
     319       316737 :     }
     320              : 
     321       292300 :     pub fn from_bytes<B: Buf>(buf: &mut B) -> Result<XLogRecord, DeserializeError> {
     322              :         use utils::bin_ser::LeSer;
     323       292300 :         XLogRecord::des_from(&mut buf.reader())
     324       292300 :     }
     325              : 
     326        23854 :     pub fn encode(&self) -> Result<Bytes, SerializeError> {
     327              :         use utils::bin_ser::LeSer;
     328        23854 :         Ok(self.ser()?.into())
     329        23854 :     }
     330              : 
     331              :     // Is this record an XLOG_SWITCH record? They need some special processing,
     332       316737 :     pub fn is_xlog_switch_record(&self) -> bool {
     333       316737 :         self.xl_info == pg_constants::XLOG_SWITCH && self.xl_rmid == pg_constants::RM_XLOG_ID
     334       316737 :     }
     335              : }
     336              : 
     337              : impl XLogPageHeaderData {
     338        23616 :     pub fn from_bytes<B: Buf>(buf: &mut B) -> Result<XLogPageHeaderData, DeserializeError> {
     339              :         use utils::bin_ser::LeSer;
     340        23616 :         XLogPageHeaderData::des_from(&mut buf.reader())
     341        23616 :     }
     342              : 
     343          689 :     pub fn encode(&self) -> Result<Bytes, SerializeError> {
     344              :         use utils::bin_ser::LeSer;
     345          689 :         self.ser().map(|b| b.into())
     346          689 :     }
     347              : }
     348              : 
     349              : impl XLogLongPageHeaderData {
     350            8 :     pub fn from_bytes<B: Buf>(buf: &mut B) -> Result<XLogLongPageHeaderData, DeserializeError> {
     351              :         use utils::bin_ser::LeSer;
     352            8 :         XLogLongPageHeaderData::des_from(&mut buf.reader())
     353            8 :     }
     354              : 
     355            3 :     pub fn encode(&self) -> Result<Bytes, SerializeError> {
     356              :         use utils::bin_ser::LeSer;
     357            3 :         self.ser().map(|b| b.into())
     358            3 :     }
     359              : }
     360              : 
     361              : pub const SIZEOF_CHECKPOINT: usize = size_of::<CheckPoint>();
     362              : 
     363              : impl CheckPoint {
     364           16 :     pub fn encode(&self) -> Result<Bytes, SerializeError> {
     365              :         use utils::bin_ser::LeSer;
     366           16 :         Ok(self.ser()?.into())
     367           16 :     }
     368              : 
     369           48 :     pub fn decode(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<CheckPoint, DeserializeError> {
     370              :         use utils::bin_ser::LeSer;
     371           48 :         CheckPoint::des(buf)
     372           48 :     }
     373              : 
     374              :     /// Update next XID based on provided new_xid and stored epoch.
     375              :     /// Next XID should be greater than new_xid. This handles 32-bit
     376              :     /// XID wraparound correctly.
     377              :     ///
     378              :     /// Returns 'true' if the XID was updated.
     379       291684 :     pub fn update_next_xid(&mut self, xid: u32) -> bool {
     380       291684 :         // nextXid should be greater than any XID in WAL, so increment provided XID and check for wraparround.
     381       291684 :         let mut new_xid = std::cmp::max(
     382       291684 :             xid.wrapping_add(1),
     383       291684 :             pg_constants::FIRST_NORMAL_TRANSACTION_ID,
     384       291684 :         );
     385       291684 :         // To reduce number of metadata checkpoints, we forward align XID on XID_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL.
     386       291684 :         // XID_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL should not be larger than BLCKSZ*CLOG_XACTS_PER_BYTE
     387       291684 :         new_xid =
     388       291684 :             new_xid.wrapping_add(XID_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL - 1) & !(XID_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL - 1);
     389       291684 :         let full_xid = self.nextXid.value;
     390       291684 :         let old_xid = full_xid as u32;
     391       291684 :         if new_xid.wrapping_sub(old_xid) as i32 > 0 {
     392           12 :             let mut epoch = full_xid >> 32;
     393           12 :             if new_xid < old_xid {
     394            0 :                 // wrap-around
     395            0 :                 epoch += 1;
     396           12 :             }
     397           12 :             let nextXid = (epoch << 32) | new_xid as u64;
     398           12 : 
     399           12 :             if nextXid != self.nextXid.value {
     400           12 :                 self.nextXid = FullTransactionId { value: nextXid };
     401           12 :                 return true;
     402            0 :             }
     403       291672 :         }
     404       291672 :         false
     405       291684 :     }
     406              : 
     407              :     /// Advance next multi-XID/offset to those given in arguments.
