LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - compute_tools/src - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 0.0 % 198 0
Test Date: 2025-02-20 13:11:02 Functions: 0.0 % 6 0

            Line data    Source code
       1              : use std::sync::Arc;
       2              : use std::{thread, time::Duration};
       3              : 
       4              : use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
       5              : use postgres::{Client, NoTls};
       6              : use tracing::{debug, error, info, warn};
       7              : 
       8              : use crate::compute::ComputeNode;
       9              : use compute_api::responses::ComputeStatus;
      10              : use compute_api::spec::ComputeFeature;
      11              : 
      12              : const MONITOR_CHECK_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);
      13              : 
      14              : // Spin in a loop and figure out the last activity time in the Postgres.
      15              : // Then update it in the shared state. This function never errors out.
      16              : // NB: the only expected panic is at `Mutex` unwrap(), all other errors
      17              : // should be handled gracefully.
      18            0 : fn watch_compute_activity(compute: &ComputeNode) {
      19            0 :     // Suppose that `connstr` doesn't change
      20            0 :     let connstr = compute.connstr.clone();
      21            0 :     let conf = compute.get_conn_conf(Some("compute_ctl:activity_monitor"));
      22            0 : 
      23            0 :     // During startup and configuration we connect to every Postgres database,
      24            0 :     // but we don't want to count this as some user activity. So wait until
      25            0 :     // the compute fully started before monitoring activity.
      26            0 :     wait_for_postgres_start(compute);
      27            0 : 
      28            0 :     // Define `client` outside of the loop to reuse existing connection if it's active.
      29            0 :     let mut client = conf.connect(NoTls);
      30            0 : 
      31            0 :     let mut sleep = false;
      32            0 :     let mut prev_active_time: Option<f64> = None;
      33            0 :     let mut prev_sessions: Option<i64> = None;
      34            0 : 
      35            0 :     if compute.has_feature(ComputeFeature::ActivityMonitorExperimental) {
      36            0 :         info!("starting experimental activity monitor for {}", connstr);
      37              :     } else {
      38            0 :         info!("starting activity monitor for {}", connstr);
      39              :     }
      40              : 
      41              :     loop {
      42              :         // We use `continue` a lot, so it's more convenient to sleep at the top of the loop.
      43              :         // But skip the first sleep, so we can connect to Postgres immediately.
      44            0 :         if sleep {
      45            0 :             // Should be outside of the mutex lock to allow others to read while we sleep.
      46            0 :             thread::sleep(MONITOR_CHECK_INTERVAL);
      47            0 :         } else {
      48            0 :             sleep = true;
      49            0 :         }
      50              : 
      51            0 :         match &mut client {
      52            0 :             Ok(cli) => {
      53            0 :                 if cli.is_closed() {
      54            0 :                     info!("connection to Postgres is closed, trying to reconnect");
      55              : 
      56              :                     // Connection is closed, reconnect and try again.
      57            0 :                     client = conf.connect(NoTls);
      58            0 :                     continue;
      59            0 :                 }
      60            0 : 
      61            0 :                 // This is a new logic, only enable if the feature flag is set.
      62            0 :                 // TODO: remove this once we are sure that it works OR drop it altogether.
      63            0 :                 if compute.has_feature(ComputeFeature::ActivityMonitorExperimental) {
      64              :                     // First, check if the total active time or sessions across all databases has changed.
      65              :                     // If it did, it means that user executed some queries. In theory, it can even go down if
      66              :                     // some databases were dropped, but it's still a user activity.
      67            0 :                     match get_database_stats(cli) {
      68            0 :                         Ok((active_time, sessions)) => {
      69            0 :                             let mut detected_activity = false;
      70            0 : 
      71            0 :                             prev_active_time = match prev_active_time {
      72            0 :                                 Some(prev_active_time) => {
      73            0 :                                     if active_time != prev_active_time {
      74            0 :                                         detected_activity = true;
      75            0 :                                     }
      76            0 :                                     Some(active_time)
      77              :                                 }
      78            0 :                                 None => Some(active_time),
      79              :                             };
      80            0 :                             prev_sessions = match prev_sessions {
      81            0 :                                 Some(prev_sessions) => {
      82            0 :                                     if sessions != prev_sessions {
      83            0 :                                         detected_activity = true;
      84            0 :                                     }
      85            0 :                                     Some(sessions)
      86              :                                 }
      87            0 :                                 None => Some(sessions),
      88              :                             };
      89              : 
      90            0 :                             if detected_activity {
      91              :                                 // Update the last active time and continue, we don't need to
      92              :                                 // check backends state change.
      93            0 :                                 compute.update_last_active(Some(Utc::now()));
      94            0 :                                 continue;
      95            0 :                             }
      96              :                         }
      97            0 :                         Err(e) => {
      98            0 :                             error!("could not get database statistics: {}", e);
      99            0 :                             continue;
     100              :                         }
     101              :                     }
     102            0 :                 }
     103              : 
     104              :                 // Second, if database statistics is the same, check all backends state change,
     105              :                 // maybe there is some with more recent activity. `get_backends_state_change()`
     106              :                 // can return None or stale timestamp, so it's `compute.update_last_active()`
     107              :                 // responsibility to check if the new timestamp is more recent than the current one.
     108              :                 // This helps us to discover new sessions, that did nothing yet.
     109            0 :                 match get_backends_state_change(cli) {
     110            0 :                     Ok(last_active) => {
     111            0 :                         compute.update_last_active(last_active);
     112            0 :                     }
     113            0 :                     Err(e) => {
     114            0 :                         error!("could not get backends state change: {}", e);
     115              :                     }
     116              :                 }
     117              : 
     118              :                 // Finally, if there are existing (logical) walsenders, do not suspend.
     119              :                 //
     120              :                 // walproposer doesn't currently show up in pg_stat_replication,
     121              :                 // but protect if it will be
     122            0 :                 let ws_count_query = "select count(*) from pg_stat_replication where application_name != 'walproposer';";
     123            0 :                 match cli.query_one(ws_count_query, &[]) {
     124            0 :                     Ok(r) => match r.try_get::<&str, i64>("count") {
     125            0 :                         Ok(num_ws) => {
     126            0 :                             if num_ws > 0 {
     127            0 :                                 compute.update_last_active(Some(Utc::now()));
     128            0 :                                 continue;
     129            0 :                             }
     130              :                         }
     131            0 :                         Err(e) => {
     132            0 :                             warn!("failed to parse walsenders count: {:?}", e);
     133            0 :                             continue;
     134              :                         }
     135              :                     },
     136            0 :                     Err(e) => {
     137            0 :                         warn!("failed to get list of walsenders: {:?}", e);
     138            0 :                         continue;
     139              :                     }
     140              :                 }
     141              :                 //
     142              :                 // Don't suspend compute if there is an active logical replication subscription
     143              :                 //
     144              :                 // `where pid is not null` – to filter out read only computes and subscription on branches
     145              :                 //
     146            0 :                 let logical_subscriptions_query =
     147            0 :                     "select count(*) from pg_stat_subscription where pid is not null;";
     148            0 :                 match cli.query_one(logical_subscriptions_query, &[]) {
     149            0 :                     Ok(row) => match row.try_get::<&str, i64>("count") {
     150            0 :                         Ok(num_subscribers) => {
     151            0 :                             if num_subscribers > 0 {
     152            0 :                                 compute.update_last_active(Some(Utc::now()));
     153            0 :                                 continue;
     154            0 :                             }
     155              :                         }
     156            0 :                         Err(e) => {
     157            0 :                             warn!("failed to parse `pg_stat_subscription` count: {:?}", e);
     158            0 :                             continue;
     159              :                         }
     160              :                     },
     161            0 :                     Err(e) => {
     162            0 :                         warn!(
     163            0 :                             "failed to get list of active logical replication subscriptions: {:?}",
     164              :                             e
     165              :                         );
     166            0 :                         continue;
     167              :                     }
     168              :                 }
     169              :                 //
     170              :                 // Do not suspend compute if autovacuum is running
     171              :                 //
     172            0 :                 let autovacuum_count_query = "select count(*) from pg_stat_activity where backend_type = 'autovacuum worker'";
     173            0 :                 match cli.query_one(autovacuum_count_query, &[]) {
     174            0 :                     Ok(r) => match r.try_get::<&str, i64>("count") {
     175            0 :                         Ok(num_workers) => {
     176            0 :                             if num_workers > 0 {
     177            0 :                                 compute.update_last_active(Some(Utc::now()));
     178            0 :                                 continue;
     179            0 :                             }
     180              :                         }
     181            0 :                         Err(e) => {
     182            0 :                             warn!("failed to parse autovacuum workers count: {:?}", e);
     183            0 :                             continue;
     184              :                         }
     185              :                     },
     186            0 :                     Err(e) => {
     187            0 :                         warn!("failed to get list of autovacuum workers: {:?}", e);
     188            0 :                         continue;
     189              :                     }
     190              :                 }
     191              :             }
     192            0 :             Err(e) => {
     193            0 :                 debug!("could not connect to Postgres: {}, retrying", e);
     194              : 
     195              :                 // Establish a new connection and try again.
     196            0 :                 client = conf.connect(NoTls);
     197              :             }
     198              :         }
     199              :     }
     200              : }
     201              : 
     202              : // Hang on condition variable waiting until the compute status is `Running`.
     203            0 : fn wait_for_postgres_start(compute: &ComputeNode) {
     204            0 :     let mut state = compute.state.lock().unwrap();
     205            0 :     while state.status != ComputeStatus::Running {
     206            0 :         info!("compute is not running, waiting before monitoring activity");
     207            0 :         state = compute.state_changed.wait(state).unwrap();
     208            0 : 
     209            0 :         if state.status == ComputeStatus::Running {
     210            0 :             break;
     211            0 :         }
     212              :     }
     213            0 : }
     214              : 
     215              : // Figure out the total active time and sessions across all non-system databases.
     216              : // Returned tuple is `(active_time, sessions)`.