     408              :     ///
     409              :     /// It's important that this handles wraparound correctly. This should match the
     410              :     /// MultiXactAdvanceNextMXact() logic in PostgreSQL's xlog_redo() function.
     411              :     ///
     412              :     /// Returns 'true' if the Checkpoint was updated.
     413           24 :     pub fn update_next_multixid(&mut self, multi_xid: u32, multi_offset: u32) -> bool {
     414           24 :         let mut modified = false;
     415           24 : 
     416           24 :         if multi_xid.wrapping_sub(self.nextMulti) as i32 > 0 {
     417           16 :             self.nextMulti = multi_xid;
     418           16 :             modified = true;
     419           16 :         }
     420              : 
     421           24 :         if multi_offset.wrapping_sub(self.nextMultiOffset) as i32 > 0 {
     422           20 :             self.nextMultiOffset = multi_offset;
     423           20 :             modified = true;
     424           20 :         }
     425              : 
     426           24 :         modified
     427           24 :     }
     428              : }
     429              : 
     430              : /// Generate new, empty WAL segment, with correct block headers at the first
     431              : /// page of the segment and the page that contains the given LSN.
     432              : /// We need this segment to start compute node.
     433            3 : pub fn generate_wal_segment(segno: u64, system_id: u64, lsn: Lsn) -> Result<Bytes, SerializeError> {
     434            3 :     let mut seg_buf = BytesMut::with_capacity(WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE);
     435            3 : 
     436            3 :     let pageaddr = XLogSegNoOffsetToRecPtr(segno, 0, WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE);
     437            3 : 
     438            3 :     let page_off = lsn.block_offset();
     439            3 :     let seg_off = lsn.segment_offset(WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE);
     440            3 : 
     441            3 :     let first_page_only = seg_off < XLOG_BLCKSZ;
     442              :     // If first records starts in the middle of the page, pretend in page header
     443              :     // there is a fake record which ends where first real record starts. This
     444              :     // makes pg_waldump etc happy.
     445            3 :     let (shdr_rem_len, infoflags) = if first_page_only && seg_off > 0 {
     446            0 :         assert!(seg_off >= XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_LONG_PHD);
     447              :         // xlp_rem_len doesn't include page header, hence the subtraction.
     448            0 :         (
     449            0 :             seg_off - XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_LONG_PHD,
     450            0 :             pg_constants::XLP_FIRST_IS_CONTRECORD,
     451            0 :         )
     452              :     } else {
     453            3 :         (0, 0)
     454              :     };
     455              : 
     456            3 :     let hdr = XLogLongPageHeaderData {
     457            3 :         std: {
     458            3 :             XLogPageHeaderData {
     459            3 :                 xlp_magic: XLOG_PAGE_MAGIC as u16,
     460            3 :                 xlp_info: pg_constants::XLP_LONG_HEADER | infoflags,
     461            3 :                 xlp_tli: PG_TLI,
     462            3 :                 xlp_pageaddr: pageaddr,
     463            3 :                 xlp_rem_len: shdr_rem_len as u32,
     464            3 :                 ..Default::default() // Put 0 in padding fields.
     465            3 :             }
     466            3 :         },
     467            3 :         xlp_sysid: system_id,
     468            3 :         xlp_seg_size: WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE as u32,
     469            3 :         xlp_xlog_blcksz: XLOG_BLCKSZ as u32,
     470            3 :     };
     471              : 
     472            3 :     let hdr_bytes = hdr.encode()?;
     473            3 :     seg_buf.extend_from_slice(&hdr_bytes);
     474            3 : 
     475            3 :     //zero out the rest of the file
     476            3 :     seg_buf.resize(WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE, 0);
     477            3 : 
     478            3 :     if !first_page_only {
     479            3 :         let block_offset = lsn.page_offset_in_segment(WAL_SEGMENT_SIZE) as usize;
     480              :         // see comments above about XLP_FIRST_IS_CONTRECORD and xlp_rem_len.
     481            3 :         let (xlp_rem_len, xlp_info) = if page_off > 0 {
     482            3 :             assert!(page_off >= XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_SHORT_PHD as u64);
     483            3 :             (
     484            3 :                 (page_off - XLOG_SIZE_OF_XLOG_SHORT_PHD as u64) as u32,
     485            3 :                 pg_constants::XLP_FIRST_IS_CONTRECORD,
     486            3 :             )
     487              :         } else {
     488            0 :             (0, 0)
     489              :         };
     490            3 :         let header = XLogPageHeaderData {
     491            3 :             xlp_magic: XLOG_PAGE_MAGIC as u16,
     492            3 :             xlp_info,
     493            3 :             xlp_tli: PG_TLI,
     494            3 :             xlp_pageaddr: lsn.page_lsn().0,
     495            3 :             xlp_rem_len,
     496            3 :             ..Default::default() // Put 0 in padding fields.
     497            3 :         };
     498            3 :         let hdr_bytes = header.encode()?;
     499              : 
     500            3 :         debug_assert!(seg_buf.len() > block_offset + hdr_bytes.len());
     501            3 :         debug_assert_ne!(block_offset, 0);
     502              : 
     503            3 :         seg_buf[block_offset..block_offset + hdr_bytes.len()].copy_from_slice(&hdr_bytes[..]);
     504            0 :     }
     505              : 
     506            3 :     Ok(seg_buf.freeze())
     507            3 : }
     508              : 
     509              : #[repr(C)]
     510              : #[derive(Serialize)]
     511              : pub struct XlLogicalMessage {
     512              :     pub db_id: Oid,
     513              :     pub transactional: uint32, // bool, takes 4 bytes due to alignment in C structures
     514              :     pub prefix_size: uint64,
     515              :     pub message_size: uint64,
     516              : }
     517              : 
     518              : impl XlLogicalMessage {
     519        11927 :     pub fn encode(&self) -> Bytes {
     520              :         use utils::bin_ser::LeSer;
     521        11927 :         self.ser().unwrap().into()
     522        11927 :     }
     523              : }
     524              : 
     525              : /// Create new WAL record for non-transactional logical message.
     526              : /// Used for creating artificial WAL for tests, as LogicalMessage
     527              : /// record is basically no-op.
     528            4 : pub fn encode_logical_message(prefix: &str, message: &str) -> Bytes {
     529            4 :     // This function can take untrusted input, so discard any NUL bytes in the prefix string.
     530            4 :     let prefix = CString::new(prefix.replace('\0', "")).expect("no NULs");
     531            4 :     let message = message.as_bytes();
     532            4 :     LogicalMessageGenerator::new(&prefix, message)
     533            4 :         .next()
     534            4 :         .unwrap()
     535            4 :         .encode(Lsn(0))
     536            4 : }
     537              : 
     538              : #[cfg(test)]
     539              : mod tests {
     540              :     use super::*;
     541              : 
     542              :     #[test]
     543            4 :     fn test_ts_conversion() {
     544            4 :         let now = SystemTime::now();
     545            4 :         let round_trip = try_from_pg_timestamp(to_pg_timestamp(now)).unwrap();
     546            4 : 
     547            4 :         let now_since = now.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap();
     548            4 :         let round_trip_since = round_trip.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap();
     549            4 :         assert_eq!(now_since.as_micros(), round_trip_since.as_micros());
     550              : 
     551            4 :         let now_pg = get_current_timestamp();
     552            4 :         let round_trip_pg = to_pg_timestamp(try_from_pg_timestamp(now_pg).unwrap());
     553            4 : 
     554            4 :         assert_eq!(now_pg, round_trip_pg);
     555            4 :     }
     556              : 
     557              :     // If you need to craft WAL and write tests for this module, put it at wal_craft crate.
     558              : }

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