     217              : // It can return `0.0` active time or `0` sessions, which means no user databases exist OR
     218              : // it was a start with skipped `pg_catalog` updates and user didn't do any queries
     219              : // (or open any sessions) yet.
     220            0 : fn get_database_stats(cli: &mut Client) -> anyhow::Result<(f64, i64)> {
     221            0 :     // Filter out `postgres` database as `compute_ctl` and other monitoring tools
     222            0 :     // like `postgres_exporter` use it to query Postgres statistics.
     223            0 :     // Use explicit 8 bytes type casts to match Rust types.
     224            0 :     let stats = cli.query_one(
     225            0 :         "SELECT coalesce(sum(active_time), 0.0)::float8 AS total_active_time,
     226            0 :             coalesce(sum(sessions), 0)::bigint AS total_sessions
     227            0 :         FROM pg_stat_database
     228            0 :         WHERE datname NOT IN (
     229            0 :                 'postgres',
     230            0 :                 'template0',
     231            0 :                 'template1'
     232            0 :             );",
     233            0 :         &[],
     234            0 :     );
     235            0 :     let stats = match stats {
     236            0 :         Ok(stats) => stats,
     237            0 :         Err(e) => {
     238            0 :             return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("could not query active_time: {}", e));
     239              :         }
     240              :     };
     241              : 
     242            0 :     let active_time: f64 = match stats.try_get("total_active_time") {
     243            0 :         Ok(active_time) => active_time,
     244            0 :         Err(e) => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("could not get total_active_time: {}", e)),
     245              :     };
     246              : 
     247            0 :     let sessions: i64 = match stats.try_get("total_sessions") {
     248            0 :         Ok(sessions) => sessions,
     249            0 :         Err(e) => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("could not get total_sessions: {}", e)),
     250              :     };
     251              : 
     252            0 :     Ok((active_time, sessions))
     253            0 : }
     254              : 
     255              : // Figure out the most recent state change time across all client backends.
     256              : // If there is currently active backend, timestamp will be `Utc::now()`.
     257              : // It can return `None`, which means no client backends exist or we were
     258              : // unable to parse the timestamp.
     259            0 : fn get_backends_state_change(cli: &mut Client) -> anyhow::Result<Option<DateTime<Utc>>> {
     260            0 :     let mut last_active: Option<DateTime<Utc>> = None;
     261            0 :     // Get all running client backends except ourself, use RFC3339 DateTime format.
     262            0 :     let backends = cli.query(
     263            0 :         "SELECT state, to_char(state_change, 'YYYY-MM-DD\"T\"HH24:MI:SS.US\"Z\"') AS state_change
     264            0 :                 FROM pg_stat_activity
     265            0 :                     WHERE backend_type = 'client backend'
     266            0 :                     AND pid != pg_backend_pid()
     267            0 :                     AND usename != 'cloud_admin';", // XXX: find a better way to filter other monitors?
     268            0 :         &[],
     269            0 :     );
     270            0 : 
     271            0 :     match backends {
     272            0 :         Ok(backs) => {
     273            0 :             let mut idle_backs: Vec<DateTime<Utc>> = vec![];
     274              : 
     275            0 :             for b in backs.into_iter() {
     276            0 :                 let state: String = match b.try_get("state") {
     277            0 :                     Ok(state) => state,
     278            0 :                     Err(_) => continue,
     279              :                 };
     280              : 
     281            0 :                 if state == "idle" {
     282            0 :                     let change: String = match b.try_get("state_change") {
     283            0 :                         Ok(state_change) => state_change,
     284            0 :                         Err(_) => continue,
     285              :                     };
     286            0 :                     let change = DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(&change);
     287            0 :                     match change {
     288            0 :                         Ok(t) => idle_backs.push(t.with_timezone(&Utc)),
     289            0 :                         Err(e) => {
     290            0 :                             info!("cannot parse backend state_change DateTime: {}", e);
     291            0 :                             continue;
     292              :                         }
     293              :                     }
     294              :                 } else {
     295              :                     // Found non-idle backend, so the last activity is NOW.
     296              :                     // Return immediately, no need to check other backends.
     297            0 :                     return Ok(Some(Utc::now()));
     298              :                 }
     299              :             }
     300              : 
     301              :             // Get idle backend `state_change` with the max timestamp.
     302            0 :             if let Some(last) = idle_backs.iter().max() {
     303            0 :                 last_active = Some(*last);
     304            0 :             }
     305              :         }
     306            0 :         Err(e) => {
     307            0 :             return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("could not query backends: {}", e));
     308              :         }
     309              :     }
     310              : 
     311            0 :     Ok(last_active)
     312            0 : }
     313              : 
     314              : /// Launch a separate compute monitor thread and return its `JoinHandle`.
     315            0 : pub fn launch_monitor(compute: &Arc<ComputeNode>) -> thread::JoinHandle<()> {
     316            0 :     let compute = Arc::clone(compute);
     317            0 : 
     318            0 :     thread::Builder::new()
     319            0 :         .name("compute-monitor".into())
     320            0 :         .spawn(move || watch_compute_activity(&compute))
     321            0 :         .expect("cannot launch compute monitor thread")
     322            0 : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta